HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-01-19, Page 4BluL
tti c indent'
Barry Wenger. President
Henry Hess. Editor
bbance time
at %0'iny ham. Ontario, h. Wenger Bros. Limited
Robert 0. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. •
Audrey Currie, Advertising Manager
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations
Member — Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.
Subscriptions $20.00 per year
Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821
Ogttario Community Newspaper Assoc.
Six months $11.50
Return postage guaranteed
Our winter wonderland
It must be simple human nature to
gripe about something. Governments
at any level seem to be the readiest
targets, but running a close second is
the weather. And when it comes to
grumbling, wir, with its tricky driv-
ing conditions and bitter winds, usually
gets most of the criticism. The
weather, after all, is a pretty safe sub-
ject, since it has no way of giving us
any argument.
But this winter has been different.
From mid-November to mid-Decem-
ber we went around happy as Iarksbe-
cause, up to thatpoint, we had scarcely
needed the good old galoshes, much
less getting stuck in any snowdrifts. As
Christmas approached we weren't
quite so sure that we were really in
favor of mild and green weather. Rain
over The holiday capped the climax. It
didn't seem like Christmas at all.
And then came January. No snow
but every second friend or neighbor
was feeling lousy. Colds, stiff joints and
a rotten brand of flu were knocking the
starch right out of us. In fact the flu bug
became so prevalent that hospitals
were asking would-be visitors to stay
away from the patients.
All that is over. The snow has final-
ly arrived. Not enough to create any
dangerous driving conditions, but at
least sufficient to make us feel more
like living, grumbling Canadians. And
who knows? Maybe that horrendous
blizzard we have been secretly expect-
ing is just waiting for a good weekend
on which to strike.
The Winnipeg showdown
Itis really no great wonder thaf the
Liberal party has held power in our
federal government for so many years
out of the past half century. The Pro-
gressive Conservatives never seem
able or willing to unite solidly behind
the leaders they have chosen.
PC delegates are now headed for a
party convention in Winnipeg ana
speculation is running high about
whether or not a majority of those who
have votes will demand a review of the
leadership of Joe Clark. Neither his
supporters nor his detractors could be
called lukewarm. One faction is de-
termined that Clark shall remain,.
while their opponents are equally de-
termined that he must go — or at least
that his grip on the reins must be sub -
jetted to a vote:
So much for Clark's party dele-
gates. Betting at present is that he will
win the day, but the very fact that there
is such an audible demand for a show-
down is tremendously damaging to the
party itself, which will be asking for a
nation-wide mandate to govern in two
years at most.
The whole situation must make un-
easy sleep for Mr. Clark himself. How-
ever, he might be very wise to settle the
matter by personally demanding a
leadership vote to clear the air. Per-
haps such a courageous decision would
do more than anything else to gain him
the near -unanimous support which he
must have before going into a bitterly -
fought election campaign.
--__- Blind to injustice
A recent issue of Maclean's mag-
azine carried an article about the de-
cision of a committee of Japanese Can-
adians to press the federal government
for a royal commission to re -open the
case of Japanese who were dispossess-
ed during World War 11.
The behaviour of the Canadian
government toward its Japanese im-
migrants and citizens during the war
years is) one of the darkest chapters in
our national history. Twenty-two thou-
sand Japanese, 13,000 of them born in
Canada, were forced to leave their
homes and businesses on the West
Coast and were dumped into camps in
the interior of British Columbia and
even farther east. We personally knew
many young Japanese — clerks, stu-
dents, engineers _ who were collected
into a hastily -built camp near the town
of Exeter, Ontario. During their long
stay there was little for them to do, ex-
cept hoe sugar beets from time to time.
Many West Coast Japanese were
owners of fishing boats. When they
were forced to move, their Canadian
competitors simply took over their
equipr'hent. As early as 1942 security
forces informed Ottawa that British
Columbia's Japanese posed no threat
and that re -location was not necessary.
Not even the end of the war brought
justice for the Japanese. In 1945 Prime
Minister Mackenzie King ordered the
already re -located Japanese either to
return to Japan or move east of the
Rocky Mountains. Those who decided
to remain in Canada were not allow-
ed to return to the coast until 1949,
only to, find that the Custodian of En-
emy Property had sold everything they
No Japanese was ever charged
with or tried for acts of treason. Al-
though there may have been an under-
standable panic when war with Japan
becameinevitable, events of succeed-
ing years proved those fears were ut-
terly groundless. Although it is very
late in the day, Canada still owes com-
pensation to people who were never
anything but good Canadian citizens.
