HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-03-11, Page 11• For Saturday March 21 w AL HARRISON Billeting Chairman 357,2046 PLEASE help supportyour Wingha n. Midget Hockey Tournament MNEYSAVERS + r 1 -11 Close -Lep, 100 Pvoi Toothpaste 1.09 Polident Denture Cleaning 66's Tablets 1.59 Antiphlogistine A-535, 120 ml. 2:19 Nabob 454 gr. Coffee 2.79 Downy 2 litre Fabric Softener 2.59 Smiles Et Chuckles 100 gr„ Peppermint Patties .65 Rub TRIANGLE 19COUNT PArf4'T,vfO/C/NES • COSM!77 S • TOBACCOS ¢pied 91sen 'to 9.p.m Weekdaays - Sundays Noon es Six; :Marchll2.. rs Harold Stealer, president started the Patti at 7 On. by welcoming thye itn attendance and wishing them an •enjoyable evening. The many delicious home- made desserts were served smorgasbord' .style and a social 'time..was enjoyed during dessert. About 5 attended. Followingdessert, progressive 'euchre was 4 had the most lone hands. Novelty pl i' Went to: birthday, Mrs. Anne Stith;; wedding anniversary in April,��Jack Boo,wlm(..�any�„1jt O* chair, 1m. Retold Steffe. i person coming the.fart(test. :distance, Mrs.Snyder. • President - Mrs. Steffler thanked- everyone for .coming" and making the party a success. Gnrnddauihter wed in Texas- ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. O'Loughlin of Riverside, Connecticut, ( formerly of Houston, Texas) announce the marriage of their daughter, Patricia Anne, to Jesse Richard Erickson, on March 2 at. Houston. The bride is a graduate of St. Mary's College Notre Dame, Indiana, and the graduate school of business, University of Houston. Sheds the granddaughter of Mrs. F. A. Parker of Wingham and the late Dr. Parker. Her father is a director and senior vice president of Exx- on Corporation of New York City. Patricia is currently Quiet ceremony unites couple A quiet wedding was solemnized in the Wingham United Church on Saturday, March 7, by Rev. K. Barry Passmore when J. Robert Heughan, son. of James Heughan, and Debbie Chapman, daughter of• Mr. and Mrs. R. Chapman, all of Toronto, were united in marriage. Following the ceremony dinner was served at Cap'n Zack's and the young couple left on a trip to Florida. They will reside in Toronto. Mrs. W. Heughan of Wingham- is athe",',gr' r grandmother. account manager of Burroughs Corp., Houston, Texas. - The groom is a graduate of Texas A and M University and the American graduate school of international management, Phoenix., Arizona. He is the. grandson off Jesse Erickson, author and poet, and son of Colonel and Mrs. Donald Erickson ( retired, US Air Force) of El Paso, Texas. The groom is currently a financial analyst with Texas Commerce Bank. They will reside in Houston. Day of Prayer service is held BELGRAVE — The World Day of Prayer Service was held in Knox Presbyterian Church, last Friday, and consisted of four different parts. Mrs. Joe Dunbar took Part I, "The Sorrow of the Ear- th", and Mrs. Ross Anderson Part II, entitled "The Healing of Earth's Wounds," Rev. Kenneth Innes gave the message on "The Stewardship of the Lord. Mrs. Beth Procter was in charge of PartIII, "Offering of Gifts". Offering was received and dedicated. . .Mrs. Procter, also took Part IV, "The New Earth", „.arid,' closed the Meeting wittivei prayer: , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BLANKET COVERAGE OF ONTARIO FOR ONLYI25. YOUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL BE Published in over 111 Community Newspapers Delivered to almost 519,000. homes Read by 1.7 million readers ALL YOU DO IS HAND YOUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS TO THIS NEWSPAPER. WE WILL DO THE REST Why' Blanket Coverage is advantageous to you WHO? Run in more than 111 communi- ty newspapers across the province, or 450 newspapers across Canada. WHAT? Getting a classified ad message to 1.7 million readers in Ont- ario, or 5.3 million readers across Canada. WHERE? Right across Ontario, or Right acrosp Canada. WHY? To serve newspaper readers with more interesting classified ads, and to make it easy for you to reach more customers. WHEN? Once per week. Every week. HOW? It's easy! One order does it all! OR YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR COVERAGE AREA All of Ontario e... $125 $ 75 $ 50 $ 25 $430 Western Ontario Eastern Ontario Northern Ontario All Canada $14.00 per extra word. British Columbia $ gg Alberta $ 75 Saskatchewan $ 75 Manitoba $ 50 Atlantic $ 55 (PEI, Nild., N.S., N.B.) All prices based on 25 words Contact The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320 for your Blanket Classified Order Form u6; fiVANDE"RLEEUW, playing as Oliver Twlst in the !