HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-10-14, Page 16TH,E WINGHAM KINETTES sponsored a fashion show of fall and winter cloth-
ing last Thursday evening at the F' E. Madill Secondary School. Derrick and Jen-
nifer Martin modeled children's wear from Kids' World. Other stores participat-
ing in the show were Shirley's House of Fashion, Miller's Ladies' Wear, Hanna's
Men's and Boys' Wear and Hill's Shoes.
• -well heat pump special
feature of new Hydro centre
The new Walkerton -area
office and. service centre of
Ontario Hydro will feature
the first deep -well water -to -
air heat pump installation of
its size m Canada, Hydro has
The 16,000square foot
building, scheduled for
. completion next summer,
will be heated and cooled by
a heat pump using waterer
from deep wells drilled at the
The . building also will
feature other energy-saving
features which Hydro says
will result in significant sav-
ings in operating costs.
The contract for con-
struction'of the $1.4. million
facility has been awarded to
John Hayman and Son of
A heat Rump is an elec-
trically -operated device
which 'extracts heat in one
ROBBIE AND JAMIE FRANK stole the show at last
Thursday evening's "Fall Fashion Fair" sponsored by
the Wingham Kinettes. The show was held at the F. E.
111di1'i Secondary School and featuredclothing from
Shlrley's, House of Fashion, Kids' World, Miller's
Ladies' Wear and Hanna's Men's & Boys° Wear.
(519) 291-3040
place and moves it to
another. It looks, and acts
like a large, reversible air
conditioner and can transfer
up to three times as much
heat energy as the electrical
energy used to operate it.
Such ,devices can remove
heat from areas of relatively
low temperature and, by
compression, raise tempera-
tures to levels useful in
" Water from the deep wells
at the Walkerton site re-
mains at an almost constant
47 degrees F. year-round
The, wells were put iia by
Davidson Well . Drilling of
Wingham, • and Doug
Davidson reported ' the
supply of water is: excellent
and will more than meet
Hydro's needs for .heating
and cooling:the building.
During the heating season,
water pOitiedirorn One well
will- have some of its heat
extracted by :a heat ..pump,
.explained B.—J. Pierce,
Walkerton area manager for
Hydro. The water will then
be returned down. a: second
In summer, heat will be.
,transferred tothe cooler
: water, using the same
equipment. •
"In other words, we pump
water out of one well,
squeeze some of the heat out.
ofit, and send it back down
the second well;" Mr. Pierce
Maid: • "In summer we
reverse the process."
Temperature changes in
the water will be limited to
'six i: to eight degree F..by
regulating the flow. The
Ministry of the Environment
will ensure the water is
neither .polluted nor wasted
and that neighboring wells,'
are not affected.
The four -hectare site 21/2
miles west of Walkerton on
the Paisley road, just north
of . Highway 9, was cleared
and graded this'spring, and a
pole "storage yard
established. This was the
first step,in consolidating the
scattered facilities now
located in Walkerton )find
Hydro's Walkerton area is
responsible for the elec-
tricity supply to 17,000 rural
customers in parts of Bruce,
Grey, Huron, Perth and
Wellington counties.
Canadian Cancer Society.
magine for a moment
a world where cancer is as
- obsolete:as-ihe-dira,osaur ,----.__„ -..
It can happen.The research is
willing but unfortunately the
funds are weak.
All bequests received by
the Canadian Cancer Society
are used to support cancer
research, unless otherwise stip-
ulated in the will.
That's where you come in.
Please insert one simple
sentence in your will:
"41 give to the Canadian Cancer
Society the sum of
Our hope is to free the
world from cancer. And where
there's a will, there's a way.
Lorraine Poulin Coil
> ruryn, Mary M: GlYnn
Sybil Straker of zfle,gath.0
Women's League at Sacred
Heart Church, Wingham,
attended an all -day ,meeting •
of the CWL Stratfor•d
Deanery held at Zurich last
Wednesday. They 'were
among 163 who attended.
The meeting opened with
prayer by Rev. 111. F. White,
followed by a scripture
reading by Mrs•. C. Kirby.
Rev. J. J. Bensett, who was
in charge as spiritual
director, wished the CWL a
successful meeting.
Father White thanked the
ladies for their enthusiastic
Support of the diocese, es-
pecially during the 125th an-
niversary. He said we should
thank God every day for the.
many blessings we enjoy in
this part of the world.
The theme for the league
during the next three years
of ht
, Its
will encourage
k at where they
,are now and are
',hWere reminded
5f October is the
Ayer for family
:her is the month
Is and December
ole time of Advent
A of Immaculate
december 8 is
life day._
e also reminded
is persons and the
Ways t °c',en help us.
,;then broke into.
focusM' coups to discuss
�ny L
variou •offices and any
prolltr which they have
mei Following this
they sa for the saying
of OW',holy rosary.- Lunch
was axed; followed by
more digctus5ions and a film,
"It's My . ife". The meeting
closest VIi1 grayer.
Bible Society brainch
set for fall canvass
GORRIE — The Gorrie
and area branch of the
Canadian Bible Society held
its fall meeting at the home
of Mrs. William Smith.
Canon 0. Laramie presided
in the absence of Rev. B. Van
It was announced that last
year's donations from the
Gorrie area totalled $861.
Gorrie is now part of the
London District, not Toronto
as was previously the case.
District Secretary Rev: A. L.
Howlett was present and ex-
plained that, to cut expenses,
the London office has been
reduced to one fulltinie
worker and three part-time
workers, as well as himself.
All are dedicated Christians.
