HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-21, Page 7SECRETARIES CHOSEN—Committee secretaries for the Worri- en's Missionary Society were chosen during the Maitland Presby- terial annual meeting, held on Monday et St. Andrew's PresbY- terian Church. Secretaries for 1981 are: front, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Lucknow; Mrs. Noble Johnston, Lucknow; Mrs. Don Gillies, Ripley; Mrs. Gordon Finlayson, Ashfield; Mrs. William Smith, Gorrie; Mrs. Warren WYlds,mreszooiaL lrj ei .7ibckwrinogwhaarme Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, Winghafa; Mrs. Elmer Jeffrey, Belmore; Mrs, ,William Molesworth; Mrs. N. MacMurchy, Molesworth; and No, Howard Baker, Moles- worth. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS—The Women's Mis- sionary Society executive for 1981was installed during the Maitland Presbyterial annual meeting, held In Wingham on Monday. This year's executive consists of: front, Mrs. Evan Keith, South Kinloss, vice presi- dent; Mrs. Ross Cumming, Lucknow, president, and 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116111111111111111111111111111111110111111 NOTICE TOWN OF WINGHAM This is to advise all owners or harbor- ers of dogs that the Town of Wingham dog tax is due on or before February 28, 1981. An animal control officer has been hired and all owners of dogs running at large are liable to a fine of $4.00 for first violation and $6.00 for second violation. Robert Wittig Chief of Police oimuniummulimmummuumiumminummiimilimuummuumilmilmilim Mrs. Don Robertson, Klnlough, past president. In the back row are: Mrs. Robert Bregman, Teeswater, vice president; Mrs. Harry Bateman, Wingham, treasur- er; Mrs. Glen Haldenby, Klnlough, vice president, and Mrs. J. W. English, Wingham, honorary president. .ipirmtmeets ut Dunbar home BELGRAVE — The WeinetaMissionary Society met attlIell,, opine of Mrs,: Joe Dunbar -sildth Mrs: Garner Nicholsonpresiding, The meeting opened with a reading. The scripture was taken by Mrs. Mac Scott and .the meditation was give by Mrs. John McBurney, "A Handful of New Days". Mrs. Ivy Cloakey led in prayer. Theroll Theroll 011 was answered with averse from the Bible. Twenty sick and shin -in calls were recorded The secretary's report was , given by Mrs. McBurney and the treasurer's report by mi!.; victor Youngblut. The New. Year's message was read by go. Garner Nichol- son: Mrs. Yowgblut gave a topic on India and Nepal. A poem. was read by Mrs. George Fear. -The meeting closed with Mrs. Nicholson reading a prayer. United Church Women install 1981 officers On Monday evening, Janu- ary,'.12.„the United ,Chnrch Women o. Wingham held, their_general meeting. The worship theme, 'Kindness as Jesus Taught', was present- ed by members of Unit Two, Mrs. Mildred Taylor, Mrs. Vi McKay and Mrs. Louise Stainton. The new study packet for 1981, 'Partners in the Gospel', was introduced by Mrs. Audrey Tiffin. She divided it into four separate groups: Partners in Crisis; Partners in Justice; Part- ners in Mission; and Being Christian — Total Involve- ment. She. explained how partners... are sharers and read several articles dealing with each group. Mrs. Jeanette Wardrop conducted the business i The new executive for 1981 was installed" ,by Rev. Barry Passmore. The officers are: honorary president, Mrs. Mary Margaret Passmore; past president, Mrs. Ruth Orien; president, Mrs. War- drop; treasurer, Mrs. McKay ; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Gwen Laidlaw; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Norma Strong; finance chairman, Mrs,, Helen Underwood; stewardship chairman, Mrs. Ivy Cour- tney. '`Conveners of the various committees are: Church in society, Mrs. Jean Hodgins; friendship and visiting, Mrs. Sadie Tiffin, Mrs. Irlma Edgar; `. allistian develop- ment prograrn, Mrs. Orien.; literature, ,:Mrs. Muriel Thcithpsan; *gess and pub- lieitY,A Mrs.. Audrey Swat- iidge; church mission and education, Mrs. Audrey Tiffin; membership, Mrs. Hazel Campbell and Mrs. Edythe Gibson; mane, Mrs. Jessie Kerr, Mrs, Doris Walden; flowers, Mrs. Lynda EIS -ton, Mrs. Ethel Adanis; social, Mrs. Janice Marks, Mrs. Marilyn Wood, Mrs. LeuiseStainton, Mrs. Passmore read the In Memoriam list 'of names of, members who passed away during the last year. Lunch was served by Unit One members and a social. hour followed. TRIANGLE SAVINGS, 10's Trac II Razor Blades 2.39 450 ml. JEtJ Baby Shampoo 2.69 worn! Oil of Olay 4.69 Maybelline' Nail Polish 30's Playtex Tampons 1.39 2.59 120's Kleenex Boutique Facial Tissue 2/1.19 TRIANGLE DISCOUNT A,411/47.0004747S,CVSAelarf /OSA rros Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays • Sundays Noon to Six • .„, ' zkit A 14 .°•), • SEA SERPENT—Bradley Baumgarten, Tricia Marston, Melanie Koch, Brenda Oliver and Cathy Oriold, Grade 3-4 students et Howick Central, work together with Mr. Farnell to paint a sea serpent, their entry In the school's wInter.carnlval snow sculpture contest. Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. Gary WO, Julie and Jeffery of London, and Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, Tara and Erin nf Ilderton were weekend visitors with their parelda. