HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-02-25, Page 2tre
• •-
, • .4 „ ' •
.4.4 •
a busy
.Ott*ed Heart.
• ;Mitring for
nursing homes
' Pettflitil and 2 sang at the
Brookhaven Nursing Rome
Oh Feb. 12. Their Valentine
and Seasonal songs, together
with their two square dances
weir successful.
Classes from Grades 3 to 8
chose their best speakers for •
the speaking contest held
Feb. 17 at Sacred ‘' Heart.
Winners in the Junior
category were, Jennifer
Sanders, Jeffery Sanders,
Julie Koopman, and Kris
Chandler. Carol Belanger,
Terrance Allen, Rita Brophy
and Tara Parker bad -the
outstanding speeches for the
Intermediate division.
Of these students, two
from each division will
compete at Kingsbriclge in
the zone competition on Fe.
25, while one from each
division will compete in the
Legion contest on Feb. 28.
May thanks to the judges,
Sally Campeau, Mrs. Verne
• Galbraith, Mrs. Chris
Nicholson and Mrs. Stewart
Beattie, for their assistance
and excellent comments
regarding their choices.
Thursday afternoon was
enjoyable as the students of
the school attended a concert
by the London Symphonia at
F. E. Madill Secondary
TORCHLIGHT PARADE—Despit soggy weather, Frostyfest ended with a flair
Sunday night as marchers carrying torches paraded up main street to the bail
Park, where the torches were used to light the Christmas tree bonfire. The sudden
Private woodlot
owners surveyed
As part of the first corn- " woodland owners, the extent
er,eheastire review Of private and type of forest manage -
land forests hi Ontario, the ment being practiced and the
• Ministry of Natural • familiarity of landowners
• Resources swill be conducting , with woodland management
, i'maifsiirvey of ruralland, •• incentiveprograms. _
owners, ueluding those m Certain statistical infor-
the,Ninghath,diittiet: • mationsUch as the potential
• Tlie,:e110,0: Ls deSigned to :for reforestation on ,private
• gather' bilanTiatthii; on the land also will be collected by
44114004 SIlk91***-1P'401tirveY'
• :., .. 4040‘alei*Ot;;:";
•• ' the, wood produced in
Discussionon Ontario comes from private
• lands 'asOpposed W Crown
young farmers lands. •Woodlots in the
• Wingham district help
The' young . farmera'.. •supply high-value hardwood
committee of the „ Huron thither used by the region's
.• County Federation of Agri- furniture manufactthingtuid
whin's ;has organized a other wood-ushigindhstries.
panel discusithnonthe Prob-' Private woodlati in this
ems ye* farmers face in area . serve many other
Starting a farming aPeratian important functions', Stich as
today. . .• regulation of stream levels,
• It will be held ' at the pretectiOn of crops, soil and
federationmembers'. buildings • frem wind '
meeting lifite.h\5attlieBlyth damage, adding to . land -
Public School. The panelists ' scape beauty and providing
wili . be Bill *eras, agri- habitat for wildlife, all 'of
• cultural representative from which are important to the
the Royal Bank, London; Art . farming Community,
Lawson, assistant ag rep District Manager J. L.
from the, Perth ' County Hamillnoted.
OMAF office , and Bill Gunn; The questionnaire will be
a tharterid accountant and mailed to approximately five
former Ridgetown in- per cent of„rural landrueners
structor. •in the -Wingliam district.
• . All members of the far- Landowners are asked to
ming corimiunity are invited • complete it carefully and
to attend. ,•return it promptly.
thaw -.last week meant this was about the only outdoor event which didn't have to
be postponed because of a lack of snow.
ta es steps
Turnberry Township
Coimeil passed a bylaw at its
general , meeting last week
authorizing exproprlationaf
• about a quarterlacre.of lend
from Larire." Baird Council
plans to eeOere the peel
the rociddiVersion outlined in
the Eadie Bridge project.
The decision to eicpro-,
priate was finalized after the.
township was • unable to
reach an agreement with
Mr. Baird on terms for the
' land purchase ' during a
Meeting earlier this month.
• Mitring his 'report on the
project, ; Reeve Brian
McBurney explained that a
notice of expropriation must,
be forwarded to Mr. Baird.
• Upon receiving it the land-
owner will have 30 days to
call for ahearing of
necessity, if be still feels an
'greement with the township
cannot be reached.
