HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-04-22, Page 5•r
Coufty Shorthand non'
WOIeld inthis school
11:t Olt Wrd}S pgVInI1 t�
Mme}"' Ann Midget f
tf' Was first, with a Mark
of 103 out of a possible 110.
ifet'en Bradshaw, of 12A,
was second with a mark of
Their papers will be for-
warded for competition at
the Provincial level. Best of
lucks, girls.
IW trM,itltiM. r
us ed aPetlbound Ref
thefelt leapt' again,
again into ithe air in an at.'
tempt to manoeuvre up the
waterfall, All tried un-
sucleasfully tta leaf up the.
seven -foot ledge where the
water was : #ailing Moat
quickly,, and not%until,they .
were totally ,\exhausted did'.
/ * WINGHAPI.1 — 4,411,4 ii4,71,14
44,,, .:,4c_,.
Town of Wingham
The town will advance to Daylight Saving Tim* on
Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 a.m.
William Renwick
Town perk
The Cost Was
but ' our window is back
Thanks to all who helped on
the day of the mishap.
The Wingham Police Dept.
Blake; Evans of the Ministry
of Natural Resources.
... The Toronto Dominion Bank
a' (i
40 Three tbee),UPYifirdeel
fish leapt ainktitmAtileir,filf
up the.f'all,s to quieter wa
where they continued on to
their birthplace to spawn.
Viers of the fish would,'
never .overco rte the rushing -
water and would,. have to.
settle for ;life. downstream
where few wouldspawn. And
still they jumped; their
shimmering -pink bellies
flashing in . the spray, ':all
pushing ever ups ream
against the current. It was
Yet no signs pointed out
the way upstream --only the
push of the current directed
them on their way. No map
had they to use to retrace
their journey to their birth-
place only an inward in•
stinttold them the way
back home. Noassurance.
did they have that even once
they got there, would there
be food and water of the right
temperature, and a .place to
spawn — only a steadfast
faith that there would be.
It is that steadfastfaith
that carries them upstream
to spawn every year, and it is
In my opinion
A Iciugh
The co-editor of our school
page came up to me the
other day and said, "Write
something funny, for the
I looked incredulously at
her. "Me?" Frankly, I didn't
think I could.
Oh, don't .get me wrong.
I've tried to write humorous
articles and they are funny
. to me but never to anyone
else. I have my own secret,
private jokes, my own, de-
finition of humor.
Let me put it to you
Straight — I'm a very serious
Ferns; t,a1ways,+have, been
and Valwaro will be. Well,
there' you are .gettingme
wrong again. That doesn't
mean Lcan't laugh or have a
good time. Why; everyone
calls me "Old-laugh-it-up-
I' love laughing. It's my
favorite indoor sport, next to
eating. I'll laugh at anything
= funny jokes, ,sick jokes,
jokes which seem to fly over
my head. You name it, I'll
"The Best..
In Nor' ,
— me IIIUS 8Mil Lw,en4' !Iwe
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st l 1,
r of tt
over death in,
mini: ark Jatr
from t#s ,i0'ayd
He had wf
falfil�ed 'Ha wont
of a vir'giin,..Het- ild hang
accur °on.a tree.'
Yet, when. Jesus,,appeared
risen, to the other 401 dis- '
ciples, Thomas doubted.. Ll-
stead of pushing against the
current by believing the
"impossible" resurrection,
Thomas turned and Swam
downstream. He even went
so far ,asqo place conditions
on his belief - be :had tq
touch .the wounds ip Jesus'
feet and hands and put his
hand into . His pierced side
before he would believe::;.,
Christ accepted' ;Thomas'
challenge. He reap. 'ed •to
the disciples, The Doubter
being among them, and
when Thomas saw Jesus; he
fell before }lira and , wor-
shipped, crying, "My Lord
and My God!"
Thomas was afraid to.
"play fish", to believe in His
y many of us
.flaying fish"
IOw can I be-
n who called
of God and
e from the
who for thou -
has been
nd &phoney
A Man who
led for three
en cross for
say really
rformed His
Man who is
as having had
more peoples'
of the world's
t together? A
most perfect
ve that ever
ed proof.
t when He re-
in John 20:29,
as, thou hast
use - thou hast
sed are they
seen, and yet
" That is His
e — to believe
And it is your
. Will we deny
tion and His
ice by doubting
ands ft ngllis offer of life?
right # oW, will we dare to
play fish?;
A Underwood, 13B
is good'for
laugh at it. That's why my
three best friends are my
best friends. They make me
laugh, which pulls me. "up
when I'm swimming in my
socks in the murkey waters
of despair.
