HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-18, Page 7,s4 !At ;:"•? rrl - litt/;v• OO TYHONORS—Six , 9frisT0,0000fibeifttgr OOP dbmpl tact 6' it club*. ,Olrie!,'r06046,A0'.;100 .040 IfAllff,ti?ent nrg I I t't Ov0f1091M. Andrew's ctlon n 14te'Oiatiiti atei,8P0F.6 ;• Hjgi at an • /Veth441 • ,( and, .P.0110 s for 6 Donna reoliyterian, ,•••••;1:.`, '• 'Win' a Gift Ce (Win LAST • Nov. 9,- getty: Nov 11 4ure A 4. ,,..,,,,I•ti -.,,; • • ,,,,, Equal (n'YOni Purchase, :q •, ry,ghopping-dai) ' 105 WtNt4ERS... . 411,•# in, tlinton ..4f2.00 in i ,:lifteribergeli; LuekaiW . „, . : •-. . i... ' s18:25; : iOhniskeei, Blyth -- $23 48 Nov :11 -i tide 0000.44; He!4,8.11. •„$62,.00. ' Nov: 13 4 -'Debbi 'Wilike, teadesibsro ••• SIAM) Nov i .4 ••• Shirley 'Ak cit; griaiiiiiii ., 153 10 ;,., • NEL S Fashion are 1.9 F 1,111*th .• 523-435t OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Prfi.,kicCEX WELCOME 11*- ".`1 • • .. • - itre."1, . :•; • . • r „(-•,•• . Jhirmack, 200'I Ai • ' • Sham D. •• ; . • • Playtex, Rubber f .1•• ' Gloves • Refills, 5's, Trac 180's 0 -tips Playtex, 30's Mini Pads, Playtex, 30's Maxi PadS TR• 141416LE DI CO 49 79 25° PA lf',V,r 491-0/C7,VES • ci2s,werm-s i-68Accos Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. WtM eekdays • Sdays Noon to Sia : I; Denise Bluevale 1; Jens. Happy f40.11# eHappyvattno g .MLers' Wiiigh nghi t, *hot Boo sirenaandIren :1101°6: George Boetsaa sang .a dt Bradburn playcd Fgani $01$040ti' el „°' I. • • : • .. . :; • •••• r., 2 d�n 14,4,11" Thors4or, , that . ; e.K, ....' Xleifelie,..,:..and ., , Ja441,.',.,RE : • •• Teeawator received word :..*ts, , 'Vent Laidlaw : and , ttIr'. and Mrs; EtlWaddellg I;eslie of 13russelsol.'Mr'Rncrii., alical... ilrs , . i 4..dit #te;,,,,!.... datghter•, Rose Mary,Londoitcrand Mr. and Mrs., orYiatelfillOse,1174#0401:,..4011, Eillett and Justin oE Chtietelibei,,~ 14, had hop) killed in a car#.V1040C°411,Ce an Mrs.09WONyPrePtitir 4°* °I ' VelUfata Mrs. Rusiell'ecianghtet -was Stewart and family of We1ey hospitalized '' " • • Lambeth to , celebrate the Mowbr aftd (160 •lef fif:Ittith,i,141414y.tr, Adut, %Or: Susan and MarI Mrs . Alberta, where ir Stewart. 4 4: in ug 1.mr• ;au . •. tss; lftOnSundavnthtrofckbo0 ▪ truck or th Otiot, • os*dtoodo 44 B4rtefvit§tixt.*ytt Stehas WWritwz4 A :lea4iltAlle*Sffvalve in the. water :- dySte4n0 Emerson's ,had to be fj.xed • last week Rev.- and A Mr.. John •Bell. • were at.".their cottage ;at hiverburtirt where Rev, Bell.: was preparing lletvers for .06ewitvot. • ,., andMrs d1 artiMrS. 011'•Fi.• Boontra, Waneeta andRuth ••• Annn 'or %Ingham, ViSited. 't • Saturday With their daughter, Mr. anciVIts.Paul Campbell and family" Hathilton, •" • , ' are sorry to repoAlhat'..;, Albert •Coultea had .to' b�;; • admitted to the Witighim . and District Hospital last, • Wednesday for, a eliek-up., The crunmunity wishesyoU • • speedy recovery, Albert. • On Sunday Mr. endMrs..' Walter Elliott and Karen,. • Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elliott and Ryan, Mr. andidraPaul Elliott and Jeffrey and ".' OW: Pizza W ngham 5 Rem Medium $595 With this coupon! Expires Nov. 25/81 Bring in yourgatiTiourite colour neive or or slide an receive a coour 5)(5 5)Ci en‘argernent Mounted tor onVi , 981 on Quantity Oiler expires., Pti4." Ift04 elV,""Aexa cof Thrnberr r•k Elliott eo 4.• "`. tt• s DiknAgon)Ori'pik, solo." . ;.