Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-11-04, Page 7. • 444•440404. tt. rte. ttittt tt, 11: •• •”' ' I ve the iiiThOtlkandt0' ;le • rilAanee tedtatInaa, 0,4 prpblems. and , !ri day a -Pi) day feT • Mrs, slrateleai and *14 gtelal " r mathtat'et Ihneta9 ;toes action, ho tot 6.0 -Ater tr n the , North .euggertOOP tOrtet lvak 4010 at teach mor Ye of-,reeal), ' Kt. hers from the For )leltar.h1*.'Mrs barn,.. tfuroherry, Kest Hoi d.*lc the Pare it •*iimnosb, Brussels. "re"-, tokyrnp#* 9tOgge` ''icfemfl.,• Howick and... Grey Central the. word ?asked eaMP1abilbikt;..er..14got...„ 0100*, heard two speakers her audience imagine a 4,0p.4;,- et*. hfklsgt4,410'0#,' '.,••••••,`‘. • 0e;17*,,apPOeftOPY aroean, 4 • T SP IS WEEK'S '24 CI Colgate, 100 ml. ToothFiaste119 I r Dial, 200 mk , Spray. . • Deodorant ..• Clark, 100's ASA,; , Wampole, 400 100's. ,Vitarliiri Glade Flo Thru Air . Frethener 176gr. • • Static Guar • .„ .•, .„. TRIANGLE ; 1 29 ITHT AdED/C1,1,,f • CO SA,./77(1 • [02,4 CCOS '94-ginceryir tookitorshodotoloitn* , 4,(.014,t . 4, • '4 4'. 4 - 1;14e • !I eager T want ;i bec�me opmthie!Yo.:: fc Iii `' •,,, - § . others, s40i0V.,,ientbn r- atario- -;.. other Kkit§*'10.400t4i, - coif): whose1 person S. ,1141%, .o„. goo . 11§te.leii : ..' Alt 1.1fins ' of .d.eroe,. Alick•okir t4POth9r0era0a- - conals‘ fe§l ,.(in Ortaflk•a44 40 .c44 afly liete —.. . ...., ,„. , . ., , , ,., „.: i tll'e- ,91f.,.,*,:tio. ;44 34„:, :1'''''' If i.,. :t. 1 -fP4Opta , ' F: tially . - • .1., . about 50 trick- Campbell's 'birtlidaY. ,, passed very Campbell anti, family, the' ,yillage. Many occasion being' Heather .. % . • t 44 equillin, St. ' Helens, ..;'" - ,?).,.f9H.: . ' 4,*4 .T? Charles al Hall ,,,ITens. Me 0K, Hamilton,' ' ii 1 .,, euchre4 cm) '44ts , . , . t in erefy ' 4..--t. - , ', - - • - - • - . '1•0 ,-,t • with their Rifitoul mid Mrs.:" CardiffGeoige f es. All were remained for a--.1.4reek and . ; •,, 1 , , ttite ,• s She ,,ii-.,,-iii'aiiii. outlined ..i.„ .iri,,,t, area... :. ,:!,'.....',1„;,.,:,,rs.t.,,,k.,..,. .., . The al c to-,r,O4soovit * 0**110).0. . ','; k: :-;:. ;,10e.';,edgi.17:111,%9111.1,4 , , - -....m.fmt+,,,. the way , ,,A,....,,, ,,,:i..,, it:it, ett- • . -4 .. ,,,h 0 . 4 .!. / elementary returned on the weekend Jennifer 14, ,, were very with the Campbells who Chatham ';'' ,. LA.. • , A , 44- , Bosman''; Ross ,.. . f . • The Ft* friftiop':' is " ottt .4 a,,s , wrnners were , parent or 00.1(00W;•.! A, systemAl , , , giftedness 4! n yourself in their Ahoes-, This • " 41(toitto.,..obliqievaie mean..4!'' ,e . 0, SUCh #., coMmitted, 'zing windows Mr add.,,jvirs.. compbew.aii4- '. swif„'Ao;' Gary'' wineb ea• so much work m: nnerl ere were no visited fiere. , .. - -81cQUillin -.1'-' Mr and Mrs. Bill Rintriiii Mr a00- . •• , • ,, e . SS' Helens, . anBeatrd . ,,,,.. •-t, .„, Li , . ., ,A 0. rnez1sci Mrs Bill t .. individual's situation ?, . , . lif..., Sunday visitors with Mr and visitIt' ...„., '...,.. (seco 4 . t Oil* s' respect,f for I 1,* .0-010: identified::14Y,LiONktio,00ymust. ''. . ()Wert. Heather of, Kitchener, were and Kevin t ' • 6 .I„ :.. 