HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-18, Page 9ii 11 :>F 'et !ri ,giatt: "fhe, Milli}: ham ArivA11ee,iiri'11.0 *Yew Po 'at tke440 acciideant, Vf0.,1t at P < tOdo?" ° °fit; JAIL )t1llfke FiIZ'st., Ade g l n tech you how: QRfW4NTED 1 WO4Di 4eto do lou ,e.- work,,1�=2'da s,aweek, Phone• 3 • WIP-1 1 CititF: is Ply. own ho ie. PP one 357-2932. 'ERSOl1tAL PR a p � nd need help? Free positive confidential support:, Birthright. Phone 3571066, , 392-6541-. or London, 43 7,1:97;COLLECT'. •;' 21rrb • .i a•. • • ' LIVESTOCK F+1O,R SALE; SUFFOLK sb ep. Two and three-year old ewes exposed to;ram.;.,a'lso'registered and =v em r -.i1 0 1'rie (� �pj e(�f_(i. �_ lambs, bs, a a� 1' 4 l r , � ready to. `breed."°'Phalle .392- z BRED; Yol lt- x Landlrace gilts, dile' mid November and December bred to Hamp; shire or Duroc boars. Usual ;selection .of, tested- Hamp- shire, Yorkshire •:artd Gross - / bred boars. Vista Villa • Farms Ltd., Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 11-25 The. Man -To See -Is INTEE WHAT A BARGAIN - A retail -commercial. building on Wroxeter's main street,,refurbished aparttnent above and only $7;900.'\THAT'S RIGHT $7,900. ECONOMICAL, CARLING TERRACE home with 3 'bedrooms, has exceptional appeal for, flrsfhome brayers: tidy kitchen, adjoining dining room, bright. livingroom and 3 pc. bath. Base- ment affords extra'storage (or bedrodm) and '/2 bath. Closed porch. New insulation. Yet only $31' ,90.0. ' NEW HOUSE ON "50 ACRES .- a superior set- ting et ting for this extra large 2 bedroom home built 5 years ago with oversize attached garage. This attractive parcel of land, framed by a 30 acre wobdlot, has 20'acr`es tillable. Owner is willing to hold a VERY ATTRACTIVE MORTGAGE. $79,000: SUNSET CRESCENT BUNGALOW - at only $36,900 has country kitchen with built in dishwasher, 4, bedrooms, finished rec, room, extra appliances and a terrific location. EX- CELLENT VALUE. ' BRUSSELS - Excellent building lot 66' x 155"•, ' clean; > Well tended with sewer connection. $10,000. LUCKNOW - 2 extra large building Tots with creek in' Tear, also -60' x165' with mature trees and old. barn.- $1.0,000 each: I PER!? °F 7,tgO i t�n:,'c . 2 WOWWOW, be r,00 o �.o t 3.y. add' old, modern spacious kitche , j living 'aid dining rooms, glorious rec. room'with mirrored -wall (a knock outl), carpeted and immaculate throughout. Owner transferlred. $32,000 mor- tgage at 10'/4 Contact , OFFICE 357/1344 STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 MARGARET DAY 357-2196 ervice 4 : SALES Forever Yours Stationery • Invitations • Thank you notes • Nepk ns, matches • Social, announcements The WingKam Advance- ' ' Timis Office WELDING Portable Welding Will de custom port- able Welding and in - shop repair work. •Ornamental railings *Free estimates Phone Spike Bakker RR5 Lucknow 528-2520 1 If Your Business Is Service FULL RANGE OF.FA t,r E-Rmg ONO SRb', [nloa �BI !� - i l to derS VifewB SSi lt�i ee a . ers, Conley-n-Feed..paole'° Feeders, Single Chain Con- ., veyors, Baarrl`.Cleaners, OS - watt ;Ensalagie Mixers FARMATIO— Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller-. Mills, Blender ' lis, for Ground 'Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Bartli-Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. W ESTE E L-ROSCO—Grain Bins, 1350 to250,000 bu.;.Bulk• • Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON ---Ventilation Sys- tems. • , .. ; SLURRY-SLINGER—Liq- uid Manure Spreaders, CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment, ' AERO -FLUSH -Liquid Ma- nure Pumps, Aerators, Sep- ara tors. WE HANDLE . • • EVERYTHING ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1; Kincardine Phone 395 5286 • ment+.in Belgrave Plioe;: 3141.. ; r":•; ,;• toe TWO , ar bet�tcal�in a�iarlrtr►hnt; s v fridge and stove, avaxlaihlle A ` immediately. Appljr' Sunrise Dairy.' . '. GgouN, D floor_ apartment bedrooms ' up, $175, per month, utilities extra. Keith Fitzsiti'itliotis; ' Broker '3.57, 1117: ' 4rrb LARGE two bedroom apart- ment, four' piece' bath;: heat supplied, , :parking t area, no pets. R. John `Currie, 357- 1482. . 28rrb t, 'ONE and two bedroom a' partftilents; in Lucknow, Phone Glenn Haven Apart= ,menta. Naftgr911,41. 19rrki Business and ProfesSisimol t D. R.Nis ett Optometrist. 12 Isaac St., Clinton By Appointment 482-3.677. i• Frederick F. Hd i1a1 1''I+ Phm Be; it.O. Carol E. Homuth, O,D. Mrs. H. Viola Hornuth,.O.b. • Optometrists; Harriston, Ontario .338-2712 • • Avec o ry , WII GIIAM -ME duetgeteed Granites '. Cemstery•Lettering .Reatibnebte Prines • Buy Ornl►cratid Save Sui. Ph357-1910 Res.' Ph 357-1015 gra ;�ir,�n D AAi11 ti:,;Qvergaar , D:C. •Dr bLee.A.