HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-02-09, Page 13Be the first to see the 1983 models Holly Gully, the coun- try dealer that ooPper- forms big city com- petitors where it really counts—selection, while-yoa.•wait service and price. Take the drive this weekend and discover how commitled Holly YCLE SEASON BEGINS T Gully and their staff of professionals are W the motorcycling lifestyle. The Hully gully crew eats. breathes and thinks motorcycling and will ,do everything possible to make you en extremely satisified customer. The outlet is open long hours, employs the highest trained techni- cians. sponsors a wide variety of motosport activates and can usual- ly beat the best price from any other dealer while maintaining a level of service you can count on year after year. Hu ly Gully deals directly with the manufacturer and passes volume buying sowings on to you. Visit Rally Gully today and see for yourself why 1,300 smart Shoppers purchased their motor- cycle from Western On- tario's largest Suzuki IS dealership in 1982. Randy Collins, Huliy Gully president at- tributes the mein reason for success of his outlet "to o very high customer confidence factor" purchasers hove for his dealership. Col- lins said this took years to develop and now it is EEK paying off in greatly in- creased sales with customers driving for many miles to select the bike that is right for them. Another business booster for Holly Gully is the fact they are able to offer top prices for your trade. SUZUKI `83 & HULLY GULLY THE OUTPERFORMERS PREVIEW FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY, FEB. 11, 12 & 13 Sneak Preview SPECIALS 9 34 % on the spot FINANCING *No payments till April 3 Days Only immlmemis Example mmeass JR 50 only$399 GN 250 only $999 400 Customonly$4999 GS 1100 only $4999 *FREE MOTORCYCLE MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION TO FIRST 500. Varna, Ontario ULU - 515-252-3316 Western Ontario's friendliest and most complete motorcycle centre. Hours: Tuesday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday - 1 p.m. . 5 p.m. (Soles Only) Closed Mondays •• • t•: -W.s f .Highway 4 be yrGen Henatfll and Brucdfleld t .. h. 1 J Crossroads—Feb. 9, 1983—Page 11 Thur., Feb. 10 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Jamie and the Magic Torch: Buried Treas- ure 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Meas- ure, Measuring, Meas- urement, Take, Pep- per, Treasure 9:30 MeasureMetric: Length 3: The Final Test 9:45 The Science Alliance: Magnets 10:00 Write On!: ,A Critical Lapse: Paragraph De- velopment through Cause and Effect 10:05 Parlez-Moi: Sol at the Drugstore 10:15 See, Hear!: Rock Paintings, Sahara Desert 10:20 The Body Works: Build a Body 10:30 All About You: Handy Hands 10:45 Storybound: Pilot Down, Presumed Dead 11:00 Les boucaniers d'eau douce 11:20 Le jardin des sensa- tions 11:30 Let's All Sing: Percus- sion — the Drum 11:45 Tell Mea Story: Sleep- ing Beauty 11:55 Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings: Simon and the Cave- man 12:00 People and Pets: Stories Pets Could Tell 12:30._ Realities 1:00 Like No Other Place: Newfoundland: You Can't Buy Freedom 1:20 Basic Sports Skills: Curling: Object of the 1:30 Report Cadi 1:35 Two plus You:' Mr. Bean's Special Day MORE GREAT SO BARGAINS FROM... UND ADVICE KIT �BVIO[JS CHOICE! FAIRVIEW ELECTRONICS polk audo THE SPEAKER SPECIALISTS: polk MONITOR 5 NOW JUST 49995• • ACCURACY • DEFINITION • OVER- WHELMING • LISTEN TO WHAT THE CRITICS ARE RAVING ABOUT! THERE'S NO COMPARISON <'4iil<C':`:!:<i>uaii� s'v;�%:<;:�<k �i��ui'Pro-��a:�j•.