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Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-06-24, Page 14
i age"1r ho VGrf1t . Addance-Trlues, June 24 1981 at recovery unit IQs save o feel The Wingham and District Hospital is doing .its part to conserve' energy. Dave Hynes,director of the physical plant,, and his maintenance •s f have designed, built and installed a heat recovery :unit which t;villigeduce energy costs at the lioSpi l; Thn jt has been o opera • since Good Ftp, ; �o this year and alr'� las paid for itself in fuel, avings- ynes, who designed the:tinit, said he followed the same rprinciples applied on 1440, ships, that is the use of a.l.� waste steam for energy. Mr. Hynes spent several years in the British Mer- chant Marine where he noticed that cargo ships used economizer units to lower fuel consumption. The idea for, the hospital heat recovery unit developed from his experience onboard ship. The heat exchanger is located between the boilers and the smoke stack. Water which is purirped through the unit is boosted to a higher temperature by the flue gases escaping to the at- mosphere. • These flue gases can range between 550 and 700 degrees Fahrenheit: Before the heat recovery unit was installed these .gases were merely escaping to the atmosphere. Now (they are being- put to work. The high temperature water is circulated, throughout the hospital, the clinic building and the Nurs- ing Assistant Training Centre: It is estimated the unit will conserve energy at a rate of 40 to 60 per cent during the more severe heating,motlths. The reclaimed heat also is put to use to heat a 500 gallon domestic water tank. The unit will take care of 95 per cent of. the hospital's DAVE HYNES, director of the physical plant at the Wingham and District Hos- pital, explained the workings of the new heat recovery unit recently installed at the hospital,'Mr. Hynes designed the unit and it was built and installed by main- tenance personnel at the hospital. It is estimated the 51,000 unit has already paid for itself in fuel cost savings at the hospital. heating. and •domestic hot water needs dilring the months of September, Octo- ber, April, May and June. The heat recovery unit, or economizer, . will 'work as .a `secondary means of heating during the winter months. Mr. Hynes reported the installation of the unit cost less than $1,000, and he UbernI party f&hiI • Several area residents attended 'the Ontario Liberal Party conference in Kingston this past weekend. The convention was -called to decide the direction the party will t$lke in the future and to discuss the recent . provincial election. The riding of Huron -Bruce boasted a full complement of delegates at the convention. Those attending from this riding were Bruce ° McDonald, Margaret ;Arbuckle,. Terry Merkley, Bert and Betty Morin and Pat and Murray Hunter of Wingham, Neil Vincent of Belgrave, Graeme Craig of Walton, Neil Devlin off Southanipton; John Dunlop of Port Elgin, John MacKenzie of Tiverton, John Ferguson of Amberly and Bob Robertson of lj,,iplcy. Huron -Bruce MPP Murray Elston and his wife, Trudy, also attended. There were approximately 700 persons at the convention from ridings all over the province. Many issues and policies were discussed, including the direction the party should take to attract voters in the next provincial election. Committee discussions were conducted to present views of different ridings all oer° . the province. .It was generally decided the party must strive for a more well- rounded appeal to the average Ontario voter and to press for social . and economic reform. Dr: Stuart Smith, leader of the provincial Liberal Party, addressed the gathering Friday evening in a 'blunt. question and -answer period on the party's performance in,the.last election, when the Davis, government returned to power with a solid majority in the legislature. Dr. Smith acknowledged that some of the reasons the Liberals did not win the election were his fault, but said he also saw poor communication links within the party hierarchy as a possible cause. He also said he did not think the Liberals could have won the election anyway, because of the aggressive. and effective campaign of the Conservative Party. At a luncheon Saturday, Dr. Smith blasted the arrogance of the present Davis government. He cited the ReMor-Astra scandal, high interest rates and the economy as key issues on which the people of Ontario are not receiving the an- swers. Air cleaning for the cleanest job! • Wood Beetlein ra P Y� g • Disinfecting Ft Cleaning ® Cattle Spraying for Lice BEV CURRAH Gorrie, Ontario 335-8310 ©r 885-3277 Clip for Future Reference estimates it has already paid for itself. For example, an average of. 206 gallons of fuel per day were used this May. Without 'the heat recovery unit the figure would have been more like 250 gallons, Mr. Hynes reported. He said the same sort of unit could be installed in a private home il'. the owner had a fireplace and a water heater. The same principle could be applied. Mr. Hynes is proud of the heat recovery unit and its performance thus' far.' He said the present "energy squeeze" has made indivi- duals and institutions more energy conscious. meet in Kingston- The Sunday session con- sisted primarily of, . the election of new officers for. the Ontario Liberal Party. Jim Evans;, a Toronto businessman, is the new president of the party. He narrowly defeated Toronto lawyer Walter Bardyn and Tony Rpprecht,. MPP for Parkdale, for the position. Howard Aitken of. Goderich is the party's new vice president. image pollution Warning withdrawn The Ministry of the Environment has