HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 9,u it mbe- ra 1!IS 1:. i�ddirae: nAt'i+i+s;<, on, iog rnglntrr„ :' lit.. o.mor- Iti14 Ind ,:obitul ries raria. iceptied. in written form; INL:if We Cannot at ceprt. Pjh notices bytelepthprlP lileasoo►emler that { Classufi,,?d eI vertt:linfj' i accepted after' noon tiondgy. ;... GROUirTD,.fI00r apartment bedrooms up, $176 p ... month, utilities aextra, Keith Fitzzsimmons,'Welter 357- 111117. < • RENT 11 barn in pply to Box gha,m_ Ad - Windham, STORAGE space avu abfe for farm- machinery ete. ►.n -agricultural society building • at Howick Commilnity. Centre. Phone,8.858803,. The MAi T'a .See..i. COUNTRY MOBILE HOME:, at,St. Helrns,12' x 16' with add -614,x:10 1`2' and,. my:6 years old, 2 bedrooms, immaculate with acorn fireplace, sundeclf, furnishings ,and appliances and an am .le. 66 x 165 tekitI4t:,,617,500. CLOSE TO THESPARK - stroll to the river.- a delightful 3 bedroom traditional., home 'Within easy reach of downtown, redecorated and im- ' proved with.extra 'half --bath downstairs' and 4 pc. bath up. Garage, workshop in.t the walkout basement, newer furnace and improved. insula ; tion. $36,900. - • A HOST OF EXTRAS - in this attractive 14'`x 68' mobile home with 3 bedrooms, extra large living room and luxury bathroom,. New carpeting and all drapes included; $1 6,900. 15 ACRES - STONE HOUSE - a great combina tion forpe enthusiastic hobby farmer wishing a I large elegant home. Recently updated is the heating system, electrical, insulation, new, drill- ed well, new fieldstone fireplace; and MORE. Yes,' a 12 room castle at $54,900Andra•30' x 60' barn withnew,-steel roof to boot.: . A • FACE LIFT -; for this new, 3.'• bedroom bungalow! landscaped, painted and bright as a : • hew pin it `'demands your attention: Full; in- sulated -basement and . extra large, ,attached garage are only 2 of its desirable features; Pric-i ed in the 50's with_ immediate possession' ATTRACTIIVE: E STOREY • home :with ' 3 bedrooms -and luxurious•i ,pc. bath constructed E ' within they ase 3 :year*i� ninecuiately meintain- p y ed• and' decorated With a numberof bonus: ex- Vas, snakes ° extra Marge, sundeck, roc; room, superior insulation YET ONLY' $37,500. BUNGALOW - $,39.,900 in . fashionable Maitland ..Estates: with attached; garage (cieliented . driveway) antenna, Inv the - bas m nt whibltaWaitsk your copletiq n , Abo e back` yard' level, is a 'comfortable .3 bedroom family, home with .L-shaped living -dining rooms • and. -very roomy kitchen. Excellent• mortgage at 11'%4%., Contact: OFFICE 357-1.344 STAN CHADWICK 357-2497 MARGARET DAY 357=2196 li f1A , � ear;.. T bedroom h 'Oprayted- Wingham 'Phone` itroxter:. a#9"6 p m. LA L E tw' ciroom aipart °'me ;.e:ee , Beat gyp., Wilt, :ilo supplied, parking area, no:, pets. R John Currie, 357- 1482„ • 28rtb ONE sltorey,., two bedroom Louse,, mg:Wm Avai>,able Dee: 11,4200 monthly plus utilities. Phone 335.3391 after 6p;m. COMPbETVA equipped restaurant for, rent nn 4% ' year lease, Rental $425 per, • month with 5 roont attached apa. rtment. 'First and last months in advance. Apply to Box 189, Paisley or phone 353-7210 after 7 p.m. • TBRBE bedroornapart available 1tw,mediav Phone 57-1253; ,� wA t?NE Bedroom apat'tiae�r Wingham. Phone 39Z4.6.6 1 TWO bedroom apartment, Fordwich. Available Nov. ''Phcipe 335-3754. . ONE and two :bedrooltik,. apartments, in Lucknout,'„ Phone Glenn Haven Apart- ments, 529-7O300after 9 p.m tri 19rrb 1. C 4-11 EDITORS EDITORS #ERS ITE OF �UGLAS Q NS having he Estate of s, late of the m, in the ron, retired don October uired to file with the un - r before the rember, 1981, * the Execu- eed to dis- ate having re - Abe claims of all then have' ONE i\,bedroorn apartmet$r, 1851. 8rrb (tgke • ME,1 f stove and fridge. Phone 35 BEAUTIFUL, N,eiv ileum for executilie person. Apply to Box 2194, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont. 28-4: THREE .bedroom 2 storey home, corner of Gordon and Elizabeth, Teeswater. Phone (519) 683-6195. 