HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-07, Page 7WiNOHAM HOMEOWNERS
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QUITE A.FEW—people were shovelling snow off their house, perch and garage
roofs this weekend, as the build-up of snow from recent storms threatened to over-
load them.
Board supports resolution
calling for traffic: lights
The .Huron County Board
of Education has supported a
motion from the Township of
Hibbert seeking installation
of a .traffic signal on High-
way 8, at the intersection of
Perth Road 10 in the village
of Dublin.
The board endorsed the
motion at a regular monthly
Meeting Monday ' at the
request of the police, village.
Of 'Dublin and the Township
of Ribbert, r
Ina letter to the board, the
township clerk indicated that
five 'people have been killed
at the intersection in the last
' fewyears. The latest fatality
occured on Nov. 25, 1980,
when: James Melady was
killed as °a result of an auto-
mobile accident at the inter-
section. . '
• •After' each of the five
fatalities the township and
village councils have pur-
sued the prospect of t,ie
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Dress Pants
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Fashions for Men, and Women
installation of controlled. The resolution added•that
lights without success. The through reassessment,
' letter claimed that eight urban representation does
school buses cross the inter- not reflect population,
section daily. student population, or edu-
Trustee Frank Falconer cationtaxes,paid:
said the installation of traffic The resolution came to the
signals on Highway 8 is board's attention after it was
ridiculous and,suggested :the endorsed by' the Town of
beard•itot.condur with the re- Clinton. Trustee Frank Fal -
quest, j' toner took exception to the
"It is not , a bad inter- `endorsement claiming it
section andi'is ridiculous to reflected on.him. .
request ' lights," . he said. • Clinton"is :just a rubber -
"The highway is the only link sxampin'g . ...copycat ` of
to the 401 and na.one is lined Stratford," .� he . said.
up in Dublin," •They re sore.because they
• e a s mo 'on , dotn t Ithtnk< have repre-
an that comes ', Haldimand-Norfolk is asking
that the board'��no>:•�concur ,
' but, `it was, defeated and, a cover, a resident o n be. followed. "If it was in. our
subsequent -motion to,stip- Tuckersmith Township, muni:.ipality, we'd want a
'port the resolution passed. represents both the township ..•. 'proper study," Mr. Miller
• andthe Town of Clintoi't: noted;.)
•In other, business the board Goderich Trustee Dprothy o-o_.p
passed a bylaw .authorizing ;Wallace said Stratford has The town plans
The Wingham Hor-
ticultural Society will plant
50 more young trees around
town this summer.
Hoy Bennett of the society
attended the meeting of town
council Monday night to ask
permission for the planting
as well as a grant from the
town. Council endorsed the
idea gladly, and agreed to
donate $500, the same as last
year. Mr. Bennett said the
society picked up the
balance of the $1,650 bill for
purchase and planting.
He reported that last year
30 Norway maples and 20 red
maples were planted around
the town, but noted that no.
planting had been done for
several years previous while
old trees continued to come
down at the rate of 35 to 40
per year, "so we have some
catching up to do".
He also asked that• people
wanting trees for their front
lawns leave their names at
the towrr'hall_
Council spent an hour
meeting in committee-o#;the-
whole with its solicitor,
Murray Elston.
Mayor Bill Harris said
following •the meeting that
council had wanted to
discuss a number of items
with the solicitor in con-
fidence, He said no action
was taken during the closed
session, except to ask the
lawyer to write a number of ..
0 0 0
Despite reservations by a
couple . of • `9councillors,
Wingham council endorsed a
resolution from the. Regional
Municipality of Haldimand-
. Norfolk asking that a full
environmental study be.
carried out on the area
peo-posed for a • liquid in -
sal site.
Pat B • ' ey said
understand the
t all the same
she'd rather have the dump
at Cayuga than ,in Ashfield
Township,-which'was one of
the sites proposed. She
suggested council shouldn't
make waves; "if• we get it,
it's your fault!"
However ,Councillors . Jim
Currie and'' • Tom 1V1jiller
dustrial wast
she ca
1 s
H introduced tt p pointed out that all
backto me."is that the proper procedures
with the township request, Fal •d f p
the borrowing of up $20 r��.mstick
million to"meet expenditures the right to protest their with its own committee of
until revenue is received. representation on the Perth adjustment to decide on
4 resolution from`.the.City Board of Education. severances and minor
"Goderich •is the biggest
of Stratford, asking, that the . variances under the zoning
� . H .
minister of education be centre an uron uounty ana�
petitioned to make changes they May be left with only
in the representation on one `representative, she.
boards of education;:in the said, "Representation has no
province was endorsed by relation to the number of
the Huron board Monday. kids or taxpayers."
