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Wingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-21, Page 8
eWittOinia; ldvanee-Times, January 21, 1981 SPECIAL NOT! Engagement Notices (with picture) Engagement Notices (without picture) $3.50 Graduation Pictures ES .00 $3.00 Anniversary Pictures. 55 years and over , .. No charge Wedding Write Ups...No charge if co y is received `Within three weeks after \ the ceremony. C , . for accompany- ing picture is $5.00 After Third Weak.. . . Write up $5.00 Detailed wedding write u , will n capted after six weeks but for a limited timpct re a 4 brief caption will be published at a charge o $5.00 FOR SALE SWIMMING Pool Sale : Manufacturer must clear brand new 1980 above- ground pools. Complete with filter, motor, pump; walk - around, patio and fence. Regularly, $2395 now $1499 while supply lasts. Order now. Delivery to suit you. Call toll free, 1-800-265-8343 for more details. 14rrb MINK coat, never been `worn, size 12 to 13, reason- ably priced. Write to Box 464, Wingham for further details. 14-21 MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, , 8" x 20", $17.55. For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357=2320. 23rrb WOOD: Good dry hardwood, cut to your required length. Ken Weber 392-6674. 26rrb BERG stable cleaners and e, stabbing ; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo unloaders • and farrowing crates. Lloyd `Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2320. 23rrb. STOVE, nut, stoker, rice and fireplace coal, on hand for pickup or delivery.. Phone 343-2703. 12-25 AT THIS & That Store, Main Street, Lucknow, dishes, antiques and, used furniture. Phone Lenore Glenn 528- 3723. 21rrb ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; pressors 200 for, $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 3orrb SKATES, new. Bauer, CCM, Orbit, Delta, reduced 10 per cent; 40 per cent off all metal blade skates. Trade-ins ac- cepted. Stainton Hardware, Wingham. SKATES. Limited selection, 45 pair used skates from $2 to $5; Girls' sizes. 11, 12, 13. Boys' sizes 12, 13, 1, 8, 7, 10. Stainton Hardware, Wing - ham. ANYONE wishing to pur- chase Fuller Brush products please phone 357-3725 after 5 p.m. KITCHENAID white port- able dishwasher, excellent condition; girl's navy dress coat, size 10, like new, $20; girl's green plaid coat, size 6, good condition, $15; girl's deep pink winter jacket, white trim, good condition, size 2, $7. Phone 357-3652. ANITA'S ceramics is now open for business. Classes available. Will do custom fir- ing and gifts. Phone 357-1912. GLENDALE mobile home, 8' x 41', fridge, stove, reason- ably priced; 2 -zig-zag sewing machines with all :attach - Pietas; 2 '\small ceramic kilns, working Al ; 8' utility box to fit any 4 ton truck. Phone 887-67 N . FOR SALE PIANO. Phone 357-1055 after 5 p.m. WESTINGHOUSE electric dryer, running condition. Phone 357-2635. 21-28 PERSONAL PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COI .1 ECT. 21rrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE age Hamp- shire, Yorkshire and Cross- bred boars; ROP tested and commercial. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345-2317. 14-21-28 STEADY supply of healthy weaner pigs. Phone 335-6360. 21-28 TWO kerosene oil burning heaters. Ideal for ice fishing huts or garages: man's XL and lady's large two piece matching snowmobile suits, helmets and gloves in new condition ; oven toaster broiler, used three times. Phone Gotl'ie 335-31678. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo. Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed= ers,. Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilage„Mixers. • FARMATIC—Blender Hain - mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO—Grain Bins, 1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ' ASTON -Ventilation 'Sys- tems. SLURRY-SLINGER—Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment AERO-FLUSH—Liquid Ma- nure Pumps, Aerators, Sep- arators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING -ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 2lrrb SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE 1978 Kawasaki 440 Invader, liquid cooled, like new condi- tion. New 1981 model track and suspension, new sliders, carbide runners, high wind- shield, 75 hp, 23,000 miles, 81695. Phone Jerry Edwards, Belgrave 357-1 21-28 1976 ARCTIC Cat, El Tigre 4009, good condition. Phone 357-1619. 1974 JOHN Deere JDX8, 440 snowmobile, (black), in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 523-4564. 1979 JOHN Deere Spitfire, Al condition, low mileage. Phone 357-3459. 