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6 -The }IIE;ugbant Advance -Times, November 25, 1981
Ifif slate of officers
Posen at WMS meeting
Kenneth neth Dickson, the
president, opened the
November meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society
of Knox Presbyterian
Church, Belmore, with a call
to worship and the singing of
"Will your anchor hold?"
Mrs. Arnold, Jeffray
conducted the ' devotions,
reading from the fourteenth
chapter of Paul's letter to the
Romans his instructions on
Christian attitudes and gave
a meditation entitled "Jesus
Spoke and Everyone
The secretary, Mrs. John
Stokes, reported that the
members visited the Ford-
wich Nursing Home in
October and presented a
brief program to entertain
the residents. Eleven ladies
answered the rolls call with
verses or poems about
peace. Three children also
were present. The offering
was received and dedicated
by the president.
The annual report
revealed that Myrtle Weir
has sold 11 subscriptions to
the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Carl
Nickel distributed used
magazines, Sunday School
papers and quarterlies to
Taiwan, Huronview, New
Guinea and the Wingham
and District Hospital. Used
magazines also have been
sent to Frontier College in
Toronto and Anishinabe
Fellowship House in. Win-
nipeg. Used stamps were
sent to the Bible Society,
used clothing was sent to
Evangel Hall and quilts were
used locally. Thirty-three
cards were sent to the sick
and shut-in.
It was agreed to transfer
money from .... the expense
fund to meet the allocation
for the general fund. Twenty-
eight Presbyterian calen-
ders are on order. Mrs.
Lloyd Simmons presented
the report of the nom gating
committee which was ac-
cepted and approved by
those present.
Officers for 1982 are:
president, Mrs. Douglas
McPherson; first vice, Mrs.
Elmer Jeffray; second vice,
Mrs: Don MacAdam; Glad
Tidings secretary, Myrtle
Weir; friendship and service
Secretary, Edith Stokes;
literature and library
secretary, Mrs. Carl Stokes;
secretary, Mrs. John Stokes;
supply secretary, Mrs. Ross
McKague; press secretary,
Mrs. Alvin Mundell;
auditors, Mrs. John Stokes
and Mrs. Elmer Ballagh;
lunch committee, Mrs. John
Dickson, Mrs. Gerald
VanEngen and Mrs. Lloyd
Simmons; and, nominating
committee, Mae Johann,
Mrs. Gerald VanEngen and
Myrtle Weir.
Mrs. Stokes chose a
special feature, a reading
entitled, "Autumn in Your
Hand" and the meeting
closed with the singing of "0
God of love, 0 King of
peace" and a prayer by the
In lieu of a topic, the ladies
quilted a crib quilt. Mrs.
McPherson served fruit
bread and tea during the
fellowship hour.
day Centre News
By Rita Rice
Don't forget the Christmas
craft and bake sale next
Thursday, Dec. 3 at 1:30 p.m.
in the Armouries. The, sale
will offer a selection of
handmade crafts ideal for
Christmas giving. The ar-
ticles have all been made
right here at the centre, or
by the seniors in their
homes. We hope you will
come and browse around and
support the centre. There
will be a tea room as well.
If anyone wishes to donate
any baking it certainly would
be appreciated. If you call
the centre we can pick it up.
We also plan to have a
tableof used articles. If you
have anything at home that
you wish to be rid of, bring it
to the centre,_ your junk
might be just what someone
else is looking for.
We will be having a draw
the day of the sale. Tickets
have been in circulation for a
few weeks now and will be
available the day of the sale.
The three items in the draw
are a handmade tied quilt, a
pine cone Christmas tree,
and a holiday wreath. The
first name drawn will have a
choice of the three items.
Last Thursday, Grace
Richardson, a missionary in
Zambia, ,was the guest
speaker. She is formerly
from the Whitechurch area
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector. The Rev. John T. M. Swan, ,..Th.
* The First Sunday in Advent *
8:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist in the Parish Rooms
10:15 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist and Sermon in the -
Parish Rooms
Wed. Dec. 2 - 8:00 p.m.
The Board of Management
Thurs. Dec. 3
2:00 p.m. - A.C.W.
8:00'p.m. - Chair Practice
Sermon broadcast over CKNX -Radio
Fourth Annual
Nov. 28th9am-5pm
Visit our greenhouses and see one thousand
poinsettia plants, etc.
