HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-12-22, Page 1t:
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THE SALVATION ,ARMY qontinuing traclition this year of
donating fb0d, clothing and gifts to:needy families in county. Cep-
tain Wilsbn Perrineaid the corps wilineto nvet-5dfainilies in the coun-
ty this Christmas. Capt. Perrin, Janet Hubbard; 61.09 Stokes, Isabel
RYAN DEYELL acted as master of ceremonies at last
Thursday aftempon's Christmas concert at the
Wingham Public School: 'Students in Grades 1 through
4 participated' in the ocincert as did the morning and
afternoon Kindergarten classes.
Accident results in
Bannerman, Mae tiutiOn, and ITIorenc#X11.4
• distribytion last Tuesday afternbion. &Ma:,
But it could be wRise
teens ready for
..,,,sent from the
.'--quarteFs and the Nursjng•
Assistants Trtioirng:' ,School
will be open ihit Week, he
reported. • - . -
• He added- that ;the 'com-•
mitteeplans,tothilOW\up and
try- to *Meet the grants
pledged • by Ideal thwni
villages and '-",tiriintiltips
toward the 440 of, the
$500,000:project -
Chairman Jack Kopett
the board a letter he
to the
indit About reach
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stoft"liii•ebeen train'
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Although - some are
-reluctant to talknbout it and
• none ,complain publicly,
• there i little doubt that
Wingham merchants are
feeling the pinch of a
slumping-, economy in their
Christmas sales.
Few will admit their own
sales. are down much, but
number know of other
merchants whose businesses
-. are said to be suffering:
And even where sales have
kept up to other years,. most
merchants interviewed in a
survey hist week agreed that
customertraffic is lighter
this year.
Most also noted that the
"Christmas rush" has been
later in coming this year.
Many •reported that
November was an unusually
light sales month, and things
have really picketup only in
the past few weeks.
Quite a number of mer-
chants commented on a
"return to basics" by many
shoppers: selecting
utilitarian items of clothing
careless driving ehargeor furniture instead of
fancier, more whimsical
purchases as Christmas
They also noted there
appear to be -fewer impulse
purchases. Instead of
wandering into a store,
browsing through Mer-
chandise and waiting for
something to catch their
fancy, shoppers are walking
in with their minds already
made up about what they
want and can afford.
But, while business may be
slower than during past
Christmas seasons, none -of
the merchants surveyed was
ready to ptish the panic
button. Most appear to be
taking it in stride and Some,
with many years of ex-
perience -behind them,
commented that this year is
by no means the worst they
have experienced.
A few are compensating by
quietly starting to offer post -
Christmas discounts 5 week
or two early, •while others
are waiting it out.
A number of interesting
observations were en-
countered during the course
of the survey.
Archie Hill. proprietor of
Hill's Shoes, said he feels
An accident , Sunday
evening which occurred four
miles north of :Wingham on
Hwy. 4 resulted in a careless
driving charge to a Wingham
Keith Hodgkinson of
Wingham was in collision
with Jack Opyc of Kitchener
at 6pproximately. 9:20
Sunday evening. Sgt. Roy
Post office
closed over
There will be a receipt of
mail on the, morning Of Dec.
24 as well as a dispatch of
mail to -post -offices in the
immediate area, but there
will he no dispatch of mail to
Kitchener and London at 6^
p. m.
The post Office will be
closed on Christmas Day and
on Dec. 26 and 28. The box
lobby will remain open on
those days. Regular service
will resume Tuesday, Dec.
Anderson of • the Wingham
OPP reported an estimated
$5,500, in .damage to the two
• Mr. Hodgkinson •was
, treated - and released from
the Wingham and District
Hospital. Mr. Opyc suffered
no injuries.
An early -morning accident
in Blyth on Sunday resulted
in $850 in damages to
vehicles driven by Keith
McClure of RR 1, Seaforth,
and Mark Johnston 'bf
Clinton. The two vehicles
collided at a stop sign and
sl ippery road conditions
were blamed for the mishap.
No charges were laid.
Michael Butt of Kitchener
alas charged with making an
improper turn after the car
he was driving collided with
a Gay -Lea truck driven byr,
Michael Conroy of Brtie.
The accident resulted in
$20,000 in damages to the
truck, but there was no
damage to the Butt car.
'The accident occured last, .
Thursday morning at an-
proidinately 920. a,rn, No
injuries resulted from the
• people have become more
• selective in their bueng.
• 'They're looking more Oda);
at needs than just wahts."
However if they do need an
item, there is no holding
iback from buying it.'
He said high interest rates
definitelyare taking a toll,
forcing retailers to 'con-
centrate on basic lines and
cut off some of the frilis.
Manufacturers \ too are
carrying smaller inyentories
than in the past, though there
has been no problem getting
most basic items.
Sales volume might be off
somethis year, he said, but it
is a continuation of the
pattern of the past four years
rather than a sudden change.
"Christmases (in the past
four years) have never been
as big as they used to be."
instead of a bigVrtiah at
Christmas, • people are
buying more at other times
during the year.
Bob Middleton Mid-
dleton's Home Furnishings
said his personal 'feeling is
that people are spending less
money this year,: -either
because they have !Jess or
because they haVe been
frightened by the gloomy
economic foreeasti and are
saving instead of Spending it.
