HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-25, Page 8Page fibs, Wlllg (!i Advance -Times, November 28, 1981 ,a. SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices (with picture) $5.00 �gagement Notices (without picture) $4,00 Graduation Pictures S3.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over No charge Wedding Write Ups...No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany- ing picture is $5,00 After Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of $5.00 FOR SALE ORDER xour Christmas oven ready goose now. David Dinsmore, Fordwich 335- 3290. 25-2-9 500 FEET heavy duty under- ground wire, 2 pole*_ and 2 lights, all new. Phone 357- 1769. GUINEA fowl. Russel Fear 357-3656. 25-2 DO YOU want aquality, at- tractively priced Canadian Built Organ with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of elec- tronic organs. Call Don's Or - gain & Hi Fi, 724 Queen St. Kincardine 396-3546. THIS & That Store, antiques, dishes, etc. Phone Lenore Glenn, Lucknow 528-3723. WOOD heater with some pipes, excellent condition. Phone Blyth 523-9648. WATERBEDS: queen, king. or double includes heater, mattress liner, .brackets, fill kit. Instructions on assem- bly, guarantees included. Brand new $175: Phone (416) 637-6904. SELF -locking cattle head gates, $250, with treatment chute, $460: Farm, gates, $7 per ft,, feed carts, ,$163. Quantity discounts. Call (519) 698-2283. ESM Welding, RR 1, Linwood: BOY'S : 3 piece . co-ordinated suit, size 16, like new. Phone 357-2262 or after 6 p.m. 357- 3434. BUNK beds, excellent condi- tion; girl's skates, like new, size 3; girl's long winter coat, size 10-12. Phone 357- 2966:• PLAID cape, size 12, $35; size 10 girl's Bauer skates, $5; 10" sidewalk bike, $10. Phone 357-2768. ESSO forced air oil furnace, plenums, 200 gal. tank, $100. Phone \357-2597. TRACTOR cab. Phone 357- 1995. - AFRICAN violets in full bloom. Phone 357-1726. 25-2' CUSTOM firing till Dec, 15. • Phone 357-1912 after 5 p.m. Anita's Ceramics, 36 Charlet St., Wingham. 25-2 EiGHT TRACK AM FM stereo radio home unit With 2 amplifiers. Phone 357-1268. 25-2 RUG KITS, 20 per cent off; afghan and pillow kits, 10 per cent off. For yarncrafters, give sweater kits, complete needle sets, learn to knit kits. Yarns of Tralee Inc., 7 miles east of Listowel on Highway 86. 'Phone 291-4405. 11-9 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sarhple invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2320. 23rrb . WOOD; potatoes $8 for 75 pound bag of white and $9 for 75 pound bag of red. Phone 335-3875. 7-9 BERG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb FOR SALE ONTARIO lamb for your freezer. Cut and wrapped as you wish by 'the whole or half. Walter Renwick 367- 2504. 4-25 ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 30rrb POTATOES; Cap's Place across from Wingham air- port. 18-25 COMPLETELY recondi- tioned Emerson piano. For'' more information phpne 887- 6116. 18-25 OVEN ready roasting chickens. Phone Wilma Scott, 357-3778. 18-9 GRANDFATHER clock; gun cabinet, eight gun size; wal- nut chest, cedar lined. Phone 348-8002, Mitchell. "' 18-25 MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $21.60- Fclr Milker informa- tion photic T4ie ,Wingham: Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 23rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE - 15 HEREFORD stocker steer and heifer cattle weighing between 400. and. 600 pounds. Phone Tees - water, 392-6244. BRED York x Landrace gilts, due mid November and December bred to Hamp- shire or Duroc boars. Usual selection of • tested Hamp; shire, Yorkshire and Cross bred boars. Vista Villa Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 11-25 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo Xfnloaders, .Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con= veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilage Mixers. • FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers„ Hydraulic Manure Pumpsfr WESTEEL-ROSCO—Grain Bins, 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk 'Peed Tanks. - ACME -Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON—Ventilation Sys- tems. SLURRY-SLINGER—Liq- uid Manure Spreaders. ('LAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -F LUSH—Liquid Ma- nure Pumps, Aerators, Sep- ara tors. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR I. Kincardine Phone 395-5286 21 rrb NOTICE Wedding notices, en- gagements, in memor• jams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We cannot accept such notices by telephone Please remember that no classified advertising is accepted after noon Monday . A 4 PETS FOR SALE PART -German Shepherd and part Doberman puppies, for sale to good home, six weeks old. Please phone 323- 1275. .H NOTICE TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Free personal cheq.uing accounts. Deposit accounts now paying 18 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 20rrb PERSONAL PREGNANT and nt:ed help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COLLECT. 21rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1973 DODGE fia¢ar in very good condition. Phone 357- 2556. 25-2 1975 FORD Mercury, 4 door, excellent condition, $1150 certified. Phone 357-2671. 25-2 1974 DODGE Club cab, model 100, $1300, with alum- inum cap $200, or camper $1000. Also steel buzz saw, $125. •Phone 528-3116. 25-2 1972 FORD Torino, as is. Phone 357-1490. 25-2 1979 GMC Suburban, with 3 seats, air-conditioning, many for "transpoliation and trailer, towing. Phone 357- 1268. 25-2 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxator on Highway 86 midway between W,nghom and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS 6 TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wanted.. Highest prices paid. • Phone LISTOWEL 291.4159 GORRIE 335-3314 SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 340 ARCTIC Cat Panther, low mileage, good condition, one owner, $495. Phone 357- 3203. 1977 J.D. Liquifier snowmo- bile in good condition with new track and sliders, asking $1450. Phone 392-6196 after 6 p.m. 18-25 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE money working at home! Be flooded with of- fers! Offer -details rush stamped, addressed en- velope and 25 cents service fee to: J. Currie, Dept. M,` P.O. Box 1271, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. PREPARE your own tax re- turn. Learn loopholes that will decrease your taxes. Write U & `R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, Ont. M4W 1X4 for free bro- chure. WANTED Good dean used furniture or appliances, antiques, guns in any condition, will pay` top prices. Phone The Wingham Sales Arena 357-1730. Will buy partial or com- plete households. hiar NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF BEATRICE ELIZA COOK • ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Beatrice Eliza Cook, late of RR 1, Belgrave, Ont. in the County of Huron, widow de- ceased, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 30th day of November 1981, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to sell assets of the said estate having regard only to , the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont, this 4th day of November 1981. Send claims to Donald Cook, Executor, Wingham, Ont. or Graham Cook, Ex- ecutor, Ripley, Ont. 11-18-25 WORK WANTED CARPENTRY: Siding by Climatic, windows by Feld- • man. Cabinets or bars for rec room. Complete renova- tions, repairs or additions to your home. Phone Gerrie Glenn 529-3070 or Eric Stew- art 395-3255. 25-2-9-16 • I WOULD. like to do house- work half days a week. Phone 357-2013. HELP WANTED VEHICLE salesman requir- ed for Chev-Olds dealership. History of above-average sales volume required. Pay is percentage of gross. Apply to Don Thompson, Doug Marshall Motor City, 11044- 100 Street, Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (403) 523- 9333 - WE ARE looking for full or part-time representatives in your province to call on and cjose non-profit organiza- tions for unique and exclu- sive fund-raising methods. Will consider 'compatible second line representative. Commissions only but renew annually. For further in- formation give complete re- sume to Gordon Bernard Co., 228B, 3631, No: 3 road, Rich- mond, B.C. VOX 2B9. Phone (604)271-8311. SELWYN Vanderpool, Gary McClure, Brenda Wolf and others have made $1,000 a week. Immediate openings. Find out how easy it is. We will train, you, demonstrate in the field that you can, make commissions of $1,000" a week and more. Call on clubs, schools% churches and . other organizations in Can- ada with guaranteed money making plan. Must have car. Be free to travel. Work all week away from home but you are home on weekends. Exclusive territory. Per- manent year round work. Marvelous future. Our field trainer will train you in your province or adjoining pro- vince in Canada. We pay for your telephone call by your calling Mr. Caldwell, collect, (312) 427-3953. MATURE reliable person to baby-sit in my home, Mon- day to Friday commencing January 4. Phone 357-2519. RE A HAIRSTYLIST Clcsses starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 1 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 145-5641 • WANTED TO BUY USED desk and cloth'cover- ed secretary's chair. Phone 335-3575. SMALL calves either dairy or beef. Phone 357-2861. 