Insult to the handicapped
The Kitchener -Waterloo Record
comments that the Tory refusal to co-
operate with Ottawa's quickie attempt
to pass a Human Rights Act amend-
ment extending employment protec-
tion to the handicapped will undoubt-
edly raise a few eyebrows.
These eyebrows will quickly come
down, however, when it is realized that
their refusal was based on Justice
Minister Mark McGuigan's quietly
slipping unreformed alcoholics and
other addicts into the amendment.
The amendment, quite properly,
would outlaw job discrimination based
on "disability". The problem is that it
defines disability as "any previous or
existing -mental of physical disability
and includes disfigurement and previ-
ous or existing dependence on alcohol,
or a drug."
The' move was protested just in
tine by the 5,000 -member Canadian
Organization of Small Business, and
rightly so.
Apart from placing an unfair extra
burden on employers, however, Mc-
Guigan's sneaky move is an insult to
the hundreds of thousands of handicap-
ped Canadians and their advocates who
fought too hard for this just amend-
ment to see it abused for people whose
disabilities are, in fact, self-inflicted.
The Canadian human rights com-
mission, which pushed for the exten-
sion, feels that an alcoholic who is
seeking treatment and making a seri-
ous attempt at rehabilitation shouldn't
be discriminated against just because
he or she is an alcoholic.
The point is, however, that while
there is no reason not to hire a recover-
ed alcoholic or former addict, It is
patently unfair to remove an em-
ployer's right not to consider such ap-
plicants before they have recovered.
It is doubly unfair, moreover, to
put persons with a handicap in the con-
ventional sense in the same category as
Canadians have, at long last,
learned and accepted that permanently
handicapped persons should be consid-
ered for their abilities rather than their
disability, even if this occasionally re-
quires a little extra effort.
pageof editorial opini
Predicts Huron education
costs will increase 17%
Increased costs and a de-
creased student population
are the challenges facing the
1983 Huron County Board of
Board chairman, Dorothy
Wallace, outlined these and
other items the board will
have to deal with in the com-
ing year in her inaugural ad-
dress at the board's Jan. 10
A look at the mill rate
shows an estimated 17 per
cent increase, which doesn't
include the recent increase
of employer contributions to
the Canada Pension Plan
and Unemployment Insur-
ance of about 40 per cent.
Mrs. Wallace said person-
nel relations administrator,
Peter Gryseels, has at-
tempted to project the local
education mill rate increase.
"To do so he made certain
assumptions,' that the grant
increase (from the Mini -Wry
of Education) would be five
per cent, that the secondary
entullment would decline, as
anticipated, so that our total
grant revenue would in-
crease by only four per cent.
"He assumed an inflation
rate of 10 per cent on our
purchases, .that the seven
per cent sales tax would con-
tinue and that there would be
a mandatory five per cent in-
crease in salaries," said
Mrs, Wallace.
"The net effect of those
calculations shows an in-
crease in expenditures ap-
proaching nine per cent, of
revenue from the province of
four per cent, with the re-
sultant increase in the local
levy of nearly 17 per cent.
"Not contained in that 17
per cent is the latest bad
news. The federal govern-
ment has increased the com-
pulsory employer contribu-
tions to CPP and UIC by
about 40 per cent. This
means $260 per employee or
a total of $200,000 for this
board," said the chairman.
On the positive side, Mrs.
Wallace said according to
Ministry of Education statis-
tics, "We have been able to
maintain our buildings at a
functional — although not
perhaps at as aestheticly
pleasing level as they might
be — at a cost well below that
of many other boards."
"Our schools are the most
energy efficient in South-
western Ontario. This is due
to a program of increased in-
sulation, reduced heat loss
and heat conservation," said
the chairman.
She warned3trustees to ex-
pect increased maintenance
costs as most of the buildings
were built in the 1960s. Mrs.
Wallace also said the cost of
energy will rise at a rate
considerably above the grant
"The increased cost of
energy is having its effect on
all boards. In a recent sur-
vey of the 44 boards in South-
western Ontario, 33 revealed
that they were unable to
operate at below the minis-
try's transportation ceiling.
Huron is still among the 11
which can, but by very lit-
tle," noted Mrs. Wallace.
She said the board has
fewer students to transport,
but the same miles to cover
at an ever increasing cost
per mile.
"With fewer students,
some inventories can be re-
duced, such as the number of
typewriters, but a certain
complement of equipment
must be maintained if
SOWS are to operate. Al-
most all grants are paid on a
per student basis while the
cost of supplies continue to
escalate at an 11 to 13 per
cent rate. And on top of that
is the seven per cent sales
tax," the chairman said.