(.blic School's musical presentation of 'Oliver'', Is being Tithe band of pick -pockets by bully Bill Sikes, played by c urches unite in of prayer Mrs., Murray Underwood welcomed• those attending the World Day of Prayer service held in St. Andrew's Presbyteriain Church, Wing- hatfi,'on day afternoon. Fate • churches participated and there wasa large crowd. The themeof the service, The"Ea h The Lord's', was well enyefeireted by the Native lean Indian women who represent Indian tribes from41ll parts of the United S ,lutes. They prepared this:,service which is used ire a.: communities throughout ,he world on the same day..;. The offerings go to , Womten's;; Inter -Church Council Of 'Canada. Mrsl .trindeood led in'the respo - +t drag about the crentto t " earth, Mrs. nd s. Sacred earl. t 'ma /'catholic Church led in sctur .,from Joel, chapter'one. and responsive reading on 'the sorrow of the earth'. They directed thoughts for silent prayer. Mrs. William Connell and Mrs. Alvin Higgins of St. Paul's Anglican Church led, Miss L. Lucas hosts meeting of aft: unit BRUSSELS — Miss Laura Lucas •entertained the members of the afternoon _unit in her home when 19 answered the roll call. Forty- one visitations • 'were recorded for themonth. President Mrs. Ida Evans called the meeting to order by reading a poem, 'God's Will'. A hymn opened the devotions and Psalm 116 was read in unison: Mrs. Dorothy Ritchie led in the discussion on the psalm. This is one of David's finest writings and although it is made very personal by the extensive use of pronouns 'I' and 'me', it is very acceptable and delightful. Mrs. Ritchie impressed upon the members the im- portance of reading the Bible,•for "it is alone through reading the scriptures that we find faith and im- pressions of God are manifested to us through Christ". In closing, she said, "Grant that we will join with David to praise the Lord." Mrs. Steffler referred to the packet material for the study on 'Partners in the Gospel'. She said that Christians are partn8f9 in the circle of God's love and they must form a good partnership in His service. She told the story of Dr. D. Brown, a chaplain in the Peterborough Civic Hospital since 1972. He had ben a minister in Newfoundland and Winnipeg. Following his course in Massachusetts where he majored in psychology and clinical study, he was called to Peterborough where he and other ministers and lay people do a great work. This form of ministry is finding its way into many local hospitals as well. Following the dedication of the offering a hymn was sung and the Lord's Prayer was used as a benediction. in scripture from II Chronicles and directed questions for silent reflection for 'the healing of earth's wounds'. Mrs. Elsa Kibby sang 'Sweet Hour of Prayer'. Mrs. Wilson Perrin and Mrs. Art Hubbard of the Salvation Army led in `time for reflection of Who Am I' in relation to the earth and its people. Mrs. Perrin led in prayer, The ladies' choir, under the direction of organist Mrs. Don Robertson, sang the anthem I Know Whom 1 Have Believed' while the. offering was being received. The ushers were Mrs. Jerry Chomyn, Mrs. Lou Hutton, Mrs. Jack King and Mrs. Don Courtney. Mrs. Hubbard gave the dedicatory prayer. Mrs. . Rea, Grant :of Listowel was guest speaker and based her thoughts en Psalm 24, verse one: 'The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof, and they that ''dwell therein'. She spoke of the concern of the` American Indians for all realms of nature and urged everyone to share that respect for God's creation. The speaker also stressed Mitch Braun, and Nancy - Susan Hubberd, The mualca sented by Grade 7 and classee hur lalyevening school. the need to rely on a source greater, than oneself in all areas of daily life. She cited examples of living one's life for the glory -of God, in the physical, mental and spiritual realms. "We can