-Cavbley'Sc:, ff3 F3: Chilropraetor 1974osephine St. Wingham By Appointment 3574124 SALES AND SERVICE , Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy. -86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 PRINTING WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 THE ADVANCE -TIMES INSURANCE ,Cal/ s�ssusewwCe All Types of insurance 335-3525 GORRIE 357-2636 WINGHAM PLUMBING HEATING Leroy Jackson --Plumbing ---Heating --Tinsmithirig 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. ELctrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales WINGHAM 357-1583 CONSTRUCTION BERT, and DICK 52s8-2726 ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Building and Renovations Concrete Forming WE SELL Hunt & Pella Windows Kaiser Aluminum Products Andex Barn Products FREE ESTIMATES Farm Systems Limited (',RAIN & FEED HANDLING SPECIAL'STS 38 MAIN ST., NEWTON, 519-595-8182 partment in (1.92-6658. 2lrrb P v pW,t '4')oa artment ,I„• e. Phone 357- 8rrb MODEM .2 b Boom apart- menks lilt $¢ ave available Dec. t,Sokmo? appliances furnished one 357 2939. 11-18-25 BCICK do ed, Phone 5 x; r MMCFWEI3US IF YOU,,arze,. mend or reta- il ela- P , ow close to gat, carpet- edecorated. 11-18 tine of Vied ? IW, ,the Al- AborF, + ail . oup may be able,ta hal i' U' solve 'your side of the ;ptoblem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. _. rrb MEALS- iii -WHEELS Phone MCat.: James 357- 14rrb REAL ESTATE LTD. Phone .482 9371 Clinton BEFORE Y;QU BUILD SEE THIS - Ex- ecutive Ranch ` - 4 Ii'bedreiomia ome in Wingham, , .3 baths, spacious farnily room with elegant : stone 1 `A Weigle. In he rec. roo In se nt, heated ..indoor ol. Luxurious throughout. Price below replace- ment,:cost, Shown by appointmerit” : ' . .,, 150 ACRE FARM - 3, miles from Wingham. Equipped ' for, beef i cattle and hogs, good frameR home. F,C.C. mortgage can be assumed. t., 2 ACRES', NEAR BRUSSELS - Large brick homa:' .OWner will renovate to suit. . KATE ST.,._ WING - HAM, - 2 , year old brick home on 1 acre lot. Electric - heat: Fully finished walk -out basement. Low in- terest mortgage can be assumed. 400 ACRES - near Belgrave. 2 good sets, of buildings. ` 4 GOOD BUILDING LOTS - 1 parcel or, separate, Vittoria St', woommorssomemone Cards of Thanks We wish to ex cess Sincere p thanks to relatives; friends and neighbors for ''messages of sympathy, floral arrange- ments and donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation at the time of the loss Of our dear brother,, uncle and nephew, Bill Anger. Special thanks to Rev. John T. M. Swan, the Currie -Walker Funeral Home, the ladies of St. Paul's Anglican Church, wingham and ambulance drivers of Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. George Anger, Mary and Jim Paisley, Laura and Cecil Sanderson, Evelyn and Wendell Stamper and George and Lulu Anger We would Jike to thank all. our friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and phone calls received on ----our 50th anniversary. Gordon and Belle Godkin We would like to thank friends, neighbors and rela- tives for cards, , visits and flowers and gifts for Fran- cine. Special thanks to Dr: Gear and the nurses on ma- ternity . ward. of Wingham and District Hospital. Everyone was so kind to' us. Your thorights and gifts will always be appreciated and remembered. Frances and Francine Shaw Thank .you to everyone who shared in our joy at the birth of our baby daughter, Katherine. Your cards and congratulations were much appreciated. Henry and Linda Hess SERVICES REFINISHING anything from picture frames to pianos. Phone 887-6116. 18-25 CRAIG'S Oil Burner service, cleaning, repairs and instal- lations; 24-hour emergency .service. Wroxeter 335-3398. 4rrb TV COLOR fading? Have your picture tube checked! For information phone 357- 3850. 19rrb CUSTOM drapery by Linda for your home or business. Phone 395-5629 or 395-2765. 