HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-12-16, Page 1.00 2,1)4;64; —tt '.4*-itiottir"1,14t04106.14"r"f • f' tf •• - • •' take.; bt �f aSesIngP .Normati Haps, administrator of t tie - and •.District „vveek. ty , dded 'On sifi'p it (1.' znoe aid he de IS ce by 4 made pitais 14Arller about discos, es, Mr. • QI don't :kaeet t or v.the onsider Hoick wa amanviflio says enc�us teitspolitics; was Warden in after Howick's Warden Rn " 'Orcongiatulations chair; tollbiciing HOWicicfsitobinson4alsoga 125th In his warden, Robinsoflsaidit :• • is a '41lita0 , gC44' to s4 in,itheAvardelgt^ehall',, He asittifr'ethInti!,Catqleft to keep Huron County "One, lit: the banner :counties of the province", • , . • Coun, -Nerditatt'ot Howick referred to the new warden 410%"4t. man tegrity,,' honestyand,• entity.% ad rev: Vinated:,, knr4'-.40;,S Pa 41 t7o flowing tb ei tall Wit Pet 100' le needed, inds from hoit Alternation , 1,fot nisation. 44 . ., tOtirle':mistz Ok eP, hp .-°t. federalie' elversSO 1; t°11tgOthersa 10' Yeaet": eIi tsialoavnerd', te the rnment support r,'" he that the as forced nd • now theru1es. light; the yaget hit 4' • „ , KINDERGARTEN :CLASPAt:,##0..Win School190ed the singing. a assembly morning The cf „ Jiro: rr 1.4..44he •• CeuitY 'Sage 'administered the oath, of •office and then congratU- • lated the newwarden. : •also had words of •praige for, 'Reeve Stirling, for 'allowing the democratic •process to work. The' imlocation was • given by•Reli.Ron Asihtouof • the Free MethOdist.:Chuich in Goderich. Mayor Hitty Worsen of .. • dedericit, congratulated the 1982 warden and ' brought . • civic greetings from •his town. While no inemhers of parliament *diet provinCial or federal could be present, • they did send greetings. Congratulations • were Sent by MPP Murray Cardiff, MP' „ Jack Riddell, •and ,MPP Murray Elston.: •• Warden Robinson has had a lengthy career in munici- pal politics: First 'elected in 1964, because of shuffng4in... Howick Council, he* *Mile:, • reeve *in JUne of 1665, and thus won a seat on county Council. He was off County Council for about four years, but during that time he served the county on the land division committee. ' After being presented with Museum board invited to submit budget The Wingham and District {Jeri ta ge and Historical Society ha'S been invited to make a formal approach to town council, for financier assistance.with its operation of the Wingham Museum. In a letter to council, the society reported it has had to rely to a great extent on collections from visitors to •• the museum, and finds its funds for maintenance ; and other costs at a low level. This is the first time since the group was font -led in 1975 that it has approached Me town for funding, the letter pointed out, Council agreed that.as this is one of the town boards it has every right to request some funding,and it invited the museum. Weill tO submit a buctet. for COnnell *,np- prove'. . • Councillor jowl, Carrie was appointed to the board a‘s. council's represeniatiVe. taking the, pike of the late llarold Wi Id. "noble 0;10** -;:by the heOth minister40i• ft* 401s, what will be Hevoid 1cncerneitit: tbe objective of the •,n.e* pelicy were to Alla*. the k?? cit t4 r t". • • ,• ministry to fund its pettiOn of CAROL JOHNSTONE played the 'Genie in last week's Towne•Players'production of "Aladdin" held Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at the town hall. A Towne Players' representative reported that approximately 2SO people attended the production over the three nights. , hosOtal operating budgets at„;,Wpigham Town Council • something less thanItlie rate lt,::`,-1171.1.* to, review its new of inflation and expect the r committee system, following hospitals to ma,* the* cOnplaints from a nuniber of difference , t Councillors that the Systeinsis "If in future they, low at nit working. less than the rate-Oinflationt Following a prolonged and say Tinti the money debate of a number of yourselves,' it would make it • 'grievances at the end of last very difficult for •little guys council • 'meth*, like „ councillors agreed to turn "I hope that's not what it the menet • over to the it means, because • would:, general government and mean a reduction in ser- planning committee • .for vices.” •,•review 'and recom- Even a shortfall of two per mendations. cent on an annual operating Deputy Reeve , Patricia , budget of$4-million is a big, Bailey, pointing out that the citorof moms, to raise;sand,• new committees had been it would not allow the approved for a six-month hospital to accuinulate funds probationary period, which ' for any building project, he now has expired, demanded noted. - -He,said there already are: rumblings that in future the' province will fund building projects on a, 50-50 basis instead, of providing two- thirds of the cost, and that\ would make a big difference. Hospitals already have their hands hill just trying to keep up. with capital equipment •replacement, he added, noting that- an X-ray machine which 10 years ago sold for ,$90,000 now costs $300,000 to replace. As far as new money- making enterprises, Mr. Pay issue dtaini$. uncillOr's ire • Some members of the Wingham Town Council apparently were not satisfied with the decision last month to wait until the end • Of their term before deciding to give them -41 -selves a MM. • "Council