There is a Christian book,
store, alsoa meeting room in.
connection with the London
office., Bus groups are
He also explained that
many people. send donations
by mail, , : Donors may
designatd4 .the particular
area where they wish their
donations to be used. Bible -a -
Month has become a very
popular way of giving. Each
church: was given a display
to be placed in the church for
those who,.. wish to par-
ticipate. .
Mr. Howlett said the Bible
Society is. the largest charit-
able organization in Canada.
Opportunity, to spread is
unlimited In •Canada alone
the Bible ,.is.: printed in 96
different ' languages. • In
Ontarioall prijting is done in
Owed SiilMi
There are . 66 Bible
Societiesin the world. In
Africa,.c i1,OQb Bibles in
Swahilit- vucae; sold ., in one
week ret'entlyla Japan it is
a best seller Poland greatly
needs`' Billies. Mr: Howlett
showed • art excellent film
A NUMBER OF STYLISH fall looks were shown at
last Thursday evening's "Fall Fashion Fair"
sponsored by the Wingham Kinettes and held: at the F.
E. Madill Secondary School. Wendy P00 l7iodgt d a
black blazer, gray pants, gray turtleneck >k'l M •'
was io was
tpm. the
O: citigens
Gln their
leiet the
ba>;ket alien
sored Miai1
pull $fit
Visit 6o '.Or
mun ties. Th
first :COMM
volved d
second year of c
err ' Project of
'elides which ho llcir ors
can :attend to obtain free
advice op. ways to lower
heating cos�tts and egiServe
energy in the; Loma '
The Heat.'Save clinics
feature the 440 of a. •process
known as theyinc graphy-
For' -Thunder Bay, 'an.
Mane flew over the city on.
the evening of March 31. It
had on board sensitive heat -
measuring equipment whin
scannedthe rooftops of all
buildings in the urban areae
of the city.
This data was computer -
processed' into . thermo-
grams, heat pictures which.
look like out -of -focus black
and white photographs. A
trained interpreter can use
them to determine the
amount of heat escaping
from a building.
All the homeowners need
to do is spend about 20
minutes with a project of-
ficer to have the thermiio-
are� ,
explaigr aphis ,inhezieFreiths,0:0:y
. is lreinf >t'eestrki
:rima ties.with Pop
tion:'! of over 9,000;
Nothing "Similar is
offered tb I9rmi9a7towns"yet,
hey said; explaining it is not
considered ecpi►omica1Iy.
produced by World Vision,
showing the struggle the
people of Poland have had to
hold their faith, through Nazi
and Communist takeovers. It
is. entitled "God's Faith
Abideth Still *.
It was decided to hold the
annual canvass October 10 to
November 23. An an-
nouncement is to be made in
each church the Sunday pre-
Canvassers this year are:
Gorrie East, Mrs.: George
Brown anti Mrs. John Van de
Kemp; Borrie West, Mrs.
William Smith and Mrs.
Clifton Coulter; Gorrie
Northeast,Mrs. Joe Sim-
mons and Mrs. Alex Taylor;
Gorrio: Nortinwes Mrs, John
&M , ad* : Mcg, -.-Ho,
Mains; Concessions tand-3,
Mrs. Lloyd Felker; Con. 4
and 5, Mrs'. Archie Miller;
Con. 6 and 7, Mrs., Sheldon
Mann, • Mrs. Gerald
Galbraith; Con. 8 and 9, Ruth
Neable; . Con. 10 and 11, Ken
Benjamin; Con. 12 and 13,
Mrs. John Stafford; Con. 14
and 15, Mrs. Stan Hays; Mrs.
thrieeehtme loaf cWitte`edd Fitn
With eightmembers int at-
14hM'sh oil " `oore0' � '� 7-2320
1VIi lan.M I�ned
Schnid's Jewellery
Si dna, LudcuOw
10-50% Off
Sale Eat October 17th
chinW's Jewelle
Open Six Days a Welit
rm.a era mm ex, °euten len ®mnee oen®®® can ace ®®®m®®mere ®arnai
1 am proud to nominate
of Birthdate
for a,1981 Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award
(Please enclose a separate sheet telling why you believe an
award is deserved).
My name is
Name of this newspaper
Phone No.
NOMINATIONS CLOSE DECEMBER IST,laan as en ea en en en. aten es no wee en alas as ea mie erza ea am ea en. mead an ...a kele OD era rem
Junior Citizens
of the Year
The purpose
This program will be inaugurated in
Ontario to provide recognition for
outstanding achievements or acts of
courage and initiative, by boys and girls
between the ages of six and eighteen
years. It will include individual awards
presented for meritorious conduct, 'and
special group awards for recognition of
the efforts of young people throughout
the communities of the province.
The reason
Extraordinary deeds of Ontario boys and
girls ate often performed within the
community. We need you, the local
nominators and newspaper editors, to
bring these outstanding young people
to our attention, so that we will be able
to give them the honour and public
recognition, which they so richly deserve.
Who is eligible
Young individuals who have performed
acts of heroism, perhaps endangering
their own lives, overcoming disabling
physical or psychological handicaps to
match or exceed their peers, or being
involved in some'worthwhile community._
service etc eavoui.
For further information contact your
local newspaper or Ontario Weekly
Newspapers Association,
W:1.800-268-5054 for a brochure.
he ing_ ja c Abininc�e®%sfltjj
P.O. Box -390 Winghlat'n, Ontario NOG 2Wd
irA CP
CP at d C! tie regiamod fr,dnnorko or Ceebdite viola,