HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-09-02, Page 5•.11 • ••• 4 RIDGE 1\/1° TIT°E ADS IF9*-1:1 HIGFIWAY 86 WINGHAM 35/ .5411i0 f•11111•1412.111110.1.10•16.11...... 0 I, . • , PnielAtia• rellotts be is eA10 IVY -pleased ;with theresuKs. The 41#11Mwbich he nee JP a Feiretgang9gt, • • elt means ""0- heats his • Oa* in. the winter and cools • it in the. atunmer *kw a • sYsteuv, „which Ogee heat • from well Wafer ,, and distributes it throughout the • oUse, Davidsonl Ulf the Amcept has hem around foe, wors,?,btit he firstWan* .,4 e itchen, -to-air heat any gallons of ;ferring the heat entire house. ttige of the t the -heat ex- -from,'..the well water energy — the only paid,! for is that the system, icon estimated • :costs would be Th per cent by ystem, t, though, the • interested in it threfne four years ago at a convention for w41 -drillers at Ohio State rei University. He said the PhitetlStates Rove,' - ,government is .1/ reldOVeir toe• llIggii,,,, .,,.. 4 aYate easily kt„ . doliataitithe , .ife, report has been .popua southern istates : fe years and otieipea has b un*t .hpeeathig In hii, ... .40 07-emts- Essentially :tbe sy was on the r Prineip!e,:"Wheo . *t,,q "4 1 eq ires- I or everyone. It for the water is best suited S at present, or w subdivision • :Neter source. It expensive. n add-on unit ;;s$2,°800'for whiag talled on an ig 1 4; also requires same the Flas furnace. It iwater:source. these units can be minimum of bly only a few ions would be the home's :em to get it I1,111y e-sy4,.„ has generated 4 n N a,..:404eay.,*1 of interest so = •idson reportedcptet. et oper f pri l. .1 ly ardair to Britain & Europe! London/Manchester/Prestwick Amsterdam/Frankfurt Take advantage of Wardair's guar- anteed fare policy — book and pay in full now and protect 1A, !... • •,k 4‘.1.44e• 110 adult* 111/ child HiAIDAY ViALD • 250 Josephine St., Wingbam 357-2701 TOUT Operalor Out of Town? 'Call COLLECT Ask for Cindy or Lisa .. We will be happy to help with your holiday plans. •Our hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 = 5:30, Sat. 9- 5:00 Imirtelf from any increasedfares! *Departures October 1 Deceinber 9,1931 AND. December. 24,1981- - May•2,1937.i., prices will applyiCypu.tfavel • 1•A„: rs1 'fogbound betvOeenVec'einber410 ad:23 , 'or Vve,stbound,heivoven December36 ' and • January 11, • •• Wardair's A.B.C, flights are operated pursuant to -government regulation, which require boo 21 days prior to departure. A non-retumable deposit of 1096 is payable within 7 dayiof.booking. Prices do not include Canadiaitdeparture tax. Prices are Or person and are those available at press time. All offers are subject to availability at time of booking. Prices may not undude airpdrt transportation taxe%.or energy surcharges. See suppliers brochure for full terms and conditions. Prices con- tain alt known fuel surcharges at press time; but may be subject to furthei surcharge without notice, ' ny has just a project in where a 1jheating and air - system has ed in Ontario r. been hist Rroofffe • ni0040 energy hi, ev t erlielhe first totally commercial of geothermal hada; he said. dson said- he e units will tiee'tinielna popular in the ilotAtioithOint future as eople co4Le to be more eurgy-iousHe said the,!..44 %as worked well . to,date4dthe anticipateno problema- se� There u be no counter • sbrviee ork al delivery at the WOghig ost Office on reports,- La bofDay,ePt. 7, Post- maaer,i rSutcliffe •However, the lock., box lobby will be Open and mail will bekollected from the red box in front Of the post office at noon Monday.' outgoing mail also will becollected from the street letter boxes. town, THE DOUG DAVIDSON HOME on Charles Street uses an innovative but surprisingly simple method of heating. Mr. Davidson hada heat exchanger installed in his new home which works on the same principle as an ordinary refrigerajorIttak • • 1 A asit ISPUMPACI In; usesthIS home, and 'the eircess i„ • Motor damage in accident Two area residents escaped with minor injuries despite heavy damage to , their vehieles in an accident along Highway 86 just east of Wingham last Friday. _ A spokesman for. the Wingham detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police reported that Michael J. Darling, 20, was heading east along the highway and slowing to make a left turn when the car he wag dtiving was struck from behiiid hi a car • driven. by Spence G. Irwin, 76, ofLucknow. Damage to • the Darling car; a 1974 Mercury, was estimated at $3;000, while the Irwin vehicle, a 1980 .Ford, feceived an estimated $2,000 damage' in the collision. • Mr. Irwin was charged with following too closely. 41) , Last year Ontario replaced its system of Tax Credits for seniors with a new progrant of Property and Sales Tax Grants to help offset municipal, school and retail sales taxes. The. Property Tax Grant of up to $500 per household is provided in two installments annually. The Sales Tax Grant is an automatic $50 paid each year to an Ontario residents 65 and over. PROPERTY TAX GRANTS • APPLICATIONS The 1980 Property Tax Granrwas paid to recipients in one payment. In 1981, the Grant is being paid In two installinents. The first payment, sent automatically in the' spring, was, equal to one-half the amount of your 1980 Grant. To qualify for the final installment you must submit an application to the Ministry of Revenue. If you receive the federal Old Age Security pension, and are eligible, you will receive this application for your Property 111X Grant during the first half of September, 1981. Those who , reach the age of 65 between now and December will receive their