If Mr. Baird were to call
for a hearing, it would be
held at the municipal office
and would be open to the
public. The chief enquiring
officer in Toronto would.
appoint a hearing officer to °
conduct the meeting.
Mr. McBurney added that
• ' ,
the council, being an elected
body, IS 4ta, own 'approving
authority and free to accept
•or reject the° officer's
decision; according to the
K qtrol$,Ltiatiln*ct.
The township solicitor
%Wit* „this„, mat is Bob
Anderson of Stratford.
The firm Campbell and,
Campbell has been hired to
do a survey of parts of Lots
15 and 16, Con. 9 and 10,
necessary for expropriation
procedures. The estimated
cost of the survey is. $2;000.
• Land appraisals for the
quarter -acre and a strip of
land beside the diverted road
,Will be handled by
' Associated Reality Con-
sultants Huron Ltd.
• In other business, Triirn-
berry endorsed o resolution
from the Regional
Municipality of -Hamilton-
Wentworth regarding at-
tacks on members of various
police forces across the
country. •
The' resolution, which will
be forwarded to the attorney
general for Ontario and the
minister of justice for
Canada°, requested that "The
•penalty. . for carrying fire-
arms should be written into
' ottrstatute books imposing a
sentence of not less than 20
Years in jail on anyone
carrying a firearm while
..paiticipating in a criminal
act. If a :criminal shootiand-
'' laldne- pert, erline, ihek
kills% a pcFemen while
death pena ty should be
invoiced' and Subject t� no
peal tethe cabinet." '
" 'the laws of this country
Should be working not Only to
•protect the , lives of the
citizens, but hould aLso
preteet thoso who are hired'
to protect the citizens from •
the acts of criminals.
"The constant concern
that our courts are showing
toward the welfare of the
criminal at the expense of
the welfare of the com-
munity as a whole, needi4e-
During the meeting
council hired Alex
MacDonald,: - RR 2,
Wingham, building in-
spector at the rate of $7.00'
per hour plus $200 per year
for expenses, $6:00 for each
permit issued and mileage.
The township interviewed
Mr. MacDonald and Ronald.
Shepstone, currently
residing in Strathroy, before
making itifinal decision.
Council reviewed a letter
and questionnaire froril the
Huron Federation of Agri-
• did:lire-regarding a method
of recycling minticiptilWaste
inteeentt. =
committee recently toured a
recycling plant in Colborne.
The committee claimed that
the compost produced is rich
in nutrients essential to
healthy plant life and when
applied to soil it improves
' the filth of the soil and
nUtrients are readily
• available to plants.
• The federation asked fir
council's opinion of such an
operation, adding that, ,"The
farmers of Huron County
may be interested in sup-
BEAVERS ENTERTAINED the audience at the Scouts' parent -son
banquet last Wednesday evening With a tewsongs, such as 'This Old
Man' and %Ingo°. The banquet featured programs by the Beavers,
Cubs and Scouts, together with a sing -song, led by Ian lieelaurierS,
and award presentations.
porting such a project with
your cooperation."
The craincil • Members
• agreed that if the operation
were feasible they would
suPportitis,i „ ••
JIITtt rl*aitiand
Engin ' IZng a survey
of thetownshipgravel pit for,
a •maximinn cost of $2,000.
Five quotes were submitted
for the work, and Maitland
•Engineering tendered the
lowest price. 4
Dorothy KelIy, Turnberry
clerk -treasurer, . reported
that , a resident enquired
abOUt the township's 128th
anniversary celebrations for
1982. Council ' decided ,it
would discuss the matter at a,, ,
later datel
Banqiiet features
songs and awards
• About 70 Beavers, Cubs,
Scodts and their moms and
dads enjoyed an evening of
entertainment and ' award
presentations during the
Seouts' annual parent -son
banquet, held at the
Wingham Legion Hall Feb.
18. •
During the banquet,
emceed by Scout Doug
Wood, the audience was
treatetto musical programs
by the Beavers and Cubs, a
comical skit by the Scouts
and a sing -song, conducted
by Ian Deslauriers, '
Three parents, Sheila
Stapleton, Beth Skinn and
Dennis O'Brien, received
their leadership pins for
Beavers, which were
presented by Paul Pick':
district commissioner.
During the evening Gerta
_Greenall, chairman, and
Rick Whiteley, past chair-
man, were presented with
tokens of appreciationafter
they served on the group
committee for four years.
Awards were handed out "
for Olympic games held at
Silver Lake Lodge Jan. 24.