only change the world by changing individuals," she said. "We can have the assurance that we are the Lord's." Mrs. Grant concluded her message with a verse of the hymn, 'This Is My Father's World'. Mrs. Barry Passmore and Mrs. H. S. Wardrop of ,the United Church -led - in 'the new earth' section . which included a Lakoti ceremony using the cross as the centre. All turned to'each direction, 1 returning to /the cross and reading , resp�ansuel~y;_:;l`a was a very effective closing exercise. After 'a closing prayer and responsive reading, prayer concluded the service. A social time was enjoyed following the service when . lunch was served With ladies from each congregation assisting. Eight children were looked after in the nursery. Melville Presbyterian hosts Prayer service BRUSSELS — The World Day of Prayer service was held in Melville Presbyterian Church. Organ and piano preludes were played by Mrs. Joanne King and Mrs. Karen Cardiff who Also .accompanied • the hymns. Mrs. Mildred' Perrie and Mrs. Mary Douala acted as ushers for the large gathering. The delightful program, 'The Earth Is The Lord's', was prepared by the • Native American Indians of the United States, who , have great reverence for nature and man's relationship with the world. .Mrs. Evelyn Mair as leader read the call to prayer and Mrs. Isobel Gibson read scripture from Genesis. Mrs. Ruby Steiss led in the story of„ creation. All represented McTvi l le church. . 'The sorrow of the earth' was introduced by Mrs. ,• Esther McCutcheon. She was assisted by Mrs. Dillow and Mrs. Sargent, all representing St. John's Anglican Church. Two solos were sung by Miss Susan Cardiff. 'The healing of earth's wounds' was pvesented by Mrs. Joanne Phelan who was assisted by Mrs. Margaret Kelly representing St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church. The topic was taken by Mrs. Hazel Matheson who told an interesting story about an Indian chief. She closed her talk with a hymn written by a Scarborough woman, which is sung to the majestic tune of Finlandia written by Jan Sibelius. The offering was received T by Mrs. Mary Douma and Mrs. Wilma Hemingway. 'The new earth' was a ceremonial form of a cross as used by the Lakota Native American people and was led by Mrs. Dorothy Steffler and Mrs. Sarah Stephenson. The central cross was raised by Mrs. Adah Smith; the west by Mrs. Marie LeDrew; north by Mrs. Anne Smith; east by Mrs. Helen Wheeler and south by Mrs. Ruth Hipfer. Thisgroup rep- resented the United Church. The closing prayer was given by Mrs, Dorothy Steffler and visitors were invited to share a lunch in the church basement, bring- ing to a close a very in- teresting and informative service. Mrs. John Bell is guest speaker at Whitechurch Whitechurch — Mrs. John Bell was introduced by Mrs. Roely deBoer when she spoke at the World Day of Prayer service held in the United Church. Mrs. Bell, speaking on the service theme, 'The Earth Is The Lord's', told the story of creation from the Bible and stressed man's stewardship in caring for all of God's creation. She left her listen- ers with a question, "At„ Christ's coming will He say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord'? Mrs. Bell was thanked by Mrs. Millan Moore. The leaders for the service were Mrs. Lorne Durnin and Mrs. Roely deBoer. Readers were Mrs. Moore, Mrs. John deBoer and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. Don Ross was organist throughout the service. SUSAN HUBBARD, a Grade 8 student at Wingham Public School sings 'As Long As He Needs Me' during a dress rehearsal of 'Oliver' which will be presented in the school Thursday evening at 7:45 p.m. Miss Hub- bard will portray Nancy .in the operetta, while Marlene Vanderleeuw will perform as Oliver Twist. WINGHAM. FRUIT MARKET 389 Josephine St. 357-2240 Highlines 7 oz. Chicken Haddie .89 Paramont 6% oz. Flaked White Tuna Kraft 1 Titre Miracle Whip 7.35 7.63 Nature's Best, 12 oz. �/� Whole Kernel Corn Fancy Grade, 31b. bag Ida Red Apples 85 Ontario No. 1, 10 Ib. bag Potatoes 1.49 Schneider's'1 fkg..,box Beef Burgers 3.89 Schneider's 200 gr. 1.19 Quiche Lorraine Phone 357-2240 CLOSED SUNDAYS We Deliver STORE HOURS: Monday to Saturday, 7:30 a.Pn. to 7:00 p.m. Friday till 9:09 p.m.