HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-07, Page 11.4. • , , • • ' ' • • • , .:•-• • ..• 01 111 11 l'itl 01/1.111()Ni)li • game , .1. . ttOrilla defeated , game came evi'i itiVirer art014 OP 444147. With a 34 Scare. IVOthat fikUnst#P gameVsYlgraX,e win, the Belmore team won the 13 Championship. ) , The etelinefrWtedies' team istooloins• mom on geouNiammoilutipou. Wingham .4.4 • r. • T9vone Players • need TOUR support, Whether you live in Wingham or surrounding area. Wewant to keep amateur "live" theatre STRONG in Wingham • Please come to the general meeting open to YOU, the public 1 Thursday, January 8 8:00 p.m. Wingham Town Hall - Court Room The Towne Players want and ,n!ed your 1 ideas and suggestions to ensure continued I success of their activities. 1 If interested but unable to attend this meeting, call: SANDRA LEE 357-1383 RITA CRUMP 357-2335 first place.Walkerton413 , w1.4"44,4 '• • .playedme Walk • 0411'1004 and battled. ..:~14 'Oar before tt large II - II IN wow mum es so es us so EN ow le NI NI so No 5 5 la 1. an. tf1790..0.0144 The game featured Superb; goaltending at both ends of the rink and great Ond,10,enil ruallea, as both clubs con- tinued to ' vie for the ROL- place finish. Doug..GaMbleA .Who played, betweenthe pipes for Wingham, was 41. ti 1 draw stopping olding the fene duringstint, stint, „ were • nded Otes in minor e second Mble made .e" tiring that ••• , his best , . 1/* Canadian Radie..104nrieten and- Tileceremurdeationts Cognmlaalcin , • Conseil de to resteddlusion adehs • telecomrnunicedons ocenediehhfre notice decision - Decision CRTC 80-844, Coun' try Cable Ltd., Winghem, Ont. Following a_ public hearing held in Toronto on 14 and 15 October, 1980, the CRTC an- nounces that It approves the application to renew the ca- „ ble television broadcasting licence for Wingham frorn 1 April 1981 to 30 September 1985, subject to conditions to be specified therein. Complete texts of CRTC do- cuments ate published in both official languages in the "Can- ada Gazette," Part 1, which is generally available for viewing le reference libraries; single copies are sold at book stores carrying Canadian gov- ernment publications. They may also be read at CRTC offices; CRTC decisions may be read at licensee offices during normal business hours. Public interest groups are in- vited to contact the CRTC for copies of CRTC public documents. CRTC telephones: Ottawa -Hull 18191997-0313. Canada Zero in ori the bright yellow tags. They're your ticket to super savings on snowmobile accessories and clothing, plus on the many other optional extras you've always wanted. Everything you need to make snowmobiting more tun and more excitino. The best of winter is yet to come! And that's why the annual Ski -Doo Yellow, Tag Sale has snowballed into the kind of big event snowmobilers wait for every year. So don't miss out! Ski -Doo dealers have a real blizzard of bargains in store for you. 4 929E. GRADIENT ANTI -FOG Wren coated, distortion -free poly- carbonate, scratch resistance improved by 30%, leather grain peak Available with ratchet. Clear lens. 2 GALLON JERRY CAN Made ol high-dentity polythene. Meets all Canadian Government standards SKI -000 GLASS SET • Four attractive 14 -ounce glass tumblers, decorated with the Ski -Doo celours. Comes In carton. While you're in taking advantage Of these Yellow Tag specials, take a real close look at , the lineup of brand new 1981 Ski -Doo snow- mobiles. Your Ski -Doo dealer has the right sled for you. At the right price! vTrademark of Bombardier Limitee. All rights resolved. eBombardier limitee. becoMber 1980. Participating, dealers reserve the right to limit quantities whilisuppile0ast. • • Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. HIGHWAY 86, JUST EAST OF WINGHAM TEL. 357-3435 ,v• 0 , • help in the 91epart ment v I • tes, par- e,: was caught Thethepuckg9a 1)::t and Tom and s1ppdt, -0.i‘;Op ,Borah)4ah 0d to play 'T :eeir from fienimM:tfinhegstelootfafntdo tthheee 00466:Peed two paneeeee yeee.,ehots, one right of the Oa, to keep the clubs tied 'at. 0-0 Steve right hand corner, but Gamble was equal to the task. The Ironmen emerged from the second period leading by one, with the crowd wondering how long the Wingham club could hold on through penalty after penalty. The referee was given a h eart -warming wel- come from the Wingham fans as he left the ice at the intermission. If he were ever storm -stayed in this area, I'm sure he would feel right at home in the friendly town of Wingham. The period was nerve wracking, with numerous near misses and more of the 'same superior goaltending, The .Black Hawks tied the . score on a good three-way passing play starting at the blueline. Robert MacDonald zetter was having night- picked up a pass along the inriares atorjeoking at an left boards from the point man, then passed to Steve Pitt in the slot. Pitt drilled a low shot that caught the lower left hand corner at 914. That was it in the scoring department, but the game was far. from