25-2 WANTED to buy or rent a hog farm on small acreage in Brussels, Belgrave area. Phone 887-9434. 18-25 MISCELLANEOUS ENJOY cooking! Free cat- alogue of nifty kitchen gad- gets, marble rolling pins, knives, guiche pans, and much more. Chef's Choice, Dept. WN1, 220 Country Club Drive, Kingston, Ont. K7M 7B6. MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham; rrb WANTED .i CATTLE, sick or disabled, pay top dollar. Phone any- time 392-6829. 4rrb TOURS AND TRAVEL • SPECIAL 'Ph`rllipine tours. Monthly' to Baguio, escorted, 18 days, Hawaii option. Travel Shop, 10024, Jasper Ave, 'Edmonton. Phone'(403) 423-4444. Mason Tours, 2098- 74 Street, (403) , 462-8554, (403) 462-2122/ DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTY GOLD Et ROCK 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 COUNTY OF HURON requires CARETAKER Full-time employ- ment. Excellent work- ing conditions and employee benefits. Apply 4nswriting to the undersigned no later than 12 noon, Friday, December 4, 1981, giving personal particulars, previous employment and references to: BILL G. HANLY, Clerk-Treas.-Admin. County of Huron Court House Goderlch, Ont. N7A 1M2 CAREER OPPORTUNITY• Require person to fill vacancy in our warehouse department. Jot Fequirements: per- son must have a very good technical and maintenance background. Applications close December 2, 1981. Apply to United Co- operatives of Ontario, P O. Box 700, Wingham, Ont. NOG.2W0. mom:x., ..mat::,,. : VA Cards Agri -Curl lotto draw Thanks The family of the late Wal- lace A. Gibson wish to ex- press gratitude to the staff of the Fordwich Village Nurs- ing Home for the special care and kindness shown to Wally during his stay there. We also wish to thank the second floor staff of Listowel Memorial Hospital for their care during his final hours. Special thanks to our friends and neighbors for their ex- pressions of sympathy shown to us at this time. I would like to thank the nurses and Dr. Gear for their care while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Hospital. Thanksalsoto my friends for their cards and visits. It was all appreciated. Jackson Dunkin We would like to express our sincere appreciation to our family for all they did to help 'us celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. Also to the relatives, neighbors and friends for the beautiful flowers, gifts and ' cards. They were all gratefully ap- preciated. We have lots of fond memories that will re- main with us. Irving and Alba Toner Edna Southwell Certified Electrologist -Removal' of superfluous hair by electrolysis 357-2112 Wingham DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC The family of the late Laura MacFarlane wish to express their thanks to all who cared for her during her illness in the hospital and at home. Also many thanks to all who visited her and sent cards and treats. The floral tributes, expressions of sym- pathy, charitable donations, • food sent and the lunch at the •, church at the time l of her death were all deeply appre- ciated. Thanks to all my friends, neighbors and relatives who were so kind to me while in University Hospital and since returning home, with cards, flowers, visits and eats. Special thanks to Rev. Cecil Jardine for his friendly visit and to Dr. Passi, Dr. Grant and,the nurses. Ethel Montgomery I wish to thank friends who sent cards and visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Thanks also to Dr. Hanlon, nurses and staff on second floor. Albert Coultes CGB1 CGSB Listed No. Ont. -24-861 ADAMSON INSULATION CONTRACTORS Lucknow 528-2113 CHIP could pay up to $500 iof the cost of your insulation. Free Estimates 665-7818 R.R. 1, NEUSTADT Horst Feige 1-800-265-7542 (Toll Free Telephone) CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACT1ON ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutotiy holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at`}I'he Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW Quality Workmanship PHO42NE 523-72 10% Discount on Fabrics till December 31, 1981 B & M MONTGOMERY BLYTH, ONTARIO iiirommeamea Saturday and Full Time Employment with Electrolux Canada Many are earning over $125.00 on Saturday alone. Beat inflation with Electrolux. No invest- ment. Car essential, ladies, men and students welcome. Phone Tom Johnson 334-6030 Collect The Teeswater 'Agri -Curl Lotto draw was held last Tuesday with Alma and' Gordon Donaldson of For- mosa winning the $300 grand prize. The $200 prize went to Stan Horsl,urgh of Wingham. Five and $10 prizes were won by Joe King, Wally Ballagh and Bob Bregman of Tees - water; Lloyd Grubb of Tees - water; Don Ditner of Mildmay; Betty and John Fieten of Teeswater; and, Helen Grubb of Teeswater. i I ' :.F PHIL'IS of igeration and' pl , e. , 2 ol�r e, erPrI y,..,,se • iia.., used ap' liana es. Plume 88W - :i M 11 CUSTOM drapery bLinda for.. your hose, 9r busie s, Ph0110395r.S6894r' 395.51765: A.11b TY DOLOR taldh g Haire your picture ,tube • hacked! For informatlOn. phone 357- 3850. ' 19rrb CRAIG'S Oi6:Burner service, cleaning, repairs and instal- lations; 24-hour emergency service. Wroxeter 335-3398. 4rrb REFINISHING anything from picture frames to pianos. Phone 887-6116. 18-25 N G H A M $ A L s A E N A WINGHAM SALES ARENA LARGE 2 DAY CLOTHING LIQUIDATION SALE At the Wingham Sales Arena, 680 Josephine St., Wingham Fri., Nov. 27 9 am 9 pm Sat, Nov. 28 9 am - 6 pm Selling over $75,000. worth of top grade clothing at exceptionally low prices. Most clothing will be cleared at a fraction of regular price. We are selling over 2,000 pairs of brand name jeans such as Robert Sachel, Revlon, Sunrider, Chic and His, Wrangler, GWG,. Simmons, Visa, Roller,' Quincey, Sas- soon, Levi's, Astra, US Top and others. Many of these jeans are in' a good, assortment of sizes and will be cleared at an unbelievable price of $9.95. -Men's and Youth T -Shirts by Harvey Woods; ski vests by Alto; large selec- tion of sweaters by Razzle Dazzle, Close To You, Juste Arrive, She, and others; night gowns; leather purses; belts. Plan to atend this great 2 day sale. Visa and fargex accepted. Lots of free parking. Also terrlffeCt), buys on new and, used furniture, gift items, tools, tovirels, new and 'used grins,:±ardhety equip7xieht,' all'' types of knives, hockey sticks. Bulk cookies; candy, baking goods and nuts. The Wingham Sales -Arena 357-1730 WINGHAM SALES ARENA W N G H A M $ A E $ A- E A WALTON SALE ARENA 2 miles west of Durham on Hwy. No. 4, on: Thurs., Dec. 3, 1981 12 Noon BRUCE COUNTY CLUB SALE, Featuring 30 highly selected registered hols- teins from top breeders in Bruce County. SELLING: A 3 year old by Astronaut, projected to 154M -141-f= bf BbA; \flier darn, Good plus, 140M -136F; 2nd dam, Very Good, 152M -171F and will be bred to Unique. An Ultimate daughter born June 1979; her dam, Good Plus, 1941V1 -179F of BCA. Other daughters -selling by Starlite, Royalty, Citamatt, Rockman, Dominion, Stylist and Emperor. 14 head fresh or due Nov., Dec., and Jan. WALNUTGLEN SALE Owned by: Kermit Goodhue, Ripley, Ontario. 20 head selected from,this fine herd with R.O.P. records. SELLING: A Very Good daughter by Marquis Ned, born Nov. 1976, projected BCA 170M -171F, bred Oct. 3/81 to Reflection Emperor. A Citamatt daughter, born April 198C 3 direct dams averaging 20,000 lbs. milk, bred Oct. 12/81 to Unique. A fancy Good Plus Ultimate daughter, born Aug. 1978, BCA 140M -149F, 4th dry cow at Bruce County Show; selling fresh - a prospect for Very Good. Her daughter by Starlite, born Aug. 1980 sells. Other daughters selling by Royalty, Moch Four and Sheik. Listed herd. JACLIN BRED & OPEN HEIFER SALE Owned by: JACK ACHESON Maxwell, Ont. 35 BRED 10 OPEN - An excellent opportunity to purchase full pedigreed and commercial registered holsteins. 10 due Dec. and Jan.; 25 short bred heifers sired by Royalty Crusader, Medallion, Prestar, Ultimate and others. SELLING: A Citation Jet daughter, born Nov. 1979; her dam Very Good, BCA 137M -141F; 2nd dam Good Plus, BCA 156M -156F; 3rd dam Very Good; BCA 172M -170F. Due Jan. to Ned. Herd sire, Jaclin Astro, born Feb, 12/81, sired by Astronaut; dam, Excellent, 7126 kg milk, 3.58%; 2nd dam Very Good,. 7074 kg. milk, 4%, 3rd dam Good Plus. A well grown group of heifers. Listed herd. Sales Manager & Audtloneer: DONALD e. WALTON (519) 369-3804