HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-28, Page 8dvance-Times. January 28. 1;',1 w�'`C�S`.hCw.,�yt..: it`�vv.�}�2,."k+�S�`�•1.. ate, SPECIAL NOTICE RATES :Engagement Notice# (with picture) 65.00 Engagement Notices twithout picture) l3.60 Graduation Pictures r $3.00 Anniversary Pictures. 56 years and over No charge Wedding Write Ups.,.No charge if copy Is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for accompany - Ing picture is $6.00 After Third Week Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of 45.00 FOR SALE WESTINGHOUSE electric dryer, running condition. Phone 357-2635. 21-28 ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 3574320. 30rrb AT THIS & That Store, Main Street, Lucknow, dishes, antiques and used furniture. Phone Lenore Glenn 528- 3723. 21rrb A Murritt 400 Photocopier in good working condition. All reasonable offers will be considered. Phone 335-3561 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 28-4 FIBREGLASS, no -wax,' cross country skis complete with poles. Ski Iength.170 cm, also lady's size 5 ski boots, $35. Phone 357-1175. GOVERNMENT inspected grain -fed beef, cut, wrapped, frozen, delivered., Side $1.65, front $1.45, hind $1.95. Phone 335-3754. MAYTAG washer, dryer and, dishwasher. Excellent con- dition, only used 5 months. Phone 357-9910. LADY'S Muskrat coat size 40-42, medium brown; lady's mink stole, Phone 357-2508. SMALL white enamel cook - stove in good condition. Phone 335-3480. KITCHENAID white port- able dishwasher, excellent condition; girl's . navy dress coat, site 10, like new, $20; girl's green plaid coat, size 6, good condition, $15; girl's deep pink jacket, white trim, good condition, size 2, $7. Phone 357-3652. WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2320. 23rrb B'gRG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo =loaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, t1R 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb WOOD: Good dry hardwood, cut to your required length. Ken Weber 392-6674. 2orrb MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.55. For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 23rrb SWIMMING Pool Sale: Manufacturer must clear brand new 1980 above- ground pools. Complete with filter, motor, pump, walk - around, patio and fence. Regularly $2395 now $1499 while supply lasts. Order now. Delivery to suit you. Call toll free, 1-800-265-8343 for more details. 14rrb ONE 4' vanity in Danish wal- nut; one 3' vanity in Maple; one Birch sewing cabinet, 4 doors, shelves and letdown work area, 20" deep, 30" wide, 73" high, finished in teak. Phone 33S-2428. 28-4 BOY'S hockey equipment for 14 or 15 year old, like new. Phone 3924420. 284 FOR SALE 100 ALUMINUM sap buckets and spiles. Carl Miners 887- 9286. 28-4 KITCHEN cupboards, 10', roll top, good condition. Phone 335-3977 afternoons. TWO pair of roller skates, white size 7 and black size 71/2; 2 pair of lady's ice skates, size 5 and 6. Phone 357-2508. CATTLE Feed. Wet corn gluten with vitamins and minerals added; 'also wet corn bran by the -truck load_ Phone Bengston 338-3912 after 6 p.m. 28-4-11 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE age Hamp- shire, Yorkshire and Cross- bred boars; ROP tested and commercial. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 14-21-28 STEADY .supply of healthy weaner pigs. Phone 335.6360. 21-26 THREE registered Holstein heifers and 4 grade Holstein heifers due soon. Contact John Stafford, RR 1, Wrox- eter 335-3604. SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1978 KAWASAKI 440 In- vader, liquid cooled, like new condition. New 1981 model track and suspension, new sliders, carbide runners, high windshield, 75 hp, 2300 miles, $1695. Phone Jerry Edwards, Belgrave 357-1868. 1976 ARCTIC Cat El Tigre 5000, excellent condition, $1050. Phone 335-6221. CARSAND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1975 FORD Torino, good condition, ps, pb, rear window defroster, vinyl top, 77,000 miles, $1200 certified or best offer. Phone. 3571834. 