HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-25, Page 2Thkei Wjpghaln Advance -Times, November 25, 1981
ox Unit
BELGRAVE — Laymen's
Sunday was held in Knox
United Church, on Sunday
morning, with members
from Calvin -Brick United
Church joining in the ser-
was John Patterson of
Palmerston, who was
assisted by Rev. John G.
Ella Shiell
still critical
A Wingham woman
remains in critical condition
this week in a London
hospital following an ac-
cident Nov. 6.
Mrs. Ella Shiell, 81, was
struck by a pickup truck
While attempting to cross
Josephine Street that
evening. She was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London,
where she is reported to be
still in critical condition in
the hospital'scritical care
trauma unit.
Bible canvass
raises $640
Belgrave branch of the
Canadian Bible Society
reports that $690.75 was
collected in this area in the
recent canvass.
iThe executive, Mrs.
Robert Procter, president;
Mrs. Jack Higgins,
treasurer, and Mrs. Clare
Van Camp, secretary,
thanked the canvassers for
their time and effort.
Taking part in the canvass
were; Lorne Scott, Mrs.
Gary ,Jamieson, Miss Bonnie
Walker, Ivan Dow; Mrs.
Bruce Campbell, Mrs.
Robert Grasby, Mrs. Jack
'Higgins, a Harold Keating,
Mrs. Clare Van Camp, Mrs.
Dorothy Logan, Mrs. Don
Vair, Mrs. Laura Johnston;
Miss Mary Isabel Nethery,
Mrs. John Jessup, Mrs.
Robert Procter, Mrs. Lorne
Campbell and Mrs. Alex
Check our
in the
"Auto Trader"
Roberts and three members
of the Belgrave session, Mrs.
Jack Higgins Glenn Coultes
and George Michie.
The choir, consisting of
members from Calvin -Brick
and Belgrave churches,
under the leadership of
organist, Mrs. George
Procter, sang two numbers,
"Whispering Hope" and
"Because We Believe."
Mrs, George Johnston at
the piano accompanied the
organist with the music prior
to and during the service.
Belgrave euchre
Eleven tables were in play
at the weekly euchre held in
the WI Hall last Wednesday
Winners were: high lady,
Mrs. Bert Johnston; low
lady, Mrs. Robert Grasby;
novelty for lady, Mrs.
William Black; high man,
Gordon Walker; low man,
Leslie Short; novelty for
man, George Grigg.,
There will be euchre again
next week starting at 8:00
p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Sincere sympathy of the
community is expressed to
Mr. and Mrs. Murray'
MacFarlane and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Brewer and family in the
death of a dear mother and
grandmother, Mrs. Mungo
Our apologies for the error
in last week's news which
should have read that Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron of Sea -
forth spent the weekend with
Fred Elliott. Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Elliott of Mount Hope
spent this past weekend with
Mr. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl
Walker hosted a wedding
reception at. -their home
Saturday evening following
the marriage of Ellen Inglis
and. Bruce Harkness at
McIntosh United Church.
About 25 members of the
immediate families of the
bride and groom enjoyed the
happy occasion.
Miss Marie Walker and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coultes
attended a hockey game in
Elmira Sunday night where
Mr. and Mrs. Coultes won
two gold tickets to the NHL
game in Toronto on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis
visited on Monday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Construction on Eadie Bridge
proceeding :atter than planned
Work on the Eadie Bridge
is proceeding even better
than was hoped, reported
Road Superintendent Ross
Nicholson to last Tuesday
evening's meeting of Turn -
berry council.
Three footings have been
installed for piers and
abutments, he said, and
added the beams might be
put on in January.
However, the cement deck
will not be poured until the
spring when the weather is
A completion date for the
Eadie Bridge has been
tentatively set for the end of
June or the first of July next
year. Clerk -Treasurer
Dorothy Kelly asked council
members if they thought a
speaker should be secured
now for the opening
ceremony, but they did not
feel it is necessary.
The tender deposit of
Maloney and Diegel, the
firm constructing the bridge,
has been returned as the
performance bond has been
received, reported Mrs.
Kelly. She added that 'she
also has received a letter
from the Ministry of Trans-
portation and Com-
munications accepting
Maloney and Diegel as
bridge contractors.
In other business, Bill
Shifflett of the engineering
firm Gamsby and Mannerow
attended to discuss the
Fortune Drain.
