HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-04-22, Page 6\\ • '').0.1,?et rtie Aral COolde Day WaS heldia I929 and was the brad of Mrs. Fraok Hoag*, the mother of Mrs, 11 K S VT/shark who at we time was the chief come MiSCioner for Canada_ The drive was held beneetee the old barn at Bonita Glen, a campsite nem.. for Mrs. liodgtts, needed a new roof- The slogan was 'Hod the harp with cookies', and 9,0Xl boxes were sold. By teal the total had reached eaael boxes; age, t4g,024 boxes • ISS9,2siaaaa and to 1966 a grand total of Ma664 homes of mattes were sold Last year in Ontario' , /74,,39s cartons were sold, an average of adsorb 22 boxes per girl, and the Guides and Brownies are hoping to in Ake 1981 the biggest year ever_ COOKIE DAY COMING SOON—Brownies Heather Bishop and Melissa Schefrter and Girl Guides Lianne and Terri Shaw announce the upcorning Cookie Day being held by theGuides and Brownies April 29. The girls will be selling boxes of cookies around town to raise money for their groups. ARE W -EXPENSIVE? • eresosehere • • • sery ce T.7 -SP -0,e1:1 e.C1 one, E-verNisas Sz,er.rols. Tues„ to Fri. claim Chowder 1Salad Breaded Perch or Breaded Veal Cutlet with Spanish Sauce. Vegetable and Pot. ire Cream or Pie • • Teo/Coffee ' 5.95 V07' F-7,ed 'weoe.eze.,es one ae-e- z 3.95 Pore Beef" • Haraberg Cale Slaw erd Flee. eitara Seel, rto filler 3L95 Steak Morrie. S az_ New tilsork Steak sauteed in garlic better . tneetrociorat chives and ciraere. flamed wee, Cognac_ vegetable ond • peterto 9.95 :1•4.?". S-41 Winghorn Reservaii. 357-1633 GELMGE MOWN Gorrie Personal Notes itiars_ Robert Strong. M. Lorne Robison and • Mrs_ shaken Miniattended the advisory council meeting i Centra l United Church, Stratford_ The • thPimawas : The „Internerovial Year of persames and guest, speMters were two - quadriplegics, Myrori Ango:, spoke on his neutral- pas:tat-lig and Larry Parker toki abatia the work of Marched Dimes. • Mr_ • and Ms_ George Hetherington visited Wed- nesdey at the home of Mr. and Mrs_ Lloyd Thompson of Freetton_ • B111eyalm of Wingliem viitted at the home of Mr_ and Mrs_ Murray Hayden Mr. and Mrs Glenn Austin of Pe/a-wawa. Mr. and Mrs. Witham Aa•lin Matthew and Peter of Ti Mr. and Wt. Jarn, Jeffrey and per* off Famirra and Mrs'.IM-,7rtie Meld . of Regina. Sastatc wole Easter 4.-ook_od 5oPqrs of Mrs. Warn Amsta Easter gnests Of Mr_ and Mrs_ Mil Fr - and Mrs Kea -Norton and Kelly, oil WhitAv. Mr. and Mrs. Cate Hyolionata of and Mr. andMrs_ Jobe Lowll, and elreeice Shelbanne_ Ms_ Lowell has been promoted to assistant manager of Ceteue Trani :t e, oeviTse. . and Mrs . Lynn Fa-gasou. Jan and Er*--ta of Glen Williasanz ted T al hame of Mr. and Mrs-_ Jack Fergimon Mir. and Mrs Roger Dardhall and Gia of liarriStOn ViEW.ted SliOdery with Mr ,a73,0 Mrs Rober-t • Fergeeita ir. and Mrs Lame Pellet end Rae Lyon of Teeserater and Mrs. Eric TrataMte QffBinerale spent ..torday at the smne home. Mr. and Mrs Merit Smith end Merl .jr of St Marys. Mr an Mrs. Angus Smith Duane anti David of London_ . and Mrs . Les Flernevia ant laza' ce Neastadt were Easter Suridet visitors . arid Mrs:. Wfilhani A Smith Mr mid Mrs Jaelt Wilson of London_ Mr. and Mrs Died Robb of Godenoth and Mass Carol Bender of Cierago were Goad Friday &ledges web Tar and Mrs Elmer /airmil Illass Kaden:me C-ezer who has. gratiumed frVEZI Ora Cororivalli. eperit Easier with b pare.riu. and MTE... ..14- Geer iiethrae wd rivw be statinned al adze Canadiaz Ar- ati Furo, Base at Caw Borden and Mrs. Carl Geiger Of Kaartrvilik visited at the same home am Seedet Mr and Wir Zan Howes. lillearly and Lana Peterborotagt spent Govei ,phsem Friday and Saturday with Mrs Cecil Grainger and visited Mr_ Grainger ii93 Listowel Memorial Hospital. 