The ; Stratford resolution •The Stratford resolution
asked . Education Minister has been forwarded to all
Bette Stephenson to' make towns and cities in Ontario.
changes so that membership
of boards of education more
adequately reflects student edH'�
population and education n woe
taxes paid. \
Representation by trustees
is determined by assessment Holiday, visitors with Mr.
and commercial .and in -and Mrs. ,Rowland Ballagh,
dustrial assessments are not Catherine Street, were Mrs.
itted to be used to" Claude Bronson and
bylaw, rather than turn the
authority over to the Huron
County land division corn-
Clerk -Treasurer Byron
Adams explain that the
advantage to handing
responsibility over to the
county would be a saving in
administration casts, while
the disadvantage would be in
giving up some of council's
rights to make decisions.
Council decided to hang
onto its rights and retain its
committee of adjustment.
Currently the committee is
composed of •G. W•
Cruickshank, Daye. Bender
and Bruce MacDonald.
0 0 0
Council passed . a
borrowing bylaw permitting.
the town to borrow up to $1
million during 1981 to meet
operating expenses. The
clerk -treasurer explained
the bylaw establishes the
town's line. of credit for the
year, enabling it to borrow to
meet' ongoing expenses
Hoeing*tib •jnterjm between -
tax collections.
Councillors later con-
sidered the problem of tax
arrears in town, including a
proposal from • Councillor
Dick LeVan, finance com-
mittee chairman, that the
names of persons in arrears
on their property taxes
should be published.
However council decided to
try other avenues first,-
' "It was noted that the town;,
can collect only 15 per -Cent
interest (the maxi "mum rate •
permitted- under Tho
Municipal Act) on' overdue
taxes, while it is paying
about 18 per cent interest at
the .bank to borrow money. A
municipality is permitted to
hold a tax sale on 'any
property which is three or
Bluevale Personal Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Snell,
Kathy and Murray, visited
on New Year's Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Ron Elliott and
girls at Palmerston. Mr. and
Mrs. William Dettman and
Scott Marritt were visitors at
the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker,
Sheila and Kevin, visited
Tuesday night with Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Burchill and
family and with Mr.. and
Mrs. Bob Kerr of Peter-
borough, Mrs. Margaret
Weitz, Thornbury, Miss
Donna Weitz of Guelph, who
were visiting_at the Bur -chill
home. . - "
Newear's Day visitors
'with Mr. Mrs. Alex Mac-
Tavish_, were Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Gray, Jim Wright, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon .,Wright,
Shari, Jeffrey and Kenneth;
and,Doug Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mac-
Tavish, Ken and Tim, spent
New Year's with Mrs. Mary
Barlow of Markdale. -
New Year's Day visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Henning were Mr. and Mrs.
George Fischer, Mr. and -
Mrs. Kelvin Fischer and
Sandra,' Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Moffat and Rob, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mr. and
Mrsr'. Larry Elliott and
Shawndra, Mr. and Mrs.
Marty Cretier, Amy -Jo. and
Janell, Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Coe, -Barry and Clarence of
Norval, Marie, Sheila; Kevin
and Kathy Walker, Ken.
Skinn, V1r. and Mrs. Joe
Walker. "'4•
Mr. ,and Mrs. Lloyd
Wheeler, David . and
Hemet, have returned from
a vacation in Florida.
Irn�re PerSOnals
,Brian Hays came ' home
from:Alberta for Christmas.
- Mr. ands Mrs. John Staf-
ford, Cherie and Robbie are
vacationing in Florida.
Miss Jackie Dustow of
Kincardine spent the
Christmas holidays at her
home here.
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alan Darling were
Tom .Darling, Mr. and Mrs.
John Tyler, St. Mary's, Miss
Isabel Darling, Terry and
Bev Ballagh of Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs.'. Art Carter of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Kirk of Shallow Lake and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Morrison, Luckriow.
Mr." and Mrs. Mac Inglis
and family visited with
friends in-Stayner. •
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs:
Council aeeepted
property twin
contin Bob P.urePaSe
frog .
1981. Copmttlittee n
Torn Miller r t
but there' was only
ference on
an tst
annual 'coy sumpti on.