'Second, ,P1' 1* .• tliV40:Pr 1,, D. n 7, ,,'ea •; • .3 IF Mrs. Fred Sunday-` 'plainant. If '. he is kitandink, , general andc.specific• AMY, k•Boonst ... phyticalleitel:nt the 0NT,, billpes,., performance , . t: t th her II Colv fi I y, SarniaJohn , wereP a u l , MrS,. Leonard • *„,.#1t ,,. '-.4;:.-' Mark and Tracy of Belgrave. ' Clintoncl, • ' ' . •• ' - parents, Corey,...: .1, etplaying,, , tw,Mrs'. and John Cu you stand up also; don't creative , -thinking, leader ,:.: 4r!ol,,,,,, „ , .. .. . . , and 4,.e• .A.... Sunday,;; and Mrs. Bill and Mrs= Ed- Carey''1"'..f :'4" Q el*r *Sm; .61'°hiek1-1:111'!:411'aa:it.•' ' T +AO Check the inborn , urge to efts and A Iles:. : , ' ; , ', . Off 'clMiiniSh,youttontral., '-• ''- ' ,ship, YAIR• ,er!Prilli#0. ., r4T.tr,,,, •ir PiirdOn,of,tuelmovr, , idsi ' . J. ...,, , ^-ttgirt ?, 1 ars with their Visitors last week with Ut h Altd chener •were Mrs., pow,. Mo i' voitte:.,.oni ,,, ',:t• Mc Jena :. ,: .:iipt .!sil:,;.--.14.itli.i44, §41,4,1„wk,,,,t,.,,..,.,;„sed.s,11..,::.wh:e6h:, spending, f4,:ii. offer an • apology by saying, . to look at the human being 0paint-randlkaetk; and The program is designed.t77• '4'left 0 ' f ' y stO John nt with GorintChatham, Jennifer:0184(.1Bestrrgee yik—ISte-:rliiii‘irtesUl' ' ' ' ''' Mrs .. . , • . „eq .4,4 ,'I apologize for the i#7- . a *hole '40' .' ' ' 41' coTho nvenience this has OanSed, : development in all areas ;, their4 , lz, c., ..,...,.. ert Fontaine McQuillin,',St. Hetet*, 41*- it; 4 i - ., ,', family, Mrs „ $ - i • and Christian and Mrs.: •Bill :Pardo*, of .s.!'". ;Altai, - •--•itibtatlit4ibtted .McG .., 401.0,- • , - : 4:% 0 ''" • 1. . .. . • •••••; - • , , But gin 82 tilos a different ''' - method of • • L determnong ;.,-:. 41 tti'4 It • • S • Bill Rintoul, Attending • afamily . ...., • . VVhitechur....4,4;4‘. ' ' `SPadat.: ' with. his brother,I' Ler0Y, Rintair4,1MrS' Rintbd .. ' el Tellthecomplainant•- u appreciate his 'bringing the '.. 0 ,. , - , t • 1`.. k .,' compiont.to•you,,rather than. ,1•4.1°44ednit..iciesoks.,7.64/414Assiiii:!*11°h*Ara:ha '•-' ,:'-4r4.e''''.1 n andr, enerwent to t October gs at the tome of Mr and eggs, .L.... •.'. • — • ; Z----2 A us... ,71.:A*'41TaesinserilYtil'Btaedwa.:h401'; Nazarene , Mack Cardiff gathering on Friday evening , ; . .. !.. euchre , • -, .} -,: . , taking . IV,' elsewhere ; 1 MM. . ,4'... 7tol, •D , Hood , saik. and Sy& "' ilcVs'f.Olieat committee 011e ,to.., d Mrs.' Gordon Russel Murray and family of .01 walteehuron' Community evening enjoyed cl ..tir veat.tteiattoole.i!otiv(i:plio4; :!rpgroi. 0967, :,,,,,t, frity01,;.• hi t tio - lie til ' ii,.. •-•,-, , ecnure . 's :.•.•, ...:, ,•,..v. 2. k ; ,••.• t 14 • ; t't tv , P ',, t• ''' 4' 4'4 :rx..i„, , prin'Of:eati.4:.*,.ottietRwho Hll 1 'via 6,sri' = .:' . di ' ' litritio, .rar4.,. L . 4,444, ,. i 441.1 -I- At the fifth hall decorated -144th 'lighted 'Keildra Purdo . . `s,„ .“.,-,,,- •, :c • . 'AL',..#k4 T.--.4..••-•1' 41'1. eeth.ig' 0I41'i Whitechur'' ch jaek-o-lanterns,floaters, the pregrani. 'Jan :71:71.1:,:in.1,,;,,,e..1,,,,, , ; . Othi**ithiurn' . ' ' - will , define aid, , -::: **Pt '-,.