11rrb PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb CLOTHING alterations and repairs by Thelma Stacey, rea 23rrb SUTTON BELGRAVE - A First and Second mortgage at a low rate with a small down payment lets you move in to .this 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Belgrave Owners moving and must sell. This home is in like new condition - living room, galley kitchen, electric heating and situated on a 75 x 1 73' landstaped lot. GORRIE - Situated close to the Park, three bedroom brick home, broadloomed throughout, downstair bedroom with 2 pc. bath' ensuite, 3 pc. bath up, living room, dining room, family siz- ed kitchen and family room, new 12 x 20 deck and your own drilled well. All this and priced in the twenties. WINGHAM - NEW raised 2 bedroom bungalow with attractive split entrance - full basement with roughed -in bathroom' Asking $39,000 WINGHAM - 1034% first rliortgage - a low se- cond and a small down payment lets you own this 2 acre highway property a mile from town. Restored and 'insulated, three bedrooms. separate dining room, rec. room, double car- port. Steel shed 55 x 35. Try an offer BELGRAVE - 16 yr. old brick bungalow in new home conditions Newly decorated, new rugs, a fine home with attached garage and being financed at 1 4°'o for a quick sale WINGHAM - Half a mile from town on Highway No. 4 - 56 acres with four bedroom brick house. barn 36 x 84, silo. land has been drain- ed Could be future development property MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. _Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 We would like to: express our sincerethanksand ap preciation to all t1 a rela- tives, friends and neighbors of the late Mine Morrison for their visits, -flowers and mass cards. Special thanks to Rev. J. MVfarentette and Rev, T. Slagman for their comforting words; the pall- bearers, flower bearer and the Catholic Women's League for, the lunch they provided. A very special thanks to Mr: Douglas Mc- Burney of the Currie -Walker Funeral Home. Yvonne Keith and Margaret MacDonald The family of the late Vern Dunlop wishes to express their sincere thanks for the cards and other condolences e\pressed during their recent bereavement. Greer and Mildred Dunlop and Don and Mary Lou Thompson (lir 21/eri ( Irl COULTES AND: DAVIS— In: loving memory of our dear mothers and grandmother's, Mrs. Ellen Coolies, ' who passed away three years ago Nov. 18 and Mrs.. Gladys Davis, .who passed away 14 years ago, Nov. 19, 1967. We miss them when we need . a friend, On them -we always could de- pend; They cheered tis in sickness and soothed our pain, God grant .`some day we'll meet again. — Lovingly remembered by Bill and Muriel Coultes and family. • ('OULTES—In loving mem- , ory of a dear wife Ellen whopassed away Coultes y 2. years ago Nov. 18. • - Three years have passed since that sad day, The one I loved was called away; God took her home, it was His will But in my heart she liveth still. — Sadly missed and loving- ly rememberedby husband Bob. NOTICE WOULD anyone with wire baskets from Green's Meat Market kindly return them to avoid a charge. TEESWATER Ex-Toggery closes Saturday, Nov. 21. Unsold articles of clothing and money may be picked up ONLY Tuesday, Nov. 24 from 2 to' 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov. 25 from 2 to 4. All 'unclaimed articles become the property of Coronation Rebekah Lodge and will be sold at the rum- mage sale which will be held on November 26 from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. For further information phone 392-6988 or 392-6173. We still have a good selection of ski jackets, ski suits and other winter clothing. TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Free personal chequing accounts. Deposit accounts now paying 18 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 20rrb NoTI('F: TO ('REDiTORS NOTICE T(1 ('RF:I)ITORS IN TUE EST.ATF. OF BEATRICE F:1.1L:1 ('(N)K ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Beatrice Eliza Cook, late of RR 1, Belgrave, Ont. in the County of Huron, widow de- ceased, are required to send particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 30th day of November 1981, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to sell assets of the saidestate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont, this 4th day of November 1981. Send claims to Donald ('oak, Executor, Wingham. Ont. or Graham Cook, Ex• (Tutor. Ripley, Ont. I1 -1R-2:, • 15y N iia Rice Our Christmas waft and ` races ;Rtchardtoi bake sale will be taking missionary worker .' place ;in, two weeks, ;,on Zambia, will 4e 'our t Thursday, Dee 3:at 1:39 p..m speaker this Thi a 2 at There will be 4;gobd seiee . e .wi11 l �,.atilr;• tion: of handmade crafts about her work ati ideal fsr �Chr',ist aa, ivi a; �a -;:-000Y,04? r comni�llrlit W1,11o11 We will ,be having � draw , �' . � Ili d £' nt re items. '� e s �n h e ��#f M e 9° � is picked first, you have ..a wetcoie ,y choficeon a tied quilt,a pine- ' f C�!