HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-06-10, Page 5• •! • • • SUMNtef;"LONGo-i WITH 1EW LIFE PASTURE. CONTROL • '71." " 2:'*;4!, ,.• III GRAZE MORE BEEF PER ACRE • KEEP UP 'LUSH PASTURE' WEIGHT GAINS RIGHT THROUGH THE SUMMER New Life Pasture Control Ratibn is a high energy grain feed which supplements the essential Energy, Vitamins and Minerals lacking from late -season pasture. It is blown directly into the self -feeder in your pasture. Overconsumption is prevented by salt in the ration: EARLY IN THE SEASON -- when your pasture is still high .on energy USE 15% RATION to limit consumption to 4 or 5 pounds per day. IN LATE SUMMER -- when your pasture is low on energy-- USE 10% RATION to beef up the daily maximum intake to around 7 or 8 pounds. BEEF UP YOUR BEEF ALL SUMMER LONG - AND GRAZE THEM AT MORE '- HEAD PER ACRE, TOO! NEW LIFE PASTURE CONTROL RATIONS MEAN PROFIT IN YOUR POCKET! "Call your New Life representative today. new -life mills limited p.o. box 219, hanover, ontario N4N 3C5 519-364-3260 walkerton, pinkerton, neustadt, durham • • The Wingham AdviI,Uce-710114 41.041I. 40, • 'Anosh has come against a ch would group represen- .the Wingham d with Ashfield Wawanosh r is to be voted ',Ijospital board's al meeting The changes to the dare„Intended to make sAgition more pships hospital entative, Mrs RQtickle, attended the,, Aq4*eetiog to explain the 00.00 changes and to urge c* fl io,knekle 18e miee nfotrinmged. Loli members to .4, oca?-tileprospiozseofh al wouldte decrease boa ;tk, 43 from 17 mem- bers."Y The ; Itiskrhip currently ' shares nreL 010,' .representativeeofBiy th. with c.440.010:1 Neil Vincent gaidliett Ofige would mean, "fewer people to run bigger operations and I don't think it paysoffwin theend.”end.• Taylor'said he wouldliOt want to see a person from Ashfield or West Wawanosh representing the township and added that most East Wawanosh residents go to the Wingham hospital for medical care, whereas a Terson from Ash- , field Might to Goderich or ISIliene14111' BilsoPnH itais'allahan expressed, ,-his displeasure with themiposal saying, "I don't 'Melt, One township could blacklist a nominee." He wenton to Move a reconmieadation to the hospital ,. board that the townshiphas begin well- representedin the past and wishes M continue, to have a representative from the , townShipotEast Wawanosh. In otherhiisiness; council received'aqiill of $300 for an audit done o the accounts of 1 board reali the Belgrave Community Centre Board as well as the bill for the arena rein- spection which was $367.65. Council had forwarded the audit bill to the board, but the bill was ,returned to council because the board had not authorized the audit. The board suggested that East Wawanosh split the payment of the bill with Morris Township. Clerk -Treasurer Winona Thompson said it is not tip to East WawanOsh to bill Mors. If the. board needs money to pay. the bill it must approach each township on its own. Mr. Taylor, council's representatiVe on the board, said the board members do not realize or will not accept that board accounts must go through the township's • books. It is not an autonomous board. Road Superintendent Ralph Campbell said the board's books. must be audited because it (the board) could run up a bill of $20,000 arid. the township would have to pay it because East Wawanosh owns the arena. Mr. Campbell suggested selling the arena to the board. Following a brief dis- cussion, council decided to ' pay the reinspection bill,•but to return the audit bill to the board and request that the board do the billing if re- quired to each township separately. , • . Council was informed that several letters have been received expressing concern over the proposed Thacker Drainage Works on the south half of Lot 40, Con. 10. The Ministry of . the Environment requested that a full environmental study be made to make sure the need for. the drain is well substantiated. This would include a full appraisal of the engineer's report and a cost- . benekit analysts. The ministry is par- ticularly concerned that water quality and the hese flow of the Belgrave Creek would be disturbed by the . drain. The Ministry of Natural Resources also requested an investigation , into the matter. It has . stroog reservations about ex- tending the drain the two and onp-half miles into a natural fishery. The Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority also has concerns overthe feasibility and possible impact on the Belgrave Creek of a, drain, which it claims, the majority of landowners do not favor. The MVCA has just completed an extenseive program along the creek to. improve water quality and wildlife. The authority is concerned that the drain would cause a reduction in stream flow and water quality making the creek a "sediment -laden storm sewer". The Foodland and Development division of OMAF also stated that most landowners don't really want the $220,000 drain, but are helpless because they 'don't think they can stop the pro- ject or they think excessive amounts of water would pass through their property if they don't approve. ' It •also requested a feasibility study to be un- dertaken to hilly determine the project's impact. Reeve Hallahan said nothing can be done until the final report from the engineer, Bill Shifflett of Gamsby and Mannerow, is received. He said the township will hold a meeting over the matter at that time. Council endorsed, with. qualifications, a resolution out forward by the town of Wingham to introduce a . private member's bill which would 'enable a municipality to send , an alternate . to county councitin the absence of the reeve. Mr. Taylor said the people of a municipality should net elect a person who doesn't represent them. Councillor Neil' Vincent said he did not approve of appointing a person acting - reeve just because the reeve is away or has other com- mitments. But he did agree that an alternate was needed . in the cage of a prolonged. sickness. Reeve Hallahan said,, "if you're going to be reeve, you better be reeve," He added there are times when a municipality definitOy needs a representative' On county council, for example when a critical vote is being taken. Council passed a motion that in the case of a prolonged sickness of one month or more, a member of council ''should be appointed to act in the place of the reeve in attending county ; cannel" and the cm alp rem is 4 • ,e1; VegnlTIF' P told coundfl he was teanhId yrp nsstah loaiCtsb;ex 16ePP:7:44 131: len°dif 414 SideThree4 township as 4)71;1 01 14. • own for some time.• . Mr. Schujtz said there Is4 'good eqad gravel on the , property and it could also be used as a dump one may. • " - . Mr. Vincent said he, felt that "0,ravel's going to get'd clootinimntyeoreexpazbsuitvesair .wth: can't do anything until we •-•baveSoLnief,iaguruthoesTitiiiathe. 'o -,,, , rmun road superintendent, Ralph , Campbell, to:chech into the price and the acreage in- volvedandtire::t1:7W:4u"il The et1-is • scheduled for Jtily,4,. at the township • 5th Iltinivareaterw Mel - COLLEGE CORNERS. GIFTS b aims RR 1, Listowel June 11 - 20, 1981 20% OFF. Wedding Et Craft Supplies Free Coffee & Donuts While You Shop! EA.• E. 034'i ' • •••,r1r. • zehrs fine markets... of fine foods t. ALLEN'S 4 VARIETIES PRICKS IN 111,11T . • • 7 ;' •• ,.. . et WED., JUNI. 14 ,TUES., AWE 16 JOSEPHINE $11'4'WRIGHANI WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS FRUIT DRINKS 48 OZ. TIN 3 QT BAG OR JUG 2% PARTLY SKIMMED FRESH. MILK 1 LB. TUB SCHNEIDERS SOFT MARGAlill E •o' .0.V: 4 109 •••is.i • 0.1 ca - 69 • PLUS JUG DEPOSIT,,, ZEHRS 4 VARIETIES - 200 G. POTATO CHIPS 04,n34,14, or''4F,KONI6r, tiat 1 ,44 .et . fth ,T 0 . .4",r"j:giellifr4IVEEttk.EVEUtele.e • 'it ;fie • :E.