28-4 : • BusinessA Professional anti Directory D. Nisbett Optometrist 12.Iseac-St., Clinton - • By Appointment 482-3677. - Fr idirick F Honiuih' 0./Ar3;.1 Carol E. Homvlh,.O:D: 3 Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D: Optometrists Harriston. Ontario 338-2712 WINGIMM MEMORIALS 'Gurininteed Gretilt44i • comeliery`Lettering Rea onable'Prices' Bay Direct anti Save Bus., Ph. 3557-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015' Dr. Allan K. Overgaard,: D.C. )0 1-e1 -CowleVk c , Chiro� ` ractors 197 Josephine St. WingheM By Appointment 357=122,4. tc, ci SALES rvke Forever Yours Stationery • invitations • Thank you notes • Napkins. matches • Social announcements The Wingham Advance - Times Office WELDING Portable Welding Will do custom port- able welding and in- shoprepair work. *Ornamental railings • Free estimates Phone Spike Bakker RR5 Lucknow 528-2520 If Your Business Is Service 1 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Hondo and Skidoo. Sales & Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 PRINTING WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 THE ADVANCE -TIMES INSURANCE e R�,N$URw ICE All Types of Insurance 335-3525 357.2636 GORRIE WINGHAM PLUMBING HEATING Leroy Jackson —Plumbing —Heating —Tinsniithirtg 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motot Sales WINGHAM 357-1583 CONSTRUCTION BERT - 357-3053 and DICK 528-2726 ASK -ES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Building and Renovations Concrete Forming WE SELL Hunt Sella Win ovvs Kaiser Aluminum Products Andex Barn Products FREE ESTIMATES 5.. 21st day of 981. a �dCrawford, Mill 'Ivies & Elston ham,..Ontario. ]icitors for the Executors 28-4-11 REDiTORS TNERS STATE OF I:1) [,> I.!MARGUERITE FGAR ' ONS Having the estate of uerite Kreger, of Wingham, ',Of Huron, and P''roXtn!er'o Mario, widow, required to ars of their claihl d erified to the ufndet , i or before the i; pith iy4 vember, 1981, and that such date the Execut 4 :y ll proceed to distribute assets of the said 'Es _le, dying regard only Valet ims ofwhich they shall len have had notice. ' . DATED at Wingham, . On- iarto; "this 161'day Of Octo- ber, I98L cto- ber,1981. sjVIr. Aldus ttG oda11; Barristetfd Solicitor, •- P.0. Box1,30; 26IbiosephineS,t., Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 ' .. Solicitors for the it ,0 Executors 21-28-4 claim in theft T deceased; send „parrt-tO i PERSONAL; PREGNANT ulnad meed help? Free positive: ;confidential support: Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6,5p;or London 432-7197 COLLECT; 'f BAILEY REAL ESTATE LTD. Phone 482-9$71, Clinton BEFORE YOu. BUiLD - SEE THIS' -..-'Ex- ecutive RataOh. ;four bedroom ,Jn'ome• jn Wingham, 3 baths, spacious family • room with elegant stone fireplace, finished rec. room in basement, heated indoor -pool, luxurious throughout. Priced below replace- ment cost - shown by appointment. 150 ACRE FARM 3 miles from Wingham, equipped for beef cat- tle and hogs, good frame home- F.C.C. mortgage can be assumed. 2 ACRES NEAR BRUSSELS - .large brick home. Owner will renovate to suit. KATE ST. - Wingham. Two year old brick home on 1 acre lot, electric heat, fully finished walk -out basement. Low in- terest mortgage can be assumed, RESTAURANT • highway location, Londesboro. FUtly equipped, apartment above. Large lot, Pric- ed to sell quickly. 400 ACRES near Belgrave, 2 good Sets of buildings• RESTm�AHY d.. not Blyth, fw.;lO•qtt Aped, priced to self`. DANCE Fordwich Business Associa- tion dance Saturday, Noov..14 at the Howick Con ranulty Centre. Music ' by Amber Disc. Dancing 9 to 1. Lunch of hot ham and scalloped po- tatoes included. Tickets $7 per couple. . . 