To me, my buddies are •
funny hilarious, but to others
... well . But who cares? To
me, they're funnier than..
Laurel and Hardy, crazier
than the Three Stooges,
more precious than the
crown jewels. : •
To me, one of the greatest
gifts. a person can have is a
gaod,sense othumor.
. My. spasms of; humor -come
'and go like whims in the
wind. The excuse I have
when I say something re -
The curtain ripped on the
It was nearly two thousand
years ago
The sound of ripping cloth
never touched my ears ;^
The .cry of the Son never
pierced my heart
But when He, cried "It is
The curtain 'ripped in the
The curtain ripped in the
Almost twenty centuries in
the past -
The priests and Pharisees
must surely - have been
shocked •
The Zealots and Sadducees
should have 'stared aghast
For that cloth separated
man from God...
But the curtain ripped in the
The curtain ripped in the
It's remained parted for two .,
thousand years
And in my life, there is no
mar'kahly ;funny is that my
zodiac plaanets and stars are
in theri^ h t 'orbits, sending
down wavelengths to my
brain** of funnies.
However, this will not de.-
e-feat me Vitt times, make
my frieiicb laugh. So, be-
tween .rny joke -days and
their off -days, we seem to be
laughing our way to the June
exams.. :'
Mayhe.ou(r marks are low,
our goldfish swimming the
wrong sidle -up, or the washer
ate our favorite socks, me
and my three Musketeers
will goon laughing, making
each other laugh, making
other people raise eyebrows
and making still other people
look up'the phone number for
the Rubber Room.
But look, you go through
life once, so why,be,e rte, , St
a stick' in the mud? I going C
to live and laugh now while I se
have a chance regardless of
what other people say, and I wl
wantto make my chums st
laugh. w
From my friends, I ask one m
thing: Keep on making me se
laugh. I love it. It makes my ba
stomach hurt and my flab B
shake, but believe me, it's M
worth it. Le
So laugh today while M
you're down here on good old R
earth and maybe, just may- K
be, the washer won't eat any
more of your favorite socks.
Liz Brydges
A tri
In $rill
getting lil,
space age .h stor ►.'
made and in Canada
In Britain the peoi
rejoicing because it's khat:
the thing the countryy needed.and besides it will help
country's economy.
In America the people are
rejoicing because it's just
the thing the country needled
and besides it will help make
the country Queen of the
In Canada I am rejoicing
because through one man's
death my opinion of people
has been fortified.
Wait a minute. What.is this
person trying to say? Is she
happy because a span died?
Who is this man anyway?
This man was quiet, per-
haps insignificant in a
crowd, a more gentle man
you will never know and
although he probably didn't
realize it, he had un-
knowingly reached out and
touched the hearts of many.
How do I know? I know
through the kindness and
thoughtfulness . expressed
when this man died.
It was unbelievable. I felt
like standing up arid yelling
"Hey, I never knew people
could feel for someone like
this anymore." I had, with a
sinking feeling, thought
everyone had turned 'into the
'now' individual, mixed up in
a crazy world where no one
knew what the world 'neigh-
bor' meant.
But I was wrong and I was
glad I was wrong. People do
care. Just when I had given
up on the human race one
man showed me that giving
up was wrong. One man
showed me that people still
love and stillcare.
Other countries may think
they are better because they
have moved the world with
earth shaking fervor. Well,
let them buff their nails on
their lapels, we know that it
doesn't take rockets or
future kings to make head-
lines. We `can sit quietly
knowing one man made the
headline in our hearts with
earth shaking reality re-
gaining our hope in'' the
human race.
Thanks Jack Kerr, .
wherever you are.
Lynne Nicolson
Rev. Dr. Robert H..
Armstrong was guest
speakerat the Easter
Suitiiday worship service in
Andrew's Presbyterian
hurch. Following the
rvice, the congregation
enjoyed .a time of fellowship
th Dr. and Mrs. Arm-
rong and extended a warm
elcome to their former
inister. During the special
rvice, Dr. Armstrong
ptited Brianne Margaret
ushell, daughter of Mr. and
rs. John Bushell; Jamie
vi Good, son of Mr. and
rs. Kevin Good; and Kevin
obert, son of Mr. and Mrs.
enneth MacAdarn.
