HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-01-26, Page 21AR CITY CHRYSLER SAVES YOU MONEY CAR CITY CHRYSLER SAVES YOU MONEY! LISTOWEL CHRYSLER WHERE SERVICE SAVES. &per • aver At Listowel Chrysler we're using the same New Year's resolution we have made and lived up to since 1977 - that is to provide you with the best automotive service available at competitive prices. OLD FASHIONED SERVICE AT OLD FASHIONED SAVINGS! ` COMPARE! OIL, LUBE & FILTER Up to 5 litres of 1 0W30 oil, new oil filter, and chassis lubrication. We do all makes and models. 1 595 SAVE 12.00 WINTER TUNE-UP 2500 4 CYLINDER 6 CYLINDER 8 CYLINDER 4495 5 495 6 495 All tune-ups include: • New spark plugs • Adjust carb & idle speeds • Check and adjust timing • Clean battery & cables • Check and adjust belts • Check operation of lights • Check all safety equipment • Lube chassis and check levels CLIP THIS AD AND PRESENT TO SERVICE WHEN YOU REQUEST A TUNE UP SPECIAL AND RECEIVE A FREE CLEAN UP WORTH $10°°. Offer in effect until February 28, 1983 WE SERVICE ALL MAKES WE CAN DO IT — WE GUARANTEE IT.. 754 -Main St. E. Listowel 291-4350' autopar Service Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Thurs. till 9 pm CAR CITY CHRYSLER SAVES YOU MONEY! 0 0 2 cn r m rn m 0 c 0 Z m Crossroads—Jan. 26, 1983—Page 11 Thur,, Jan. 27 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Jamie and the Magic Torch: The Ghost of Spiney Mountain 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Forest, Better, Worse, Teeth, Tooth 9:30 MeasureMetric: Length 1: Who Meas- ures? 9:45 The Science Alliance: Heat 10:00 Write On!: The Phar- aoh's Daughter: Out- lines 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol at the Candy Store 10:15 See, Hear!: Village Life, Ghana 10:20 The Body Works: Mis- sion: Nutrition 10:30 All about You: Your Busy Brain 10:45 The Book Bird: Cad- die Woodlawn 11:00 Les boucaniers d'eau douce: La rose de ber- nache 11:20 Le jardin des sens- ations: La joie 11:30 Let's All Sing: Gin- ny's Gone Away 11:45 Tell Me a Story: The Rocky River Regatta 12:00 People and Pets: Chil- dren and Pets 12:30 Realities: U.S. and Canada 1:00 Self Incorporated: Changes 1:15 The White Inferno:-: Vostok 1:30 Report Canada f;;;,,,,1:35,• 'wo.ApLu'You: A Very Fine 'L'ine , -- • • 1:50 Readalong 2: Forest, Better, Worse, Teeth, • Tooth; . .... 2:00 Storybound: Pinch 2:15 Look and Learn: Silk Moths 2:25 Barbapapa: Animal Rescue 2 2:30 Jeremy 2:45 ThinkAbout: A chal- lenge: Search for the Unknown 3:00 Evolution: Selection in Action 2 3:20 Evolution: Selection in Action 3 3:40 Evolution: Origins of Change 1 4:00 Passe-Partout: La grenouille 4:30 Chorlton and the Wheelies: Toady Trouble 4:45 Noddy: Here Comes Noddy Again 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Today's Special: Sum- mer Camp 7:00 Doctor Who: The Horns of Nimon, (Final) 7:30 Magic Shadows: The Day the Earth Caught Fire. Part 4 of 5 8:00 Mind over Matter: Program 4 of 7 8:30 Realities: Peter Growski 9:00 Foxy Lady: Pro- gram 4 of 6 9:30 Speaking Out: Wom- en's Liberation — Where Now? 11:00 Question Period Fri., Jan. 28 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 ' Jamie and the Magic _ � ,..,r;,4ki feh: Going Down 9145 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalongj2: Little; Review n 9:30 Math P:atr+ 8:y Sub- traction/4 9:45 Read All About It! An Evil Smile MORE GREAT SO BARGAINS FROM... \% D ADVICE KIT �BVIOLIS CHOICE! FAIRVIEW ELECTRONICS KENWOOD° HOW MUCH WOULD YOU EXPECT TO PAY FOR A QUALITY TUNER? KT 33 AM -FM STEREO TUNER EASY PRECISION TUNING LED TUNING POINT INDICATOR 5 LED SIGNAL STRENGTH METER AND IT'S ONLY 168 95 COMPLETE CAR STEREO PACKAGE MODEL 3200 AM -EM INDASH CASSETPE 5 BAND BOOSTER/EQ 40 WATTS RNS ;gm. Ii 0x9 TRVVi)x 9 �~ SPEAKER SYSTEM msiiAw� i AEI INN N BY AUDiOVOX 29995 COMPLETE PACKAGE 11 LuxMArr sin n n (l (1 fl K-120 CASSETTE DECK ANOTHER QUALITY 