4-11 OPEN MEETING The Wingham and District Association for the Mentally Retarded will be holding an open meeting on Monday, Nov. 7 at. 8 p.m.''in'the 'Sun -4 day School room of the Wing. ham United Church. An his- torical sketch of the associa- tion and slides of programs in the Silyer Circle School and Jack Reayie 'Opportu nity Workshop will be pre- sented. Mr. Bevan Lindsay will be speaking on the ,Im- plementation of Bill82 which . deals with educational pro- grams W and services for chil- dren with special education° needs. Everyone welcome. BAZAAR Bake sale and Tea, Satur- day, Nov. 7 from 2. to 5,p.M. in the Fordwich Community Hall. Sponsored .by Trinity Anglican Church Women. 1O14:N HOUSE ' Saturday; Nov. 14'from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. at -our home half mile west of Walton church. Many different quilts and ideas galore on display. Cameo' and Bow- master pa inting, demonstrat- ed all day; 10 per cent dis- count on all items. Many specials on bargain table. Gifts for everyone. Display on Monday also.. Come and bring some friends. Mrs: Phyllis Mitchell instructor. 4-11 HOT LUNCHEON Come to our hot luncheon at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Friday, Nov. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will be a bake table and a miscellaneous table. Everyone welcome. FALTEA Sacred . `He t Catbiolic W'nm- en's algae, Will. hold ,their -- fall tea and bazaaron,Satur- day, Nov, 7'at 3 p;.m. stn IODF ,Hall, Winglfiate . Bake, crafts, pennyauetion;and tea tables will all be available' and .vise: welcome everyone to come tnd see our Christmas crafts; `: BUS TRIPS Royal Winter Fair, Friday, Nov, 13 and Sunday Nov. 1,4. Kitchener, Thursday, Nov. 19; Tour Sara Lee and Brampton City Centre, Bramalea, Monday, Nov. 23. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines 357- 3424. BAZAAR ANDTEA The Anglican . Church Women of Belgrave will hold their bazaar, bake sale 'and tea at the WI Hall, on'Satur- day, Nov. 14 at 3 p.m. DANCE On Saturday, Nov. 14 in Teeswater Community Centre. lan Wilbee's Or- chestra. Hot smorgasbord; admission $5. Sponsored by Bruce County Holstein Club. Everyone welcome. Tickets available from A. Whytock 392-6267. 4-11 BUSllNESS MEETII>t G ' + 'The R'riext meeting of ,the Wingham SHORN Associa- tion will be held on Thor day, Nov 5 of `7 pin,, It Turn - berry Tavern.' All members are urged to ,attend. Christ- mas promotions are 'plan- ned< COMMENCEMENT The annualcomi;nencemlent.. exercises of The F. E, Madill" Secondary :.Sehaol will be • held on Friday,' ;Nov 6; •at • 8:15 p.m. in -the school- Wrinm, Parents and friends of the graduates are cordial- ly invited to attend. moomummummunmemmue i• • • BI•RTHS •• • •• pt�ee■■■■■■■eee■■■■re CASLICK•—Steve and Gail of RR 1, Lucknow, are proud to announce the arrival of a son, Joel Charles, eight pounds, 11 ounces, born at Wingham and District Hospital on October 28. COLWELL—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Colwell, RR 5, Lucknow, welcome with love a daughter, Ainsley Dawn, born October 31 at Wingham and District Hospital, weighing seven pounds, 10 ounces. A sister for Chri8, Tarrin and Gavin. CARSWELL—In K -W Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carswell of Linwood (formerly Marilyn Bell of Gerrie), a daughter on Sunday, November 1. SHAW—Jim and Frances Shaw (Caskanette) of RR 1, Bluevale, are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Francine Ann, six pounds, 13 ounces, on November 2 at Wingham and District Hospital. A sister for Paul, Karen and Barry. 25TH ANNIVERSARY The family 'of Norm and Shirley Reibling would like to invite all relatives, friends and neighbors _to;an:open re= ception in honor of theirpar-, ents 25th wedding anniver- sary. It will, be held on Fri- day, Nov. 13 at the a Brussels Legion 9 to 1 a.m BACK TO GOD HOUR RALLY - To be held Friday, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m. in the Clinton Chris- tian ilieformed Church, Clint. ton, Ont •$peaker•Rev ,Jerry Vreemant Topic, Put ortyour Armour. Also featuring a+ mass choir and a group called "Road Block' -. 