• ,. . erienc . ...3 The final step it Offer a • _'... t, • .t.- e chilareO or gated child pro- 5'4:;',;;, • , helpingChris hand; discover what .. riktiett4tlitip..4rirttiuffett -4'1, 4'-‘`. rteai: . 1,1-•6:.,:rth .0e31i' o' yd -.,,i, • , - , „ . 0 4 „ , ' make the situation easler,t0 *limper- traWng,' -1, 2' ' .:',' , CIaT'k but ., deal witlt . - . " v, c'' N • ' ' . . ' ' • ' deiStifiding A VatOli 74.a,...11) 1, ri;41,. children, • ,.. t".4 , .roje : . . ...,„. was .,, or liietiArLt,iika .4 the ri. f:: MARKS ,,,, AR AND DOREEN :0.450th ,' ., .1 .`'.' !Wry Central School, attended ,a.Olgsr: , ment day for teaches* in 41)ev MVP Ion County. Two speelelie dem:leis* ,RICO• - '''• K the problems of tho ex0Otiona1411'.4 ,,.,: 1'. Carnegie method' of memory4r0101,10: „fry 4, Orkshop. ,.. ;'' - ...!,:..t.: • . _ Vtt •••••,,•••„;44;•:. tt:t14. presentation, Mary Howarth- alma' hha'i Chick&Alfttl4ethe home of place mats and. gifts. The readtherninu—tes,tdthYDow Itabe.,•B wet, ' " of London addressed -"einthoontent; se enierts say, • . = • P P umbrella• IVIrs.,,,,,4rc.hie fur**, six group presented corsages to . gave a reacling andKaren can chane a child 'Oleirifers intwered he roll the tate leaders, Mrs. Elliott Elliott plaYed as.pianoi in- • PPenec1.4160dIgehim th caStantiets ReoPe 'k flue 5. CM It's a perfectly delicious deal for fifteen pieces of plump, tender chicken. Made with the Colonel's. original recipe of eleven different herbs and spices. Saturday Sunday only Nov. Th& 8th "46' 11 IV INS Col.Sindes'_Flecir Om • i EttIttleK9 riledtn. A CANADIAN COMPANY Colonel Snders' boys end girls melte It "finger HAM' 000d" Josephine St in the Zehr's Plaza Corner of Hwy. 86 and 4, Wngham, ett telligence guotientorIQ-hy up to \ 20 pointa,,ned some claimnp.to *to poMts. But' the ,.problem with"' defiliinWgiftedneSS by using IQ scares -4- thatthey do not show who has • the -potential. gifts or capaoltieres Mter the teachers Went to 1161611 and •thenSpeitt the afternOon in workshops discussing speeificconcerns. calt./54 dis&ssed 'i.Oiebetl eggs: ad Maiilyn .".daMieson denionstrateethe priiperway toPaach an egg • uting iinegar,•;;=4Ms. PurdOn discussed hard and soft cooked, eggstand • 'demon- strated makin:cream puffs and chicken akla long. On Friday -evening the Chicks held their party in a ;• ursi Rebekae4' - shoot party The Rebekahs held a shoot party In the IOOF HalOn Wingham last Monday evening. Nine tables were played. =,. • The high lady was Mar- jorie CoWtes and the high man was Wilford Casliek. Ethel WM'S had the Most shoots and Jim Leddy woo ' thedralv prize. Shoot parties will be held every second and fourth Monday of the month. Everyone is welcome. and Mrs. Purdon. There Were seven tables and at each was a quotation from Chicken Chatter. These uotations were read by someone at each table. All enjoyed servings of spicy chicken, Chinese chicken, chicken stock and eh With re. trtunental. • The group was divided into tvvo and an, E G $1.00 d. ari0 dollars. . • gg ammon • , .th game was played.