Free Rose for each lady ® Coffee
50 % off all permanent Christmas
20 % off all silks and drieds.
Oraer your out of town flowers
now and save.
Above discounts in effect from now
until December 5th or while supply lasts.
Lewis Flowers
135 Frances St., Wingham, Ont. Ph. 367-3880
11/4 blocks south of Wingham Public School '
and is home until January
with her sister, Mrs. Savage
of Wingham. Her narration
and slides of her teaching
career hi Zambia were
excellent. She en-
thusiastically explained
conditions and her work in
Zambia, where she teaches
at a school for the children of
missionary parents, and also
goes out into the villages to
meet with the Zambians and
assist and teach in any way
she can.
Tillie Gaunt presented
Miss Richardson with a
small remembrance and
token of thanks for taking
time while on holiday to
come and visit the centre.
Another successful foot
clinic was held last Wed-
nesday. The next clinic will
be the third Wednesday in
Our latest two people to
start attending the centre
are Herb Duffy and
Catharine Hutchison from
Teeswater. We also welcome
Jim Breckenbridge back to
the Tuesday program.
Our Christmas party will
be held Wednesday, Dec. 16.,
We. will be preparing for it
and decorating the tree
during the week of Dec. 14. If
any landowner in the area is
willing to let us chop down a
large Christmas tree, please
phone 357-1440. Any size
actually would do, but
because of the height of the
Armouries building, a fair-
sized tree looks good.
A one -day- seminar, en-
titled; "Understanding the
Rural Elderly" will be held
at the Listowel Legion Hall
Tuesday, Dec. 1 from 9:30
a.m. to 3:30 p.m. It is being
sponsored by .the University
`of Guelph. For further in-
formation, contact Louise
Marritt, the Rural
Development Outreach
Program officer, at 357-3906.
Everyone is invited to attend
this one -day workshop.
craft sale
The craft and bake sale
held for the second year in a
row by the Wingham Legion
Auxiiliary, was declared a
definite success by Carol
Farnell, an Auxiliary
Saturday's sale offered a
Wider variety of crafts, Mrs.
Farnell reported, than last
year's. Crafters from as far
away as Niagara Falls and
Sauble Beach entered this
year's sale as well as a large
percentage of local people.
"It's surprising how much
talent there is in this -town,
but it's hidden," said Mrs.
Farnell, adding that a craft
show like Saturday's is a
good chance for local people
to get out and show their
wares, plus make a little
The sale featured
Christmas crafts and
decorations, paintings,
wooden toys, ceramic
pieces, plants and baking.
Twenty-four exhibitors took
part in this year's sale, down
one from last year.
Mrs. Farnell said the
crowd was down slightly
from last year's sale, but she
blamed that on the weather.
As for next year, the sale is
definitely going to be held
SHEILA RINTOUL and Janet Marston, both from the Wingham Legion. Mrs.- Rintoul had some of her pain -
Flower Nook here in Wingham, displayed handiwork at - tings and sketches on display as well as floral ar-
last Saturday's Christmas craft and bake sale held at the rangements and decorations for Christmas.
Notes from Fordwich
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Bride and Miriam of Don
Mills spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig.
Jim Warrell spent a few
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Johnson, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Miller
and Grant spent Wednesday
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wallace
of Thunder Bay spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Wallace.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Johnston spent several days
at the Royal Winter Fair in
Toronto. Glenn was ring-
master in the breeding horse
ring. Paul Douglas also
attended and - helped Reg
Black of Moorefield with his
Mrs. Norman Harding
visited one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Wood, RR1, Clifford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Sim-
mons were recent visitors
with Mr. and . Mrs. Vern
Hambly, Ingersoll. •
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Reed of
Orono and Mrs. R. Reed,
Listowel, visited Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Welling-
ton Hargrave and also called
on Mr. and . Mrs. Carl
John Brown, Gary Schu-
macker, Larry Clarkson,
David Hargrave and Ron
Stewart were in Montreal on
the weekend where they
attended the, Grey Cup
Mr. and Mrs Leo Rattan
moved .last week into the
home they recently pur-
chased from Bob Kreller.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gibson
and Mr. and 'Mrs. Darrell
Gibson Of Flint, Michigan, ,
attended the funeral of their
uncle, ,Wally Gibson, last
Tuesday at the Gorrie
Chapel of M. L. Watts
Funeral Homes. -
' Mr. and.. Mrs. Peter
Browne and Mrs. Marian
Kirby spent a couple of days
last week in Toronto .,and
attended the Royal Winter
Mrs, Ernie Areey'spefit
a couple ofy`days:: this week
with Mrs: Jack- Kees at
Mrs. A. B. Lindsay ' of
Toronto is spending a few
days with her sister, Miss
Ruth Johnston. ,
Saturday and weekend
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Don Montoux were Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Halleran, Amy and
Keith of- Kingston, Mrs.
