HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-07-01, Page 7By Rita Rice Last week was designated as Senior Citizen's Week across Qntario. At the Winghar n Day Centre for the Homebound a special Wed- nesday afternoon program was held, The Wingham Senior Citizens Happy Gang and the Lucknow Senior Citizens Club were invited to attend: Approximately 75 people were in attendance. Activities for the afternoon included a square dance, made possible by Borden Jenkins, Cora Robertson, Ab Rintoul and John McCurchy. Other violin players and accompanists for the af- ternoon program were Gordon Wall of Wingham, Dave Wall of Stratford, Les Purves and Eileen Cum- mings of Lucknow and Walter Collins of Lucknow. The Lucknow Club pre- sented a comedy skit called "Bachelor Apartment, Wife Wanted" which was written S `• by Grace Campbell ¥erena Bone had a very hwrnorotusstory to narrate and ether events on the, by Fanny Wraith and Jean Aitnlnison of Wingham and Vera Schmid of Lucknow. The dancing was enjoyed and proved to be a good form of exercise as, well. The afternoon closed with a buffet -style supper, _ The event was planned in con- junction with Senior Citizen's Week and was a time for socializing with fellow seniors. The presentation by the Town and Country Home- makers that was scheduled for June 30 at the centre has been ‘17ed to Tuesday, July7Op.m:• The next foot clinic will be held at the centre on Wed- nesday, July 15 at 1;30 p.m. Anyone in the community who wishes to use the servic- es of the health unit is welcome. It will be held in the Armouries. THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Bronzetone 300 ml. Oil or Sun Tan lotion 3.49 ., 480's r'c. Q-Tips 1 0 8 7 Ies,.. "New" Impulse Body Spray 100 ml, Deodorant 1 •99 Happy Nail 225 mi. Nail Polish Remover • 99 Listerine 1 litre Mouthwash. 3 INE ORkia ay._ WOWS ...., ....„. _____,,,,,,.., __., 7oz. Turtles 1 •49 TRIANGLE DISCOUNT rimPAi14'7 MED/C/#ES • COSMFPCS • TOBACCOS Open 9 a . to 9 p.m. weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six UCW HOLDS DINNER—The Whitechurch United.. . Church Women held a ham and turkey supper; last Wednesday evening at the Whitechurch Hall. A large group Of pe0; le, from the area was served a great var- iety of him -baked fare. Couple living at Wa4erclovm following Listowel ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Groen are residing at RR 2, Waterdown, following their marriage June 20 at 3:30 in Bethel Christian Reformed Church, Listowel. Ralph formerly resided in Dundas and is the son of Mrs. Ann Groen of Dundas and the late Clarence Groen. His bride is the former Carrie Versteeg of Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Versteeg, RR 2, Clifford. Rev. G. Veeneman per- formed the marriage ceremony amid a setting of carnations and mums. Kees Vanderkruk was organist. The bride was given in marriage by her father and her sister, Miss Martha Home Helpers meeting held in Upper Room The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrews Church, Wingham, held their Home Helpers meeting in the Upper Room on June 22. The meeting opened with Mrs. W. Ford at the piano and Mrs. W. Congram dedicated the meeting to disabled persons with a quotation, "The man without shoes never complained when he saw the man without feet." The hymns which. were sung; were composed by Fanny Crosby who was blind. The scripture was taken from St. Luke and was read by Mrs. D. Ritchie, Mrs. William McKenzie and Mrs. D. Murray. Mrs. W. Congram took the topic which was based on disabled people such as Terry Fox and inany more •who have given so much for the comfort of others. Olive Lapp sang a solo entitled, "Only a beam of sunshine". The offering was received by Miss Agnes Williamson' and Mrs. T. Currie and dedicated by Mrs. D. Murray. The president, Mrs. G. Wall took charge of the business part of the meeting. The secretary, Mrs. R. McKay read the minutes of the last meeting and the Treat your family. TUESDAY DINNER SPECIAL TUESDAY ONLY .. Colonal Sondari' Rocipo Kthtuck9 ileoACkkkenCANADIAN COMP ANV Josephine Street hi the Zehr's Ploy® Corner of Hwy. 86 8 4 WINGHAM correspondence and roll call. Mrs. T. Currie gave the treasurer's report. