HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 14t�.
+e- Times, Novelltbei 4 : A
tkie Town-
to further
plical power by
o, a cutback in
t construction
gement of solar
ran onto the
the Wingham
it's response to the
"on, was, to file it, but
Or James Currie
suggested this might not!
`strong enough, and C911901;'.
should consider sending a
countering point of view.
In its resolution, the town-
ship notes that Hydro, which
was established to provide
"safe, efficient and
economical" power for
Ontario, has been exporting
increasing amounts of power
to the United States, and that
thisis being, used as
justification for building
(519) 291.3040
The 1981 School Support List is
now available in my office for inspec-
tion during regular hours.
D. KELLY, Clerk Treasurer
Township of Turnberry
wagasave t IS.nwriber.one iq< •
, emfrcieecyinCanadaiodaY lasts
ya i einitalu fuel: birfby up to •
' :63%ova to1venfiot►a1.outiered
,' fumaces,:aid uppto;47%over •
conventl#4, "+g�asfurriaces: ""
epittlne,St,.; Wingham'
Heatin:9 ;
lOre nuclear power plants
It argues that, the result
,,has been to jeopardise the
Bost mod security of elec-
lectrical power development in
Ontario, and .ealls on the
provincial government to
Pail a halt. ..
o -o -o
The Wingham . Royals
hockey team has received
council's permission to use
the Armouries -rent-free for
Sts Grey Cup and Christmas
parties this year.
The request, relayed to'
council by Deputy Reeve
Patricia ' Bailey,sparked
some discussion of the
principle of charging rent for
the use of town buildings.
Several councillors
suggested allowing the
hockey team to use the
building free of,charge would
lead other .groups to expect
the saline consideration.
"You're Opening a Whole
new can of worms hens, and
every local group which has
a function will want thesame
thing," warned Councillor
Jerry Choinyn,.' and C man-
cillor John Swan asked
whether the action might not
be construed as an attempt
by council to soften its
decision in refusing the
club's` request for a liquor
licence at the arena.
However Councillor
Richard LeVan pointed out
the town buildings are there
to be used by everyone,
suggesting it might be
enough to charge a security
deposit to cover damage or
cleaning and forget about
charging rent.
Councillor Tom Miller
explained the reason for
charging a rental fee is that ,
the property committee felt
the town should not provide,.
unfair competition to other
halls, such as the local hotel
or Legion Hall, and also it
helps offset heating and
maintenance costs.
In the end, council's only
action was to waive, the
rental fee for the Royals on
the two:occasions requested.
The topic of leaves also,.
came in for a share of the
discussion at .the aneeting;
Monday night. Mayor Bili
Harris intluiredabout the
possibility of the townworks
department picking up
leaves which have been
bagged or piled at the curb,
noting he receiveda number
Deputy Reeve Patricia
Bailey asked what to tell
people who call to ask
whether they are allowed to
burn. their leaves, and was
Maryanne Buchlow
COnnle Golchuk
Xeisure fours
LEISURE- TOURS INC. is located on the
main street of Hanover (across from Victoria
Grey Trust) and as a TOUR OPERATOR is
licenced and bonded under the Travelln-
dustry. Act in. both the retail and, wholesale
LEISURE TOURS INC: was• established two
years" ago .' by Maryanne Buchlow and
Dorothy Minke. Complirnenting the staff are
Marg Burkhart, group sales rep. and escort;
Connie Golchuk, office clerk and escort; and
Marion Wersch, escort.
Our tour brochure is placed in travel agen-
cies throughout the area. We suggest that
you specifically ask your agent for a
LEISURE TOUR brochure. •
' '9
We endeavour to offer the traveller a relaxed
and unhurried holiday. Take tirne to study
our tour itineraries, and you will see why
more and more people prefer our leisurely
pace. •
This winter our destinations include
We also customize tours for groups such as
ski clubs, service clubs, horticultural, senior
citizens and others. Many interesting day
trips are available also.
,Censure ours
Box 54, Hanover 3O44458
told by ReeviJoeKe
psriidssable • ea los'
someone tends the t ,'r
said burbning :leases do not:
generate enou _ hit to
harm the pavane*
However Cott cillor
William Crump noted the
smoke can bea problem. 'It
was like L.A. around here on
the weekend," ,
.The town plans to carry
outadditional leaf pickups
and' also : will look into
possible future purchase of a
piece " of machinery to
vacuum Up the leaves..
Shoppers in Winghatn can
look forward to free parking
downtown again this Christ-
mas season. Council agreed
to instruct the police not to
enforce the metered parking
during the month of
December. Any money
collected from the meters
during that month will be
donated to:some charity.
fid, though
S bylaws, •
hour maxis
no pailun
leas, win coil a :b,ris
forced. s }i
have decide# 9 d to
themselves g
without giving VIl n • hal
town a chance }and
Richard LeVanaddition, all a1
,for.aodneii everywhspecie:
The fig
'asillbr ; Jen
police lt''�"
trent of tr°offlc.je
town W1(i i lam
nights r•, ,
the vol
meats ,
ie general govern-
' planning com-
1, looked • at. the
to review the
paid to council
Or their service,
but deeideldagainst taking
any.actionWthis time.