Doug Wood finished first in
the snowshoe race, while
Jeff Mann placed second and
Mark Underwood finished
In the ski race Andrew
Kaufman placed first; Tom
Greenall, second and Brad
Shobbrook, third. Mark
Underwood was top in the
snake throw and Andrew
Kaufman finished second.
Brad Shobbrook took the
proficiency awardamd Doug
Wood won the Scout award. •
Scott Cornwall, the only
Venturer left in the group,
was also recognized for
participating in 10 years of
Causes of epilepsy
Epilepsy usually results
from a brain injury occur-
ring during pregnancy or de-
livery or from serious child-
hood infections.
hp .f Tirflb.i
purpgia, die,
CgrporottOW 04,
leettgragriatitenctbi ngPart �f Lot 16 1.
In Yawnshila *go
and bridge,constructleri at the, .
Maitland River at Latik1540, Dikelitiati.e'atidloei0 • •
said Township of Turnberry. • ' •• •• •
...The-hareinafterdeicribed lands are speclikalltli-
quiredas port of the aforeselici road diVersiakentikitigh,
V,* Widening, being neluded In the :Propelled. feed
right-of-way required in the bridge and the approach
grading reconstruction at the aforesaid .Eaclin Bridge
over ',Lk. MeitlandlitVar, as shown Pion Htteiber.01b,
404 den. by B.M. Ross and Associates Llmltsd,COnii011-. •
ingaidt,Engineers, Dsterichi•Cintario, and doted:Feb-
ruariOth.1.01.. '4 •
NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN that Application haa-botom.,:.
modeler approval to expropriate** lariddeicribed as
,follows: . ? 1. • •
• ALL AND SINGULAR that certainparcel oftract of land
and preinises situate, lying and being, in the Township'
of Turnberri, in the. County of *nen and holing COM*
posed of Part of Lot 16, Concession 10, more Particulary
described as f0110100 . .
cOMMENCING:ot theBOUth Edit, angle of said Lot 76;
THENCE Westerly alongtheSetithertYlimit of saidJ.0U
34 meters (111.55 feet) toe pOlittr' ".. '• :
ThENCE in a Nortb:Ecuiteily•:direithsh 73,26. meters;',
(240.68 feet) more or less to 0 point in the Easterly:11(1W
of Said tot 16 . which Said- point Is distant 65 nieters.!
(21,3118f,fiet): h
nort. erlylrom.the South exi, fsoid
1.6 • :
THENCESoutherly along the Easterly limit.of sald Lot 16
65 meters feet) to the-peint of commencement.
area bong Liosititioro Miters or 0:27 acres.•
• eAnnyiyitsicrdziretiesolei4tdscioinrylmspecta whootirhvooth4171h, t,an, “oictlincsi9.01
Such scioUritand reasonobly•MiCatia041641%,'
aciuchlthrrtYrnatiliist :ilifti;fy-914114te
' ." •
• (a) in the case of a regliterectownir, servecVp•rean-.:':
oily or by registered mail within thirty days After he is•:,1
. served with the notice. Or, when he is served.by
alien, within thirty days,after the first publicationOf,the
notice;;. ' •
(b)' the case. of an owner who is: registered
owner, within thirty days after the fine publkation
. • .
the notice.• •
• The approving authority is. The Municipal Corpera-
tion of the Township of Turnberry, alue,vale, Ontario.
Dorothy Kelly "
Clerk of the Township
Expropriation Act provides that,
• (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conduct.
ed by an inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of
Justice and Attorney General;
(b) the inquiry officer,
(1) shall give every party to the inquiry an Opport-
unity to present evidence and argument and to
examine and cross-examine witnesses, either person-
ally or by his Counsel or agent. and
(ii) mciy 'recommend to the approving authority
that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his
costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200.00 and the ap- -
proving authority may in its discretion order the expro-
priating authority topay such costs forthwith.
2. "owner" and "registered owner". are defined in the
Act as follows:
-70wner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution
creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or Interest
in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally Incom-
petent person or of a person incapable of managing his
affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or
trustee In whom land is vested;
"rostered owner" meqns an owner of land whese
interest in the land is defined and whose name is sped-
fied in an:instrument in the proper registry, land titles
or sheriff's alike, and includes a Person shown as a
tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll;
3. The expropriating authority, each owner who notifies
the approving authority that he desires a hearing in
respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and
any owner added as g party by the inquiry officer are
parties to the inquiry.
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