'Free admission: Everyone wel- come. • wbrble Locatedcc is tofIa a ort ala i you to ; other 'f side anitiya n CRAFTS OPEN HOUSE The . annual Christmas Craft . and bake sale usually held at the Wingham United Church by tithe Childhood Cancer search Association will not. be held this year. In its place there will be a.;`Crafts Open, House" at the'hoi ie of Janet Clark, 544 Glenn Rd., Wing- ham on Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 2 to 5 p.m. Donations welcome. For further in- formation phone 357-3702. All proceeds to CCRA. 28-4 HORSEMEN'S CLINIC Sunday, Nov. 15 at 1 p.m. in .Walkerton Horse Palace, Walkerton with pro Jim Muir, Binbrook, Ont. Pre- - registration required if at- tending with a horse. Every- one welcome. Contact S. Stephenson' 881-2895 eve= ni gs. '4-11 `SINGLES' DANCE Festival Singles' dance, Fri- day, Nov. 6 in the Victorian Inn, Stratford; dancing 9 to 1. Welcome all singles over 25. No blue jeans. HEREFORD SALE Ontario Polled Hereford Club Royal Showcase Sale. Saturday evening, Nov. 14, Markham fairgrounds. Note ' new date; Time 7 p.m. For catalogues,,Box 35, Carrying Place, Ont. IN MEMORIAM F,1)(,:\R—In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather; William Edgar, who passed away, Nov. 4, 1969. ' Gone from us but leaving memories, Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth we stay —Always remembered by wife, Jean, son Cameron and family. 176 :Dil AGO. . WINI BA -M.';. Bnckk con telco . Insulated genal recreattnh' be'drrogrl is private petro.' Renovated room; living' logl all one .level ,G'ood condition': E. • ,distance to -ebba s and :dol ntor relocating. 'Listed;at $35;-000; SMALL HOLDING 20 acrei.. on the outskirts of ,storey, 3 bedroom, home:has heel with features including'a viiood oil fit ` c f updated insulation. Choice levellandL This uslin ideal property being adaptable "to Many Uses. The price, of $60,000 is open fo offers • TRUCK STOP Business. is brisk at ithis well -establish - Restaurant -• Gas & Diesel Bat; targe seating capacity. 4 access entrances. All receft egbip - ment. Books of Account areavailable serious: purchasers. Please call ° for further informatiol Ken Ducharme, Representative, 570' Shuter'Strerrt, Wlnppatlt, Phony 357-25!14. �. HUTTON BELGRAVE = New reduced asking price of $44,900 and as well as a good first mortgage, owner will take back a second.. Attractive 3 year old 3 bedroom brick bungaloaw, seam finished basement with one bedroom, large ing room, dining room, kitchen. Lot size 75 x 173. Owner must sell due to transfer. WINGHAM - 56 acres on Highway close to • town. Four bedroom brick house, ban 36 x 84. Silo. Excellent location. WINGHAM - You can't go wrong with 1044% mortgaging (owner would consider a second) on this two acre highway property a mile from town, totally restored and totally insulated, kit- chen with cupboards, separate dining room, two decks, double carport and a 55 x 35 workshop, all nearly new. Asking $59;500. Of- fers? BELGRAVE AREA - In a setting of country charm this 4 year old 3 bedroom brick home custom built to owner's satisfaction. The extras include sunken family room with floor to ceiling fireplace, Oil fired hot water heating, finished two car garage, new drilled well, situated on a one acre treed lot. Owner transferred. GORRIE - Situated close to park, three bedroom brick home, broadloomed throughout, downstair bedroom with 2 pc. bath ensuite, 3 pc. bath up, living room, dining room, family siz- ed kitchen and family room, new 12 x 20 deck and your own drilled well. All this and priced in the twenties. BELGRAVE - Only 2'/z year old home. Owner built this 3 bedroom, side split brick and cedar contemporary home with cathedral ceiling, ultra modern kitchen, living room with floor to ceiling fieldstone fireplace, central vacuum system, situated on a large private lot. MEL MATHERS, WINGHAM 357-3208 Representing LLOYD W. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Broker, Kincardine 396-2061 Sy