HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-02-25, Page 617,e:1T
• !It ittatIV_ittsbalra Advuteellraes. February 25 1 :11.
• SCOUTS 84 FRIENDS—Members of the Wingham Scouts and their 'ladles'
showed off their square dancing talents during the variety show Friday night.
• •
cD' • 6 I. • 4
Day Centre News
By Rita Rice
During the past week at
the centre activities have
' regained the normal pace
after the snowstorms The
• drivers and seniors found it
somewhat easier to get to the
Armouries. But don't be;
fooled, the snow Will fly Once
One of bin' centre *Aim"-
teers, • Catharine Rae,
provided a veil' -*tail
program last week.
Catharine travelled to Italy
last fall for a few months to
visit her daughter and
family. During the vacations
she had the opportunity of
touring many ,unique and
historical sites of Italy.
Last Tuesday Feb. l7, the
seniors had the chance to
saw her slides . as she.
narrated and answered
The film 'Black Creek
Pioneer Village' was shoWn
' •
Let us welcome you!
Joan Chandler
on Wednesday and Thursday
of last week. Everyone
enjoyed going back quite a
few years and reviewing
some of our early heritage.
We are very busy pre-
paring for our craft sale. The
sale this year will feature not
only craft items, „but plants,
baking and other interesting
Rre abb_ut tO t
' 'designing tffsh gardene„ La. Leche. League of Bel- BI'
munity give the centre a call
at 357-1440 and make a
referral. Sometimes it is
rather difficult to find out
who could benefit from the
We can always use more
volunteer drivers here at the
centre. It is necessary to
have an active list of drivers
to maintain successfull
transportation. If you have
the time and a vehicle, call
us at 357-1440 or drop into the
Armouries anytime.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans of
Hamilton visited Saturday.
with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. BillEvans.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Emerson, Darlene, Sharon
and Brenda of St. Catharines
spent the weekend with their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Poetry contest
entries invited
A $1,000 grand prize will be
awarded in the special
poetry competition spon-
sored by World of Poetry, a
quarterly newsletter for
Poems of all styles and on
any subject are eligible to
compete for the grand prize
or •for 49 other • cash or
merchandise awards, total
ing over $10,000.00.
"We are encouraging
poetic talent of every kind,
and expect our contest to
produce exciting discover-
ies," said Contest Chairman,
Joseph Mellon.
Rules and official entry
forms are available from the
World of Poetry, 2431 Stock-
ton, Dept. N, Sacremento,
California, 95817.
Mr. and
Cecil deBoer
49 Edmonton
Completion of
r. course at
•Ts. Walter
Karen, Mrs.
''0arry Elliott
and Ry,ano Mr. and Mrs.
David Elliptt't,,;,iyir and Mrs.
igst,',,.,,,Jeffery and
Leslie els, Mr. and
Mrs. Malty diaw, Mr. and
Mrs.., 000 , Pcharrne of
GoderIck at London on
Sunday tfitV R with Mr. and
Mrs. PIMA, Laidlaw, Jason
and Mic014e, and to
celebratii-40On's first birth-
Mrs; 2110y Laidlaw and
Mrs. ,Lornn ,Durnia spent
Friday in , Ltindon visiting
with relative6:
Friday evening visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Tiffin were Mr. and Mrs.
• HugleMettillan and David of
Watford and - Mrs. Isobel
Tiffin, Lucknow.
Mr. and •Mrs. George
Webster were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Terry Rutledge, Shawn and
Jason of Auburn.
Wingham WI enjoys
Valentine program
Mrs. John L. Currie and
Miss Anne Wilson were
conveners for a Valentine
program when the Wingham
Women's Institute met in the
council chamber on •Thur-
sday of last week. Both read
articles about St. Valentine
and Mrs. Currie conducted
several contests.
A pot luck luncheon
preceded the meeting. After
the sumptuous meal,
President Mrs. R. Powell
opened the meeting with the
Ode, Mary Stewart 'Collect
and the singing of '0
Canada', led ,by a guest,Mrs.
Jean Aitchison. Roll call was
answered • and the
correspondence was read,
FWIO president, telling of
projects for the coming year,
the 33rd annual officers'
conference at Waterloo on
May 5, 6 and 7 and the in-
crease in membership fees.
The group decided to hold
a dessert euchre on Wed-
nesday, March 25 at 1:30 in
• the hall. A number of ladies
offered to make dessert
' .Mrs. Helen McBurney,
Mrs. Hazel Hardie and Mrs.