Remuneration" topped the list of other business to be discussed at the meeting last week, and among the items of information provided to councillors was a thiet showing what council members in Ptlier Huron and Bruce county towns are paying* theinsehres. • ,flower the Matter died a gladden and , •tpliet death when Councillor Richard LeVan, • expressing his disgust in no uncertain terms, demanded to know what it was doing on the agenda after council had made the decision to postpone consideration for another ye,ar. • He also wanted to know who was responsible for instructing the staff at town hall to gather the salary comparisOns. No one stepped forward to claiM responsi- bility,hoWeVdr Mayer Williain Harris defended the decision to collie the in- formation, saying that SW* COUITeil members "wanted to know". that the system • be re- examined • "It's not working out for me," she declared. She said some committees are taking on ' too much responsibility and, "too many things clime up we (eouncil) don't know about." She • was supported by Reeve 'Joe Kerr and Coun- cillors William Crump and Tom Miller, all of whom called for a return to the previous system of more committees. Mr. Crump also • com- plained that the load is not split evenly and "too rhany things happen people don't know about." Mr. Miller added that be sees the problem as a complete lack of com- munication within council as well as people.not knowing their responsibilities. "It's creating an –intolerable situation." • On the other hand, the mayor and four councillors defended the new system, - admitting it may not yet be functioning perfectly but nevertheless is a more logical and efficient way of accomplishing town busi- ness. "I would' welcome the opportunity to go back tithe old system — because I wouldn't be working as hard," declared Councillor STUDENTS DONAU GIFTS—Sarah Philips, Michele Congram and Danny McPher- son, all Kindergariett students at the Wingham Public School, looked at tha wide ar- ray of gifts donated by public school students for needy children. The presentation was made at an assembly held Monday morning. :James Carrie,. • He said that in hiScOjni.' thig,cciuncil in itatitatie;M, haqies more:`peuotti*neil atable , et:4s reached :better: f decisione, than any preview 4011, And he gave, much of the. credit -to the new,tcemrnittee., systetn: . prOduCtive," . he argued. ."A lot of • Work is, • being done at the cornmittee level." the: only bloody. way!" Councillor Richard keVan; who heads the -general government and planning committee, noted he was the main 'proponent of the new system, "because J really ' believe if we run the com- mittee system proiierly we can run the town more ef- ficiently." ' He agreed there are some problems, but said he was not aware of complaints that • the system ,makes some committees too powerful. "Committees are not making decisions, just recommendations"," he said. "There is no question in my mind the committee system is more efficient than the way we were doing it before: " Rev John Swan, the newest member of council, suggested members need to get Weir priorities in proper perspective. "Council should administer the town, not try to run everything in it." It also was pointed but that Wingham is by no means unique in trimming the number of its standing committees to four from the previous ninesince some towns operate with just two standing committees. The new committee system initiated last June combines the finance - management .a nd industrial - planning committees into the general government and planning 'committee. Public works and property were combined. and a community ser V ices committee was formed bringing together parks. recreation and day care. l'oliee and fire care- mitiees were incorporated into a public –Omit eetion commit ti 4' .7,9% me,v le • , • nee t • , • th :t• olthir` et( • nutustrator-J!,mn reported last 'Wet*. ' He said he undtiOtanOtip sup0.. :fent". t044441)tiao0 month and the money is t flow by me endafT.December, , He' 441 �pd:to get the; moneytaidibywals said but it would give, the employees a break,: on income taxes Dee. 2L •• , t He reported that he and- Gerdon Ranter, the finance director, recently met with the Health . Ministry's area ....Ad- ministration team to present their case again, and as a result he hopes to get , full • supplementary funding. The supplementary budget - reflects the higher costs encountered by •the hospital as a result, of wage. set- tlements with employees this year. f,t Telephone call from Australia unites Oen pals A Wingham resident, Miss Barbara Carbert, was pleasantly surprised, Friday morning when she received a telephone call from her pen pal of 40 years, Mary Wallace of, Killarney. Queensland, Australia. , Mary explained that her area had just been changed to direct dialing and she won a long distance call to anywhere in the world in a contest. She chose to make her call to her pen pal in Wingharo., The women have never met but have become close friends through letters exchanged through the years. Barbara said they talked about ten minutes and the reception was "crystal- clear": It was 8 a.m. here, il p.m. Thursday evening in Australia. Right now, Australians are ex- periencing a heat wave, with thunderstorms, definitely one place in the world that will not • have a white Christ mas , • • • i'4'67",:n 4.