21-28 1975 DODGE Monaco, 4 door, loaded, $1500; and 1972 Buick Electra, 2 door, $500. Phone 335-3541 before 5p.m. 21-28 1976 MERCURY Marquis, selling as is, low mileage. Phone Al Young, T.D. Bank, Wingham 357-2770. 1970 Ford' Galaxie 500, 4 door,! 351 automatic, good condition and certified, $750. Phone 357-3482. LN 750 FORD 1975, 6 new tires, new floor in box, 30,000 miles. Phone 335-3167 eve- nings. 28-4 McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS Itis 2, Wroxeter on highway 86 Midway between Winghom and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS. USED CARS b TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap ears wanted. Highest prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER -Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilage Mixers. FARMATIC-Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, ' Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN -Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. W ESTE E L-ROSCO-Grain Bins, 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME -Fan -Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON -Ventilation Sys- tems. ��@ SLURRY -SLINGER -Liq- uid Manure Spreaders. CLAY -Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH -Liquid Ma- nure Pumps, Aerators, Sep- arators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHIr4G-ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 21rrb WANTED TO BUY SMALL calves either dairy or beef. Phone 357-2861. ROUND, square oval exten- sion tables. Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex- cellent working condition. Phone Lucknow 528-2625, 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday. 15rrb TOP prices paid for good. used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy par- tial or complete households. Wingham „Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24rrb SERVICES SNOW and ice removal from roofs in Wroxeter. and Gerrie area. Phone 335-3019 or 335- 3456. 28-4 WILL clean snow from roofs and sidewalks. Phone 887- 9257 evenings. CLEANING barns and moving manure piles. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528- 3027. 14rrb WILL snowblow drivewaj,s. Call Bob Chambers 357-2665 or Stuart Montgomery 357- 2004. 17Feb4 - PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used ap- pliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. m 5rrb FROZEN PRICES 78 OLDS DIESEL WAGON 4950. 78 DODGE MAGNUM Air and Cruise 3950. 78 CHEVETTE 2950. 78 FAIRMONT 3950. 78 ZEPHER WAGON, Air 4250. 78 CAMARO 305V8 4950. 77 DODGE MONACO BRO. Air, tilt teloscnpic 2500. 77 PINTO Auto 2300. 76 ROADRUNNER 2950. 75 PLYMOUTH FURY, Air 1075. 75 CHEV NiAL.TBU WAGON 1488. MR.CARMA MISCELLANEOUS MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb WORK WANTED YOUNG woman seeks light housekeeping or baby-sitting position, weekdays. Phone Stephanie at 357-3305. 28-4 WILL ,do baby-sitting in my own dome In Whitechurch. Phone 57-1160. 21-28 WANTED PIANO players and anyone who can play string instru- ments to form a senior citi- zen's band. Also require per- sons to form a quartet. Phone Borden Jenkins, 357- 1866. 21-28 ANNOUNCEMENTS Miss Iva Mai Smith, LRCT (Piano teacher) would like to inform her pupils that she has been delayed in return- ing to Wingham from Wash- ington, D.C. She shall phone her pupils as soon as she ar- rives back in Wingham, on Feb. 4, 1981. NOTICE TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred Si., Wingham. Open hours: Mon- day 10 to 12: Tuesday to Thursday 10 to 5: Friday 10- to 0to 6. Free personal chequing accounts: Deposit accounts now paying 13 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 7rrb Income Averaging Annuity Contracts Borrow 95% of single premium Loan interest deductible No exposure to interest rate fluctuations Maximize your return on borrowed funds Deadline March 1 For full details contact AISTANDARD TRUST 237 Josephine Street Wingham. Ontarin tenG 2W0 Ate, 7 2®22 . DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC help Wanted ®Ni11MlYsn.. LICENSED auto body tech- nicint at( nnechanics re- quired Exee1lent