HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-09-09, Page 8(ANGLICAN) 0, • .k)ttn Street at Centre Street • The Ftechar; The Rev. John T. M,. Swan, J.,. Tit, • THE ANGLICAN PARISH QF WINGHAM AND BELGRAVE ST. PAUL'S CHUIR/4H, WINGHAM. • ..SUNDAY, SEPT. 13 s & The 'hidut*eoSunday Atter Trinity * ant - Holy Eucharist 11:00 am. - Mattirts and Sermon Wed., Sept. 16 10:00 am. - Holy Eucharist 1 `,/ • '1 , • ' laPtirs in can - avid hisksits of pink V**. carnallens and ea- th*, enhanced with violas sad baby's brath, formed the Setting forthe marriage Jelieiti Stacey and Mules Dongtas Rta_ The we. took Wingliann United Church WI SatarditY„ ANgtet 11, al seven o'clock_ l'ev_ Barry Passanneeol" The bride is the daughter Rotaid Sacey- of Wirgham and Mr_ and 111r5- iiliErianl ni Blyth are parented the groom_ The bride, given tra marriage b her father, wEwe a full-lomgOi won of imported lace with sweetheaat neckline and falls which fa into a long chapel train_ liar veil was waist katigt?h a tsordered 14:11,NZ1 With - MSS Pa Cox of Winghain,. coomIn of the bride, was the maid ci honor and Debbie lEckey, Bonne' Matthews arid Sally MacDonald, all of Wtrelvmn were the tiridessidat They were dressed ahhe gowns of rose fersey knit with reacting sheer epee Jertaler imses Wingliant was the flower gni_ She wore a wMte ST dot drebs feenernirg brE sieeses brimmed with hoe_ —photo by Snyder Stalin Each gni carried a baapria oi pink fetuses and babyrs breath.. Jahn Brini Ceitzmitca- Mother cd the groom, was the Et',Vi nan Ushers were Se ces Com, roi-srn at the bride>. Dive bruther of the groom, and Peer3lbrother di dee bride FoLlowing the wedtig :,f-Affet., was bald .at the 41--mvev:,77) Legs= RaPt. The axe* vicE reside th • ,,. • • by WMS The wer,,,=ms Society oT St_ Andrew's Pirra,ilytterian Church held their.•rraerlilTrzy meeting wi the Upper Room Sp l L Ws_ G_ FP'zikr-rr the MElleg with a .1.pin.700114Q.Z, "OM ineEP isS tile rriTne k.; the Loner. A hymn ara,s sang .3. Comet the piano After B._ Robertenta Bed grayear„ Its A. Gatl ratd inset tiebacks& 44,591 and REVELatinin ,Pgie fnedilt bealien- Mrs _ J_ Tate a saba Ws_ W_ F1:11 ait ithe Mrs G WII1l played a Wpie trnmfifki, Iv Eleanor. Knot, who iS 5 s futir_12, frofia A hymn was mmg amtl the offering received by Mrs_ Ftsber /Pre deeje2ted' Mrs Otarrie_ The :Imeltary, Mrs B_ Mcliay„ read the ritkotes the previote rePotivrE a WO ZS dm wslL -.!..(not a 7.-.4 prxr5 The prestikEt nahadaaded the Earci-'76. sz:finca and the treaszer gE[CP8' PIET htty5551- A hymn iii-ZSSEng Z.Mtt .141ifEs the rineetrg ""`f prayer_ A social hoar followed Mrs. Mothers s 1 ; " ks at nissels lijai meeting BlIUSSELS..— Mrs_ Jean • IltAtthers_. of Pgatev-ale was_ guest 'speaker twiter the afternoon writ of :6 United • Choirch Women of Brussels met at die ham -0= f Mrs_ Margaret Tyezaiwan_ Mrs_ Mathers attended Aroma Cotterifi " daring the IIW ni-ference the and speke of the inspiration she received throoet 'Bible s nitEk and feBmigitip_ The i'llz."!TIfic.- ei the 401€1115202 '1G6igt That L uv Buy - and Stressed as most ineportatit of these gifts wAare friends. love, Joy, peak -v>, faith and conteralmea.. The Chfisliza Ertitiar stns. cm- Chief511, giVES awe the 21ffity to live in trust mid he ancrious for notirking sfwp desed ter message by lrm as poem_ -11appiness Is The Lard-, Mrs.. Mathes was in- troduced by Mrs. Paws( , prim money is being offered, Oaf:more who also brayer Fifteen teaPinbers am. v-itor *Atte presmt The Ws, Ida we/comet everyone Ober the steamer recem_ T prern-z were read, followed by prayer and a Devotions wae convened by Mrs_ Ty-erman who fed Bade Snotty diP21Ma In ming David — Lord germ, ways as he says_ wall1T2ae Thee. 1 wra sMg wed I w -M worehipr, This was the ret*Aft off Gars green love mod care for Nen_ Ilressiatera Lotas"riend a Letter from the Wagon, acknowledging die nweipt of used starcips. The tuttal sales arnearteot to over LtAllirrt Day (teals* News litYlicrlaitice , September is the thee tlf tire year when eserynne