HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-10-21, Page 2t• • t1 ance,Tildlerh • • •' ttainess . Week, • :a aeroileanada 14 intended. as a ,o the owners and of small firma contribution to .01 y Wen is overlooked also serves anotker , purpose: providing small businss people :with in- formation to help thein Make their enterprises Kileee$1111- The week is sponsored by the Federal Business Development Bank in eon. junction with the Canadian.' Chamber of 'CoMmerce and participating hoards of trade and chambers of commerce across Canada. "There are more than 900 government programs — federal, provincial and local — across Canada which have been set up specifically to help the small business person," reported Faye Cook, management services officer for the FBDB. "These programs offer financial and other forms of assistance, and throughout the year we handle thou- sands of enquiries about them frank sons, referring ,ta the , ,between 1971,and aPPron0a!tal !le ttntents• businesses ereatc r ' •per:cent of new .avtvities. private sector. planned Srnall.. SmalI busineases employ Business Ando �me 2.4tAni,lhari people, or public information" Sessions 1,- 000 4.2, per,..gent.• of the com- bieblightibtvarious govetn- rnercial labor force in went assistance programs, '-`:Canadar, Collectively, small worksh94,, toplcs of businesses aCteunt for more special interest, seminars, a 7. 4„Ihn 25 per cent of all sales business 'management and for a quarter of the gross award program and ad- national product, the total of dresses..• by representatives .4,1V: pods and services of the • FBDB and other _Produced in the country. organizations to service Small businesses are vir- clubs and business groups. Wally,.allCanadian-owned. Some 97 per cent of .an While 48 per cent of the big business in the major sectors of construction, service, trade, transportation, and manufacturing is foreign - controlled; not more than 3.4 per cent of small businesses are owned outside Canada. New technology, in the form of products or services, also frequently is introduced by small businesses, and some ef the fastest-growing small 'businesses today are in the high technology sector. businesses in Canada 'have been, defined as small businesses — . those with annual sales of under $2 miiijoa„ A medium-sized business is defined 'as one with sales of between $2 and $20 million per year. Small business is rela, tively labor intensive, and often generates more direct and indirect jobs per unit of invested capital than larger firms. Small businesses are a major source of new Violinist performs at WPS Children at the, Wingham Public Schaal were thrilled ,by a performance by oneof Cana0atsforethoit':violin - virtnogos last ' Thursday , afternoon. Maurice SolwayStopped in Wingliarn as part of a lec- ,Anecoricert tour of Ontario schools. He introduCed the children to the component Parts ., of the violin and demonStrated its wide range of seundsand ases. Mr. li$olheay's film, "The Violin", also wae shewn. It is a warm and funny little movie which tries, to impart a love of music to children through a simple story. The film is totally Canadian - Made and was nominated for an AcadeMy Award in 1975. The• children in the audienFe were quick to recognize 'several of the selections Mr. Solway per- • formed. ? He played JW •4themes from "Star Wars" and "The•Sting" for the:older children and "Baa, Baa - Black Sheen", "Three Blind • Mice", and "Mary Hid A Little Lamb" for the younger student's, • t.• Mr. 'Solway said he has made over 400 appearances before 350,000 children and has received over 15,000 letters from , children. He enconraged-the young people to writeto him with their comments and questions. To conclude his one-hour. perforniance Mr. Solway stressed tO the children the two things which are most important to him a love of music and a love of mankind. The StUdenti. Showed their appreciation to Mr. S011eay by: giving him a 'Standing ,ovatiOn: . • .• •Ar to•o".o .• • entertained childrenat the hOlitast.ThOrsder afternoon. Mr. Solway introduced the children t.erte„Orthe violin and:W*044e importance of music In their „ „•••'',:4; ••:‘,,!.. • " . • • r,„ • • • • • " '• • „ ..• • Plank of , Mrs. EISIE Strong, will be pleased t hear she was able to returr Wine "LAW week froni S40001;40 „ mem 'whore she had undqpnt eStOSOrgePy. • , Ws. Wray Cooper visited Thanksgiving week with her son-in-law and daughter,Mr and Mrs. John Wei* '9 Nowak, On her way; p• she spent 11,1 eveningwitt Mr. and • 'Mrs. Bryans of Ayr and-Mr6.'MPO"' Robb, liarriston, who landn, valescing there since her unfortunate fall. Mrs. Cooper visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brown in Waterloo on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Clarence Carswell was hostess for a dinner Friday for Mrs. Pearl Patterson when Fordwich friends and neighbors Howick Junior IM meeting The October meeting of the Howick Junior Women's Institute was held last Thursday. The September minutes were read accepted. Mary Hall gave a brief report on the provincial WI con- ference. She also presented Marion Feldskov with a certificate of merit. The Howick Jr. WI 'nominated Mrs. Feldskov for the cer- tificate in recognition of the: many hours of work she spent in the organization and all the other volunteer work she does in the community: Mrs. Helen Demerling, Fordwich, the guest speaker for the evening; was in- troduced by Liz Hargrave. Mrs. Demerling suffers from a detelloration of the retina. This has meant a gradual loss of vision and Mrs. Demerling told of