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby: Mrs. Laura John- ston of Belgrave also visited at the same home on Sunday. This was the occasion of Tara's sixth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes visited on Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor of Hamilton. Mrs. Taylor is a patient in McMaster Medical Centre. Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter attended the 15th an- nual meeting of the Huron County Milk Marketing Board in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, from Tues- day till Thursday of last week along with other mem- bers of Huron County. Dr. Ronald Taylor of St. John's Newfoundland, returned home on Sunday after spending a two-week vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor, - and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Minna, Edwin, Catherine and Jennifer of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna. The VIr in Advance -Timm 21, fi Stephen's Guild holds first -:meeting of new year be held April 25 at Howiek Community Centre. Application forms may be obtained from M. Wayne King or Mrs. Canon Laramie bl the Guild and the work. have completed. He clowl the meeting with pra followed by Orrice, Harold King and Mrs. Mac Stenernol served' latteh. during an hour of fellowship. GORRIE — St. 'Stephen's Anglican Guild opened its 1981 year with the Guild Prayer which had previously been. submitted by •• Mrs. Merrill Fisher. Mrs. William Bennett led a very in- teresting devotional period. She based her talk on the topic, 'Opportunities',, which stirred -everyone's iboughts. teripture from the sixth chapter, of Paul's letter to the Galatians was read by Mrs. Ronald Bennett and Roland Bennett read pom, 'Your Neighbors', in which she stressed friendliness, a smile or a short hello,. Roll call was answered by 19 members and two visitors with a New Year's resolution. Friendship Pennies were determined by the number of windows in each member's home. Mrs: Roland Bennett presented the secretary's report and notes of thanks were read from recipients of Christmas boxes. Mrs. M. Fisher gave the treasurer's report, showing a very successful year. A 1.tter from Bishop Ragg, concerning the International Year of Disabled Persons, was read by Mrs. Bennett. The question was asked, "What are we ping to do to improve accomodations and attitudes toward the disabled?"It was suggested that a pleasant smile or intelligent conversation can go a king way in uplifting the morale of these people.. New vehicles or large pieces of equipment are not always the answer to happiness. The Guild will be visiting the residerits of Fordwich Village Nursing Home on April 8. A reading, 'What Can You Do?', was given by Mrs. Jasper Farrish. It was decided to participate more in mission work. Anyone wishing to donate articles for bales to Uganda °rite North is asked to notify Mrs. Farrish or Mrs. Laramie. Since St. Monica's House, a home for unwed mothers, is sponsored by Huron Diocese, the Guild will forward ar- ticles to them as well. The annual craft show will ' Time to Spend' is the themefor unit meeting BELGRAVE — The After- noon Unit of the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wheeler on Monday, Jan. 12, with 11 adults and two children pre- sent. The meeting opened with a worship service conducted by Mrs. William Black and Mrs. Leslie Bolt. The central theme' for worship was we .are responsible for the ways we spend our time. Mrs. Black read the poem, 'Seeing the Best', by Patience Strong. The hymn 'Creations Lord' was sung and Psalm 89 was read in unison. Mrs. Bolt took "Time to Spend" for her meditation. She stated that the new year gives us a chance to begin a- gain, to bury our ills, aliun- forgiveness, petty grudges and unkindness. It is a tithe to fix our thoughts on true - and lovely things, praise God and be glad. Prayer closed the meditation. Mrs. Cecil Coultes con- ducted a short quiz on hus- bands and wives of the Bible. She then continued with the Bible study. "Have you set a goal in- dividually or as a group?" she asked. To arrive at a goal required plans and pre- paration whether that goal be tangible, spiritual or both interwined. Jesus' goal was to leave his disciples prepared to carry on the gospel. He says, "What you get depends on what you give". The person who prepares the worship service gets most from it. Thank God for blessings. Pray alone, then pray together' We are all disciples of Jesus. A hymn was sung. Mrs. Walter Scott chose, 'Partners in crises, justice and mission' as the subject for mission study. She dealth pritnarily with ministering to the family in all forms of Annual meeting of Knox United choir BELGRAVE — The an- Johnston. nual meeting of Knox United Church Choir was held on Monday, Jan. 12, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. Choir practice was held and a business meeting. followed, conducted by the president, Ross Anderson. Minutes of the lastgannusal . meeting were read by the secretary Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, It was decided that the same officers be reelected for another year and that the officers remain in ,office for two