HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-04-29, Page 10ming Ev s ammiamoinewealearialaaaaamaimaaaamaiftwimmaisiiimiummeriemiew DANCE Bluevale Mixed Bowling League dance on Friday, May 8 from 9 p.m. to 1 a. -a. Music by London DJ; $5 per couple. Lunch provided. Brussels Legion. 29-6 GARAGE SALE Blyth Arena, Saturday, May 2 at 10 a.m. At 1:30 p.m. all remaining items will be auc- tioned off. Sponsored by Evening Unit, Blyth UCW. 22-29 PAPER DRI E Saturday, May 2 in Belgrave and Wingham. Papers tied and by the curb by 10 a.m. If you need assistance phone 357-1667. Thank you for help- ing the scouting movement in Wingham. 22-29 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Will be held at East Wawan- osh Public School, Belgrave, on Thursday; -April' 30 at 1 p.m. Any child born between January 1, 1976 and Decem- ber 31, 1976 will be eligible to register, 22-29 CRAFT SALE Consisting of handmade crafts, plants, baking etc. at the Wingham and Area Day Centre for the Homebound on Thursday, May 7 at 2 p.m. 29-6 SPECIAL SPEAKER Don't miss hearing special' speaker Dr. Len Sawisch speaking on all handicaps at F. E. Madill Secondary School, Wingham at 8 p.m. on Friday, May 1. Everyone welcome. OLDE TYME DANCE In the Whitechurch Com- munity Hall on Friday, May 1. Sponsored by Hall Board. Tiffin's Orchestra. Lunch provided: Adults $3.. BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on Friday, May 1, at 8 p.m. in Wroxeter Com- munity Hall. Admission $1; 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25. Special; Jackpot $170 on 59 calls; Purple Ball $60; Door & Consolation prizes. > Mayor �s°WN °��?s j * WINGHAM Proclaims INCORPORATED M S C 'j ...• arnation Week May 4 to 10 has been named MS Carnation Week in Wingham by Mayor William Harris. He urges all residents to support the Human -Unit. Multiple Sclerosis Society's 1981 campaign. While the cause and cure of MS remain un- known, Mayor Harris said that because of the efforts of Huron Unit, vital services are available in Wingham for those who have MS and that MS research gives hope for the future. Proceeds from the, campaign will support multiple sclerosis research and patient service programs. More than $1.2 million has been al- located by the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada for its research program in 1981. "The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada is the onlynational voluntary health agency sup- porting MS research, providing research co- ordination with other countries :and supplying . services for people who have the disease", the mayor said. Multiple sclerosis most often strikes people in the prime career and family -building years be- tween 20 and 40. The disease may distort and block nerve impulses controlling vital functions such as speech, sight and co-ordination. William Harris, Mayor, Town of Wingham CARROLL BAKER Concert, Renfrew Arena, June 17; showtime 7:30 p.m.; dance follows. Tickets Proceeds St. John Ambu- lance. Phone (613) 432-4010, 552 Fortington St., Renfrew. PEACE OF MIND SINGERS On Sunday, May 3, 3:00 p.m. at Wingham United Church, $1 per person, $3 per family. Sponsored by CGIT Tri - County Fellowship. Contact any CGIT member for tickets or Kathy Armstrong 357-1240. BIRTHDAY PARTY The family of Wellesley Strong invite all his relatives and friends to the Gorrie Town Hall, on May 2, 7 to 10 p.m. to help celebrate his birthday. Best wishes only please. FAMILY DANCE Belgrave WI Hall, May 1; dancing 9-12. Come and bring the family. Prizes; fun for all. Proceeds to Belgrave Minor Sports. DANCE Fordwich Business Associa- tion Spring Dance on Satur- day, May 2 in the. Howick Community Centre; dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. with music by The Amber Disc; $7 per couple. Lunch of ham, scal- loped potatoes and salad. Proceeds are towards the new street signs. HAPPY 75111 Happy 75th anniversary to the Auiiliary to Wingham and District Hospital. The occasion will be celebrated at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham on Fri- day, May 8. Come join us for morning coffee 10 to 11:30 a.m. or afternoon tea, 2:30 to 4: 30 p.m. 29-6 45TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, -Hank Cretier and family invite their friends and neighbors to an open house at their home RR 1, Bluevale, on Saturday, May 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 ,p.ni. Best wishes only please. 