her initial reaction to the news that she would some day lose her sight. She is determined not to let this get in her way and she has many hobbies. These ' days she keeps by with her knitting. Mrs. Demerling brought along several aids used by the seeing impaired stieh as braille playing cards, a • braille watch and a device tp• aid in the writing of letter4 Everyone enjoyed Mei: Demerlin_g's epeechilnd especially. her wonderful sense of humor and op- timistic outlook on life. ,• Since Oct: 16 had been set aside as the first World Food Day; it VITgli decided" toforego lunch in ieCognitiiin. • Everyone wagreminded of the ' upconiing4Hallowe'en dance Oct. 30 at the HoWick Community Centre. All ; are welcome. The meeting adjourned after the reading of the Mary Stewart COleet. ;' 414 t•feo residingis •.SurliMk OP -the 04- daughtex Highain of cam Inner Rkk woe* burn few idMrswher aenek Theex •ArtkiVeemuOifuroos4:• :?4tow.i. d Senior Citizens (president}, „ -Jack Ferguson, , Cviocerieso president),thco and Mr, and„..., George(treasurer),Taylor, were if Zone 8 Senior t their fall rally on in Holmesville. visitors with Mr. Bill Sothern were s. Gary Sothern, Tracy of Palmers - and Mrs. Bill Muhveyand Jeff of Belmore. Mrs :. Les Watkins at Bolton Vef Harris' spent a few S last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mr: and Mrs. Roy. Sim- mons spent several days last wek_vOth, Mr. and Mrs. Dotigo. , Wildfang at Mississauga. Mr.:andMrs. Carl Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons, Mr',, **Mrs. Don Coghlin, Mr: and 'Mrs. John Cox and: Mr, and Mrs. Chris Sturgeon were guests Saturday atthe wedding of Diane Van Hecke and jiM Butt at Holy Family Parish Church and the receptgon that followedin the CBD Hall in Wallaceburg. Jim was employed at „,the Bank of Commerce here for some time before being transfected to Wallaceburg. Mrs.. Don- Elliott and fat:** Niagara Fall a is spending this week with her parent:Sp. Mr. and Mrs. Mel i.'•. •, -r„ 'Io three and r0ly :0*hou and stayed ( well. She q` v citizen'ecent month groups have a fopi4it ••••• •-•7 A to• cQmpensate those Igive,10 riene with :formal foam msulation. Mrs. Doe has attend several meetings and said she "'IkaSitS.PWIS :41,00Y• very ittOrnit$001110:1:eicainplei,:, she leaned ,khi:IngttlatinC should never be Installed �nr'' extremely hot or extrenkek cold days. She. also learned urea formaldehyde foam is not to be foStalled, in homes whicl have siding: her home.;i sided. In order for a proper test sample to :be taken, the' • house should be closed 48 hours before the time of the teStingTid, the testing should' be done inside a walleavity, Where will she go from. - here. • • Mrs. - Doe Said site has talked with her member of parliament but he is not sure whether she will ever receive any compensation. She said she feels that people who have ' ex- perienced problems with urea formaldehyde foam insulation :Should be com- pensated, but "you can't beat the government, They • • • 1 • ; • 't • .A'`';;;- • 4•'" 'o'•••1 Authorized SubTA401)% McLEOD YOUNG WEIR LIMITED 357-2636 Wingheim 3354525 GOrrie • ,.;.r> : .". • • ' • • • • „ ••.!„ 7," . Noa ••• , t • • o .ttr't . . 4:!•' • • :•" t'..-,\'.!•••-• • 1,1 • a • i • • • . AUREOMYCIN • CRUMBLES Tot* used is an aid in improv- ing growth rate and increasing fed efficiency in cattle, sine end sheep. Vitamin CrUmbles are also an aid in suppression of infections and losses due to diseases and stress. COOP • Super7pak Tylan 200 roomt.idre Effective for treating calf' pneumonia andsecondary infections associated with virus disease. Treats vib. tonic dysentry in swine. • 403485 Alatidylipak 251int.vhb Broad spectrum Whiny for treatment of cattle, iswine • and sheep infections caused byoxytetracycline susceptible organisms. 403398 C0 -0P Pig Booster For stimulating vigour and vitality and preventing or treating bacteria 1 scours In baby pigs. Contains 2 antibiotics and 8 vitamins. 403360 Iodine Wound • Dressing A protective film forming antiseptic Whictr`providee germitdal.quallties when applied to wounds, cuts and abrasions. htonSting- ing coating 403220 Co -OP SPECIAL • Economical and Convenient Weft Anemote met aftantroiting biting and suck n beef and dairy cat- tle. Easylaiiiria Just pour on. , 80oz. . ' 240135 Flat Killer 2 kg Meal or Pellets Contains Warfarin. Nb bare styness. 500 gram size is a self contained feeding station. The 2 kilogram size contains handy throw packs. 240081 500g meal 240082 • 2 kg meal 240.085 500g pellets 240086 2 kg pellets CO-OP ADE Inlectable For the prevention and cor- rection of Vitamin A and D deficiency resulting from dietary deficiency, diseaSes or other stresses. • Spotlit° Cattle • Grub Treatment 4,2ML Ready -to -use solution can be poured on or used with spotton gun. For beef and lectating dairy Cattle. Gun sold separately., at Health Care Brochures for Beef, Dairy and Swin. Complete with quick „refetence chart to the Most ni and effective herd health products available at C9011. Pick up youc'ffee 00Py. BUDDING VIRTUOSOS—Maurice Solway, a tainous children. He taught the finer points 61 the art to Canadian violinist, visited the WinghantPublic School • kindergarten atudefita ge tpra Merkley ;and Caroline last Thursday afternoon to give a leclut4-concelt 16 the Elston. • ' — • ••F•'''• • • MAMMA • uNnvo CO-OPERATIVES OFONT 10 BELGRAVE BRANCH Wirighitim 31574/11•041iliviN Ontortiv , if,hietAffine.....141,0,14....0001.14100,460,041AVO.A.VilOMM101.11..1.4Mtt....,01,00M1,0,04.. r 0.0*..6.04 . • ' ••'' • •trA. ' . • . • Whati:4;raimailetzeonol,•,,,a sox