Myra Pennington were
• appointed the nominating
committee and will submit
their report at the March
The meeting closed with
• the singAtig of 'God Save the
Mr. and
pardon and Kentire, v
Sunday with. the
Mr. and.*s. TR
Higkway 86 vislted
with his parents, Mr. ai
Alm. John Inglis of
couver ,
Whitechurch friends are
sorry that 4vadelle
Htdsser, daughter of Mr:a j.,10
Mrs. Ivan Rubor of we
garage, recently felt fro* a
step -stool and broke 'her
arm. The eelltini*O...wishels
tth er .3,A0V7
A.404 egYetall,
t•week. with
te nor-
• Douglas Straker of Loucks;
spent a few -.days-with Ida ,‘
Parnts, and Ms. Wm!'
AVOW. Bruce,
Mr. and Mrs.
• Wilk 0 Kitchenet. Spent •,
weekend ,his
parents; yr. and lArs.' Earl.
-v/iiken ••
Rev. anicilViri JON) Befl
Atwoou guests , _spent Panday afternoon with
° • relatives at their cottage at
at BrIISSel$• Inverhuron. •
Jeluipay of Taranto spent
c • lub ni g . the weekend with his
•parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
BRUSSELS — Quests Day, and Richard.
from AtwoOd entertained at -
the meeting of the Brussels
senior Friendship Club, bed
recently at the Lesion 011:
Mrs. Eleanor Inglis 'played Ilnatitutp hpars
• several numbers on ,the ""7.'" "
accordion and readings were talk on Wales.
given by Mrs. Jessie Lem-
mox and Mrs. Gordon BELGRAVE — Members
Peachey. The Members and guests of the Belgrave
were grateful to the program Women's • Institute met
committee for securing recently in the vFi hell for the•
these talented ladies. World Affairs and Heritage
In the absence of president meeting. All present enjoyed
Frank Hooper who is ill, past a most delicious pot -luck
president Fred Thuell dinner.
conducted the meeting, wel- Rev. John Roberts was
corned the members and guest speaker. Using slides,
visitors and opened the he gave a most interesting
meeting with the singing of presentation on the country,
'0 Canada', accompanied at language and history of his
the piano by Mrs. Harold native -Wales. * -
Thomas. Mrs: Frank Hooper The roll call, "Tell where
performed the duties of your ancestors came from",
secretary. was answered by all the
The International meeting members present. Summary
of senior citizens is being day for the crewel em -
held in Toronto at the Prince broidery course was an -
Hotel on May 19-21. Brussels flounced for March 30, at the
hopes to have a represen- Wingham • Presbyterian
tative attend aC least one Church.
day. • Mrs. Clare Van Camp was
The remainder of' the chosen as Belgrave's dele-
afternoon was spent playing gate to the Officers Con -
progressive euchre, with ference to be held at the Uni-
prizes for high scores won by versity of Waterloo in May.
Mrs, Jack Thynne and The Institute made a
Edwin Martin; low, Mrs. donation to the Sett Fite
Jessie Lemmox and Mel Fund.
Jacklin. The prize for, the The Institute members
lucky tally card draw went to have numerous catering
• Queent and a social time was• Mrs. 1Vtarie Burgess. events coming up in the near
LLL dis• cusses including a letter from the spentnia3rOg Cards. • The next meeting of the future. They include the East
also :. known as small
terraruims. If anyone in the
community has any cracked
bowls, old dishes, etc, we
would very much appreciate
receiving them. -When it
comes to getting Whig' for
Our centre, nothing is
libelled**. If we can't use
it, we'll tell youso. •
Other projects we have on
the.So at present are ivood-
prOlectS (small key
plaques) and acrylicpainted
jars that have ceramic
effect. - • .
Each day 'here at ' the
centre, • usually— in the
morning hours, we have an
exercise aeSsiOn: The
exercisesnre all modified ta
suit the senior. Strength,
endurance, circulation and
flexibility are stressed. I
have put together an exer-
cise program for seniors and
any senior in the community
is welcome tb receive a copy.
Even a few years ago, the
public tended to question a
senior who was seen jogging.
The outlook has changed. A
physically active' person is
without ..doubt a much
healthier and happier in-
If anyone in the area is
experienced at making apple
dolls we would certainly like'
to meet you. We are thinking
of starting this craft project
and need someone to help
with this craft.