withdrawn its warning of sewage pollution in the Maitland River downstream off Wingham. Dick Brown, manager of utility operations with the. ministry, said Monday the problem has been cleared up• He added that it was not very serious and the warning issued last week was purely precautionary. Last week the—ministry. was warning against swimming or fishing in the river immediately down- stream of the town. Mr. • Brown explained the problem was caused -by a blockage in the forcemain which carries sewage from the town to the treatment lagoons south of Wingham. The blockage, which oc- curred during an attempt to clean the pipe, caused raw sewage to be dumped into the river while the problem was being corrected. Mr. Brown blamed the blockage on sediment built up inside the main and said that section of pipe has been replaced. What's new at Huronview. The Huronview choir sang at the Sunday morning service. The Goderich Township Women's Institute provided Old Tyme Music on Monday afternoon with Molly Cox at the piano and Mrs. Maitland Driver playing her violin. We can brag about the catch of fish on Wednesday when Bert Columbe, Al Macey, Norman Dupee, Louis Wild, Jim Ruddock, Ben Sowerby, Eber Lewis, Dick Wilson, Clayton Steele, Irvin Trewartha, Levi Carter and Ernest Applyton arrived back from fishing at Bets Verway's farm. The men enjoyed a barbeque lunch as well as the lovely homemade pies. The men would again thank Bets and Joe for inviting them fishing. The Seaforth WI was here on Wednesday afternoon to help all celebrating a bir- thday in June to remember that day. The program consisted of Mrs. Haist playing several selections on her harmonica. Ruth Papple then gave , 'a reading. The harmonica trio consisting of Harold Coleman, Jim Keys, Lorne Lawson entertained, accompanied • by Edith McMillan at the piano. The residents then joined in a community sing -song ac- companied by Sarah Elliot. Also on Wednesday, af- ternoon Jim Ruddock, Mrs. Wolfe, Mi -s. Cantelon and Annie Baxter journeyed to Mitchell to the Crystal Palace where the CNIB held a picnic. Games were played while guests were treated to ice cream bars and pop. Jim Ruddock received many prizes, but the - most out- standing was for possessing the biggest smile. A delicious dinner was served and Earl and Martha Heywood were on hand to entertain. Sympathy is expressed to the families of Helena Lummiss and Annie $arliff. , ♦ • •. ''"•:• Ylwry. . Selection and orientation aro WOW. k►ed:. and IP junior:, ag1"ier,411tt1`alists are readx to spend nine weeks working and learning on farms. More than 1,000 young people aged 1 17 applied for the Junior Agriculturalist program, - this summer, reported Karen Warner, provincialcpordinator of this Experience ' '81 program sponsored by the Ontario Ministry` of Agriculture and Food. "Most of the student ap- plicants are interested in an agricultural career or are uncertain of their future and want to try a summer on a farm," said Miss Warner. "Sometimes they need' ex- perience to get into an agricultural course at a college or university." Most applicants come from cities and large towns; many . live in the Toronto - Hamilton area. Coordinators place students across the province, but try to place therri within one hour of their homes so they can go home on their free days. Successful applicants completed a one or two-day orientation program bet- ween June 5 and 17. On-farm assignments began June 22. During orientation, they toured farms learning about farm .sof and, *hat th rlio farm r are 04! mu'!ity ler'iented noted Miss Varner. "many are active in 9 0 clubs and they arepehple who have a great interest in yolut ,." , - The host family provides room and Ward and pays. $6.00 per 'day to the jwuor agriculturalist. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and good pays all .additional $6.00. Junioragriculturalists work 12. days and: then have two free days. But Miss Warner said the program means much more than summer work to the participants. "The- students are supposed to get right into the family and be a part of it. Sometimes very close. relationships develop," she said. "Farm families think the program is a great opo portunity for urban students to see What farm life is all about, and this experience enriches the student's knowledge. °i5''`+•Y'y;iT.. is St. John Ambulance says the most effective way to control bleeding is to apply pressure directly to the wound. MRS. BROWN MRS. GEORGE BROWN LEGION EXCHANGE—Samuel Simmonds of the Royal British Legion,ta'es, mere Port, Cheshlim England, while visiting relatives in Wingha'n,0, presented WiIIis H_a 1, president :of WingehOM , Branch CO,1Royal Canadian Legion, With: a Ismail banner from the British Legion. In exchange, Mr. Simmonds was -giver, a Branch 180 Legion crest. ( Photo by Andy Rodger) Gorrie Personal Notes Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stevens, Kim and Keri of Bramalea, visited Mrs. A. L. Stephens on Sunday. Mrs. Sheldon Mann' ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCallum of Wingham to Oweh Sound on Friday and- visited their cousin, Mrs. Mildred Byers: Mr, and ' Mrs. George Brown and Mrs: Ira Neill were dinner guests of . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neill of . Wingham on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. George Dane of Hythe, Alberta, attended the funeral of Mrs. Dane's brother, the late Bert Irwin of Ripley on Thursday. They are visiting Mrs. Alex Taylor and other' 'relatives' in the community.'Mr: and Mrs: William Taylor and family and Mr. and.iMrs. Duff Hell of Elmira visited Sunday at the same home: • Miss Karen Hyndman of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hyndman. , Mrs. Rose. Knight of Southend -On -Sea and Miss Winsome Knight. of Ewell, Surrey, England have returned home after visiting their cousins, Mrs. Orrance Laramie and Canon Laramie. Also visiting at the rectory were Mr. and Mrs. Carl•La'ramie of Dunnville. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nay of the Trenton , Air Base and Jeffray Nay of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nay and Mrs. Earl Cudmore of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Currah visited Friday and Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Binkley in Elmira. ' Mr. and. Mrs. Ian Howes, Marcie, Mandy. and Lana of Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mts. Cecil 'Grainger .and visited Mr. Grainger in the Listowel Hospital. , On Saturday Mrs. Cecil Grainger, Mr. and Mrs. /an Howes . and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger 'and Christopher Grainger of Shakespeare attended the Grainger .reunion' at the home of Mrs. Stanley Grain- ger of London. Mr. and Mrs. Addie Jacques of Summerland, B.C. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gallaway and other relatives and friends in the com- munity. Mrs. John Strong spent a 'few days convalescing at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. John Currie of. RR 3, Winghanli' and has since returned to her Seniors' Day Centre News This week in Ontario has been declared as Senior Citi- zens week. The theme for this year is "We All Have a Lot to Share". The theme is most appropriate as one starts thinking of all the things happening because Senior Citizens are involved. Seniors are giving their time as volunteers in many organizations, they area) caring for children while' parents: work, they are visiting those in hospital and homebound' seniors, serving on public and church com- mittees and much more. Be- cause of their wealth of wisdom and knowledge mote and more seniors are remaining in public and political office and con- tinuing to remain strong in their communities after leaving the work force. Pro- motions across the province are happening this week to salute one of our most valu- able resource population. Here at the Day Centre for the Homebound we held a special event in honor of our area seniors. On Wednesday, June 24, an afternoon pro- gram and buffet style supper took place. The Lucknow Senior ,Citizens' Club, The Wingham Happy Gang Seniors and the Wednesday group of the Wingham and area Day Centre for the Homebound, pooled their talent and helped to make the day a very social one. More details will appear in next. week's paper. Last Thureday, June 18, the Thursday group went on a day trip to Mrs. Alma Jardine's cottage at Amberley. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed • the .. pleasurets of. being at Lake Huron. On Tuesday, June 16, of last week, the second annual meeting of the Wingham and area . Day Centre for. the Homebound was held. The meeting progressed very satisfactorily. On the agenda were the chairman's report by Catharine Walsh, the ad- ministrator's and financial report by Rita Rice, an excellent audio-visualpre- sentation of the Centre by Andy -Geistirfer who is a Fanshawe College student, the naming of the auditors by Catharine Walsh, a report of the nominating committee by Janet Reid and any nominations from the floor. The guest speaker for the afternoon was Doug Hayman from the London Area office of the Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services. Mr. Hayman addressed the group and spoke on services and Day Centres very ap- propriately. A copy of his talk will appear in a following issue. The Day Centre for the Homebound will be closed on Wednesday, July 1, because of the Canada Day holiday., If anyone has a filing cabinet for sale, please call the Centre at 357-1940. Remember this week is Senior Citizens' Week, so salute a senior! 1 home:: Mr: and#Mtrs.Harry 'Puller. of Watford spent Thursday evening visiting„Mrs, Gerald Galbraith. • etre* to .Port Elgin for the weekend , Mr. and. Mrs: Stanley Dane of Midland were dinner guests of Mrs. Atex" Taylor and attended the funeral of the late James Edwards on , Thursday. RD & UPTIGROVE ,Elstow*I ". I:. (191.291-3o4o ' CNARTERED AOOUNTANTS SUMMER COOK -OUTS The Ontario Safety League. reminds you to follow -the in- structions on the can when usingbarbecue starter. fluid. Once the coalshave started burning, don't try to hurry Wein -along- with an extra,. squirt- --- the result could prove.. explosive. Keep chil- dren and pets away from the fire .andbe sure you're not down -wind when cooking —a spark or flare-up could ignite your. clothing. `. ,,0W N 'oe, ~ti .:tE *. WI NG HA.M •k : INCORPORATED /j li379 NOTICE To Residents of tIe Town of Winghorn Please be advised that the town will not collect garden refuse and other garbage put out on the streets. • • Any of the•,above will be collected by the regular garbage collector and must' be in boxes, bags or 4' bundles. Byron Adams Clerk Treasurer 4IIPIlr'r11111110111 111110 II usuhir 11111u 111111111111111 $r ►,�: 111/1111/1 uII1n WO NW rai /401 - '"1 /i i II IAr, i41 When your 'Gang' is home for the holidays add some fun to the supper table! Bring home a pizza! Easy to carry and fun to eat! Call us at 357-3660 - we'll cook it in 20 minutes - then just come and get it! 317 Josephine St. Wingham OPEN: Sunday to Thursday 11 om to midnight Friday and Saturday 11 am to 2 am We stay up late! fir Ifs 'pi el elp W▪ O ✓ W WI taflr OW WI w Om r ✓ r rsok OW 1.11 r .or r r r s• tr ierl II■ On as ss assass OW top woo ege .Iw NSIop.pia ui rrirrrr rrr �r