Higher Fees
The chairmansaid night
and summer school continue
to operate in Huron County
but at reduced levels.
"The remedial elementary
summer school is in
jeopardy for this summer
unless parents are willing to
pay substantially higher
fees," said Mrs. Wallace.
. On enrollment, Mrs. Wal-
lace noted the elementary
level "appears to have
stabalized for over the next
three years at about 6,700
"The decline continues,
however, in the secondary
panel and we will likely lose
Club hopes to raise
money for fig. skaters
Dear Editor,
As you may be aware,
Curtis and Mark Moore, the
two youngest sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Moore of
Wingham, recently placed
among the top four in the
Central Canadian Divisional
Figure Skating Champion-
ships held in Timmins Jan.
Curtis and his skating
partner, Debbie Horton of
Goderich, placed first in the
Novice Dance category,
while Mark placed second in
the Novice Men's category.
As a result, these boys have
the opportunity to attend the
Canadian Figure Skating
Championships in Montreal
Feb. 5.
As you can imagine, the
traveling and accommoda-
tion expenses associated
with such a competition are
quite high. The Wingham 'Fi-
gure Skating Club, the home
club for these two skaters,
would very much like to pro-
vide $1,000 to help defray
these expenses. In this re -
Notre Dame Sisters
opposed to arms race
Dear Editor,
Following Jesus' call to
build with him a kingdom of
justice and love, we the
School Sisters of Notre Dame
choose life for all our
brothers and sisters and
cherish the gifts of creation.
Painfully aware that the
whole human race is
threatened with death and
destruction by the continual
buildup of arms, we resist
and reject the arms race,
specifically the testing on
Canadian soil of the Cruise
missile and other nuclear
delivery syster ls.
We School Sisters of Notre
Dame call each other to pray
and fast for world peace. We
plead with our fellow
Canadians to join us in
putting our faith and trust in
God as our security, rather
than in weapons of
(The School Sisters of
Notre Dame .of Canada
belong to an international
congregation numbering
more than 8,000 members in
31 countries.)
School Sisters
of Notre Dame
WateIdown, Ont.
'gard, the figure skating club
is requesting donations from
any interested parties —
service clubs, businesses or
individuals — who may wish
to contribute toward the
success of our two local,
,excellent, figure skaters.
Donations may be made to
the Wingham Figure Skating
Club, care of Mrs. Dianne
Simpson, Box 84, Wingham,
telephone 357-2098.
An invitation is extended
to the public to come to a
benefit dance for Mark and
Curtis at the .Wingham
Legion on Friday, Jan. 28,
1983, 9-12 p.m. This will be a
family dance with free ad-
mittance; donations will be
received at the door, lunch
Wingham and surrounding
residents will have a chance
to see Mark, Curtis and
Debbie skate at our annual
carnival Feb. 18. Tickets are
available from members of
the Wingham Figure Skating
We are hopeful that
Wingham and area residents
will show their support for
these two aspiring athletes,
who are representing our
community at the national
Dianne Simpson
300 students during that
time. It will stabalize in 1985
at abofut 3,400 students. This
estimate may be upset in our
favor by more students re-
turning to school due to
economic conditions as it
was this past year."
"In spite of gloomy predic-
tions, Mr. (Robert) McCall
(superintendent of program)
hammers away at improving
the state of program in our
system," said Mrs. Wallace.
There will be implementa-
tion and reviewlof secondary
education due to the report
on Renewal of Secondary
Education in Ontario an-
nounced recently by educa-
tion Minister Dr. Bette
Changes in course content
will have to be implemented
following board reviews in
coreFrench - Grades 3 to 8,
English -- Grades 7 to 10,
science —. Grades 7 to 10,
math — Kindergarten to
Grade 6 and Grades 7 to 10
and language arts — Kinder-
garten to Grade 6.
Curriculum reviews in
language arts and social
studies — Kindergarten to
Grade 6, will be completed
this year.
Mrs. Wallace said there
will be work to do in the area
of technology changes and
the 'ad hoc committee on
technical education will be
presenting its findings to the
board later this year.
The continued imple-
mentation of Bill 82 regard-
ing special education w'
done under the erection of
special educ ion super ft-
tendent D. R. Miller, said
Mrs. Wallace.
The chairman said she will
also work to improve com-
munications within the
board system.