1975 RUPP snowmobile, 340 Witro free air, 2 cylinder, dual carb, dual tuned ex- haieat ',(O repeit•s this, fall excellent condition, $850 or best offer. Phone 335-39'79 after 5:30 p.m. NEW & USED SNOW91os11il PARTS COMPLETE STOCK •Used Tracks *Used Cylinders *Rebirth Engines ' ©f'lstoraa our specialty , SNOWMOBILE T ERY SPECIAL only 49. ARGYLE MARINE & MALI ENGINES ES Iiirtweiniii b. Geacarkil sasaSSl MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may_ be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb Ir MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb SERVICES WILL shovel snow out of driveways or off roofs, ex- perienced workers. Phone 357-1581. SNOW removal from roofs. Phone 357-3607. 21-28 PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used ap- pliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rrb WILL snowblow driveways. Call Bob Chambers 357-$665 or Stuart Montgomery 357- 2004. l7Feb4 CLEANING barns and moving manure piles. Phone Robert Symes, Lucknow 528- 3027. 14rrb REMOVAL of snow and ice from roofs. Contact Ruttan Aluminum 357-1077. 14-21 WILL remove snow from roofs in Belgrave and Wing - ham area. Phone 357-3427 after 5 p.m. 14-21 WANTED. PIANO .players and anyone who can play string instru- ments to form a senior citi- zen's band, Also require per- sons to ' form a quartet. Phone Borden Jenkins, 357- 1866. 21-28 NOTICE TO TH,JSE who still have saws at the Vanstone resi- dence, 129,Patrick St., Wing - ham, please pick up after 4 p.m. TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Open hours: Mon- day 10 . to 12: Tuesday to Thursday 10 to 5: Friday 10 to 6. Free persoral chequing accounts. Deposit accounts now paying 13 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 7rrb CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1974 Z28 CAMARO, 56,000 miles, $2200; 1974 AMC Matador, $800. R $ B Auto Parts, 357-1303. - 14-21 1975 FORD Torino, good condition, ps, pb, rear window defroster, vinyl top, 77,000 miles, $1200 certified or best offer. Phone 3571834. 21-28 1975 DODGE Monaco, 4 door, loaded, $1500; and 1972 Buick - Electra, 2 door, $500. Phone 335-3541 before 5 p.m. 21-28 1976 VALIANT Brougham, $2500; also 1974 Oldsmobile, $1500. Both excellent condi- tion. Phone 523-9663 after 6 p,m. w. i.atea�a�agsai me�.RcLR u AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wrosstsr on Highway 16 Midway between Wingham and Listowel' USEAUTO PARTS USED CARS ft TRUCKS 244101117 TOWING SERVICE Scrap tars wanted. Highest prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 WANTED TO BUY TOP prices paid for good used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy .par- tial or complete households. Wingham Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24rrb musessumpusinesmirims ROUND, square oval eaten siori tables. Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex- cellent working condition. Phone Lucknow 528-2625, 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday. 15rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE RODERICK MacSWEEN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late George Roderick MacSween, late of the Town- ship of Morris, in the County of Huron and Province of On- tario, deceased, are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to Messrs. Goodall & Campbell, Barristers and Solicitors, P. O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, on- or before the 30th day of January 1981,. and that after such date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED' at Wingham, Ontario .this 23rd day of December, 1980. Messrs. Goodall & Campbell Solicitors for the Estate of George Roderick MacSween 7,14,21 TENDERS WANTED COMING EVENTS MARCH OF DIMES CANVASS Wingham Kinettes and volunteer Canlvassers will be canvassing door to door in Wingham and Bluevale on Monday, Jan. 26. If in, clement weather, canvass will be continued throughout the Week. AUXILIARY MEETING Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital re- quests all members to attend a meeting being held on Monday, Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. in the Clinic Building. BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be a held on Friday, Jan. 23 at 8 p.rn. in Wroxeter Com- munity Hall. Admission $1; 12 Regular games for $10; 2 !Share the. Wealth;. ;one $25 "Special; Jackpot $120 on 54 Catls: Purple Ball 850; door and consolation prizes. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF CULROSS FUEL TENDER TENDERS will be received by the, undersigned at the Township Garage, Tees - water until 5 p.m. local time Monday, Feb. 2, 1981 to sup- ply for 1 year regular gaso- line, furnace fuel, diesel fuel. Information and amount re- quired ,available upon re- quest from the road super- intendent. , Lowest or any tendernot necessarily ac- cepted. Phone garage, 392- 6252. Russell Christie, road superintendent, Township of Culross, Teeswater, Ont. WORK WANTED WILL do baby-sitting in my own home in Whitechurch. Phone 357-1160. . 