Brian Wilkinson, Mrs.
Elaine Wright, Laurie and
Jamie of Toronto.
Local neighbors and
friends ' of Miss Marion I.
Duke, editor of The Listowel
Banner, congratulate her on'
being named. Citizen of the
Year last week in Listowel.
Ron McClement and Jim
Douglas, .accompanied by
Bruce McClement of
Listowel, spent the weekend
in Toronto and attended the
winter fair.
F'riends of Mrs. Randy
King will be sorry to hear she
is a patient in Listowel
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. Ernie D'Arcey, ac-
companied by Mrs. Jack
Kees of Guelph, spent a
couple of days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Welsh
at Chesley.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel 'Allan
spent a day 'last week in
Raymond, Wagler arrived
home last week from the
western provinces where he
has been employed the past
several months.. '
The Belmore Library will
be open 2-4 .on Saturday
afternoons, instead of 2-5.
There will be an exchange of.
books in the middle of
December. Residents are
urged to come in and find
'something to read.
Mac MacLeod has
returned home from western
Canada. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Will of
Kingsville and Roseann
Hargreaves of England
visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Renwick. Mr. Will is
a brother of Mrs. Renwick.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Harkness (Ellen
Inglis) who were married on
the weekend.
Night for.
4-H girls
Whitechurch — Members
of the local 4-H club who
participated in the project,
"Which Came First...The'
Chicken or The Egg?", at-
tended Achievement Night
Monday evening at Hillcrest
Central School, Teeswater.
The club entertained with
a skit, "Don't Put All Your
Eggs in One Basket" with
the members, Janet
Laidlaw, Kendra Purdgn,
Marilyn Jamieson, Celia
Chandler, Kathy Dow and
Karen Elliott participating.
Leaders Of the project were
M>1:AWalter Elliott and Mrs,.
Archie Purdon.
Receiving County Honors
were Marilyn Jamieson and,,
Celia " Chandler. questa
speaker was a represen-
tative from Canada Packers,
The Women's Institute
extends congratulations to
the club members on their
success at Achievement
jJig it.
Expertly Dry
Be Prepared For
Colder Weather
Bring your coats and
jackets to us.
We can make last year's coat seem like new.
Most outerwear ismade of fiber which accumu-
lates a lot of dirt and 'grime. These garments
require professional dry-cleaning tomake them
look better and last longer.
Readman Cleaners
& Men's Wear
• 288 Josephine St., Wingham
Gold Seal 73/4 oz.
Sockeye Salmon 1.99
Five Roses 2.5 kg.
All Purpose
Flour 2.29
Size 113 Sunkist
Oranges ` doz. L29
Schneiders 500 g.
Schneiders 500 g.
Beef Steakettes
west n's "old Mill" :
16 oz.
White Bread '2/1 09
Heinz 10 oz.
Tomato Soup 3/.89
Phone 357-2249 C = S*JNp&TSNopOJi!er
Store Hours w;
Monday - Saturday 7:30 am - 7 pm
Fridays 9 pm
Groa 09e"
Three Sales All In One
Effective Dates
November 25
December 24
All Discontinued
Bone China and Johnson Bros.
Petty Officer David Court-
ney, Mrs. Courtney, John
and Catherine, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, and Mr. and
Mrs. .Klaus Wernsdorf of
Athabasca, Alberta, were
recent. visitors with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Courtney, John Street.
Which saves you more than the sales tax
Watches - Gold Jewellery - Rings - Diamond and Wedding Rings
Jewellery - Gifts - Crystal Holloware and Stemware - CloCks
Agnew Jewellery & Gifts
Owners - W. Jos. and Dean E. Agnew
lucltnow Phone 5218-3532
LOUISE Y..00CO of Wingham showed off rag dolls made
Louise Strong, at last Saturday's Christmas craft and bake
Legion. Also in the photdgraph with Louise is Jennifer Strong.
by her and her mother,
sale held at the Wingham