settles halo rankneestifiets' again Et you amid e ha start soww1.1 new, die- liVusiem and Area Day Costae for the liana" can akways ose IgliethlEr y0E2 WEVasig preier thrittesserXers to the centre or help Yeeir SelEf5tr %Mad he math appreciated_ cmtne pays .icfn a rbP payment if ,Trynee its te please caa3D-14-42 and adi haqpeak llik Stuart who is the co - order -Are( vofteers. Dori_ • week. Vie . have -F&r•er ac- MWEteS. °Ur COESMOgg coni of an or. Pmgrat-m- exercise sess'ir-r, geared to die smilerftwi a sireaotrgne Pirttbk p3Z2919 ar- eviripenkrtirt billowed by open activities of the &winners choice. Latch is served between 12 1 p rn and as pi-el:erect by our ok, Ilarg PtEntrit_. OM of the main obiectives when the progran.m fest Stated was to aBow the <wrier to• strare the soda ltizky and enloynoelt diet eftegEg 7whth others con bring. The atter/WM program cilTaimges from to da - Loo. wea the aftenroams were sozeo on mitt sessions mri ether activities irtine, the trampratmal zvr oioo,o,or, here a Me centre_ iiery often we have setedafed movies. and guimt speaks from the a.rea. The ,-,11i'ess arell startnog tino4ir CLITI crafts and a cptp • hi fate November or early December. if you're Icolthlg for Crorntni gdts that are drift:Teat froni1" tilStiafi gLdf 067'ES, Sininr!S tor charolato plan to attend our prerchrist The doto tin. oale will be an- nouncediat the near fotooe • • The nod foot clinic is teimg brad Sept_ 16 from I l , 3;W pono If you are plangicifing, an MterleW+rvg deS clinie fable Armixaries„ Idease 4 -r -A the centre mot leaive woo rame sa err4 theUt Huron County im,ny osfo-TFooso7wtti"ic— *iw • • ordeal, werem.any , August 8 at the ogied Charch, and viMaion of F:1± clartrta,W CMS beitenn AW, T afirleetham and were prectioneed houh000d and iwde. M- W.Wafter et LaAinne§ liga0 *VW* StiniSk, SE* .Vatft FOr- dig*• tang -iltatViir4 Nie". aT1UJg e EY -es a LOW_ - Paresis oil lie bride are Mr- and Pilfro_ BITIAPrk5 Okirdtfin.b.„ The gems ts the son or mi. jam tit'71-e of Goderich made late Dr_ John Wallace The bride otose a flow- Peugh gown ersey. Allied with empire vdasline„ bishop ritgigag, athrt 1:411:3 Mae a cathedraltr-le.211 Floral guillene bee adorned de gown and a Janetcap held her tlweeiricaner appforied veil She carnet a bouquet of red roses and baby S breath M res Men ley off Yancouver„ B C was maid of honor_ She was gowned in hostreise hor c-Wess featuring a scritthea-rt neckline and empire ora&ttrine. The gown was trimmed with be and s -he e a co o tea 'nosts and baby's breath Brisfornaiet. were Mrs Garfield G&-ste of Ford - win*, the bride's ...ter„ and s Sy Gibson of Fordwicho the hride s mece_ Mrs. Gihsons gown was sayled simill-,Artly to that of the maid of honor and Shelley wine an off-ate-shoo/der cream dress loth _turquoise flowered eyefet print_ She Mrs Evans exproaised gratitude to itt7$_ illathers and Me program conveners_ The rrocting dosed with The VT- .A0 ores Day Centre for the • enoourages the public to o, .to into the ,Artmouries aroodare pod see w haft we are all about Deadrffie near for t show Qaitteri - the& entficir- ails at the W;iateriton Heritage Fah hare rtentli Sept_ 5 to lissat their' - entry Skiu,e.az The bees] extended bitcsase of the piaal strike_ The EprMS ere a prominent letisre off the heritage fair_ There is nel ff for itis MKT i - FrarYer- •a and mere than SIM AdratahE a—vagahle by miffing -1724 or -045, MONDAY 10:00 pm i;k. also wore a wrist corge talismaon tea fres and baby's breath__ Greg Reynolds of Calgary„ Alberta, was best maa Ushering guests were Jim Wallace, Goderich, brother of the groom, and Jack Rattan,. Fordwich„ brother of the Beide_ T brides° tiephew„ Ryan Rattan of Fordwich, was ring bearer_ A reception followed the wedding at Zwick Com- murdty Centre and Mr_ and Mrs_ Wallace are now making their home in Fordwich_ Parsons-Ganitiss ceremon Solt Fastei shades presided a pretty summer sootioe Bale United Church on Angtot 22 at four o'clock sten NfAry Edith Gariss waled toward the