pay: For expanding GM dealership in Grande Prairie in the beauti- ful Peace River Country. Contact J.. Hunt, Doug Marshall Motor City, 11044- 100th. St., Grande Prairie, Al- berta. Phone (403) 532-9333. SOMEONE to do house- cleaning one day a week. Phone 357-2913. SOMEONE to manage and operate a new Garden Centre for the spring period (approximately 3 months, April, May and June). Appli- cant should possess some horticulture experience and be able to work without supervision. Apply to Box 2167, c -o The Winghatn Ad- vance:Times, Wingham, Ont. 21-28 A Gerrie office is looking for a typist -receptionist with ac- counting and dictaphone ex- perience.. Please send resume to Box 2169, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ontario, CLERK -TYPIST is required for a small local business. Dictaphone and accounting knowledge - would be an -as- set. Apply in writing to Box 2168 c -o. The Wingham Ad- v a d-va nee -Times „.1„.11Yingham, Ontario. SCA afitOriPST • class s%tri �'gp monthly,: ; HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX Fer,free information Kitoteoer Waterloo School of Hairdressing 188 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H SC6 74S-5641 Hardwood Bush or Trees Wanted CaII' Craig Hardwoods Ltd. Auburn for best cash prices. Slab wood for sale Bill Craig 526-7220 Al Craig 626-7512 67818 it.R.1, NEUSTADT 366 N. Christina Street Sarnia, Ontario- 1-800-265-7542 ntario1-800-265.7542 (Toll Free Telephone) Bouvier des Flandres PUPPIES FOR SALE Temperament and soundness guaranteed show pet or 4uard. The ultimate in pro- tection. Arrondale Kennels Hanover 364:5299 Chorgex or Viso Welcome. G.M. parts person -required for GM dealership in North- ern Alberta. Must have mini- mum of five years counter experience, ability to work - well with others plus the ability to meet the public and to organize work. Be stable... We offer: Full company benefits which include dental, eyeglasses. Excel- lent Working conditions. Computerized inventory sys- tem. Excellent wages. Fez' further information contact: Les . Vachon, manager, Trumpeter Pontiac Buick Ltd., 12308 -100th St., Grande Prairie, Alberta. Phone (403) 532-8865, or res. (403) 532-3826. 4 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Person required to "Count - Dogs" in the Township of Morris. Dut- ies to be completed by March 13, 1981. Salary negotiable. Clearly marked, sealed. applica- tions will be received by the undersigned, until 5 p.m:.o'clock on January 30, 1981. Nancy Michie Clerk4redsurer' ACCOMMODATION ROOM and r board required or furnished • apartment, Phone 357-2528 after 5 p.m. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IT'S not too late! Learn in- come tax preparation at home. Reduced priceli. Free brochure, no obligation write U & R Tax School, 118 Rox borough Drive,uToronto, Ont. FAST Food outlet, small in- vestment needed. Kirkland Lake, Ont. ;„ Cardston, Al- berta. Phone Andy Blatz (204) 326-3565 or Jake Blatz (204) 320-6610. Box 2754, Steinbach, Man. ROA 2A0 TRUCK DRIVER REQUIRED Lucknow Area Person required 'to drive heavy truck, working from the County Garage in Lucknow. Must have a Class D li- cense. Must be.., experi- enced on dump trucks and/or snow plow oper- ations. Grade 10 mini- mum. . _. Wage Rate $7.06. Apply in writing stating address, age, marital status, education and ex- perience. Eldon Yundt County Engineer Box 398, Walkerton, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY \ • DUMP .CARETAKER Attendant'' required for Turnberry Town- . ship Dump. Responsible for directing traf- fic and cleanups, 4 'HOURS: • Saturdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Apply in writing stating wage desired be- fore February 2, 1981 at 4:00 p.m. to Mrs. Dorothy Kelly, Clerk, Township of Turnberry Bluevale, Ont, NOG 1 GO IIIIIU1111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111401111111111810RIIIW118111{ RETAIL. MANAGEMENT The Becker Milk Co. is presently looking for managers in the Wingham! area. Re- tail and/or management experience is not a key requisite as we do have