3,1r_ and Mrs_ Lome Maim mad David, Mts. Sheldon Mem. and Mr_ and alte. Rank McCann of Feirdwiali we' Easter guests of Mr and Mrs. Art Rrotkles of Fc:,Lnwegia. Mrs. Harry Boothof Calgary vaited with Mrs. Mc Ne and Mr. and Airs William elms_ Mrs. Harvey Adams Speet Easier S121A2F With Mr and Ms_ Daly Colvin of Tees water. Mr. and Mrs_ Eldon Co,--„hrene of Ayr vi...ted Sat- z- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Cordon Edgar gelMNY SPRING SEWERS Members of the Sunny Spring Sewers met at the J -tarn Town Hall for MothersMight on Monday April 6. at 7 pen In adoaioin to the parents were the ,T-4,2einberS of the Meitieed Women's Institute. Two special pe-wils came to \hold demostrations: Judy Never), of the Mary Kay Coanetics, and VIA rlene Henry, to demonstrate hair care_ Mrs Net -ere demon- amted on Carol Belaegee, while Mrs Hem -y ined Mary Srnisasa model. Mrs. &VW/3 presented the two ladies with gifts, while Mrs. Jacklin presented Kerri Bray with a gift forbetogan underaged-aH member The members then gave a thrnotistiratimie lMeesteieg the Right Here< Then each cif the members etiOdelled her out wlanii she made while Mrs Wates com- mented on the work_ " FinAlly Mrs. Wattem .thaliked the ladies for comino and expressed her agasheS-to see the girls at the neoa 4-H club project, 'Which came Bea, the thicker' Or the egg?: Lunch waa 1 then sarved The program a great sot and the miss spethal tkarnics to the gave leaders. °E" a lia tare • " Telles uain40,4 ess of ass whe green. As any I can see the _ plants and trees IPPOY.b tl*st 0,Peaj 1511, .can be seen OB 4301/blili, of shrubs_ The aisa,iale ve burst thenoil once more to Mow us tbonders of the „ altrodnatting, feasting my eyes 1 ahla ben to catch sight 01 debris lett , ever from win- ter's ragingoen a few thlogs k011 out too late last fail. It all needs eleening up and thqre's quite_ a bet of work there. flew1 long to grab a rake and gointobattie How 1 long to grab a bee and eork up the sod eloeg the Rower border. Then I final hack to my home 'Swing cleanieg" is being talked abete and eves completed no by many weineia It seems to be that. I always hear the ladies Wiring about -buckhng down to the spring dearang'. How I long to tackle with energy and zest the clang of the windows. the cleaning out and scrubbing of the cup- boards. and then Mere are the curtain and drapes looking grab) from win- ter's eternal t ACT ef the fur: Dace. Well„ you say Get to it woman 1 would btheve me, 1 would if 1 could. bon 1 can't became 1 an not strong fmough,_ To reach and scrub, rake and hoe tak., energy, energy lack. Raking awl kneeling in the garden used to give me pleesure and great satisfaction_ however it is now but a dream kI 6 g 'ace taken from me because et that devastaIng amass, rhzatip3P SeiesrwL& It's been about five years since an article of mine was publied in The Advance- Thries, At that time 1 asked you all to look and really see the besaity that &amends us_ My nnge ;wasa plea for people eveffeepere to take a moment d every day to be gad - gad that they are gifted with sight and hearing thwifit' to laugh and cry, the wander...fill God- given ability to walk and na_ to move4,--'"-4i3r* When the need arias and to find a moment each day to be eraed_ Otely when illness strilms and nature takes a queer tlErnn Erar lives that inter- rupts the enert flow do w rel the wonder and beauty of wiTral is row Iasi._ - with &ease sod to llod com- frt and learn from each Other - It was reatidy decided that " There has to be some way to teach the masses' Jitst evactlywhat 10 isaed very iinfOrtantly. to have food- aisiog prolectsto enable us to seoci tosteh-needeti money for research into the tirrsease Oe Saturdey, May 9, the Canatkan Girls in Trainimg teGfira will be 'selling carnations I May 10 is Mothers' Day _ SefloM girls have volunteered their help to all these earrations. Your donations or pinchasis of the flowers will Itelp us to mete a donation toward re- search into this myeatery disease, MS. Slowly people are learning just what MS is_ They are learning that its affect on the central nervims system can be chaotic, eau affect your eyes, ears, indeed all the Abilities to be menet_ And it makes it iiipfor many victims to do the very ordinary things healthy people take for granted_ The men and women who suffer from this diseese are usually fighters, bot even as we fight seames the ability eves to walk nor - ninny is taken away We suffer neurological