• nleeting doThvereedbri":. reading, trsurer's report and other. items. of irLeret one item being that af- ternoon ntiOre$*re•*ttOr very low attendance, therefomite prize 414,ct#e,. will belie some, ‘FOongla made to it. •'• . , The senior* were pleased volunteer ,fOr the office of vice president which has. , been vacant al Year. The possibility organizing an orehestia or band was xliscUssed, and some effort is going,t0,be1314 • forward in that direction: Maybe 'some of the seniors in the community would be; willing to help out in. this with Mr. and matter. The club is looking for- ward to its banquet on Nov. ". 27. Menibersareurged,tagot their names in for the banquet if they do *Int already have them in. ,r• The t next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 11. The meeting closed with "The Queen" and lunch was served. . 4 o. Have Jean „dthiikeempire Waistline and aprqn l• Campbell of Monday with y were Lois tratford and r of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. fin, Cassie and Mrs. r and Mr. and oner spent the dr recently •trip to the e4F Fair in. riunday _..With Wesley Tiffin Mrs. Hugh • DONA CAMPBELL.. Of the Trinity 4-H club received a .leader's certificate for serving five years as 4 441 leader. The award was presented at an a'6hieement night held Ititanday evening at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Wingham. • • WHITECHURCH Mr. and • Mrs. Joe Ducharmilof -0:ideriehik* Wednesday ViOtorS Wt* parent, Mr. and M401ty Laidlaw. Visitors on Sun*, With Mr. • and WA. Lorne:Purr& were nilic. and MS. Clairton Scholtz .and Kenton . of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. ElrOyLaidlaw. • • Kathy Purdon of Willowdale spent • the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon. Sun* "visitOrs with :ltftr:":., and Mrs. deorgeWbster were Mr. • and Mrs. Cliff Henderson of BrUcefield. Mr. andMrs. TOny Straker of Wingham were Wed • nesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Sacks of Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl MeClenaghan. Congratulations to Mr. end Mrs. Sandy Fair, former' residents now living in Bluevale, on the birth Of a baby boy, Craig Patrick, on Nov. 11 at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Craig is brother far Shawn., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon irrived home Tuesday after i week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt, Jennifer ind Graeme of Chatham. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Donnelly, Angela and Jill of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. alober Of Sarnia to visit with her Sister, Mrs. Steve Irwin, before she and her husband lett Sunday for work at Lilloot, B.C. • • -Triang1e Ootint Stotes te tTh 239 Josepiline ,Irgt.FrKir2a2;17,fiXiMegaratilErtill PROVINCIAL HONORS—Thiee girls received Pidvititial honors for completing 4H cluba. Iv) awards were presented at an achievement night held Monday even- ing at Sit Andrew's. Presbyterian church in Win0ath. Provincial honor holders are Nancy Moe Of the Beigrave I club, Michelle Thomson of the Bluevale 11 club and Ga Ce Sthiriidtiot the Bluevale 111 club 12• dige441 **LI*: -'4:4z:‘:, • 44,04 Wing Givei father,. lovely 11014'01, PaYestek *Kb White effect sur Imiiedli,Y ruffles and miniature white of. e 15, • ' .,;•••."1' 0,F ciots. JX feattire0,4' OffOr: iShe '000 numpietaf • • erica#1* roses piiik and white ,0 and 'llibk$ with circlet of -Similar' flowers in herhair. Mrs. Sue Johnston of RR 4, Win$linin, Was matron- of h,g 1p honor: Her flo0He wir was aqua bine woven polyester -styled with aidltawl cellar, long full sleeifei and ,epripirewajSffieShe carried ,p0SegOY'i Silk flowers fit: 'shade 'Of 0110k, white an4,,blite arid" baby'S• breath, wore blue floWersin,her • best inati was: Jatnes Johnston; :11.R.1,-• Wingban1. organist. • Mrs. •Grate • Campbell. and Mrs, Ruth Mrs. Mary Low ohnston wai .ffie , bride's .cost *ewer Delaware, an grooms cousin, ; ushers wee Wei* 100 Steven Olt of Blite‘107, •"•,. • elirridesnin len4th#..