years onlY. The officers for 1980 were: president, Ross Anderson; secretaryltreasurer, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler; anvil. committee, Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mrs. George Johnston; social committee, Mrs. Agnes Rieman, Mrs. Laura A note of appreciation for the choir's contribution during the year was read. Everyone expressed ap- preciation to our organist and leader for her efforts during the year. Each one present signed a get well. card for each of George Johnston and Robert Grasby, who , were hos- pitalized at this time. - Progressive Court Whist was enjoyed by all: High scorers were Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and James Lamont, while lOw scores went to Mr's. Clarence Yuill and Bert Johnston. Lunch was served and Bill Coulte s expressed thanks to Kenneth and Mabel for their hospitality and use of their home. This brought the, pleasant evening to a close. WMS member, Mrs. Adams, receives life ,membership GORRIE—Mrs. David Neilson was hostess for the January meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, Gorrie. The president, Mrs. Gordon Moir, opened the meeting with a New Year's resolution. On behalf of the society. Mrs. Alvin Mundell presented a Life Member: ship Certificate to Mrs. Harvey Adams in recogni- tion of her faithful service to the missionary cause. Mrs. Adams expressed her ap- preciation of the honor bestowed upon her. The roll call was answered - by eight members with' missionary items. Mrs. Neilson Was named the delegate to the annual meeting of Maitland Presby- terial. The World Day of . Prayer will be observed in St. Stephen's Anglicap Church on Mardi 6. Mrs. Moir introduced the study, Your Midst'. This title is taken from the words Of Jesus as recorded in Luke 17, verses 20 and 21. This study is designed to reshape Christians' ideas of mission and make them realize that God has a mission for each person. "Together we may participate in God's healing work in the world and be God's instruments in break- ing ground for a new social order," Mrs. Moir said. • Two parables of the kingdom of heaven, the mustard seed and the yeast • in flour, were studied and their relevance to daily life discussed. All joined in singing a hymn and the president closed the 'Meeting with prayer. During a time of fellowship the hostess served refreshments crisis, referring to the work of Dr. Robin Smith, associ- ate secretary of mission in Canada, in the areas of human sexuality, marriage and the family. , - The, first facet of Dr. Smith's work deals with marriage preparation, the second with family counsell- ing centres, the -third with family and society, which in- cludes law reform, abortion and human sexuality. The minutes of -the Decem- ber • meeting: were read,' visits to sick -and shut-ipa recorded, the, trOsurer's report given and the offering received and dedicated. Thank you cards were read. Mrs Earl Anderson acted as leader for the business section. The general meeting of the UCW will be held Jan. 27 with Danny Stuckey of Wingham as guest speaker. Members of the Belgrave charge will present the wor- ship service. The Huron -Perth Presby- terial UCW will meet in Brucefield on Jan. 26. The group was asked to send two delegates. Mrs. Don Vair offered her home for th February meeting. Thanks was extended to Mrs. Wheeler for her hospitality and the meeting was closed with prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, Mrs. Don Vair and Mrs. Floyd Campbell. Happy plans '81 - The executive of .the Wingham Happy Gang senior citizens met Monday to discuss ideas about, what direction the group-shbuldte heading during 1981. Members discussed their hope many more seniors will join the club. The ry imasetmybeearrs. , secretary reported that at the first meeting in January there were a total of 34 compared to 60 Also discussed was the possibility of using a bus to bring seniors out to meetings, and the group is inviting feedback from seniors, especially those in apartments, about -the idea. Meeting dates were talked over; it was noted that the group had planned to meet on Friday afternoons during the winter months, .but Friday afternoon meetings On a regular basis again are doubtful and this must be resolved. However seniors can look forward to Friday afternoon open euchres or shoot parties to resume in February, and hopefully many other ac- tivities will develop with the support of seniors, young and. T Thole eel next regular meeting is set for,Fb. 13, starting at 12.30 ' with:. a pot Vele. luncheon. ' Income Averaging nu! Contracts • Borrow 95% of single premium Loan interest deductible No exposure to.interest ,. rate fluctuations Maximize your tetum on borrowed funds... • Deadline March 1 . . For full details contact ' 42ISTANDARD. TRUST 237 J6sephme Street Wingham. Ontario NOG 2W0 , .F ^a rNit.$PRIf , MI ( OW r) ' . WANTED TO BORROW Old Photos and Memorabilia of Morris Township for the 125th Anniversary Celebration this summer. Can You Help Us? JEAN KIRKBY 887-6428 WROXERAMICS 1 For. all your ceramic needs. Glazes, brushes, wiring, clocks, etc. Register now far January classes and April classes.. Phone 335-3450