over and the emotions continued to run high. Neither club was able to crack the other's defeeee. to break the tie and the game ended in a 1-1 draw. if ever there was a bargain value, this was it. For a $2.00 admission fee. the crowd got more than its money's worth. It was a very enter- A QUIET STREET—and taining contest and a great ImproMptu game of road privilege to watch these splendid athletes. Jason Cameron in a game Sunday's game between Clinton and Wingham was weather conditions. Industrial sancelled due to inclement open goal -Oen having that • groat opportOity • 'taken away by Remington. -GaMtge: Made a good pad save on qjt Petteplace shortly after That incident, then'madea gpod stop on a pent abet. effl'the stick of Mark Zippelana snatched up the rebound': shot from Wayne Mills. McNair„ was equally brilliant, Making a number of good glove sa ves ie the opening frame. He was not quite as bitsy,•facItig 10 shots while Gamble faced 15. The Ironmen took the lead; breaking the scoreless tie at 3:33 of the 'middle frame. Remington erossed the blue - tine, pulling the lone defenceman towards him, while•Larry Donaldson was cruising in all alone on the left side. Remington fed him a perfect passe and DonaldsOrt, - using a head ' • s• i• • ‘Yrri:PPt...•14.7.•••. , • • ererreeeeerecesessve • • v • • • • •• • • •, • • ". • ;•,"1• • • .e.e.e: • • • some hard -packed snow are all that's required for an hockey, Shawn Fryfogie tries to lam the puck past last week. Future games include: 1. Tuesday, Jan. 6, in Hanover league at 8:30 pane Sunday. Jan. fake, fired a low shot to the . 11, in Wingham at 2:30 pm. results stick side corner of the net. against Kincardine.' The Ironmen began to take penalties in a successive wave as Referee Paul Clock appeared to nee only blue and white shirts on the ice, but the Ironmen defence and particularly Gamble shut the Black Hawks out, kicking out 21 shots through the second period of play. He made a spectacular save kicking out a shot to his left then lunging across the Crease to tip a shot high over the net on the other eideelortlii Steve mares aboutthat chance. IVIeNair made a gread pad save on Jiin Blackwell, who was able t" sneak behind the -Black HaWk defence. The Black, 11ws continued, to press on the powerplay and Gamble was forced to come up big again. The Walk-erton point shootets shot the puck wide of the mark .on three consecutive . shots, as Gamble moved back and forth' in the goal; On- the .fourthshot he came up. with a great glove catch. • Moments later Steve Zettler zeroed in on the goal as he moved 'in undetected. •• He swept in and backhanded' the • peck teveards the top Miller like y wet have night - The All-Star game will be played in Walkerton on Friday, Jan. 9. • CRAWFORD DODGERS 7 BRIDGE MUSTANGS 1 The Dodgers went on MI another scoring spree and •II AMR lottery draw winners Winners in the December draw of the Win -a -Trip Lottery, sponsored by the Wiligham and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King of WI" 2, eeswa er. They won a holiday package valued at $1,500.. The consolation prize winner, who wins a weekend holiday, is Hap Swatridge of Winham. The next draw will take place -on' the last Friday of January. crushed the Mustangs. Fraser Strong and Stan Stapleton each scored twice while Murray,.Gardiner, John Fry and Sott Bridge scored singles. Barry O'lerafka scored for Bridge, taking the shutout away from Keith Elston ADVANCE -TIMES STAINTON SPITFIRES 2 Larry Lane scored on a breakaway' With a low seconds left in the game as the newsboys Upset second-, place Spitfires. John 'Cullen ' and Steve Stapleton also scored for the winners. StaintOit goal scorers were Dan Wilson ans Captain Dave Tiffin. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE STANDINGS AS OF DEC:,30 - 10GAN1ES CRAWFORDS STAINTONS ADVANCE BRIDGE ° T. GF. GA.PTS. 1 51 22 17 2 51 29 14 1 30 50 5 0 28 60 HOORAY FOR WINTER—Tharen and Kirsten Kell lead the way as the Bill Kell family heads down the street for so-ne cross-country skiing in Riverside Park. Skls, skates' tOboOgans and snowmobiles all go a long way toward making thls chilly season rnore enloyable. 111 \1 • 111 ION% FRIDAY TO 11THURSDAY maJan 9 to 15 BIN:EASE NOTE SHOYYTIMES ill FRIDAY SATURDAY at 9:3? mum wawa rum 357 1E30 FOR 24 "It MOVIE NFORMATION Ill ONION/ ENDS"ILAP 81110 THURSDAY JAN- Mb 5/41:WIWI 8,00 1/"1 Qi2C1I?-51 111101110111111 1111:31111 E11111 STARTS FRIDAY! FRIDAY- SATURDAY- SUNDAY-. JAN. 9-10-11 'PLEASE NOTE SHOWTURES SATURDAY SUNDAY I • 3 showings at I showing ot I El 2:00-701N1320 p.m. • 7,00p,.,,.only! FRIDAY 2 showike 7:00 and 13,20 p.m. se HET TURNED PARIS 0. INTO CAT CITY! 111.WT DISNEY • MI ciIIII "'Maas osiosociriQj 111SUNDAY at 900 ••••,:e MONDAY TO in THURSDAY pi • cit 1100p.m. 411,E111 11. • v ==wiz El NC III II& o Fitness is a national issue We call it Body Politics • PaRTICIP3171017 The Canad.an movement tor Dersonalq ItnesS The best spot for action is the WANT ADS THE ADVANCETIMES 35'7-2320 0