If you know of people in the
community who are home-
bound or have difficulty
getting to recreational and
social events in the corn-
itit)1;:!s Church
• John Street at Centre Street • 1•••?4,
The Rector: The Rev John T M Swan, 1,-.*
* The Sunday next before Lent *
6:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist in the Parish Rooms.
10:00 a.m. - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist and the Installation of
Parochial Officials. The Service will be in
, the Parish Rooms.
7:10 p.m. - The Periliontiol Office and Holy Eucharist.
8:30 p.m. - The Board of Management.
grave met at the home of
Friendship tub will be held Wawanosh Planning .Board,
•'` Wedneeday afternoon, a Clinton Men's Bus Tour on
-1V.t` ;;;`:-IiIirCIVIIIi4hotnernbers are ,March Or, ,M"Fis
h est lital lit hoping to have a large at- Lownship rederation March
Mrs. L. Nolan, Wingham, •tendance.
present cherata ernoon •
discuss the topic 'Art of
Breastfeeding and Overcom-
ing Difficulties'. Many
' mothers attended despite the
foggy weather, with one
woman travelling all the way
from near Durham to learn,
about nursing babies. .. -
Mrs. B. Kerr gave an up-
date . on the conference in -
July, which will be -held at
the Conrad ' Hilton'in
• LLL • membership cate-
gories were reviewe&Each
contributor receives.. a•
receipt for a -donation to
• LLL, a -non-profit organi-
zation. • •
• This year special silver
anniversary cards will be
given to members. Ato,
Belgtave is now a depot for
two Egnellelectric
breastpumps. Any mother
wishing to rent one of these
may contact Mrs. Kerr, 887-
Discussion was opened
with descriptions of feelings
when a mother . held and
nursed her baby for the first
time after birth. Feelings of
awe, wonderment, joy,
happiness were commonly
The possibility that at-
titudes of society could cause
difficulties while nursing
was discussed by the D
mothers in view of their
nursing experiences in the
e •
hospital and at home. It was slated for St. Andrew's
said that confidence in th
ways of mothering was most.
important, whatever choices
were made.
A survey , found that many
difficulties encountered by
nursing mothers and babies
were significantly related to
lack of information, and
resulted in mothers stopping
breastfeeding before they
wished. This survey also
concluded that, "Women
who have both information of
the type given by LLL and
support have a better out-
come ,to 'Vaeir breastfeeding
endeavours than women who
have only information or
only support" (1970).
The next. meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. W.
Hogenbirk, Belgrave, for
this time only. The meeting
closed with a social hour.
Notre Dame bell huge
In Sacred Heart Church at
the University of Notre
Dame, South Bend, Ind., is
one of the nation's oldest
carillons. Its largest bell
weighs 15 tons.
• The BlYtIrFestival Singer's comprise a membership of
Will present an eftertiden 80 who come from a 40-niile
concert Of choral music for'. radius of Blytlh. Those from
•the entire family on Sunday, the Wingham area include
March 1, at 3 p.m. in the Dixie Lee Arbuckle, Bill
-Myth Memorial Hall. Farnell, Catherine
Mac -
The choir has beep Donald, Inge Wraith, Marie
together since last Sep- Douglas, Margaret JaMie-
tember and is under the son, Lori Anne Jamieson,
professional direction of Bev Noble, LouiSe Bosman,
Laurie Rowbotham of .Chris Cull, Judy Morton,
Listowel. Mr. Rowbotham, Dora McGuinness, Lorraine
an Honors music graduate of Renwick, Harry BrYdgei,
the University of .Waterloo, jack , ylilney, Jacqueline
is director of the nationally Gowdy and Dorothy Coultes.
acclaimed Listowel High • The parent Organization of
School choir.and is organist the Blyth Festival Singers is
and choirmaster at Trinity the Blyth Centre for the Arts
United Church, LiStowelwhich has enthusiastically
Another area resident, Mrs, endorsed this new venture in
• Bill King of Brussels, is the its growth. .; From its
accompanist for the choir. beginnings sixiyears ago as
..,Sunday's concert will • the sponsor of the Blyth
encompass a wide variety of Summer Festival, -the Centre
music • spanning a period is new the umbrella,
from the Renaissance to the organization for the choir, a,.
present and including Negro full winter program of -music
spirituals, Canadian folk and theatre, children's
songs, traditional sacred workshops in theatre and
classics and modern pop art, a children's movie
numbers. Soloists from the series, art exhibitions in the
choir will also perform as hall's new art gallery and a
part of the program. number of touring shows of
The Blyth Festival Singers original Blyth productions.
ay of Prayer service
This year again, people in
3,500 communities of Canada
and in 170 countries around
the world join together to
share in the World Day of
Prayerservice, an in-
terdenominational service of
prayer and fellowship. The
theme, 'The Earth Is The
Lord's', has been developed
by Christian Indian women
inIhe United States. Men,
women and children of all
faiths will be Welcome.