21-28 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HELP your income keep up with your outgo through pleasant. part-time work. Training provided. Listen to our business plan and win a prize. Contact 482-3676 be- tween 6 and 8 p.m. 7,14,21 HOCKEY DANCE Ironmen Jr. C. Hockey Club is holding a dance at the Wingham Armouries on Saturday, Jan. 31, 9 p.m to 1 a.m. Music by D.J. 'Mr. Nice Guy'. Tickets are $4 per person, available from play- ers and executive or at the door. CRAFT SHOW Howick Community Centre, Saturday, April 25. For application phone or write Mrs. Nellie King, Gorrie. INSTITUTE MEETING Maitland Women's Institute will hold their monthly meet- ing at the Wingham Town Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 27 at 8:15 p.m. Public Welcome. THEATRE MUSICAL See the award winning musi- cal "A Chorus Line", Tues- day, Feb. 3-4+The Centre, Kitchener. Phone Leisure Tours collect 3644458 or con- tact Marg Burkhart 528-3544, HELP WANTED SOMEONE to manage and„ operate a new Garden Centre for the spring period (approximately, 3 months, - April, May and June). Appli- cant should possess some horticulture experience and be able to work without supervision. Apply to Box - 2167, c -o The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Wingham, Ont. 21-28 FUIgL-TIME baby sitter, light 'housekeeping, salary negotiable. Phone 335-6362. 14-21 BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly • HAIRDRESSING ,n BARBERING UNISEX . ' For free information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C8 745-5641 Materials Manager Required By - Local Manufacturer, Purchasing experience required. Experience in the R. V. Industry a definite asset. Please submit written resume to: BOX 777, L_____The 'Listowel Banner' i J Cards' of Thanks I would like to thank Dr. Gear, the kind nurses, Rev. Hugh S. Nugent, Ivan) Haugh, and all who helped while I was a patient in the Wingham and District Has- ..pital. Grant Wilton CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDA YS 12°00 ADON The Advance -Times is open' on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: ► 357-2320 I would like to sincerely thank relatives, friends apd neighbors for cards, treats, flowers, gifts and visits while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital. Special thanks to doc- tors and nurses on the ' 8th floor. Everyone's thought- fulness was much appreci- ated. Gordon Adams We would like to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to all our rela- tives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tri- butes, cards, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation and kindness shown us dur- ing our recent bereavement in the loss of a loving hus- band, father and ,grand- father. Special thanks to Mr. Terrance Trites for his com- forting message, the ladies of. Knox Presbyterian Church for the lovely lunch, all those who sent food to the house and The Currie -Walk- er Funeral Home. Your kind- ness will always be remem- bered. The Greenaway family We would like to thank the Lions Club, the Salvation Army and all other clubs and people who sent gifts, 'flow- . ers or came to entertain us at Christmas and throughout the last year. We all appre- ciate it very much. The residents and staff at the E. S. Copeland Lodge Many thanks to -the kind nurses in the .ICU of Wing - ham and' District Hospital and other nurses on second floor for their care while I was in hospital.. Special thanks to Rev. Proud and Mrs. Proud for visits and to my family and friends for. visits. Also thanks to Dr. Mowbray, Dr. Ping and Dr. Gear. The beautiful cards and flowers received and your. kindness will long be remembered. Robena Stewart I would like to thank. everyone who visited me during my recent stay in the hospital. Any cards' or gifts were also appreciated. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. McKim and Dr. Jolly. Sincerely, Murray Gilchrist ® C THANKS Frank Et Ernist from Bill & Donna Thanks to the Wingham ambulance drivers, pt'. Tew and the nurses at Victoria Hospital for their assistance at the time of our daughter's birth. Special thanks to Dr. Brabyn and to the nurses at, War Memorial Children's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kuepfer Goderich gets grant for park A $10,000 provincial grant has been awarded to the town of Goderich to help convert the St. Christopher's Beach Park into an approved park, Natural Resources Minister James Auld an- nounced last week. He said the town intends to proceed with a detailed development plan for the area and initial im- provements. The 18 -acre park fronts on the lake and is bounded on the south by the water treat- ment plant: The grant is made available under the Parks Assistance Act, with the municipality contributing an equal amount. In addition, Owen Sound has received approval