�vo xexeefd*N.Filpi ,Lem 1L 11 7 ,,. . P, ,. cone Christmas tree or a prrvin r , . holiflaY'wreath: Tickets are g 9mil l R .fan( available at the 'centre in the . t!'e 14'the'mlles increase` it t 1t Armouries now, as well as• on our: first dell i`ttatton " is - the• day of"our sale. London; thew Toronta,a end We will 'have a bake table then' the- West' Coast ,Olr. and also tea • b# goal may .sound"a'' bit much aq. a„td muff + now; but`the winter,is oing`: room, so 1f:anyone wishes .to;. F. donate -muffins or baking, it w k a. toile o�lo,. nd up would be appreciated. ee the •:. - will add 041 Last Wednesday~' student( Pao )e 4in the community°ti from Conestoga College are reminded. they too.;:lcan ; visited the centre. The refer new people to ''.the ,< students are takilig. the centre. Home Support °Worker's The stafflof the:day centre . Course at the '• Clinton and other community campus of Conestoga College agencies: ca'nnot{' pons bly and one day a week visit know everyione who might 4 resources and agencies in want or : need ctii attend the the community. , centre. •People. ,yrho know.., Much of their work is , someone who may ,;.fig % n- terested.. are -Welcome:, ,to contact, the day -,centre staff. We willarrangel,to,,ge,:and meet the individual dealing with seniors and visiting the day centre gave the group-. a• knowledge , of what purpose the centre is serving. , When the home, support workers are outin the field and in senior's` homes, they act as a primee source 'of referral. By visiting the centre. theydeveloped a knowledge and un- derstanding to explain about the centre and the. possibility An invitation ,is extneded also for anyone to dritii into the centre to, meet the. scalars, ;the volunteers and` i the staff Programs operate}: three Oar a week,�Tiesiia Wednesday ant :Y tl and. ,the centre's Stuff is - available Mondaytq.Friday. FITZSIMMfiS REAL ES 176' DIAGONAL ROAD 357.a11 WINGHAM, ONTARIO LATE MODEL BRICK BUNGALOW LOW INTEREST MORTGAGE ,Custorrowilt 3 bedroom horde irr a'Choice llocae tiers. ie»Towner has -taken'' extra care in main-: �° taming a fine property. The lower level -consists - of 4 finished rooms offering the best in family recreation facilities. Other features are a car-, p.ort, paved drive and fully fenced yard. ;Value priced at $49,000., the owner will carry a low interest mortgage. RANCH STYLE BRICK Ideal retirement home, modern kitchen, formal dining room and living room plus 2 large bedrooms and 4 pc: bath. Full open basement with high ceilings for' easy conversion to extra rooms. Attached. garage. Immediate posses- sion. Being sold to. settle estate. • HOME AND STORE \' Three bedroom living quarters of 'modem decor. 'Store could be owner operated or leas- ed out. This property must be liquidated. 'Any reasonable offer will be accepted. 90 ACRE FARM Close to town. Two storey brick home is very attractive. Late model steel sided barn originally set-up for dairy- with milk house. 70 acres of ,rich Harriston loam soil is tillable. This is an ex= • cellent property in a choice location. Ken Ducharme, Representative, 570 Shuter Street, Wingham, Phone 357-2594 DON HAMILTON cREaL EitatE and Oniu'tancE _Ltd. Wingham Office Tel.: 357-3403 COUNTRY HOME - 2 ACRES Located just south of Belgrave and 1/4 mile off Highway 4, this 3 bedroom brick home, -fully in- sulated, features a lakge kitchen, living room, den, utility room, laundry room, new bathroom, full baserrient and many extras. Immediate possession. SEEING IS BELIEVING One storey, 3 bedroom home in excellent con- dition on 133/4 acres located on the outskirts of Wingham. This property offers 10 acres of workable land with a pond. Nothing to do but to move in. 106 ACRES - TEESWATER AREA Set up for mixed farming, this property features a large barn, implement shed, 3 steel granaries, 2 corn cribs plus a 11/2 storey home that his been modernized throughout. 32 HIGHWAY ACRES - BLUEVALE Eight room red brick home with sun porch, garage. barn 40' x 40' in need of some repair. This property', with 20 acres workable and 6 in pasture. Is bordered by the Maitland River and is located on Highway 86 just 4 miles from Wingham. nestled among many mature trees. NOTICE Henry Hremstra of our Listowel Office is in our Winghv Office in the absence of John Brent. After hours call 291 -2509 John Brent 335-3391 Laurie Campbell 887-9051 Clarence Sutcliffe 392-6969 "We Sell the Earth and Insure Everything On It"