an on- going training program. Interested candidates are invited to . contact: Mr. BevWoods at (519) 363-2967 after 6 pm 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111 RECEPTIONIST/ OFFICE MANAGER Applications are invited for this position, soon to be available in Wingham. Secre- tarial skills and the ability to courteously and effectively r .late to the public are,es- esntial. Please submit resume to: Box 638, Wingham, Ontario TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Fuel Tenders. SEALED and rarked,tend- era will be received tuitiI 4 p.fn.,.,Monday, Feb. 16, 1861 at the Municipal Office, Bluevale; for the supply of fuel in township tanks at the municipal shed on a per litre basis. Annual requirement has been 'approximately 25000 litres diesel fuel, 7000 litres No. 2 gas, 15000 litres furnace oil. Successful tend- er to supply and maintain electric pumps. Ross Nicholson, Road Superintendent 28-4 f.}y Mtrn !Of,: tend''' d[tittsatllst 0!." acc,0t+! tri w cifttrn for Qi LYr' p cann it u61111i ' such.noticu by t*i. 11sn• R mg*? remember no 401 q(art rtli aeopt+r .Monday . 14741.1111...."17 JAIY; ASID ' FEBRUARY SPECIAL: $25.00 Discount On al,l dance' occasion. STEVENS COUNTR'1"GO LD DISC JOCKEY SERVICE 887-5159 Evenings RESTAURANT FOR SALE" BY TENDER This, business property located on Highway #86, West of Lucknow, Ontario (described as Lots 299; 300 and 3Q1, .Plan 36, Village of Lucknow, County of Bruce and buildings located thereon, excepting Parts of said lots expropriated by th. Department of Highways via Deposit No. 895) is for sale under Power of Sale -by virtue of default In a loan secured by realty mortgage. • The property comprises land (approx. 45,000 sq. ft. with 300' frontage) and building (960 aq. ft., cement floor, block construction) used primarily as a restaur- ant business. Arrangements to inspect the reolty May be made by contacting Mr. Doug Farmer in Owen Sound, Ont- ario, telephone 519-376-4431. Written tenders addressed to Mr. G. Acton, c/o Post Office Box '266, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5P3 will be accepted until 3:30 p.m. on. February 5, 1981. A certifiedcheque for 10% of the amount tendered must be included as a deposit (payee to be designated) and .... will be returned without interest if the tender is not accepted, • or forfeited os liquidated damages If , the tender is accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser. Provincial soles tax (if any) 'to be' paid yby the purchaser. The highest or any offer shall not 'nec- essarily.be accepted. Assistance to finance the trans- action! will be considered.. , ‘11111.1.1.11M TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY BUILDING INSPECTOR Part Time duties include issuing per, mits under the requirements of the build- ing code act and by-laws, keeping a reg- ister of applications and permits issued, inspections ,Made and notices,"issued and to act under the direction of Council in all matters pertaining to building in the mun- icipality and report to Council when re- quired. Also, inspection of properties to - determifte basic standards applicable• to the repair of dwellings under the Ontario Home Renewal Program. Applicants should have experience the building trades and be conversant with material estimating requirements. Written applications stating qualifica- tions,, experience.. and expected wage must be in - before February 2; 1981, at 4:00 p.m. For more information call 335-3665. Mrs. Dorothy Kelly, AMCT Clerk Treasurer, - Township of Turnberry Bluevale NOG 1G0 UIUIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111RIIR11IUI1III111IIRIIIIII81IIII1IUNI1UIII11iIR118 IIJIU$ muunI etiu RALPH CAMPBELL CONSTRUCTION LTD. General Contractors • Custom Homes • House Repairs and Additions • Hunt, Pella and Dashwood windows • Custom-built aluminum storm windows and doors • pole barns and drive sheds • barn repairs •°cement work • Berg stabling and stable cleaners • Berg Sales and Service FREE ERT/MATES RALPH CAMPBELL JACK WALKER Blyth VI/Ingham 523-9614 '367.2 81 �fllillfllNllli