pnoblenis that are too numerous to motion here_ People who den't under - steed the ovem•helming weakness and fatigue !think as as snobs because we cael party and drink meta the wee hours of the morning.. Then ethers who do not know will see stagger slightly and teal* we have had caeca- two too many drinks The wonderful, friendly people of Vangliarto who know fee, or at feast know who I am. will see me 0113 one Of my good days walking very close to normal_ But, an hour latter I am geeing tired and the same people will notice that I appear to be hnpiogherkv. If 1 go on beyond Vas stage of fatigue the limp will have deteriorated to a stagger ktKiWY3 as the MS gait. It is a so Ie aWkward. alaovea the -place stagger. Too maey drilakS9 No. just MS fatigue and feeling very weak, just plain • • NIS are ank,' hut ta;ollty either wormed to wheel- chairs or hechiddett. So to ,Iava lucky. Will you please help us to maltP a success of our Carnation Day? IfInally, I wit without meaning to alarm you hat° help y to think more clearly ea this' matter, add a few. statistics - In Canada with our tem- perate climate we live in an - area highly prone to MS_ You may think we ate only a few hundred. Wrong,. There are inany thousands of people who suffer from the disease. About 35„0300 are diagnosed as victims_ Stallalcs show •that cue every thousand will get MS, and yet in Wirgham alone we know of six and in our surrounding towns and mattes the are several hundreill. WWI you also beer in mind that MS is the most common neurological disease_ And, if you are between L and 50 years of age it could happen to you_ Please help us nlock the mystery of multiple sclerosis and thereby eventually pro- vide us with a cure and a way of protecting other young people from this ci_ease' 11 is the live in our hearts that keeps us fighbog, and a sweet dream for the future that in our lifetime we will see MS wiped out com- pletely_ Remember Carnation Day • 41117 9 - Whitechurth CrOngrandations to Mr. and Mra Simon rel-ela ceci birth of a son on Tuesday, April it He is a hirer for twins Sum and Miriam Mrs. Boonstra and Orb of Forchrieh vicinity visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr_ and Mrs_ Bert Fon- taine and Christian of Streetsville spent the weekend with his parents, Rev. and Mrs_ John Bell_ Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs_ K. W_ Beecroft and Karen were Mr. and MI.'S. Ronald Beecroft, Kevin Sharilieri and Heather of gbam- Brian Rintoul attended a Hereford sale Saturday at Peterberough 04t*CA140AtaitiPPOntigliAM. AND !MGM,* $t PAULI tilURCH, WONGHAM SASININM, iliP#1,--- 1000. - Song Euchorist at °Ming oi Oat *coo! Altor WerkshOP, SUNDAY, APRIL 26 The Octavo Day of Rostov 8110o.m. - Holy Eucharist s 1000m. -SoneloY ichoo) 11:00 O.M. - Sung Eucharist broadcast aver mix - Radio, Cr FRUIT M 389 Josephine St. Old South - 121/2 oz. Or; e Juke KET 357-2240 .89 Campbell's - 10 oz. Chicken Noodle Soup t,/ • aw Hi -Dry White - 2's Paper Towels *99 Stuart House Large Heavy Duty - 10's Garbage Bags ]L.19 Sunkist Size 113 Oranges ti_nz. 1. Navel Mother Parkers Ground 11b.ba Coffee 29 2.79 Pesj Cola or Canada Dry oz. A,1 gLana+ Ginger Ale ILD • 'V Hostess - 2D0 gr. Potato Chips .99 MO= 357-2240 CliOSSD SUNDAYS WeDeUver STORI/OUR& Monday to Saturday- 7:30 to 7e30 pari. Friday till %Wpm. 1... • • .• Saturday and Sunday. Apr i 25th and 26th, Kentucky Fried thicken has a sensational special for you. A itucket with 15 pieces of finger liclarf good Chicken, priced at only $6-95. The Sensational Saturday and Sunday S6.95 "'ucket_ At Kentucky Fried Chicken_ There's nothing like it see s•- 14011..ibistY FUN—Monday was a lime kg fun and trotit as studerds receiveda day off school. These youngsters, riet in order, Tina arid Mario kotsants, !awl Kit key. Sciti koyie, Joey Walker and Angela Wail. Spec -el part al the chilly tait tree afternoon playing *atm) poll* .1/ . 41, -1....-.37.411.9”.917....kr,P. el" I. I jP. 1.40", JCp.,-. 4 • 4,',19,trel,.. 'gm settr."0, ,.^07<*i01615444,..4t4, ,." Jasophina Street in Ma Zebras Plaza Corner of Hwy. 1.6 and 4 WifiGHAM, Ontario