Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-25, Page 7ti Aibaialee pro iipt, eat- Aid .saves heels, and pre pin► getting The Wingh,., A rlimI , No' Whitechurch pleased fit Aibert Co,; vias able; to, arr ive homy Wednesday after t Patient, in Wingham. District Hospital. Mr. Mrs. Wilbert wiehtenperg and fay fit' Port Elglln were Sunday e visitors with her. father'. , Mr. and Mrs. Eldon, Emerson, Darlene, Siairon. and Brenda of St. Catharines • spent the weekend with Mr. Emerson. ve Irwin, y last for la, arrived me of his . and Mrs. ytton. Mr. is place of tl - is about 40 ytton at Lilloet. ;q►tirch Women quilt in the Community Bellmore. 111 Large. Assortment of Christmas Cards 10 Roll ,500" Christmas r' Gift Wrap Paper Mate Pen & Pencil Sets Paper Mate Eraser Pens Here's Johnny 1 10 ml. Cologne o After Shave Assort ent of Stuffed Animals Smiles 'n Chuckles 000 gr. "Elegante" Chocolates Planters 24 oz. Peanuts Bgntle Butane Lighters Toni Home Perms '/z'x 1010" - 2 Rolls Scotch Tape Charlescraft Curling Iron Ladies' or Men's Wallets: Id Spic 125 ml. After Shave Life Lite Disposable osable Flashlight 10 oz.esipt r MakSnow 25 % off only 2.79 25% off only 1 .49 only 5.99 HALF only PRICE only 4.49 only 2■9.9 25% off only 3.29 only . 99 only 7.99 25% ?If only 3.59 only 1 ■ 79 only ■ 99 • • TRIANGLE v�scouNT PAT/WI A/FD/C/#FS • COSA/FJ1CS • TOBACCOS 14. . 1 430TH ANNIVERSARY—Ethel and. Sam Cupskey of 4.7 John Street in Wingham celebrated the.r..ti5Oth wedding anniversary 'Monday with an open h6use. The. Cup- skeys were mairied in 1921 at the Presbyterian manse in Lucknow by Rev. MacDonald. Their have •.two sons, Gordon of Menkton and George •of Alberta and several grandchildren. One daughter, Marie, is deceased. Mr. Cupskey wprked at Lloyd Doors until his retirement. i alft ►i:•tia:grsi• ♦irr�tL i�.�r��et Santa and his elves are busy getting ready for Christmas, are you? It's time to wrap up your Christmas shopping and there's no better place than right here in Wingham. They're sure to have what you're looking for and they'll be open every Monday prior to Christmas for your shopping convenience. These Wingham merchants offer to the children of our shoppers three Saturdays in December (5th, 12th and 19th) prior to Christmas: free skating at the arena and a free matinee at the Lyceum Cinema from 2 - 4 p.m. The youngsters can also visit with Santa. He will be at 199 Josephine St. Wingham, across from The Advanoe-Times from 10:30 a.m. - 12 noon, and from 1 :30 - 4'30 p.m. He will have a`special Christmas treat for you! While shopping Wingham, be sure to fill out a ballot for our Cash Voucher Draw! Just drop into one of these participating merchants fOr a chance at one of three prizes: $250.00, $150.00, or $100.00 to be given away in time for you to get in some extra Christmas Shopping. 1 SHOP WINGHAM This advertisement sponsored by the following Wingham merchants: The Pop Shoppe Walter's Hill's Shoes Shiral's Hayes Triangle Discount Stores Miller's Ladies' Wear Knechtel's Middleton's Furniture Wingham Drive -In Cleaners Layton -McBurney Furniture Stainton Hardware Brophy Brothers Harris Stationery Burke Electric Canadian Tire, Wingham Snyder Studio Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Mr. and ' Mra, dei Ducharme off Gode;i0h*V00 Sunday visitors With her parents, Mr..and Mrs, Prey Laidlaw. Michael and Matthew deBoer spent -the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John deBoer, while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim deBoer, and Alicia visited with his sister, Mrs. Ron Nicholson, n Mr. Nicholson,' and family of Strathroy. Visitors on the weekend to assist Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary', were Joyce Tiffin, Barry Tiffin and Ida. Bogataj of Toronto and Mrs. Ethel Stewart, Wingham. The Children of the Church met Sunday at Chalmers Pr et***1tt h lin. Ale sparing material 1. group for the Chrintmaa canon. On'Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Ball Hiotoul, their..grandsop, Steven, and Mr. and Mrs, Mack Cardiff of Brussels visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, IJayls ,Oberholtzer of Waterloo to celebrate Jylie Oberholtzer's sixth birthday. Qn. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon to Tillsonburg to attend the wedding of Elwin Schultz and Kimberley Docker in the Baptist Church at Courtland. The reception was held at Langton. Diabetes Assoc. meets in Wingham About 50 people attended the local branch meeting of the Canadian Diabetes Association held last Thurs- day evening in the Wingham United Church. The meeting was opened by the vice president, Isabel Burke, and Christmas selections were played by Carol Campbell on the piano, with those in attendance singing along. The group's financial report was, given by Carol Campbell, the treasurer. Marjorie Cook reported on the annual meeting of the Ontario division of the CDA held at Sault. Ste. Marie this past October. She and Isabel Burke attended as branch representatives. A short film entitled "Heart Sweet Heart" was shown by Paula Blagrave and enjoyed by all. Those ,attending were divided into five groupsto discuss several questions regarding what the mem- bers thought the branch should be providing. for them, topics of interest for future meetings and how the members could contribute to branch functions. Bob Perry, the president, outlined some of the com- mittees that still need chair- men. 