`'r��'.i'itir`•: ':'ifY�y�;e;3f .v!:}{ h�,lllllll�ll��llll��l I ��IIII�IIIII�lllhlll";;. __&i,:il;;s"as r"d `�?40n ngnrw 'Sx+ tie,;... , iL}i)S) swine... ATTENTION TAPE DECK OWNERS visit Ot'R iN-S'roR1': S1',RViCE DEPARTMENT FOR OUR ANNUAL TAPE DECK MAINTENANCE ('IIE;CK t'P. YOUR DECK WILL B1', ('11ECK1':1) FOR 1iEAD NI EAR, ALIGNED (11'' NECESSARY), CLEANED ;1N1) I)I'.tiiAGN1',TiZ1',I), LUBRICATE() ANI) BENCH TESTED. OFFER ENDS FEB. 28th SO BE SURE NOT 'I'() MISS OL'T! SPECIAL 250 experience Bang&Olufsen ViSIT OUR EXCLUSIVE BANG & OLUFSEN SHOWROOM WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE ENTIRE LINE OF 360 COMPONENTS, LOUDSPEAKERS AND ACCESSORIES. iF YOU'VE EVER HEARD OF BANG AND OLUFSEN, WHAT YOU HEARD IS ABSOLUTELY TRUE. IT'S FABULOUS! MON.-FRI. 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 FREE PARKING KING AT VICTORIASEND ��HENEB'SW=v. 445 KING ST. W. KITCHENER 576.8770 MirArF Marr. <Krry.. 1:50 Readalong 2: Meas- ure, Measuring, Meas- grement, Take, Pep- per, Treasure 2:00 Today's Special: Cos- tumes 2:30 Jeremy 2:45 ThinkAbout: Sequen- cing and Scheduling: One Step at a Time 3:00 Cope: Discrimination 3:30 tope: Boy -Girl Rela- tionships 4:00 Passe-Partout 4:30 Chorlton and the Wheelies: Inside the Kettle 4:45 Noddy: Noddy and the Bunkey 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Today's Special 7:00 Doctor Who: The Lei- sure Hive, Pt. 2 of 4 7:30 Magic Shadows: The Small Back Room. Part 4 of 5 8:00 Mind over Matter: Program 6 of 7 8:30 Realities 9:00 Foxy Lady: (Final) 9:30 Speaking Out: Sur- rogate Motherhood 11:00 Question Period Fri., Feb. 11 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Noddy: Noddy Goes to Toyland 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Bicycle 9:30 Math Patrol 3: Multi- plication 2 9:45 Read All About It! 2: A New Beginning 10:00 Write On!: Gone with the Paragraph: Par- agraph Development through Definition 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol and the Vacuum Cleaner 10:15 See, Hear!: Rock Paintings, Sahara Desert 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 15 10:30 Fables of the Green Forest: Paddy Will Not Be Beaten 11:00 Eureka! 11:05 Amerique du nord: terre en vie 11:20 Plongees scientifiques 11:30 Vision On: Nets 11:55 Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings: Simon and the Pirates 12:00 Talking Film: A Con - versation with Joseph L. Mankiewicz 12:30 Realities 1:00 Canadian Plays and Playwrights: Hurray for Johnny Canuck 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 MathMakers: Three-D Shapes 1:50 Readalong 2: Bicycle 2:00 Let's All Sing: Mi Chacra 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 15 2:30 Salut!: Je vais en auto 2:40 Take Hart: Program 2 3:00 Cope: Rock Music 3:30 Cope: Depression 4:00 La grosse bille bleue 4:30 Vision On: Curves 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Fables of the Green Forest: Peter Rabbit Changes His Name 7:00 High Notes 7:30 Magic Shadows: The Small Back Room (Final) 8:00 In Search Of: The Castle of Secrets 8:30 World Business Sum- mit 9:00 Vista: The Human Race: Spectacular In- habitants 10:00 The Search for the Nile: Conquest and Death 11:00 Question Period Sat., Feb. 12. 8:30 Polka Dot Door 9:00 Vision On: Litter 9:30 Superstar Volleyball: Centres and Spikers 10:00 Championship Bridge. Rev. L. A. Tobin and Victor Kwong vs Edith Kemp and Sam Stay - man. 10:30 The Half -a -Handy Hour 11:00 Pins and Needles. Es- sential steps to guar- antee a well -tailored skirt: underlining at- tachment, zipper in- stallation, skirt as- sembly, and waist- band preparation. 