: C unc ifl(ire
that wit l�,a
.. `fie they ; ,i w stick
with their Pr ent supplier:
The low :1 was from
Raymond li g Fina, also f
Elmer Haskins were Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Haskins and Doug
• A very ' successful New
Year's Eve dance was held
in the Belmore Arena,.with
music provided by.'Whinney,
Christmas' visitors with
--Mrl• and Mrs. Norman
Newans were Mr. and Mrs.
Howard ' Gowing, ' John..
Gowing and Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Newans and family:
Guests at the home of. Mn.
and. Mrs. Walter Renadick
were Gail and Linda • Ren-
wick and Mrs. Vera Will;
Marilyn Renwick and,
Caroline Mulvey are. no
longer the = news
• correspond'ents for Belmore.
Heather Renwick •will now
• takeover the job.
Gorrie Personal Notes
Mrs. Walter Charles spent
Christmas Eve with Don
Charles of Harriston. Walter:
Charles returned home from
Wingham and District Hos-
dete ine urban represent Carolyn. Elmira; Ron pital On Wednesday of last
ation. Stratford contends Bronson, Toronto; Lt. Neil week
the al and urban tepee Bronson. Ottawa 1Vlr.' and Mr. and Mrs. Len Nuhn,
se aged becauseon boards has been
Mrs. John Clark, Greg and Manitouwadge, Mr. and
ch aged of higher Steve, Dundas;. Miss Joan . Mrs. Jack Brown and
rut assessments. Leishman, Toronto. ° • Wayne, Mr. and Mrs: Sandy
Gibson, Julie and "Jaime, a
. unaunnn►unuunnmiipnmmnll umuimmumummrmmmini niuiuwunnwunn toi n norm were recent dinner guests of
• Brookhaven Events Mrs. Jack Inglis and boys,
RR 2', Clifford.
mmuisaism umimnwinnummmhunnnnummnmmm„,�imimmlim,i�inumpgtnmuunnnm Mr.: and Mrs. Ken Charles
Acheson of Listowelspent Boxing Day
Janis '; everyone in a singsong.
There hast been con-
On the 21st, Rev. Barry with Mrs: Walter Charles.
..siderable activity. here this' Passmore offered tom Boxing Day guests of Mr.
past month, which has given munion to everyone. This and Mrs, James, Fudger
everyone opportunities for • ongoing service is ap-
social and physical involve- , preciated by those who are g M D
ment in planned nursing. unable to attend regular °H f Southampton;
home events. church service.
On Dec. 7, the Wingham The ' 'ingham Kinettes
Lions visited our home and were here on the' 22nd and
entertained our residents"by after singing a large number
singing a large selection of of. Christmas songs, they dis-
Christ'mas songs and carols. tributed presents to every -
Afterwards, "Santa” distil- one, The 1. nitedr, Church
buted. Christmas gifts and Junior Choir caroled here on
chatted with everyone in- the 18th, as did the Wingham
dividuallY• Bible Chapel Young People
Our December birthday on the 20th.
,patty was put on by the Bel -
grave United Church Women The Staff a void delike nts io
to help Mrs, Annie Baker, gr�khaven
Gf rdon Gantlet and Robert welcome. , Wildon Robertson
Coultes celebrate their birth- to our Home. The December
days. Miss Katherine bingo champion. was Mrs.
Procter did a Scottish dance Margaret Carter.
and them teamed u with " We would like to thank all
P the groups And individuals
Miss Jennifer Procter and
Miss Heather Morton for who have taken the time this
another live) num-ber. past Year to come here and
Andrea and Steven Co�iltes share their time With our
each played a piece on the residents• This con st wi
piano and • Alison Coultes community roelualit
sang a festive song. Freda Proves the 1 Y of life here
Johnston played the piano and is very much ahpreci
while Mriel Coultes led ated.
were Mr. and Mrs. John'
Fud er and Michael.
Harriston; Mr. andrs. an
of ernan,
David'. Fudger of Lashburn,
Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs.
HenryFudger, Cheryl and
Susan4e of Harriston;
Thomas Fudger and Miss
• Gail McCormick, Kitchener,
Chester Bennett spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs
Graham Jackson; RR. 2.
ListoWvel, and Miss Shirley
Be nett of Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. John Mc•
Cutcheon spent a few days at
the Dome of Mr, and. Mrs.
James Moloney and Chris:
topher of Brcamalea
Brock Howes of Tillson-
burg spent a few days with •
his parents, Mr and Mrs.
Les Howes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown.
Greg and Wayne. Miss
.Teresa Miller, Walkerton.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Gibson,
Julie and Jaime, were New.