The wet weather has
halted work on the draip for
this year, meaning it will
have to be continued next
Mr. Shifflett told council
members he has en-
countered a great deal of
difficulty installing drainage
tile in George Merkley's
bush. Mr. Shifflett suggested
leaving the ditch open until it..
was out of the Merkley bush,
which would mean amending
the Fortune Drain bylaw.
"That would be walking on
thin ice, said Reeve Brian
McBurney' of the suggestion
of amending the bylaw after
the engineer's report has
been accepted by the af-
fected ratepayers.
Deputy Reeve Doug For-
tune added the downstream
landowners could be upset
with such a change to the
original plan because of the
danger of having surface
water on their land in the
spring or after a flash flood.
It would be better tiled,
Mr. Shifflett admitted, but
said it would be impossible to
even consider doing so until
the spring.
Friendship Club
meets in Brussels
BRUSSELS — The Senior
Friendship Club held its
monthly get-together in the
Legion Hall on Wednesday
afternoon, November 18.
President . Mrs. Gertrude
Bolger called the meeting to
order and all sang "0
Canada", accompanied by
their pianist, Mrs. Lulu
Kerr. Secretary Mrs. Frank
Hooper read the minutes of
the last meeting.
The president reminded
the members of their
Christmas dinner at the
December meeting on the
16th at 12 noon. Guests and
senior citizens who are not
members of the ..club are
invited to attend. The
secretary must know soon
how many plan to attend so
she may inform the Ladies'
Auxiliary members who
cater for the meal.
The program consisted of
solos by Mrs. Van Vliet and
readings by Mrs. Hazel
Matheson. The group then
played progressive euchre
with high prizes going to
Property Owners and Tenants
Assessment Notice
Mailing of Assessment Notices
A 1981 Assessment Notice for 1982 property taxes will be mailed on or
before December 1st to every property owner and tenant in the following
Wingham Town Morris Township
Turnberry Township Howl& Township
East Wawanosh Township
An Information Insert mailed with your Assessment Notice explains
the appeal procedure and provides the timetable for Open Houses in
your area.
Open House
Sessions will
Answer Questions
Open House sessions.have been
planned at convenient times and
locations in your municipality to
afford you thizi opportunity to review
your assessment with staff of the
Regional Assessment Office.
Assessment staff will be
pleased to explain the basis of your
property assessment and
are authorized to amend all data
(school support, assessment,
etc.) on your Notice.
You are encouraged to take
advantage of this service.
New School
Beginning this year, your school
support designation will appear on
your Assessment Notice. This
designation Indicates whether the
education portion of your property
taxes will be directed to support
public or separate schools.
If you wish to review your school
support designation, contact your
Regional Assessment Office or
attend an Open House in your area.
Rolls Available
For Review
The Assessment Roll will be
available for review at your local
Municipal Office during regular
business hours beginning
December 22,1981.
If you wish
to Appeal
If you believe you have been improp-
erly assessed in any way, you
may file a formal complaint with the
Assessment Review Court. The
final date for filing an appeal is
January 12,1982.
Information on appeal
procedures is provided on the back
of your Assessment Notice and
Information Insert.
TELEPHONE: (31E) 324-7321
M.K. Bowen, M.I.M.A.,
Regional Assessment Commissioner
ibalc m. fn
Mrs. Steiss and • Mrs.
Burgess; low, Mrs. Van Vliet
and Mrs. Bolger. Mrs. Van
Vliet also won the prize for
having 'the most grandchil-
Lunch and a social period
ended the meeting.
Mrs. Carl Weber is pur-
chasing the home of Ernest
Michie and intends to make
it a guest home for senior"'
citizens. ,
Mrs. James Pa'tdn of
Mossley " and ' Mrs. Doug
McQueen and Jennifer of
Ingersoll visited at the home
of Mrs. Ivy Cook and other
relatives and friends in the
A number of people from
this area attended the open
house of crafted arts in
furniture -making by Larry
Mayberry at his home in
Londesboro on Saturday and
Mrs. Laura Johnston spent
a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. George
Johnston; Tara and Erin of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Jamieson visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Taylor of Waterloo.
After some discussion, Mr.
Shifflett said he had changed
his mind. He agreed with
council members that a
more sensible a proach
would be to wait until the
spring when an open ditch
could be dug across the
Merldeyproperty and tile in-
stalled Idter if the ground
were not too wet.