29-6 Cards of .Thanks I wish to convey my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely cards, gifts and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and the nurses on second floor for their won- derful care. Also thanks to the kitchen staff. Sincerely, Mina McCracken We would like to thank everyone for their cards, visits, flowers and gifts while we were in Wingharn hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon, Dr. McGregor, and the nursing staff of OB. Lynda and Jacquelyn Elston Many thanks to our rela- tives, friends and neighbors for their expressions of good wishes, cards and gifts on the occasion of our 25th wed- ding anniversary. Special thanks to our sons, Kevin, Don and Brian for planning this evening and anyone who helped them in any way. This all helped to make for a most enjoyable evening. Bob and Ilene Hastie To meet the growing demand for EPPS Manufacturing products, we must. increase our production area. To accomplish this, we must close out our HEARN WHOLESALEDIVISION. WE NEED THE SPACE....YOU SAVE $$SS STOCK LIQUIDATION SALE Clearing Everything Right To the Bare Walls! •SALE STARTS THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 8:00 A.M.• All First Quality PLUMBING -HEATING il% TO et- tir -ELECTRICAL Retail OFF Prices TREMENDOUS QUALM/ AND VALUE AT FANTASTIC PRICES E RN WHOLESALE LOCATED ON NO. 8 HIGHWAY, JUST EAST OF THE CLINTON TOWN LIMITS, 482-3418 ' Bob and I wish to thank all our friends and acquaint- ances for their many cards and gifts and visits to the Wingham and District Hos- pital both before and after the•birth of our twins. A very special thanks to friends who visited or wrote to me at St. Joseph's Hospital in London and helped look after Car- olyn and Lesley while I was away. Bob and I are sincere- ly grateful and will never forget your part in contribut- ing to a very special time in our lives. We would like to thank relatives and friends for cards, gifts and flowers. Thank you to DraWatt; Dr. Gear, Dr. Ping and the staff in Wingham and District Hospital. Bill.and Heather Wheeler A sincere thank you to all our friends and neighbors who attended the dance held for us. We appreciate your generous donations for our new barn and hope that you'll feel free to call on us anytime that we can help you. Special thanks go to the organizers ' Barb and Gary Rintoul, Don Pattison, Ray Robinson and Bob Gordon and tattle Belgrave Kinsmen for tending bar and the Sid - don Brothers for an evening of good music. Jim and Betty Ross Library sponsors contest 'What my library means to me' is the theme of the Huron County Public Li- brary drawing contest being sponsored at the Wingham branch -library. The contest is open to all children aged six to 12. There are two age groups: six to nine and 10•to 12. The contest now is ih full swing, and all entries must be at the Wingham library by closing time on Saturday, May 9. The drawing must be on an 8,2 x 11 sheet of paper, available at your local branch library. Winning ,drawings will be displayed at the Suncoast Mall, Goderich, during Na- tional Book Festival, May 11 to 17. Monde is Red Shield BIit Night Please give generously when the Red Shield volunteer canvasser calls. If you would like to help out by being a canvasser yourself, please phone campaign headquarters. Please help the Red Shield seal Giveusthjs *41Rt wirs *X SW WIIIMMV—Ildr. and Mrs. Billy Wheeler of Wroxeter ' 1ppy,�to announce the bl'tli �Qf their daughter, A> da i ee, sixpounds, f>.Y!0~„Ounces, born April 13 at Whigham and District Uospj(gl.,�,$ister for Paul. p'L''e1R111111491, y1 ria and Wilson Flerl�in of Wingham joyfufl'ly' announce the arrt I of „their son, Chad Wilson, nine pounds, three ounces, on April._ 26 at Wingham and District Hospital. A brother for Corinne, MAY—Bonnie and Danny May of RR 3, Wingham, are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jeffrey Edward Thomas, April 27 at Wingham and District Hospital, weighing seven pounds, two ounces. ROBERTSON—Jim and Diane Robertson of Hanover welcome their first .son, Michael James, seven pounds, five ounces, born April 27 at Hanover and District Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horwat, St. Catharines. MACATEE--Gordon and Janet Macatee (Janet deBoer) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Matthew Gordon, seven pounds, 11 ounces, at Prince George, British Columbia. Proud gran- dparents are Mac and Margaret Macatee, Toronto,. Dick and Sietske deBoer, RR 1, Blluevale. What's new at Huronview? The Salvation Army from Goderich entertained at Huronview on Saturday afternoon. A duet by Elsie Henderson and Margaret