3 HEAD CASSETTE DECK FROM LUX FEATURING "DUO BETA CIRCUITRY FOR ULTIMATE FIDELITY SOUND REPRODUCTION AT 59995 IT'S A VALUE! • ATTENTION TAPE DECK OWNERS \'JSl'1' OL'R IN-STORE 'ERVI('E DEPARTMENT 1''OR OCR ANNUAL TAN,: DECK MAINTENANCE ('II1:('K 11'. YOUR DECK «'11.1, B1': CHECKED l'OR DEAD %it EAR. R. , l ,l(:NI',D (11" NE('Esti,ARV), CLEANED AND Dh,M;AGNE'l'I/,E1); LUBRICATED AND I EN('11 'I'u:S'1'ED. OFFEK I.,N I)' FEB. 28th SO Bi', SE RE NOT 'l'() MISS OCT! SPECIAL 2500 METAL TAPE METAL TAPE META TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE META TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE META TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE METAL TAPE IS FINALLY AFFORDABLE! (OKENWDDD' METAL TAPES 7995 10 FOR 111 * 1* •• •, BVPIFE LTD 500 PHONO CARTRIDGE WORLD CLASS ENGINEERING AND QUALITY ONLY 9995 KENIWOOD® A HIGH END POWER AMP AND PREAMP FOR HOW MUCH? C-1 PREAMP M-1 POWER AMP 105 WATTS PER CHANNEL OF CLEAN POWER! AN UNBEATABLE COMBINATION OF FIDELITY AND AFFORDABILITY! NOW ONLY 69995 KING AT VICTORIA IN KITCHENER'S WEST END 443KING ST. W. KITCHENER 570770 MON.-FRI. 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING t 10:00 Write On! : The Almost Dangerous Game: Topic Sentences 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol at the Shoe Store 10:15 See, Hear!: Village Life, Ghana 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 9 10:30 Fables of the Green Forest: What Every- body in the Forest Hates 11:00 Eureka!: La poulie 11:05 Amerique du Nord: terre en vie: Les mois- sons de la mer 11:20 Plongees scientifi- ques: L'acceleration 11:30 Vision On: Balance 12:00 Talking Film: A Por- trait of John Ford 12:30 Realities: Peter t Growski 1:00 Canadian Plays and Playwrights: Cowboy Island 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 MathMakers: Volume 1:50 Readalong 2: Little; Review 2:00 Let's All Sing: The Foolish Frog 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 9 2:25 Barbapapa: Animal Rescue 4 2:30 Salut! 2:40 Look and Learn: But- erfly Tell Me a Story: Sun - ower Adventure Evolution: Origins of hange 2 The Short Story: The ull The Short Story: The illage Singer a grosse bille bleue Gestes et mouvements ision On: Zig-Zags esame Street olka Dot Door ables of the Green orest: Chatterer the quirrel igh Notes agic Shadows: The ay the Earth Caught ire. (Final) n Search Of: .The Hin- enbury Mystery 8:30 orld Business Sum - it 9:00 ista: Animal Impost- rs 10:00 e Seal for the Nile e Great Debate uestion estion Period 2:50 fl 3:00 C 3:30 L 3:45 V 4:00 L 4:25 4:30 V 5:00 S 6:00. P 6_3Q_.F 2: F S 7:00 H 7:30 M D F 8:00 I W m V The Th Q Sat., Jan. 29 8:30 -Polka Dot Door 9:00 Vision On: Branches 9:25 Report Canada 9:30 Superstar Volleyball: Collective Team Play 10:00 Championship Bridge Milton Ellenby and Walter Jacobs vs Douglas Drury and Toronto's Eric Murray 10:30 The Half -a -Handy Hour 11:00 Pins and Needles. The tailored skirt: choos- ing the proper weight of lining and under- lining for various fab- rics; a demonstration in economical pattern layout and an alterna- tive method of fabric making. 11:30 How to Start a Small Business: Finding Your Niche in the Market 12:00 Men of Ideas: Heideg- ger and Modern Exis- tentialism 1:00 The Long Search: Protestant Spirit USA 2:00 Understanding Human Behavior: Genetic Psychology 2:30 Music of Western Civilization: The Romantic Orchestra 3:30 Understanding the Earth: Evolution 4:30 KidsBeat 4:55 Paddington: Padding- ton Makes a Clean Sweep 5:00 Sesami' Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Wild World: Artifi- cial Reefs 7:00 Doctor Who: The Lei- sure Hive, Pt. 1 of 4 7:30 Botanic Man: Extinc- tion Is Forever 8:00 Movie, "Citizen Kane" (1941) Often acclaim- ed as the best film of all time, this classic has turned out to be 11.K0 Studios' most memorable achieve- ment. Boy wonder dir- ector Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre acting crew, including Joseph Cotten and Agnes Moorehead, created this cinematic tour de force about ..,power and corruption in the newspaper busi- ness. 10:00 Conversati° is, Pt. 1 10:30 Movie, "Journey into Fear" (1942) . Welles began directing this tight little thriller, then was replaced by RKO. But this wonder- fully atmospheric drama still bears the Welles touch. Set in Turkey, it stars Dolores del Rio, Jos- eph Cotten, and Welles himself as a colonel in the Turkish secret police. 