- •Mrs. at. Garnet Farrier thanked the • girls for the invitation to the ‘• party. • lc en Sacred Heart Marilyn Jamieson and euchre patty • • Therewere 14 tables at the weekly euchre at 'Sacred . . Others rii . k.• Heart • held last Tuesday - 1 At . Velma Fakoner was the ar evenmg. their filittanniversary was Wilf Caslick. high lady and the high man The October MeetinOf the Nursing Mothers was heldat ' the home of pant Outscher in Teeswater. The meet i inarked the first birthday or the group: Nursing Mothers was started one year age by. Jo -Ann Kirkland withy the, support and encouragninent of her local public heilthntirse Who felt there was a need in the community for more in- formation and support regarding breastfeeding. Mrs. K irkland • is a 1Liis "t 1464118• Howarth of Leiiddheideke to a tiethet4 'ea0 0.014'16, northern Huron County /tie st fa LECTURER—Mary fipk developmentdevelopment day workshopworkshop held P Al publio sidle° teachers tilie r!:191! 0 on ttkiegifted child. registered nurse ",,and a former public health nurse. The most important factor about the meetings is the support and encouragement received by the sharing of mutual problems and ideas by the mothers present. She has also breastfed four of her children.. The meetings are held on a monthly basis and deal basi- cally with breastfeding, but do include topics such as family planning. Guests are invited also to meetings to discuss various subjects, such as nutrition. The topic of October's meeting was postpartum depression.' Mothers related experiences they had with "the blues" before and after birth and suggestions were made on how to cope with this. Factors affecting milk supply were also discussed and various suggestions were made on how to in- crease milk supply. The basic principle of supply and demand was emphasized — the more frequently the infant nurses and the more milk he obtains; the more milk the breasts will be stimulated to produce. The meeting was closed and everyone enjoyed bir- thday cake. The next meeting will be held at the home of Marilyn Moffat of RR 3, Holyrood. OUR MISTAKE An editorial last week lauding volunteer workers mistakenly reported they work at the Golden Circle School. It should have read Silver Circle Nursery School. Low lady and low man prizes went to Kay McCormick. and Gary Sch. lossen. The door prize was won by Lenore Wilson. Lunch was served by conveners May Hehn, Sara Anted, Lorraine Poulin arid their committee. ,th LAST WEEK'S WINNERS:, 2.6 - Debbie Pilgrim, Blyth, 812.00 Oct. 27 Kay' filesselwood; Blyth $24400• Oct. 28 - Reetciseender, Blyth -.$18'.011 Oct. 29 - Viola Kirkby: Brussels $12.80.. • Oct. 30 - Helen Hay, Clifford - 855.50 Oct. 31 - lean Decker, KikheriV.r- $20.0 Ochiber 'jckpot Winer. Mann Stadelman, Blyth $S0.00 Gift OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK CHARGEX wt.comE Nov. 5, 6, 7 Thurs., Fri., Sat. A 5 -Roll Package of Christmas Wrap with Every $10.00 Purchase of Christmas !twills • Cards • Bows • Ribbons • Tags • Wrap • Serviettes • Decorations • Candles • Advent Calendars • Lights • Icicles • Tinsel [t] Wingham, Ontario A 357-2560 t;,, • • •