McQueen, accorii.uanied by Frank Bis- sett at the organ, was en- joyed by the Sunday morning congregation. The choir sang the anthem "Angels of Easter". Even thouglaMonday was a holiday .therestill was Old Tyme' Music with Molly Cox and Alberta Driver pro- viding the entertainment. A 'singsong was included in the afternoon program. Marjorie Boyce, Jim Rud- dock and Alma Davis went to Goderich to the Anglican communion on Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday was declared Fish and . Chip Day and the diningroom was rearranged for the noon meal of deep fried fish and chips. .Fol- lowing lunch various staff members displayed their musical talents for an hour: long afternoon progratn. Bible study was held in the chapel on Thursday after- noon. Also Thursday after- noon the annual spring con- ference of the Ontario Asso- ciation of Homes For the Aged Region. 3 was held in Guelph. The guest speaker was Professor Samuel Martin from the University of Western Ontario and he spoke of the future impact of the elderly on the economy. Those present also viewed a film called ''`Health Care With A Difference". Sympathy is extended to Albert Dunn and family on the passing of Mr. Dunn's wife. London singers coming to Wingham Wingham United Church will come alive with music ;a Sunday afternoon at three o'clock when the Peace of Mind Singers of London will present a lively hour-long program of songs. This appearance of the London group is being sponsored by the Tri -County CGIT Fellowship, an um- brella group encompassing CGIT groups in Huron, Bruce and Perth. Many CGIT members heard the singers when they per- formed last year at the CGIT Ontario Jamboree, and highly recommend them. pcorTh onjceeecrtt proceeds gnio ngtfroom rdththeae International Year' of Disabled Persons. Single admission is a dollar and entire families may enjoy the program for three dollars. Pius The stud % u coed at his hoineon Sunday, April 19, of Wim: Pal *Coal, RR 5, Wingham, He was in his 31301 3$91% Paul MCc091 was. born in Clinton ol1•,Aggust 1l4, 1943, a son of tbe late Frederick McCool acid Dorothy Jago. He received his elementary education at SS No. 5, Hal- lett, and attended high school at Vanastra. He was employed by Ontario Hydro. On March 18, 1961, he married the former Gwenyth Wolfe in Londesboro and" they came to this area with their family five years ago, residing in East Wawanosh Township. He had remained a member of Londesboro United Church. Left to mourn his•passing, besides his wife, are two daughters and one son, Connie, Danny and Beth, all at home. There are two sisters, Mrs. Roy (Doris) Green of Toronto and Mrs. Orval (Jane) Wolfe, Cam- bridge; and one brother, Robert McCool of Londes- boro. The late Paul McCool rested at The Currie -Walker Funeral Home where complete funeral and com- mittal service was held Wed- nesday, April 22, at two o'clock conducted by Rev. John Roberts of Belgrave. His final resting place will be Clinton Cemetery. FILMS LENT tta Gall oada, through its , program, circulates exhi time and films, Ialitridllal works of art have to sent �t, fro a e 4nI' �xf ,eine health ct ire course to train people -1u care 'for family mein Ithoxlti, MAY 1 and 2 • FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS • DRAWS FOR DOOR PRIZES 9/4 h.p. BENCH 5/8" DRILL PRESS GRINDER S155.95 Floor Model .. AFTER MAY 2, $249.95 $295.95 on $49.95 %" SOCKET SET ' $119.955, AFTER MAY 2, $448.005/8'° DRILL PRESS 14 pc. Combinati Bench Model . $239.95 Wrench sets AFTER MAY 2, $349.00 AFTER MAY 2, $59.95 TRUCKLOAD OF TOOLS WILL BE HERE FRIDAY MAY 1. BUY RIGHT OFF THE TRUCK AND SAVE 20% Many More Unadvertised Specials STEFFEN AUTO SUPPLY WINGHAM You wouldn't expect such quality at this special price. Hundreds of specially tempered steel coils for firmness, beneath layers of puffy cushioning. Rugged torsion bar foundation makes sleep set firmer, longer lasting. Hurry in for this very special sale value! REGULAR SIZE Reg. $169.95 each piece 54 x 72 QUEEN SIZE Reg. Price $249. 9 Each Each PieceNOW8 Piece Super offer on famous SEALY POSTURE You must be satisfied or we'll buy it back! Buy the Posturepedic set. Try it for 30 nights. If you're not 100% satisfied, we'll exchange it for other bedding or refund your purchase price. SEALY POSTUREPEDIC IMPERIAL With the purchase of any Sealy Posturepedk set a steel frame will be Included at no extra charge. Layton McBurney Furniture Ltd. 296 Josephine St,, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2 WO Phone (519) 357-1170