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. J. McKague and a social hour followed. Mothers meet at Holyrood The June meeting of Nursing Mothers was held at the home of Ruby Bonnett, RR 1, Holyrood. Topic of discussion was "Learning to nurse". A discussion was. held on the physiology of the breast and factors ^ involved in lactation. The importance of breastfeeding soon after delivery was stressed; this helps contract the uterus, gives the baby much-needed colostrum and prombtes mother-infant bonding. Mothers who had nursed soon after delivery said they felt they had a better ex- perience than when they waited a day or so before beginning. At the. close of the meeting Jo Ann Kirkland invited the mothers to bring one of their favorite nutritious recipes to share with others during next month's discussion on nutrition. Versteeg of Toronto, was her honor attendant. Bride - maids were another sis- ter, Mrs. Irene Reinink of • Grande Prairie; Alberta, and a close friend of the bride, Miss Betty Miedems of Calgary, Alberta: Rick Elgersma of Dun- nville, cousin of the gr rom, was best manand the ushers were two brothers of the groom, Nick Groen and Harold Groen, both of Dundas. The couple Left for a honeymoon. "in Northern Ontario following the reception which was held in Kurtzville Community Centre. Prior to the marriage, Mrs. Ken Dett- man and Mrs. John Jacques were hostesses for a bridal shower held at the home of Mrs. Jake Versteeg and Martha. Stratford will host arts festival , Stratford . again will play host to the anr`ial1'`estival of Arts and Craft . July 10-12 in theSti'atfor l ' ? " The festival was establish- ed 10 years ago by a volun- teer committee. of The Gal- lery, Stratford, as a fund- raising event to aid in gal- lery educational_ programs. This year 60 craftsmen and women from . Ontario and 'Quebec, selected by a jury for the outstanding quality of their work, will display and sell at the festival. Jewelry, leather and wood crafts, textiles, pottery and hung art are among the wide variety of work for sale. Many of the crafters and artists will demonstrate their trades. The festival will b open Friday from noon to 10�p.m.; Saturday from 10a.m. to l0 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m, to 6 p.m. " "Book Boat" set to sail "Come aboard the book boat!" is the slogan for the 1981 Summer Reading program at the Wingham Library. On becoming a member of the crew, each child will receive a coloring sheet depicting an underwater adventure and one of four bookmarks saying, "Chart your course to the library", "Drop anchor in your libr- ary", "Sailing with stories", or "'Cruise around your library". At the end of August, a Master Mariner's Reading Certificate in old English lettering will be awarded to the participants in the program. Draws will be made for buttons reading "Book. Boat Crew". Now, cruise down to the Wingham Branch Library and become a member of the book boat and stayed tuned for further exciting news from the Captain. The Wingham Adv ee-Times, July 1,, .-Page 7 SkintivSalkows weddin exchanged at Saar In a \candlelight setting in Wingham's Sacred Heart Church on Saturday, June 6, at five o'clock, Shirley Roseanne Sallows and Gerald Ross Skinn ex- changed marriage vows before Rev. Wesley Gutowski. Fern, ivy and carnations in shades of yellow, peach and white surrounded candelabra and ten white tapers flickered under glass chimney globes. Steve Sallows was the organist and during the signing of the register, he played and sang "Devoted To You". The two families are from Wingham, the bride the daughter of Mrs. Shirley Sallows and the groom the son of Mrs. Jean Skinn and the late Alex Skinn. The bride was given in marriage by her mother and chose a white floor -length gown of nylon jersey. The bodice of the gown was high- lighted by a sheer yoke of Venice lace accenting a soft standup collar. The semi-full • skirt fell from a self cum- merbund and Venice lace trimmed the hemline which fell into a chapel train. To complete the ensemble the bride wore a matching headpiece and