11:30 How to Start a Small Business: Financial Analysis 12:00 Men of Ideas: Logical Positivism and Its Legacy 1:00 The Long Search: West Meets East 2:00 Understanding Human Behavior: Cognitive Development 2:30 Music of Western Civ- ilization: Nationalism 3:30 Understanding the Earth: Vertebrate Fossils 4:30 KidsBeat 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Wild World: Tigers 7:00 Doctor Who: The Lei- sure Hive, Pt. 3 of 4 7:30 Kidnapped: Uncle Ebenezer 8:00 Movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951) . Michael Rennie plays a visitor from outer space on an ex- ploratory mission to earth, where he utters the cryptic words "Klaatu barada nikto." Directed by Robert Wise. 9:35 Conversations, Part 1 10:00 Movie, "Just Im- agine" (1930) . This sci- ence fiction musical is set, in the future world of 1980. Star Ed Brendel plays a man officially dead since 1930, who is suddenly revived and finds that phenomenal changes have occurred since his "death". Maureen O'Sullivan and John Garrick also star. Dir- ected by David Butler. 11:45 Conversations, Part 2 Sun., Feb. 13 8:30 Polka Dot Door 9:00 Fables of the Green Forest: Buster Is the Hero of the Forest 9:30 Sesame Street 10:30 Doctor Snuggles: The Fearful Miscast Spell of Winnie the Witch. 11:00 Cucumber: Safety 11:30 Kidsworld 12:00 Les aventures de Celeri 12:05 Musti 12:10 Tip et Tap 12:15 Les aventures de Babar 12:20 Chapi Chapo 12:25 Saturnin le petit canard 12:45 Les Pilis 12:50 Trousse-Mitoufle 1:00 La mangeaille 1:30 Pays et Peoples 2:00 Le monde en guerre 3:00 Ta vie, ton scenario 3:30 Ca, c'est ('Ontario 4:00 Entre deux nuages 4:15 Colargol 4:30 Skippy le kangourou 5:00 La maison magique 5:30 La petite Lulu 6:00 Passe-Partout 6:30 Le Robinson Suisse 7:00 La magie de la danse 8:00 Nova 9:00 Tele -cinema 12:00 Signoff Mon., Feb. 14 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Noddy: Hurray for Noddy 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Holiday, Decide, Weather 9:30 MathMakers: Two - Dimensional Shapes 9:45 Dragons, Wagons, and Wax: Once upon a Dinosaur 10:00 Write On! : Gone with the Paragraph: Para- graph Development through Definition 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol and the Vacuum Cleaner 10:15 Eureka! : Evaporation and Condensation 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 16 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 Storybound: Bridge to Terabithia 11:00 Passe-Partout 11:30 Take Hart: Program 1 11:50 Look and Learn: Lizards 12:00 High Notes 12:30 World Business Sum- mit 1:00 Give and Take: Pri- vate or Public? -Pub- lic Goods and Services 1:15 North America: Growth of a Continent` From the Ground Up 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 Math Patrol 3: Divi- sion 1 1:50 Readalong 2: Holiday, Decide, Weather 2:00 Read All About It! 2: Many Different Stories 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ericse Program 16 2:25 Calling Captain Con- sumer: Budgeting 2:45 ThinkAbout: Sequen- cing and Scheduling: Plan, Ahead 3:00 A Different Under- standing: Child Abuse a Twisted Love 4:00 Passe-Partout 4:30 Vision On: Time 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Fables of the Green Forest: Tom and Bob the Quail 7:00 The Half -a -Handy Hour 7:30 Magic Shadows: __Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936) Pt. 1 of 4. In one of the better Chan thrillers, the un- flappable Mr. Chan does his detecting backstage at the opera, trying to appre- hend an escaped lu- natic. Warner Oland is Chan and Boris Kar- loff is the lunatic. 8:00 Over There on a Visit: Christopher Isherwood 9:00 Masters of Modern Sculpture: Beyond Cubism 10:00 Rough Cuts 10:30 The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Episode 6 (Final) 11:00 Question Period Tues., Feb. 15 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Noddy: Noddy and His Car 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Holiday, Decide, Weather 9:30 Bioscope: Endangered Species 9:45 Read All About It! 2: Many Different Stories 10:00 Write On!: I, Henry: Unity 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol at the Travel Agency 10:15 See, Hear!: Seacoast, Ghana 10:20 The Body Works: Sleep on it 10:30 Hattytown Tales: The Pillar Box 10:40 Salut! 