11:40 Conversations, Pt. 2 12:00 Rough Cuts Sun., Jan. 30 8:30 Polka Dot Door 9:00 Fables of the Green Forest: Who Is the Villain That Keeps Everyone Awake? 9:25 Simon in the Land of Chalk. Drawings: Simon and the Robot 9:30 Sesame Street 10:30 Doctor Snuggles:• The Magical Multi -Colored Diamond 11:00 Cucumber: Dance 11:30 Kidsworld 12:00 Les aventures de Celeri 12:05 Musti 12:10 Tip et Tap 12:20 Les aventures de Babar 12:25 Chapi Chapo 12:30 Saturnin le petit canard 12:45 Les Pilis 12:50 Trousse-Mitoufle 1:00 La mangeaille 1:30 Pays et peuples 2:00 L'empire nazi 3:00 Ta vie, ton scenario 3:30 Ca, c'est l'Ontario 4:00 Entre deux nuages 4:15 Colargol 4:30 Skippy le kangourou 5:00 La maison magique 5:30 La petite Lulu 6:00 Passe-Partout 6:30 Le Robinson Suisse 7:00 La magie de la danse 8:00 La Societe National Geographic 9:00 Tele -cinema 11:00 Chefs-d'oeuvre a l'ecran 12:00 En scene Mon., Jan. 31 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Jamie and the Magic Torch: The Great Race 8:45 •Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Quiet, Quietly, Castle, Short, Shout, Shouting 9:30 MathMakers: Perim- . eter 9:45 Dragons, Wagons, and Wax: Togetherness 10:00 Write On! The Almost Dangerous Game: Topic Sen- tences 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol at the Shoe Store 10:15 Eureka!: The Pulley 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 10 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 The Book Bird: Lost in the Barrens 11:00 Passe-Partout 11:30 Readit: The Whistling Teakettle -The Witch of Fourth Street 11:45 Look and Learn: Silk Moth 12:00 High Notes 12:30 World Business Sum- mit 1:00 Give and Take: Where Do Jobs Come From? Derived Demand 1:15 North America: Growth of a Continent Logging the Land . 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 Math Patrol 3: Multi- plication 1, 1:50 Readalong 2: Quiet, Quietly, Castle, Short, Shout, Shouting 2:00 Read All About It! 2: The Book Destroyer 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 10 2:25 Tradeoffs: Helping Out 2:45 ThinkAbout: Gener- alizing: Drawing Con- clusions 3:00 A Different Under- standing: Ricky Goes to Camp 3:30 A Different Under- standing: Making It 4:00 Passe-Partout: Le cheval 4:30 Vision On: Wood 5:00 Sesame Street. 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Fables of the Green Forest: Johnny's Ad- venture 7:00 The Half -a -Handy Hour 7:30 Magic Shadows: Pri- vate's - Progress. Pt. 1 of 5 8:00 Live from the Met: Idomeneo 11:00 Question Period Tues., Feb. 1 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Jamie and the Magic Torch: The Baby Show 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Quiet, Quietly, Castle, Short, Shout, Shouting 9:30 Bioscope: Adaptation 9:45 Read All About It! 2: The Book Destroyer 10:00 Write On! : Happy Daze: Paragraph De- velopment through Details 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol in the Library 10:15 See, Hear!, Country- side, Tunisia_ 10:20 The Body Works: Fit- ness and Nutrition 10:30 Hattytown Tales: Creatures from Outer Space 10:40 Salut! 