veil. She carried, her grandmother's white handkerchief and a white. Bible topped with a white orchid and fern with ivy and stephanotis. The bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Cindy Skinn of Wingham, was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Miss Karen Bell of Toronto, a friend of the bride,, and Miss Lisa Sallows, Wingham, sister of the bride. They wore floor -length LLL meets at home. of Mrs. C. Schenk La .Leche League of Bel"grave held its 'second meeting at the home of Mrs. C. Schenk, Wingham. The discussion was led by Mrs. B. Kerr and concerned the art of breatfeeding and overcoming difficulties. . The group reviewed ex- pectations of what would happen with the baby after delivery, and; noted •the importance of bonding,' Many reasons for early nursing and demand feeding for mothers who wish to breastfeed their babies were given. The mothers agreed that even if expectations were not met, it was still important to be.a confident, informed mother in order to establish the nursing re- lationship. , Mothers gave practical • hints on starting nursing and continuing it at home using Birtha and her baby (both dolls) to illustrate new skills to be learned. Prevention of difficulties was emphasized,' however, if problems should arise, questions can be answered by phoning a League leader or in the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, To celebrate. the silver anniversary of La Leche. League International, the League mothers will be holding a Baby Bazaar in Wingham on July 18. Proceeds from the sal? will be used to provide snore breastfeeding information to mothers in the. area and to donate books to local org- anizations, schools and hospitals in Huron County. KIN BARBECUE—Kinsmen, Klnettes, Kin wives and Kin kids got together for a barbecue last week at Riverside Park, as the clubs wrapped up their regular meetings for the summer. This social occasion is an annual tradition with the Wingham club. gowns of aqua jersey, styled with pleated bodices and matching sleeveless jackets. Their flowers were peach and yellow carnations and white daisies, accented with fern and baby's breath. Charlie Hopper of Wingham, a friend of the groom, was best man and guests were ushered by Brian Skinn, Wingham, brother of the groom, and Bob ` Johnston, Wingham, cousin of the groom. A reception was held in the • Teeswater-Culross Complex where the tables were centeredwith floral ar angeirlet'itsqn - peach; yellow and white:. The head table was centred with the wedding cake and lit by soft candlelight. Guests ' from Dorchester, Pickering, ' Toronto;, Rich- mond Hill, Welland, Kit chener, Hanover, Barrie, Goderich, Lucknow, Dun- gannon and the Wingham area were greeted by the mothers of the ,bride and groom. Mrs. Sallows chose a street -length dress of mauve floral crepe with skirt and . a white corsage. Mrs. Skinn street -length , dress ("poise floral jersey white orchid. pleated orchid wore a of fur with a . For travelling to Northern Ontario, the bride wore an ivory linen dress ' with matching accessories and a corsage , of peach and yellow roses. On their return, they `will `reside at 170 Charles Street, Wingham. Honored guests at . `the wedding were the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Finnigan of Wingham. Prior •to her—wed •• e n )404'411fet,F'k't „ s in Wingham. - MRS. DERRILL HALLMAN _ rLakelet Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reinink of Grande Prairie, . Alberta, returned home Monday after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reinink and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Versteeg. Splendid Stock Select from approximately 90 different suites of furniture, at the Godfrey Schuett Showrooms imMildmay. Competitive prices. Schuett's deliver in Western Ontario. Godfrey E. Scl tiett Ltd. Furniture • Funeral Service Phone (519) 367-2308 P.O. Box 100, Mildmay, Ont. NOG 2J0 If You Were To Inspect Our Services Up Close, You'd Find That We're The Best For Miles Around. Try Us. You'll Be Satisfied. READ CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR Josephine Street, Wingham Phone 357-1242