People also are,'" buying
more ,practical; Oiriatfilat
gifts, things they:,Wmild, have
bought anywayft he said, and
there is less iMpulse buying.
There are fewer "lookers";
the ones who come in tend to
have their minds made up
and know what -they want.
Concern over Poland
Sales are down. this year
from the patthreeor four,
but had started" to pick. up
last week,.. leading him to
wonder whether people have
just, been putting off their
Christmas shopping until the
,_last motnent.
While big' store appears as
well -stocked as ever, Mr.
Middleton said the interest
rates have been forcing him
to cut back on excess stock.
As a result he often carries
just one of each set and re-
orders when it is sold.
Karen Hicks, manager of
Gemini.Jewellers, also noted
that the usual Christmas
rush was slower starting <this
year, though it is picking up
She hasn't stocked as
much as usual because of the
cost of money and also stock •
is harder to get because the
wholesalers themselves are
carrying smaller in-
ventories, she said.
Though things are a little
dower, they are the same for
everyone, she commented,
adding that, "the ones who
have bought have bought
well. They don't seem to
have a shortage of money."
She also remarked on the
"kids coming in with all
kinds of money", which is a
change from a number of
years ago.
Bertha Miller of .Miller's
Ladies Wear said it is too
soon to tell whether
Christmas shopping is up or
down. Their business was up
in November, she reported,
Continued on Page 2
"Casey" Casemore notices
unease inlast trip to Europe
Also, shoplieePers in the
towns and cities and even
private citizens displayed
"Help Poland", banners in
ws.Canada cannot
seem to comprehend the
small size of most 'countries
in Europe, Mr. Casemore'
said. A motorist could travel
through Holland and Prance
in a single day, and the
Netherlands would fit easily
into Lake Huron.
One of Wingham's most
seasoned travellers, Lloyd
"Casey" Casemore, recently
returned from a trip to
Holland, Germany and
Belgium. He reported the
situation in Poland is
creating a great deal of
unease in Europe.
Mr. Casemore travelled
through towns, villages and
cities on his trip and noted
that people are banding
together to try to help their
Polish neighbors.
The people in these
countries have organized
fundraising drives for food,
money and clothing for the
Poles. One week ago, Mr.
Casemore visited a town in
which a carnival was being
held to raise donations of
money and food.
He donated a kilo of cheese
to the cause, and said he
learned last Friday morning
that trucks loaded with ford
and supplies had been
allowed to enter Poland.
These small countries fear
a sort of "doraino)effect" if
any type of military con-
frontation takes place in
Poland, he speculated
Mr. Casemore also said he
noticed a dramatic change in
the economic Climate in
Europe since his visit in May
yearappear to be
finding their economies
slipping, he said; after the
expansive indtlitrial beam of
the early andiewirrati.d Casemorel910S.
The people
spoke to on his trip com-
plained more about the
economic situation than the
last time he was in Europe.
He said they told him that
several large chain stores
have closed and some fac-
tories have been forced to
revert to three-day weeks.
Econoinic uncertainties.
breed discontent, observed
Mr. Catemore, People
without work become em-
bittered toward the entire
system and in their
desperation, he feels, join
subversive groups. This is
evidenced in the sudden rise
of terrorist groups in Europe
,Such as the Red Brigades in
Italy and the Baader-
Meinhof in Gerrnany.
Another growing concern
among Europeans is the
locating of American and
Soviety nuclear missiles in
en Mr. (:asemore was
in Amsterdam, the biggest
parade sine the liberation of
Holland by the allied forces
in 1945 was held. Close to
250,000 people marched in
the streets to protest the
location of nuclear weapons
on the European continent.
The political climate of
many European countries
can best be described as
uncertain, Mr. Casemiire
said. An election was held in
Ronan! during his stay.
Twenty-one political parties
sponsored candidates on the
election ballot.
The election resulted in the
formation of a coalition
government by the three
major political parties, the"
second since May.
Mr, Casemore has visited
Europe four times in the past
20 months, and added he is
eager to return again to visit
friends made during the war
and through his involvement
with the Lions club.
But he did express some
concern about what the
future might hold for his
friends in Europe
NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS—The only Creature stirr-
ing in the Merkley household this Christmas Eve will be
young Kendra, who is eagerly awaiting Santa's arrival.
Kendra said she hopes Santa will leave her a toy piano
and a toy typewriter this year and she will leave him a
snack too. She is the daughter of Terry and Linda
Merkley of Wingham.
Two children die in
Ashfield Township fire
Two Lucknow•area
youngsters died in a , fire
which swept through their
mobile home on Con. 13 of
Ashfield Township Saturday.
Jamie Langille, 3, and his
nine•month-old brother
Jason were trapped inside
the Male when the fire broke
out at about 1:30. p.m,
Another brother, Kevin. 6.
also was inside but managed
to escape
The Lucknow Fire Depart-
ment fought. the blaze but
kt as unable tO save the horne.
litch was destroyed down to
the foundation.
The children's mother,
Kathleen Langille, was
reported to have been out-
side with her eldest son.
Allen, 7, trying to catch a
horse which had broken
loose, when she noticed the
smoke. She tried to enter the
home but was driven back by
• is
The cape of the fire has -
not yet been determined, but
an investigator from the
ontario fire marshal's office
reported it started in the
area of a wood -burning