'hese included public relations, camps and annual March campaign. Currie Colwell of Lucknow won the door prize donated by Vance's Drug. Store in Wingham. The. branch will sponsor a shoot party this Thursday at 8 p.m. in the )GOOF Hall. Anyone in Wingham who requires a ride should call Mrs. George Mitchell at 357- 1921 after 3:30 p.m. Happy Gang euchre held The Friday afternoon euchre sponsored by the Seniors Happy Gang was held last Friday in spite of the inclement weather. There were three tables in play and prize winners in- cluded: Fanny Wraith, high score; Herb Clayton, second; and low, Ethel Holmes. The last euchre of the year is scheduled for next Friday at 2 p.rn. �PihdCwlt Mrs. Orma, Menzies of Regina, Saskatchewan, has ben visiting relatives in the Wingham area, cousins Ken and Donna Johnston; Nettie R s, Harold Casemore and others of the Casemore side of her family. Her mother, Olive Ferguson, grew up in the Wingham area. • Workshop to hold Christmas sale. is Saturaay's Christmas cra and bake sale spon- sored by .the Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop will be a bigger undertaking for the group than previous year's safes, said Conniee Jamieson, ,program coorA dinator. This year's sale has been expanded to include more crafts and baking than in the previous five years. Tea and toffee also will be served. The three staff members and 15 trainees have been preparing for.the sale since August, said Miss Jamieson. The group has expanded upon its supply of gifts, such as placemats and bibs, for this year's sale. In addition to the crafts, trainees have been busy' making` Christmas decorations like straw wreaths and ceramic Christmas trees. They also have been baking short- . bread, Christmas cake and candy. Miss Jamieson reported there have been very suc- cessful sales other years, and said she hopes this year's will be the same. • The sale is scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. and run until 4 p.m. at the Wingham Armouries. A draw for the quilt on display in the win- dow at the Triangle Discount also will be made. EVERYBODY HELPS at the Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop to prepare for this Saturday's tea, bake and craft sale to be held at the Wingham Armouries. Theresa Van Lammeron put the finishing touches on some quilted placemats last Wednesday at the work- shop. a SARA ,DEZEEUW—For well over a year, Sera hasn traveling from her home in Teeswater to the. Wing and District Hospital, where she is a volunteer fh;#he re- habilitation unit. Sara, who originally le from Ireland, also is involved in other community activities such as,the Women's Institute, the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church and the HorticulturafSAciety: Mrs. Ruttan shows slides t0 ..W I melt FORDWICH — Mrs. Leo Ruttan of Fordwich, the guest speaker, showed slides and talked about the. Holy Land to 23 Women's Institute members and one guest at the November meeting. The Holy Land gets its name from biblical tithes. Members saw pictures of Cairo, Egypt. Moslem mosques or temples are located all around, and in Jerusalem one called "Omar" has tunnels and rooms in it as do 'many others. camels were .shown which are very uncomfortable - to ride on. Slides Were shown of 'Palestinian, natives: how they lived, worked and plowed their stony land for crops. There were very fertile places also, and in .some areas the scenery was beautiful. Mrs. Ruttan I visited Athens, Greece and RomItaly A it.t of olives are grown in Italy and in the Holy L nd. Som, chum, were magnificent and n.ny slides were shown of the ta;l pillars built in biblical times Web are still standing. Mrs. Ruttan was thanked for her talk and slides and she concluded by showing some pottery she had brought back. Mrs. W. Hargrave led the devotions, the theme being "love",: The roll call was: name a person in the news rx• today.andtell .why hila or'tr name appears Mrs., H. Gibson gave •a report on the eonventlon m Brussels, at which 440 ladies registered. Plans were made to visit the Fordwich Nursing. Home Dec. 14 at2m. The motto 'World .Affai s , Are Our Affairs" was.even by Mrs. '"II, Ireldskov who also spoke on. the Associated Country Women of the World , and what Pit stands for. its aims . and what ,it, ac- complishes. The meeting adjourned and lunch was enjoyed. The euchre party date has been changed. from. Nov :It to Dec. 4. • I—' Dinner for Two $7.77 Breaded Perch. veg., potato. dinner roll. ice cream and coffee. r,.AF1C S Wingham 357-1633 Hours: 4 - 10 Tuesday - Sunday With this coupon. Expires Dec. 10181. Place your orders now for your Christmas gift packs. $650$225° PRICED FROM TO FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 595-8787 MILLBANK CHEESE & BUTTER LTD. Christmas Craft Tea and Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, November 28 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Wingham Armouries Sponsored by Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop, Wingham. Draw for quilt to be made.