The service in Wingham
will be at St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church at 2 p.m. on
March 6. Nursery facilities,
will be available for pre-
school children.
According to Hopi Indian
belief there is only one race,
the human race, which is
divided intotwo major
groups, light and dark. To
the dark-skinned peoples
was given the gift of per-
ception, the gift of knowing.
To the light -skinned peoples
was given the gift of record-
ing and the gift of doing.
Only when the two, peoples
come together at the centre
and share their gifts, *ill
each receive a ,greater gift
than either alone can ever
Therefore, native Aimed,.
can Indian women invite
their sisters and brothers,
dark-skinned and light -
skinned, to come together for
prayer, lifting their voices in
praise and prayer to the
Great Spirit
It has been said that the
native American people
were the fir& ecologists.
Their reverence for nature
and their relation of'kinship
with all creatures of the
earth, sky and water enable
them to teach- others holm to
live justly, respectfully and
in hammy with God's world
and with each other.
Offerings from the World
Day of Prayer are used to
support ec.0 anent ea 1
programs that Meet IlMitriati
need both in Canada and
other countrieS.
:Fancy Peat
Cadbuty500 g. Jor
.Regular -or MprnhonallOw
•Hot Chocolate
• Size 4ire
Pink Grapefruit
‘41gblIner, 14oz. Frozen
Cod. in Batter
Sugar Plum. 500 g.
Side Bacon
Sugar Plum,.2-3 lb. avg.
Dinner Hams ' ib.2.1U
Canada DryGingerale or 0 i an
PePa.CO/a lk, 1. va0
750 MI.- plus deposit
Aunt Jemima, 1 kg. •
Regular or Buttermilk
Pancake Mix
750m1 Old Tyme Syrup 1.49
Phone 357-2240 CLOSED SUNDAYS We Deliver
Monday to Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Friday till 9:00 p.m.
ntarioTax Credi
Find out 40*.yot; quali
. If you're an Ontario.resident under
• 65; you may qualify for one or
more of three Ontario Tax Credits,
even if you have no taxable
income. •
To claim the credits you must
complete the mauve Ontario Tax
Credit form and mail it together
with your federal income tax
A reminder: Fill it in and Mail
• it ()Marto Tax Credits are for you.
Tax Credit
The Property Tax Credit
reduces the -burden of -municipal
and school taxes. It is based
on your property tax�r rent and
taxable income.
Tax Credit
• This credit returns a portion
of money paid in provincial
retail sales tax. It is based on per-
sonal exemptions and taxable
income. The maximum amount
that may be claimed for Property
and Sales Tax Credits is $500.
Attention Senior Citizens!
The Ontario Tax Grants intro-
duced in 1980 replete Ontario
• 'Property and Sales Tax Credits for
residents who were 65 years
or older as of December 31,1980.
If you are filing a federal income
, fax return, you should hot
'complete the Ontario Tax Credit
form unless you are claiming the
Political Contribution Tax Credit.
Political Conbibution Tax Credit
This credit may be claimed
by Ontario residents‘who con-
tributed to a registered Ontario
political party, constituency
association or candidate in an
Ontario provincial election.
This claitii applies if your pro-
vincial tax payable is more than
your Property and Sales Tax
The maximum Political
Contribution Tax Credit that may
be claimed is $500.
Nursing Home Residents ,
Residents in nursing homes
and similar institutions are not
usually eligible to claim the Pro—
perty Tax Credit or the Property
Tax Grant
For more information or
copies of the Ontario Tax Credit
Guide, call the Ministry of
Revenue's toll-free Information
°In Metro Toronto -dial 965-8470
°In Area Code 807 -ask the
Operator for Zenith 8-2000
°In all other areas -
dial 1-800-268-7121
The Ontario Government
worldog to help people.
Ministry of Revenue
Lorne Maeck, Minister
William Davis, Premier
. 0