altar where her groom, " Erma; ''.it'arsons, waited 'Millen roses surrounded the al ol and soft organ music was twovided br Mrs_ Carl Johnston_ Mrs_ Ja Carswell sang two numbers, "The lord's Prao-er- and "Ill Walk Beside 1.1 - Rev_ Terrence Mites officiated and was oioid by Robert Peo alm-y Edith is the daughter d 4r. and*rs.,Bert Gar - miss. RR 4, Winhm, and par0000 of the groom are Mr. and Mrs_ John Parseof Beeson_ • Given in marriage by her lather. the pride wore a groin she made herself. It was Victorian styte white laceormorned georgette over sem At the neckline she None • an heirloom Caine) brooch and was honored to ore. q tie fifth generation rt-cfeto Wear this prized •fwritlypot,session The bride carried a bouquet of red Tones a od ha.by's breath Her matron of tomer, Mrs_ Rosemary &pith' of Guelph, oore bar -length geivalm Toth ode pleating and white .c.neted collar_ Her gown Arca Meadows, a nem- rm44y wkarla adviser for Semiarid and• Worcester mantes hi Ps&nd sfirE be taVinsig • as clime - look at couterizeity hoitalvernert ' Barran Comity di= -tag ries mrllita; cce of a se -es 'coatti, ,she raakilT Aurstratla Pfrolorpores and Canada reoreW rural deralogrment exparerams Tkerties4r.%rota Iher. 4 it WA he Qat- alftta Pet in ffluouto 0;oodlo The involvement ol tom' people m the development ronogram will be 4i parenr analog to her She w2111 he coaltaeirog resolerts who are .rolve-1 th I:ottoman:L*1 camera as well as kcal agencies and . coarara Wroth Oar arld Of Ernest Cixte . Feocentap Ms Meadows expeNs to com- plete a hook on rnr-ol droelovrierst eopertences abroad as wen as Mote virf she tls parapated trl We CscannMthY Project illaglatarl corer the pant two years, was in a soft pastel preen_ In similarly. styled dresses but tieret pastel shades were the bridesmaids„ Eliaahetla Parsons o: Bee:ton in pink; Sheri Parsons €i Beaton in bhoe;• Kathy Willits a LtHitinn in yellow and Mrs_ Douglas Garniss-, RR 4- Wiroe5R151, in mauve_ The attendants earn 1153SegayS of mixed pastels_ Ann Garniss of RR 4. Wingbaort, was flowerght Sae wore pink fits -al eyelet flaiorked on the same lines as the bridal gown_ She carried a white basket of mixed pastels • Barry Smith of Guelph was bet man and the ringbearer was Adam Gangsso. RR 4, Wingtiam, The wedding guests wee ushered by Jack Vanden Breckel. London, Chris White. Brampton, William Garnss and Douglas Garnisa. both of RR 4, Wingham. Following the ea-el:n.0E1)% (Elmer was served at the Bruosels. Morris and Grey Comwty Celatre where Mrs. Walter W1IIi Was master of ceremonies at after-dianer formalities_ Later in the evening a dance • Guests from Vancouver, Paris, Toronto, Chatham, Marldiam, Beeton, Niagara Falls„ Brampton, Bran 4` ord and Stratford were received by the bride's mother who wore a floor - Length gown of powder blue Qiana modem ordnid corsage_ She was assisted by the grtiones mother_ wbo-de deep pink• sheer and -an or- chid corsage_ For travelling to Jamaica, the bride wore a raspberry colored suit with floral blouse and grey accessories:. They will reside in Tot- tenham_ The bride graduated from Ryerson Polytechnical Institute and is a registered nurse employed at York County Hospital, Newmark- et_ The groom is a graduate of University of Western On- tario in economies and is a retail manager at Totten- ham_ • Specials At . Winghani Fruit Market Schneiders Sliced • .. 1.99 500 g. pkg- BOlOgna . Schneiders W-ieners. ▪ ....1.69 • -3-49- 350 g_ Raid House & Garden - Bug Killer.. Cott 24 x 10 oz. cans Orange., Cola, Gingerale - Canned Pop Tide 6 litre Powdered Detergent. 5.95 .3.75 Javex 1.8 litre " Liquid Blea.ch . • st. William's 24 oz.: . • 55 Strawberry or Raspberry Jams • STORE HOURS: Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Plaine 351-2240 CLOSED SUNDAYS We Deliver iiiiiky fried Ckicket •And Hockey. . • Two Canadian TRADITIONS! an • A Winning Team For the Canada Cup Harvey MeD4r,fl Photo fried fitigind A Conedien company Josephine St. in the Zehr's Plaza Corner of Hwy. Et 4. Wingharn WM&