Year guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Brown Wroxeter
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noble
and Melissa spent New
Year's at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Noble,. RR
2, Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. James
Fudger, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Heffernan of Southamp-
ton on New Year's Day. "
'Mr. and Mrs,,, Donald
Adams and "Mark of
Wroxeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Adams, Tarmy and
Jennifer of Wingham., Mr.
and Mrs. James Sch'efter,
Dale and Adam,, were Friday
evening guests of Mr. -and
Mrs. Dewitt Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Miller,
Vikki, Kevin" and' Krista of _
Sudbury .spent several days.
with Mr. and. Mrs. Archie
Miller. .
Mrs. Harvey Adams and
Mrs. Thomas MacDonald of
• Brussels were New. Year's
guests of.Mr. and Mrs. Earle
King of-Harriston,-,
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard
Nuhn of Manitouwadge, Mr.
,and Mrs. Donald Gibson and
I)uane,of Monkton, Mr. and
Mrst, Dennis , Speer of
Weston, Mrs Jack Gibson,
Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Brown. ' Wayne and ' Greg,
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Noble and
Melissa, Mr and Mrs,
James Fudger celebrated
Christmas at the home -of
Mr -and Mrs. Sandy Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs, Archte Miller
and Mrs `i'. MacDonald of
Brussels visited Mr. and
Mrs. Beverley Brears of RR
3', Palmerston, on Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currie,
Robert and Paul of RR 3,
Wingham. were New Year
visitors with Mrs. John
Councillor:.' fait pailky,
reporting fpr the re cation
board, . told council.that
improvements Pied at
the JosePhitn Street halt
park this yeer Molt a new-"_
bleachers, two wasoots
and a food booth. She ;said
rants are available toeover
part of the cost.
Council approved four
building permits this month.
They are for: Art Hubbard,
an alteration to -a residence;
Twins Drive -In, fried
chicken outlet at , the
Wingham plaza; Barry
Wenger, improvements to a
garage; and Royal Homes, a
residence in Maitland
Warrant Officer M.
Gauthier, Mrs. Gauthier and
family of Camp Borden
spent Christmas with 'Mrs. •
Jean Aitchison.
Rev. R. 'D. MacDonald
conducted the morning
worship service in St.
Andrew's Presbyterian
Church on., Sunday. Miss
Olive Lapp sang two solos.
Next Sunday, Rev. R. C.
McCallum of Goderich will
conduct the service.
Residents in the. Wroxeter
and Wingham areas will be -
happy to. learn that a tea and
"dinner were held in honor of .
Pearl and Bob Westllake.of
1074 'Willow Ave., .Moose
,Jaw, Saskatchewan, on the
occasion of their 60th wed-
ding anniversary.
Shoot winners
at Belgrave
tables of shoot were in play
in the Women's Institute
Hall, Belgrave, on Monday
evening, December 29.
Winners for .high.• scores
were Mrs. Howard Walker •
and George Inglis; low, Mrs.
Ross Higgins and Howard
Walker. Robert.Gordon: won'
a lucky draw and William
Gow was occupying, a lucky
chair. James R. Coultes had
the most shoots..
° Thomas Reid of Bluevale,
Mr. and Mrs.. Brian Pyke
and family were Christmas
Day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Van deKemp, RR 2,
Gorrie. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hyndman, Mr. ,.and Mrs.
Robert Sinclair and Rob of
Oakville were New Year
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
James Hyndman of Guelph. •.••••
Mrs. Glad Edgar, Donald
Edgar, Gordon .Edgar, Mrs.
William Simpson, ' Gibson
Stewart of Molesworth and
Oscar Nickel, Listowel, paid
respects Tuesday to the "
family of the late McKenzie
-Edgar of Dearborn,
Michigan, at fhe Little
Funeral' Home, Cambridge
(Galt). They also called on
Mr. and Mrs; Robert Brown
of Cambridge (Galt).
Holiday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Pyke were Mr:' and .Mrs.
Claude H§,Jl,,I on and Randy
of RR 2, B4rford,r. and
Mrs. Glenn .Pyke, Jeffrey
and Jennifer of RR 2,
Mrs. John Strong spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Allen of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Linden, Kelly and David of
London spent Christmas and
the weekend with . Mr. and
Mrs. (George Noble.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Galbraith, 'Eric and Susan of
Fredericton, New Bruns-
wick, Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Baulk and Kerry, Judy and
Jennifer- Galbraith of
.Stratford,' were holiday
visitors with Mrs. Gerald
The mon who
'Whispers in
o well
about the things
- he hos to sell
never '
as he
tree and
Do your shouting for you
CALL 357.2320