Council members decided
to have Mrs. Kelly send out
interim billings on drainage
work completed this year to
the affected landholders.
Still with drains, council
received a bill from Abe
Lewis for a drainage culvert
for $383.76.
Mr. Lewis originally had
asked council to have the
culvert installed under an
entranceway on his property
when work was being done
on the Press-Ballagh Drain.
The cost of the culvert was
added to his drainage
assessment .
Since then, Mr. Lewis
decided he did not want the
culvert and asked council to
purchase it back from him.
He informed council
members in a letter that he
will not pay his drainage
assessment until council
buys back the culvert.
After some discussion,
council decided to -pay Mr.
Lewis for the culvert after he
pays his drainage
Turnberry council will
assess the situation at the
Bluevale cerlietery after
receiving a complaint from
one township. resident.
Ella Searson of Bluevale
said in a leiter that some of
the tombstones are heaved
up and said she is worried
that some of the children
who play there could be hurt.
The Robb family spent
$350 this year repairing a
damaged stone, she added.
Council promised for look
intothe matter to see what
can be done.
Don Eadie, ,the township's
representative .. on the
Belmore Arena Beard, at-
tended to report to council on
the board's activities over
the past year.
Turnberry council donated
$25 to the Huron Perth Lung
Residents of the township
will be able to attend an open
house at the municipal office
in Bluevale Dec. 2 and 3 from
1-7 p.m.
The winning crest and
slogan for the Turnberry
125th anniversary
celebration was presented to,
counicil at last Tuesday's
meeting. Andy McDougall, a
Grade 6 student at the Turn -
berry Central School,
designed the crest, and the
slogan -"Turn Up In Turn -
berry In '82" was written by
Erika Hooftman, a Grade 7
student at the school.
The next meeting of
Turnberry council is
scheduled, for Dec. 1 at 7:30
p.m. in the municipal office
in Bluevale.
Wednesday morning decorating a straw wreath for this
Saturday's Christmas tea and craft and bake sale to be
held at the Wingham Armouries. This will be the sixth
year for the sale, sponsored by the Jack Reavie Oppor-
tunity Workshop, which will feature handmade crafts
and gift ideas.
46 ///amu
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CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE AND TEA—Workers at the Jack Reavie Opportunity
Workshop have been busy since August preparing for this Saturday's tea and bake
sale to be held at the Wingham Armouries. Steve Millen and Evelyn McNay were busy
last Wednesday making shortbread cookies for the sale.
PREPARING FOR SALE—Eileen Haugh demonstrated her handiwork with ceramics
and Bill Kirton showed off a door -hanging made from bailer twine last Wednesday
morning at the Jack Reavie Opportunity Workshop. The people at the workshop have
been preparing for this Saturday's sale since August and have a wide variety of bak-
ing, crafts and decorations for Christmas.
Chisholm Fuels
Are Pleased To Announce
They Are Now Stocking
at the Gas Bar
For Kerosene, Gasoline, Propane Refills, Anti Freeze, a complete line
of Motor Lube Including the famous CAM 2 Motor Oil, °drop into the
Gas Bar.
OPEN DAILY 8:130- 5:30 [Except Sunday]
While there inquire about Installing Newmac Combination Furnaces or
the Mastec Fluegard.
FLUEGARD one of today's top-rated energy saving Ideas dor Industrial
and residential oil furnace installations.
The All -Canadian
CSA Approved
Automatic Flue Damper
for Oil -Fired Furnaces.
Reduces Fuel Costs:
Reduces Furnace Operations:
Reduces Maintenance:
$ $
The flue is open to the
outside at all times. Heated
air escapes before. during
and after furnace Operation.
With the FLUEGARDg
installed the chimney flue
is closed when the fumace
is not firing - heated air
stays in the building -
drafts are reduc »1
Newmac Combination Furnaces
`MODELS CL -86C -96C CL -1 1 SC -1 70C
(86,000-96,000) (115,000-170,000) BTU'S
Wood and Oil /Gas* Combination Furnaces
Separate combustion chambers with automatic switching from
wood to oil, separate thermostats, and a large firedoor begin an
impressive list of conservation features. This furnace bums wood
without grates for better control and efficiency.
Chisholm Fuels
Lucknow 529-7524 Godeiich 5244681 'Wingham 3574810