It fi if councillors
want to vote themselves a
raise, theltie.to announce it
is prior the next election,
"and' get, ittall up front", he
said.' •
Asked by,;Councillor Tom
Miller how the pay here
He received a 41;30 l iu
about What goesoni aeon i
main Street that , l ii~ t, hi
said, adding he happened
Environmental ap
set for Morris Tw
An environmental appeal
on the licensing of the Morris
Township dump will be held
Nov. 25 at Brussels.
The Ministry of the En-
vironment issued -.a con-
ditional permit • to the
township specifying it must
submit a plan of 'operation
for the site to the ministry by
Dec. 31 of this year.
Reeve Rill Elston said at
Monday's meeting that the
township is presently
operating under a plan which
was approved when the
ministry office was located
in Sarnia.
Since then the office has
been moved twice, once to
London and once to Owen
Sound, and the plan of
operation • for the Morris
Township waste disposal site
seems to • hate been lost or
misplaced in the shuffle.
Mr. Elston said he thinks.
the.isite ispresently being.
operated'under government
reg�i lations:. He said all the
t*1101 i ; , Can do is tell
,.� . ,p: o
Ministry ' officials that,,it bad
newspaper advertising ' for •
the books, and told council
she would look into putting
them .info a' few more places
to be sold before Christmas.
Carmen Craig of the Blyth
and District Community
Centre Board attended to
request -•.funds for the
operation of the community.
Morris Township's
assessment is $1,125, up 50
per cent from last year. But
Mr. Craig' explained the
board undertook several
projects oveir the summer:
the floor was 'stripped . and
resanded, , a new floor
scrubber and polisher was
purchased aid the board
also'hopes to: hook up :sewer
service. ' •
Council recommended to
the recf eatiotr c9mmnittee the
board be paid the requested.
s.'Michie asked; cbuneil
if the township should: go to
computerized tax,;.billifmg:this
year. Other yelrsTe cier`k
has hadto d4 all the billing4°
although/ last 'year , Mrs,
Michie . 'hired someone", 'td�
assist` her. •
The computer company
would charge $822.50 for the
two tax. notices: it cost the
township approximately
$1,000 for. Mrs. Michie to do
the. billing.
She said '. it takes her
almost • three weeps to
prepare ' the ' notices, and
added that she oftenfeels,
bogged down, but she said
she didn't care •wbat:council
decided: to do.
After some discussion,
council decided not to go to
computer; billingnext year.
Members agreed: $ time'
better to keep those dollars'
in the township, paying Mrs.
Michie. and her assistant,
than sending . the notices
The • next meeting ` of
Morris Township council
scheduled' for' " els, ? ^atth!
a plan approved for the o '13 4 '
Sf deflt' � look ahead
durinti Careers. Week
eration of a landfill, site and,
just hope the licensing •
condition will be lifted:
Council gave Mr. Elston
the go-ahead to secure a
lawyer to defend the
township's case in the
In other business, Clerk-'
Treasurer Nancy Michie
informed council that a
Wintario. grant of $3,338 has
been: approved for the Morris
125th anniversary eom-
rnittee. .
Vis. Michie said the grant
should cover more than one-
third of the, committee's
Still with the anniversary,
Jean Kirkby, author of the
township's historical book,
has had the book registered
with the National Library of
Canada, Mrs. Michie said.
Each book sold must now
be stamped with a number.
and Mrs. Michie said that
Mrs: Kirkby has bought a
1 stamp for approximately $13
and sent the bill to council.
.Council members agreed to
pay for the stamp.
- Mrs. Michie suggested
some pre -Christmas
Students in the second -
year technical2 program at
the :local high `;school. get a
chance this week to look..
ahead toward what :: they
might be doing a.'few' years
down the roadw
A Career DO: this ; Wed-
nesday gives the students the
opportunity to?';see displays
by area industries as well as
tour local plants..As a result,
it is hoped, they. Will, be
better able to choose an area.
of study leading to• a job.
The idea, explained: Ed
Beard, director of technical
education at 1'.1 E. Madill
Secondary :School, .° is
"bringing the suture into the
school" — rhelping ,the
students to " tiifake' wise
choices. '
The Careen y' program
is aimed at e' 100 or 'mo
students in a Tech . 241
course, who face a decision
in January about the: area of
technical education in 'which
they will specialize. By
Chairman still nes
for Hoedown corn
The position of chairman
for the Wingham Western
Hoedown committee is still
opeAnmeeting was held last
Thursday evening at the
town hall to select a new
executive, but the three
positions of chairman,
secretary and program
committee chairman were
not filled.