10:50 Guess What?: Pota- toes 11:00 Entre deux nuages 11:15 Les 100 tours de Centour 11:30 Music Box: Metre 11:45 Tell Me a Story: Harry the Horse 11:55 Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings: Simon and the Early Morning 12:00 The Half -a -Handy Hour 12:30 Rough Cuts 1:00 Like No Other Place PEI: The Million - Acre Farm 1:20 Basic Sports Skills: Curling: Delivery 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 Bioscope: Endanger- ed Species 1:50 Readalong 2: Holiday, Decide, Weather 2:00 We Live Next Door: Hospitals and Helpers 2:15 Let's All Sing: Percus- sion — the Drum 2:30 Jeremy 2:45 Inside -Out: I Want To 3:00 Ta vie, ton scenario 3:30 Ca, c'est L'Ontario 4:00 On aura tout vu! 4:30 Chorlton and the Wheelies: The Day of the See -Through , Chorlton 4:45 Noddy: Cheer Up, Little Noddy 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Today's Special: Work 7:00 Kidsworld 7:30 Magic Shadows: Charlie Chan at the Opera. Pt. 2 of 4 8:00 Disappearing World: The City on the Step- pes 9:00 Shades of Greene:_ When Greek Meets Greek 10:00 Never Too Young 10:30 Everybody's Business 11:00 Question Period Wed., Feb. 16 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Noddy: Noddy Goes to School 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Afraid, Collector, Collection, Ticket, Tunnel 9:30 The Phoenix and the Carpet: The Magic Fire 10:00 Write On!: I Henry: Unity 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol at the Travel Agency 10:15 See, Hear!: Seacoast, Ghana 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program. 17 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 Inside -Out: I Want To 11:00 La maison magique 11:30 Today's Special: Work 12:00 Pins and Needles. The tailored skirt: proper measurement, cutting, and application of a classic couturier waistband; comments on the importance of waistband pro- portions. 12:30 People Patterns: Sarnia Surprise 1:00 High Notes 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 All about You: Talk, Talk, Talk 1:50 Readalong 2: Afraid, Collector, Collection, Ticket, Tunnel 2:00 Read All About It! 2: • The Remarkable Mr. Wetherby 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 17 2:30 Tom Grattan's War: The Watcher 3:00 Cope: Children of Di- vorce 3:30 In Their Shoes: The Hurons 3:45 In Their Shoes: Jean - Talon 4:00 Entre deux nuages 4:15 Oum le dauphin blanc 4:30 Vision On: Engines 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Doctor Snuggles: The Fearful Miscast Spell of Winnie the Witch. 7:00 Wild Animals of the World: Gray Wales 7:30 Magic Shadows: Charlie Chan at the Opera. Pt. 3 of 4 8:00 World in Action 8:30 Realities: Downward Mobility 9:00 TVO Academy on Computers in Educa- tion. Bits and Bytes: Getting Started 9:30 The Academy with Jack Livesley: On Computers 10:00 Music of Man: The Quiver of Life, Part 1 10:30 Understanding Human Behavior: Cognitive Development 11:00 Question Period Movies on Channel 3 THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M.-"FARGO KiD". Stars Tim Holt, Ray Whitley, Jane Drummond. Mistaken for a killer, hired to slay a mine -owner, the Kid becomes- involved in a mys- terious plot. SATURDAY, 11:30 P.M.—"THE PROUD AND THE PROFANE". Stars William Holden, Deborah Kerr, Thel- ma Ritter, Dewey Martin. The poignant love story of a young widow and the marine colonel she falls in love with. MONDAY MIDNIGHT—"°PARIS BLUES". Starring Sidney Poitier, Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Diahann Car- roll, Louis Armstrong. Two American jazzmen in Paris, playing with a band at a left bank cafe and their romances with two girls on vacation. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M.—"FORTUNE COOKIE". Starring Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Ron Rich, Judi West. TV cameraman, hurt while covering a football game, is told by his swindling lawyer brother-in-law to stay in bed in order to get a big insurance settlement. VA