• na ,. ai the ildwiek. i Community' 'yhe:pc mial'shvi\r..jegeoxedOtin;10*4::#1141:74,it..:..aSlighlrle-iCseor il? Centre-Wherei aJarnilYi.hout. -,,,,,, le.9:g1th o'clock when aogio 1 At theZ:.- centre."0 ,,, :tattle ing4heayedditreeake:- *e4,6.116 pink roses and dress p1 vei. The ' 4tedding: ehotii, • • fravellir 2 4 . .••%, Whitethurcii-Ori s we - at pin die Education and Cultilial Aetivites WoitienV Institute meeting was held _in, the Whitechtirch ' • ComMutiity Meinoriatyrail, The meeting Was opened • • r • ' by the presdent, Anges r!. C0140.1itf*Iiii44gre •, that: 43r- 3Mrs.. McGulre thecIosdwit1i the grandfather., singing "It 946eirendiiri'l0114it*#1*'; /Grace:;Liiiith waSsviiei11*815401i. Merle wiis* cobs Gaunt 441.fir iJ •ord,7ik'zit r, • • „r$41-Ve St4 VAL% Farrier, with ode, the collect and the Lord's Prayer. The pianist was Mrs, Dan Tiffin. A RemenMratice Pay service was • held. Mrs. Russell McGuire gave a' Remembrance Day poem 1'and two minutes Silence were held. Mrs. Farrier read another poem written by Rev. Angus MacKay. • ' Mrs. • McGuire, . the secretary, read the minutes and gave the financial statement. • The roll Call, "Name your favorite craft" was answered by 20 persons. The motto was given by Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Don Ross, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, Mrs. Tiffin and Janet Laidlaw sang "Eternal Father Strong TO Save- and "Let There Be Peace On Earth" ac- companied by Mrs. Farrier at the piano. Mrs. Wilson introduced the speaker, Lavonne Ballagh of Wingham, whose theme was The International Year of the Disabled. Miss Ballagh stressed everyone will become a disabled person sometime in their I if eti me , through illness, accidents or old age, and so we need to examine our attitudes toward the disabled. She was thanked for her address and presented with a gift by Mrs. John Bell. Belmore Congratuilations to Marilyn Kieffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kieffer, who was named an Ontario scholar at the F. E. Madill commencement, Marilyn also \vim the award from- the Awciliary to the Wingham and District Hospital. She is studying at the University of Western Ontario for her Bachelor of Sciende in nursing. • Linda Renwick and Bob Reed of New Liskerd visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Renwick for the weekend. 'Skating has commenced at the Belmore arena and the Belmore figure skating club held a dance at Belmore Saturday night. • Christmas Craft • • Tea andBake$aIe ' • . • . . 'r . • 4;r: will be held on Saturday,November 28 - 12:30 p111. - 400 pM. at the VVingharn Armouries • Sponsored by Jack Rea,ieCipportunitY:4,,..,i •• Workshop, Wirigham!' 4;3 Draw for quilt to be rhade. LEWIS FLOWERS ,, A • 074,7. •••• IN., %‘, r 6P101(tiV\ t' ,41+0 t A Its\ Fourth Annual • OPEN HOUSE,),_ Nov. 28th 9 am - 5 pm Visit our greenhouses and see one thousand poinsettia plants, etc. Free Rose for each lady — Coffee 50% off all permanent Christmas arrangements. 20% off all silks and drieds. Order your out of town flowers, now and save. Above discounts in effect from now until December 5th or while supply lasts. Lewis Flowers 135 Frances St., Wingharn, Ont. Ph. 357-380 1 1/2 blocks south of Wingham Public School ••• • • •,'," . •••.-.• • •