applications early in 1982. Seniors who are not eligible for federal Old Age Security payments, but who have previously established eligibility for the Property Tax Grant will also receive an application. The Ministry of Revenue is mailing applications only to those seniors who are thought to be' eligible. If you do not receive an application by September 21 and feelyOu qualify, please contact Our t011 -free Information Centre ELIGIBILITY If you're 65 or over and own or rent your home you're eligible for the Property Tax Grant of up to $500. if you rent your grant will, total 20% of your rent or $500, whichever is less. If you own your principal residence your grant will equal the amount Of your property taxes or $500, whichever is less. If you are married and reside with your spouse or, if you share accornmodotion with someone over 65, only one grant will be paid per hOusehold. If you share your home with anyone over 65 other. than your spouse, the grant will be apportioned according to rent or property tax paid., Take care to complete your application form accurately! Take a few extrfiminutes to fill out your _application;-and-then-chec it dgairrfor accuracy. This makes it much easier for the Ministry to .process your form and get your cheque to you. Cheques will be mailed beginning the latter part of October. EXCEPTIONS If you reside in a. nursing home, a home for the aged or similar histitution, you're not eligible fot the PropertyTax•Grant unless you pay for the full cost of yourcare and the institution pays municipal and school taxes. If you reside in a tax-exempt property. you are not eligible. However. if you move into a tax- exempt property or a nursing home, home for the aged orsimilar . iii§titution during 1901, you are eligible for a Property Tax Grant based on your occupancy costs prior to your trlOve. If you moved permanently to Ontario during 1981. your Property Tax Grant is based, on the time you resided-itt:tiotario. SALES TAX GRANTS The $50 Sales nix Grant, cheques will be distributed automatically to all Ontario seniors in October Toi.i,FREE INFORMATION In Metro TorontCi,.alel 965-8470 M Arorc.1-orlr-807:70llrfltd-Dildrafor ref Zenith 8-2000 •.• . In all ofher a reas,...dial 1800-268-.7121 Ministry • George Ashe. Minister T.M. Russell 'Revenue,- Deputy Minister' . Ontario „".."4„ • • , BILL DAVIDSON posed in front of the heating unit which his father Doug has had installed in their new home on Charles Street. The system' runs on the same principle as a refrigerator: water is pumped into the system, the heat is remained through freon col and the watte water is pumped out. Separate board rejects pay raise for trustees By Susan White Trustees of the Huron - Perth separate school board turned. down an increase' in their honoraria in an in - camera session at their mee- - ting Monday night in Dublin. Board Vice Chairman Vince Young of Goderich said the proposed raise to $200 . a month from the. present $180 was defeated by a large vote, with only four trustees voting in favor. At the same meeting trustees reviewed copies of a provincial report on the role' of the school trustee. One of its conclusions is that the minimum pay for trustees should be $400 a month, funded by provincial grant • and- local-takes—The-report-- added that local boards have the right to pay themselves more than $400 a month, but the extra should be charged against local taxes'. Trustees did agree to a mileage ( increase for themselves, td 28 cents from 25 cents per mile, effective in Sept. The same mileage will be paid to newly hired speech pathologist Mary La Berge, who starts Sept. 1. Board 'member S recon- sidered and, rescinded a motion from the June meeting giving a leave of absense withOut pay for a year to Teresa Mader, former principal of • St. James' •Separate Seaforth. She no will receive a ,lear's leave \ absence. In other business, Director of Education William Eckert reported the board's con- vention and meeting fund is about $1,800 over budget. Because trustees John O'Leary and Tim McDonnell were absent, the board didn't hear a full report on the Congress of Education meeting they attended in June with Vice Chairman Young. Mr. Eckert suggested some trustees try to attend a —meeting -on -the -challenges -of - the province's new Bill which requires boards to supply special education. The meeting, which is sponsored by the Ontario Catholic System Officers Association, will be held in Toronto next month. It should provide "a par- ticularly Catholic point of view" with implications for Catholic schools as opposed to schools in general he said. . Superintendent of Education John McCauley told trustees he has been in touch with the Lambton separate board, which is' one of the pilot province for the implementation •of the special education provisions of the new law. A province-. wide conference on im- plementing the program will be held in Toronto Oct. 1 and 2. The director suggested a member of the board's assessment committee at- tend a meeting on planning with assessment in Toronto Sept. 17 and 18. The board's accommoda- tions review committee will Set a meeting for September, to -look over data collected by' the administration. The board agreed to pay Eileen Williams, the custodian lit St-.- Patrick's school in Dublin, an hour per day of pupil attendance at the recent summer school for Huron and Perth students held at the school. Cecilia Ryan was hired as part-titne custodian at St. Columban School, effective July 1. The separate school board will meet again Sept. 14. Snap up the opportunities q,- in the CLASSIFIED ADS 357-2320