for a $12,500, Ontario grant to convert ' Harrison Park campground ' into an ap- proved park. As an initial step the city will provide electric service lines and water service to the campsites. The municipality will contribute an amount equal to the grant. TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Person , required to "Count Dogs" in the Township of Morris. Dut- ies to be completed .by March 13, 1981. Salary negotiable. Clearly marked, sealer . applica- tions will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. o'clock on January 30, 1981. Nancy Michie Clerk -Treasurer INVITATION TO TENDER Tenders for the con- struction of a new roof on the Teeswater-Culross Fire Hall will be received by the Clerk's Office, Box 369, Teeswater, Ont. NOG 250, until 5:00 p.m. Monday, February 2, 1981. For- specifications and information contact the clerk, Village of Tees - water, P.O. Box 369, Tel. 392-6818. The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Ron Stevenson Clerk Village of Teeswoter RESTAURANT FOR SALE BY TENDER This business property located on Highway #86, West of Lucknow, Ontario (described as Lots 299, 300 and 301, Plan 36; Village of Lucknow, County of Bruce and buildings located thereon, excepting Parts of said lots expropriated by the Departrrient of Highways via Deposit No. 895) is for sale under Power of -Safe by virtue of default in a loan secured by realty mortgage. The property comprises land (approx. 45,000 sq. ft. with 300' frontaae) and building (96n sq, ft., 'r_ ncnt floor, block construction) used primarily as a restaur- ant business. Arrangements to Inspect the realty may be made by contacting Mr. Doug Farmer In Owen Sound,' Ont. ario, telephone 519-376-4431. Written tenders addressed to Mr, G. Acton, c/o Post Office Box 266, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5P3 will be accepted until 3:30 p.m. on February 5, 1981. A certified cheque for 10% of the amount tendered must be Included as a deposit (payee to be designated) and will be returned without interest if the tender Is not accepted, or forfeited as liquidated damages if the tender Is accepted and sale not completed by the purchaser. Provincial soles tax (If any.) to be paid by the purchaser. The highest or any offer shall not nec- essarily be accepted. Assistance to finonce the trans- action will be considered. Ria W. Bell OPTOMETIAT Goderich The Square 5247661 NOTICE Wedding notices, en- gagements, in ' mentor - lams and obituaries are accepted in written form ONLY. We cannot accept such notices by telephone Please remember that ,no classified advertising is accepted after noon Monday. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY SPECIAL $25.00 Discount On all dance -occasions STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD DISC JOCKEY SERVICE 887.6169 Eveninge 665-7818 R.R.1, F4EUSTADT 366 N. Christina Street Sarnia, Ontario 1-800-265-7542 (Toll Free Telephone) WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE Will receive household furniture and estate effects as usual, but due to inclement weather sales will not be held,. until further notice. JACK ALEXANDER - AUCTIONEER TEL, 357-1011 AUCTION SALE!!! 2 Estates: the late D. Hunter - Mount Forest Et G. Jackson Arthur Selling. at Mount Forest Auction Centre, 690 Queen St. E. (on,,hwy. 89) Mount Forest SAT, JAN 24 -1:00 P.M. Lots of good antiques, primitives, flatbed( cupboard, two refrigerators, two electric stoves, modern furniture, portable colored television, chine, glass, tools, smell 1971 ski-doo, Plus 100's of other items. Real good sale. TERMS: Cash, Cheques with 1:D., Chargex & Mastercharge. Auctioneer AL WARREN 323-2138 or 323-4819 (res.) WINGHAM SALES ARENA A LIQUIDATION SALE U C OF WINTER CLOTHING T O At the S ill 1 T 1 0 N 5 WINGHAM SALES ARENA 680 Josephine St. (North End of Wingham) THURSDAY, JAN. 22 9-6 P.M. FRIDAY, JAN. 23 9-9 P.M. SATURDAY, JAN. 24°9.6 P.M. This 3 day sale includes: men's work socks, work shoes, men's fleece lined vests, men's jackets, 1 and 2 pc. snow suites, flannel shirts, kids western shirts, large quantity of blue jeans and cords, ladies' blouses, cord skirts, and denim skirts, and more of these Items .must be cleared and will be offered at liquidation prices. TERMS: Cash, Cheques, Visa or Master Charge r'iEW FURIVi T UKE: We have just opened our new furniture display room which will be open Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday nights til 9 p.m., featuring a floe selection of dining room suites, and bedroom suites in solid woods, also chesterfield suites, curio's, occasional chairs, box spring and mattress's. All offered at re9sonable prices. AUCTION! I I Good clean consignments taken for our up coming suction, Call: WINGHAM SALES ARENA 357-1730 r357©2987 WINGHAM SALES ARENA C T. 1 O N s L 1 Q U D A T 1 O N 5