"We shall . proceed with
probing the problem of im-
proving communication
begun in our November
seminar. The first step will
be to met the principals'
representaves, study their
recommendations and bring
a report to the board," said
Mrs. Wallace.
•..r...l . r --..r • ,
Nett. Books
in the Lihrury
FOR TIIE 1980s by Henry
Since 1981, Canadians have
been following fluctuations
in interest rates with a
dedication usually reserved
for the Stanley Cup. As rates
rose, We hissed; as they fell,
we cheered. Now it is time to
stop being spectators and
become participants in the
game again. The rules have
changed, but this book will
show you how to reshape
your investment strategies
to be a winner, no matter
what direction the rates are
January 1 . 1983
Andrew is a charming, spontaneous 7 -year-old who has
managed to become very self-assured and independent,
despite a difficult' earlier life. He's a cheerful, warm
youngster who rarely gets angry, and he forms good
friendships because he's so likeable.
Andrew is looking forward to having a family who is
"brown like me", and if that isn't possible, then he'd at
least like to have a brown brother or sister. Perhaps a,
family who has adopted before, and who can offer this
intelligent boy a consistent and stimulating 'environment,
will be able to welcome An4rew into their lives.
He's an interesting, articulate child who is doing
excellently in grade 2 at school. He has'a delightful sense
of humor and he likes to do well at everything he
To inquire about adopting Andrew, please write to
Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Ser-
vices, Box 888, Station K, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2112. In
your letter tell something of your present family and your
way of life.
Huron mortality
rate higher
than average
a4Mortality rates in Huron
County are higher than pro-
Medical Officer of Health,
Dr. Harry Cieslar, presented
health unit statistics to
Huron County Council at its
January session.
Based on a per 100,000 cen-
sus population Huron's death
rates in 1981 were higher
than the province's rates.
Heart disease is the lead-
ing killer in both Huron and
the province, with cancer a
close second. The heart dis-
ease death rate is 333 in
Huron and 260 in Ontario.
The cancer death rate in
Huron is 210 with 173 being
the provincial rate.
Vascular diseases or
strokes and diseases of the
arteries are the only areas
where the provincial mortal -
take lives.over
holiday season
There were 139 personal
injury accidents which took
seven lives and left 201
persons injured in the area
covered by OPP detach-
ments in No. 6 District
during the month from Dec.
6 to Jan. 3.
In addition, police report
3,805 vehicles were stopped
and checked during that
time as part of their cam-
paign against drinking
drivers, resulting in' 203 12 -
hour suspensions being
There were 145 alcohol-
related criminal offences in
the district during that
No. 6 District is centred in
Mount Forest and includes
the Wingham area.
For all of Ontario, 1,351
personal injury accidents
were reported by the OPP,
which injured nearly 2,000
persons and left 47 dead.
More than 78,000 vehicles
were stopped and checked,
resulting in 1,615 12 -hour
suspensions, and there were
1 , 591 alcohol, -related
criminal offences.
ity rate is higher than in
Huron. The county's mortal-
ity rate for vascular diseases
is 71 while the province's is
73. The provincial rate. for
diseases of the arteries is 24
while Huron's is 21.
The accident death rate is
76 per 100,000 census popula-
tion in Huron while the
Ontario figure is -38. The
motor vehicle accident rate
in Huron is again much
higher than that for the pro-
vince. Huron has a death
rate of 34 for motor vehicle
accidents while Ontario's
rate is' 16.
The death rate for pneu-
monia or influenza is 42 in
Huron and 21 in Ontario. For
suicides, Huron's death rate
is 16 while the province's
rate is 12.
Dr. Cieslar admitted
Huron should have better
rates than it does and con-
cluded that Huron residents
smoke cigarettes more than
the provincial average.
"These are staggering
results," commented Zurich
Reeve Don Van Patter.
He asked if the health unit
has any plans to reduce the
county's rate and Dr. Cieslar
replied the health unit
doesn't have control over all
factors. The doctor added
that alcohol consumption
had a lot to do with motor
vehicle accidents.
He noted that Canadian
statistics show that 50 per
cent of all fatal motor vehi-
cle accidents are alcohol
Howick Township Reeve
William Newton commented
that Huron has a higher pro-
portion of citizens over '65
than the province and there-
fore is more apt to have a
higher death rate than the
"That doesn't influence
the statistics dramatically,"
responded Dr. Cieslar.
County council approved
the hiring of Sheryl Gilbert
as the health unit's full-time
health educator at a salary
of $21,320. Dr. Cieslar said
r,the death rate statistics show
a need for a health educator
in Huron.