10:50 Guess What?: Tenpin 11:00 Entre deux nuages 11:15 Les 100 tours de Cen- tour 11:30 Music Box: Rhythm 11:45 Tell Me a Story: The Magic Ring 11:55 Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings: Simon Meets Henry 12:00 The Half -a -Handy Hour _ 12:30 Rough Cuts 1:00 Self Incorporated: Double Trouble 1:15 Biology; Small Cab- hage Butterfly 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 Bioscope: Adaptation 1:50 Readalong 2: Quiet, Quietly, Castle, Short, Shout, Shouting 2:00- We Live Next Door: Keeping the Neigh- borhood Clean 2:15 Readit: The Whistling Teakettle -The Witch of Fourth Street 2:30 Jeremy 2:45 Inside -Out: Brothers and Sisters 3:00 Ta vie, ton scenario 3:30 Ca, c'est l'Ontario 4:00 On aura tout vu! 4:30 Chorlton and the Wheeleies: Tyred Out 4:45 Noddy: You Funny Little Noddy 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Today's Special: Water 7:00 Kidsworld 7:30 Magic Shadows: Pri- vate's Progress. Pt. 2 of 5 8:00 National Geographic: The Living Sands of the Namib. An extra- ordinary look at the wildlife of the million - year -old Namib Desert of southwestern Africa. 9:00 Marie Curie: Epi- sode -4 of 5 10:00 Don't Take It Easy 11:00 Everybody's Business 11:30 Question Period Wed., Feb. 2 8:00 Polka Dot Door 8:30 Jamie and the Magic Torch: The Big Noise 8:45 Mister Rogers' Neigh- borhood 9:15 Report Canada 9:20 Readalong 2: Cheer, Cheering, Cheers, Cheerful, Cheerfully, Whisper 9:30 Playhouse: King Rob- ert of Sicily 10:00 Write On!: Happy Daze: Paragraph De- velopment through De- tails 10:05 Parlez-moi: Sol in the Library,. . 10:15.. See, Hear!: Country- side, Tunisia 10:20 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 11 10:30 Jeremy 10:45 Inside -Out: Brothers and Sisters 11:00 La maison magique 11:30 Today's Special: Family 12:00 Pins and Needles. Es- sential steps to guar- antee a well -tailored skirt: underlining at- tachment, zipper, in- stallation, skirt-assem- bly, kirt assem- bly, and waistband preparation. 12:30 People Patterns: Car- ing: Downsview Style 1:00 High Notes 1:30 Report Canada 1:35 All about You: Listen, Look, and -earn 1:50 Readalong 2: Cheer, Cheering, Cheers, Cheerful, Cheerfully, Whisper 2:00 Read All About It! 2: Problems 2:15 The Body Works: Ex- ercise Program 11 2:25 Barbapapa: Animal Rescue 5 2:30 Ballet Shoes: Epi- sode 5 3:00 Cope: Drinking and Driving, Part 1 3:30 Cope: Violence and Vandalism, Part 1 4:00 Entre deux nuages 4:15 Oum le dauphin blanc 4:30 Vision On: Weight 5:00 Sesame Street 6:00 Polka Dot Door 6:30 Doctor Snuggles: The Magical Multi -Colored Diamond 7:00 Wild Animals' of the World: Army Ants 7:30 Magic Shadows: Pri- vate's Progress. Pt. 3 of 5 8:00 World in Action 8:30 Realities 9:00 The Chinese: The Flowers and the Weeds 10:00 Dimensions in Science The Indelible Stamp 10:30 Understanding Human Behavior: Genetic Psychology 11:00 Question Period Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M.—"AT THE EARTH'S CORE". Stars Doug McClur, Peter Cushing, Carolin Munro. A scientist invents a giant burrowing machine to explore the centre of the earth and discovers a frightening new world. SATURDAY, 11:45 P.M.—"THE GREAT SCOUT AND CAT - HOUSE THURSDAY'°. Stars Lee Marvin, Olive Reed, Rob- ert Culp. Three partners prospect for gold and one of them absconds with the proceeds and makes a fortune. The other two try various ways to steal their money back from him. '1VIONDAY, 11:30 P.M.—°°RUSSIAN ROULETTE". Stars George Segal, Christine Raines, Bo Brundin. 1970. Russian Premier Kozygin is on his way to Vancouver, Canada. An Assassin, a dissident KGB agent, is awaiting his arrival and the Canadian authorities have to act fast to avoid a tragedy of global importance. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M.—"PIPE DREAMS". Gladys Knight, Barry Hankerson, Bruce French. An about -to -be divorced woman follows her husband to his new job on the Alaska pipe line in an attempt at a reconciliation. WEDNESDAY, 11:30 P.M.—°°DEADLY HERO'°. Don Mur- ray, Diahn Williams, James Earl Jones. A psychotic N.Y. policeman terrorizes a woman who complains about his violent behaviour in saving her from an assault.