Shirley Walker, chairman
of this year's Western
Hoedown, said she will not
chair the committee again
next year because she feels
someone else with new and
different ideas should take
Archie Hill told the
gathering of seven people
there should be a co-
chairman of the executive
committee and co-chairmen
of all the committees, who
wduld move up to the cha-
irmanship each year. This,
he said, would ensure that
the hoedown would be an
ongoing event.
Next year's Hoedown is
scheduled for July 14-18. The
reason the ' hbt17>Yiideeis
meeting now is to find bands
for the dances and the
parade before they are
already booked.
Elayne Rintoul was asked
to: book bands for the Friday
and -Saturday night dances.
Lloyd Benninger and the
Wingham Lib `Club. will
look after `the' ,tradegain
next year. Mr. Hill.said he
didn't know, if the . Lions
would hold anothergtalent.
contest, but aid a .variety
concert might', be held in-
Lan Deslautliere will act as
promotion and 'advertising
committee Pita A fin.
Carl 51affin and the
Wingham aid`'=. District
Snowmobile Cltilitwiltruun'the
bar again next e
Byron Ada had the
finance col im ;-1'11011,1,64
by Rennie Al
"We have,
Hill, adding';
the three ma
to fill.
Kb" a tutor' attc,
iwdSr st4r rllt , radio"
innl ililip f hl.b, w t
P roof and t *Ordu oy tntarfr.
n i.45.r ; l sir'. •,Llciincir, number
ONLY 44,89
4.1.0110441RD ,
to lis gltwl whlita"-rinlsh ';WIfh vinyl .
split and,.*iinolvethliirretiVitkok
00,isitlt ssatb. Pull air condlit0Aing 64.
pOwar windows. poviar Iiir. f ig And
brakes. Ya agtomaRk. rads
;with "i"; aylltl
Mikis. p`o'wer sf
11011001, !O,9offr" 110# 1#1
`°fir orY 4 root
•r r�... "
nu mtbirr320.4
bringing in representatives.
of industry to tell students
what skills are needed lin, the
job market, they will be' in a
• better position to make thaat • '
decision, Mr. Beard ex-
' ,From the industry side,:.
participants in -the program
include all the major local
industries — Western
Foundry, • Stanley Door
Systems, Lloyd Doors, ands
Royal Homes --- as well •ae,
Champion Road Machinery
from Goderich and Ex -Cell -
0 Corp. of Clinton.
The program has ' been
scheduled in .two parts, With
the morning featuring'
presentations at the school
by local industry and the
afternoon offering tours of
local' factories:
The day is being held in
conjunction with Ontario
Careers Week, Nov. 2-8, a
week during which schools
are asked to help students
make wise career choices,
and is organized' by: the
school and the Huron.COWity
Industrial Training "Coin-
miittee, a group comprising
representatives of industry
andthe provincial . and
federal governments;
Currently only technical
students are being involved
in the -program locally,
heviever . Mr, Beard said if
the experiment is successfill
it could expand to include
other grades and subject
areas such as business, art
and science.
CaII free for
travel info
Anyone in Ontario outside
Toronto now can telephone
toll-free for provincial travel
information. '
The Ministry of Industry
and Tourism announced it
has installed two toll-free
lines at Queen's Park for use
by non -Metro Ontarians as
well as Canadians across the
country. Previously callers
had to place collect calls
through an. operator.'
Numbers Of the toll free
are 1.00 O 835
-the En'glish`'language line .
and 1-000-268-87 i for the
French language line.
in sloth I •,
Iraq to � �•�
ASKING 4,5! ..
1979 FORD LTD II_ �.
tntitorlglnal,burnf brown alllcflni
attd .hagP: ma ii j;lgir4irlgrr Equip.
with gas .airing;; .:adtomatIc, pow
brakes.. power ta.ilflg. radio. ,
wbltawall radials. ApptelplXnafely. .
n lliis.=Nconcitniiiililans l'$ll.
le Its original navy bltta'f llni.h;. blue vinyl
roof end matching blue intortor. Equip
pad with " 302". 0utom00le. polder
l.aringi pu'w 0)10!akes} rad o and whlitp
.` Wall. raidinis. 61004# in'umtibsr Y l '
Only 40,000 adios. '•
Equipped with a/0, automatic. power.
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cements mid many more luxury, Options.
Only 27,101mlhis..Licence ova ear.
Two do or�iity'flnp ha original black finish,
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Equlppsd with $30 V$ automatic power'
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and of course. fully alrecondltloried. Ap.
proximately 43,000 mils. Ultima, number
MT! /21.
Here's a nice Int'•rmsdlatr "wagon;
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steering, power' brakes, radio. Finished
In medium green, tan interior. vihtti
wail radials, Llunce number al) 212. ,
OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 6:30 ctttt-5:311 pm ciosr: AT NOON
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