Well, it was to the polls' on
Tuesday, April 14, as the stu-
dents decided who was to be
next year's school president,
vice president and social
A close battle was 'fought
the presidency and
Ily, after a recount,
ughn Passmore and
than .Peel took a narrow
over Kim Craig and
tt Cornwall.
zanne Morrison will be
t year's social convener
she managed to beat Tim.
intoe. All other positions
e filled by acclamation.
longer a'barrler Na
There is no block between Nai
the relationship of a man Sco
with God Li
And I know it's Jesus Christ hex
That ripped the curtain in as
my temple. Sta
Ene Underwood wer
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BUNNY SCHOOLT-Cheri McInnis and Donna Rawn, who:
rabbits, discuss education for bunnies with the teacher R+o`•,
three students played characters in °The Rabbit'School is Briar'!
Easter assembly at Wingham Public School Thursday.:
Wroxeter Prsor"i:
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Braniff'
were in Shelburne on Sunday
to visit at the home of. their.
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Turtle.
Weekend guests with Mrs.
Agnes Burke were her
sisters, Mrs. M. Barnard,
Hensall, and Mrs. M. Mellis,
Mr. and. Mrs'. Joe. Craig
visited their son, Barry, and.
family at Niagara Falls
New York, at the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. ` Ron Riley
and Melissa, Winghanli, Mr.
and Mrs . Ron 'Grilbertr'aand-
Krista',- Harriston, and
Dennis Wintemute were
supper guests on Good
Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Riley.
Mrs. Harvey Coupland and
Mrs. Art Gibson attended
Presbyterial in Central
United Church, Stratford,
last week where the guest
speakers were Myron Angus
of Rehandart and Larry
Parker of March of Dimes. A
busload from Listowel also
Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie
Douglas have returned home
after spending a few days at.
the home .of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Stewart, Kitchener.
Weekend guests with Mr. Burlington, spent the holiday
. and Mrs. Cliff Marks were weekend with .: her father,
Mr: and Mrs. Adrien Poirier, Gordbn Giron
Weston. Mr and Mrs YSfvo t.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Galbraith, • Ferg:X
Musgrove visited their Easter, greets
brother-in-law, Clarence Ott, parents, Mr and:
in Listowel on Sunday. Galbraith ;.
Mr. ,y
Miss Margaret Griffith, . Hi a IY11rS'; tt,i, ►
Mr. andEast
Mrs.' Glenn nsWercnm-Str-77
er Sunday toi visit
McKercher and Mr. and ,
Qti 1Son
Mrs.. John McKercher, Higgins andfami y. ; ;
Jamestown, Mrs. Rhoda Mc-
Kercher, Clinton, Mrs. Annie Peter 'adorn sandy
Griffith,Brussels,Ctnd , St,Y Thomas, wraited'
.Mr. and'Monday . ith her lits,
-=1Mrsr<�. Wallace' Nixon, -. For f 'Is )a =` cke
dwich, were Easter Sunday. . -
guests with Mr., and Mrs.
" Ron Larsen and family at CongratulationstoMr.and.
their cottage at Port Elgin. Mrs. Bill Wheeler on' the.,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black birth of their. daughter in
and boys. of ;London and Mr. Wingham `. and District
and Mrs. Jack Edgar and . Hospital last week.
Karen of Georgetown visited Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark
their mother, Mrs. Harvey were in iBrahrialea for the
Coupland, at Easter. weekend where they visits
Barry Watson of Tucson, ' at the home of their daugh
Arizona, spent a, few days ter, Mrs. Fraser Pollock,
with his parents; Mr. and Mr. Pollock and Todd.
Mrs. Reg Watson. . • Mr. and Mrs. James Hoist
Mrs. Gordon Wheeler and and family, Milverton,
sister-in-law, Carol, of visited Eugene and Chris
Kitchener visited one day Holst on Friday and all at-
last week with the former's tended the family Easter
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe dinner at the home of the
Craig. . ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall, Jutzi, New Hamburg.
BASTER SKIT --Students in the Wingham Public
School's Power Learning class wore long ears and
fuzzy tails during an Easter assembly Thursday
morning. The class presented an Easter skit, 'The
Rabbit School at Briar- Patch', during the assembly
which also includeyd songs, dancing and a parade.