HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1981-01-07, Page 24v
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DELEGATES FROM -UCO Belgrave were among
many of the co-operators froni across Ontario attend-
ing UCO's 33rd annual meeting held in December. Ap-
proximately 1,000 delegates -directors, their Wives and
Staff -attended., Eugene Whelan, federal ,minister of
agriculture was the guest speaker at the tlanquet held
Kenneith Barbour, RR 2,
BIuevale, Miss Gail Bar our
" of London,. ,'Mrs. Sadie
Barbour, St. Helens, Mr. and
Mrs. Steven Napier -,'Atlanta,
Georgia, were Monday
dinner guests Of Mr. and
• Mrs. Jacjk McBurney:
Mr. and Mrs. Carman
Farrier, Miss ' Winnifred
Farrier, Miss Carol Farrier
of ' Long - Branch and Joel
Hawley Of Cedar Falls, USA,
spent a few- days with Mrs.
Nelson; Higginsduring the.
Christmas holidays`'
Mr hnd ;
Nicholson and S.i
and' -rt" of
Barrie, Mr. and `►►Zits: Ray
Nicholson of Toronto and Mr.
4. and Mrs.. Glyrl: Wide, Kim-
lierly, Jeiiniifer and Trevor of
Mount Mope were New
" Year's visitors with Mr. and
Mie. Garner , Nicholson and
Rob: •
Mr. • and "Mrs. John
Galbraith, . Michael and
Kelly of Whitby, spent the
►Unship Council
r se ii l i entiout °;raj
° or 14 p .cmmittpreseees and
inane f, soome watagevess
during.f° st general meet-
ingfor 8.
eepFese tatives on the
eoltarli: *en are: Blyth and
District (re Area Board,
Deputy; Reeve Thomas
Mill r• nd ;Councillor
Fraser'; , Wingham and
District Fire Area Board,
councillors Bob Grasby and
Clare Va Camp Seafortb
hospital hod, Allan Searle;
Bussels, .Morris and Grey
Comxnunitry'"" Centre, Dciug
1o4aehaii, . Allan Campbell,
Mr. Fraser and Mr. Miller;
The Blyth and Community
Centre Board, Bruce Rich-
mond ankh. Carman Craig; •
Belgrave. -Community
Centre, Mr. Van Camp and
George Procter ; Bluevale
Hall Board, Etoile Johnston,
Ross Turvey and Reeve Bill
Elston; Morris recreation
committee, all council.
members and Clerk -
Treasurer Nancy Michie and
Road Superintendent',Lloyd
Bussels Medical Centre;
Jim Mair for two years, and
Bill Turnbull; Maitland
Valley- -Conservation
Authority, Councillor
Grasby; Wingham hospital
board, Isobel GarnisS.
on the last eveningof the annual matin From Teff to Those receiving wage in -
g• creases are the township
right are some of the delegates with Mary Bradfield, livestock evaluator, township
Dairy Princess: Seated are George.McGee, viewers and thetiledrainage
Wingham; Bill Coultes, Brussels; standing are Rich- inspector.
ard`Moore, Wingham; and Fred Meier, Brussels. Glen Casemore, the
livestock evaluator, received
-a 75 -cent per hour raise to
$7.50, and 25.cents per mile.
-The fenceviewers received
the same increase to $7.50
per hour. Morris fence -
viewers are John Nixon,
Milo Casemore, Doug
Garniss, John Cardiff,
William Peacock, James
Bowman, William Souch,
John Brown; Ken McDonald,
George Blake, arid Clarence
McCutcheon and John
°The tile drainage in-
spector, George Michie, was
granted no pay increase per •
call however he will receive
mileage now. at 25 cents per
mile. Mr: Michie is paid,.$15
• Morris poundkeepers will
continue to receiVe 'ex-
penses. The poundkeepers
are Keith Johnston, Harvey.
Edgar, David Marks, Lloyd
Michie, Rae Huether,
George Blake, Frank
Procter, Fred Stute,
Clarence Goll, Ross Turvey, -.
Jim • Bowman,. Wayne,'.
Hopper and William Craig.
In .other business council
endorsed . two resolutions,
one regarding the liquid
- industrial waste disposal,site
proposed for Cayuga; .. and
the ' other dealing with ab-
sentee landowners holding
municipal offide:
The resolutionfrom the
municipaTity of • Haldmald
Norfolk stated that an en-
vironmental assessment
hearing should be conducted
before any site -is established •
• and asked municipalities to
forward aletter to Premier
William Davis in favor of a
The petition restricting
non-resident taxpayers from
holding municipalseats of
Office was submitted by
North . Burgess Township.
Morris' councillors agreed
that an elected council
-member should be available
at all UM
rave Person
Christmas holidays with Mrs. Stewart Procter of
.Mrs.. Olive Campbell and , ,Wingham; Mr: and Mrs..
other relatives in the area. • George Procter; Katherine
Mrs, • Cecil Coiiltes and and Jennifer-, -were New -
Barbara Coulter of Toronto _ Year's guests of *WI .and
spent a few days at Mrs. Kenneth Alton and
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. family, RR 7, Lucknow.
Donald Hatheway of Win- New -.Year's visitors with
• •-dsor. Mr. ' and Mrs. Lorne.
• Mr. and Mrs. Patti Jamieson, Stewart Jamieson, •
• Cloakey, Brussels, were and Douglas Hanna were
• recent visitors with. Mrs. Bruce • Hanna and Mrs: •
Olive Campbell. • ' • Patriciak1.,Wardrop, Neil and,
Mrs. Cecil Coultes was a . D'eamet of Palmerston. Neil
New Year's guest of Mr. and and Deamet remained for a
:Walker Armes and few holidays
I: l d Ta", r otf St ,Co Des, Andr Alison_n
John'soa,k Newfoundland, is Karen, Paul ,°Cook', and
spending `a two-week Robert •Coulter, , . • of
vacation with his parents, Brookhaven Nursing Home,
Mr. and•Mrs. Jack Taylor." Wingham, ' were dinner
Mrs: Willard ' Armstrong guests on Saturday with Mr.
spent New Year's Day at the and 'Mrs. Mark Matheson,
home • of • her nephew and RR 1, Listowel.
niece, • liar, and Mrs.' Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Austin of Seaforth, and with Campbell and ° Heather of
other, members of . the Kitchener visited during the
family. " . holidays • with Mrs. Olive
, 1
To Sell or Buy
CALL 357-2320
Winijhnm Advance -Times
Ca pbell and q. other
rela 'yes. •
Ma • Taylor of St. Thomas
spent t •• Christmas holidays
with s parents, Mr. and -
Mrs. ack Taylor.
Vincent-Makas of London
holidayed over New Year -'s
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
New Year's. Day guests
with Mr. and Mrs.' David
Hanna• • .and family . of
Hanover Were Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Minick, • ,Edwin,
Catherine a` id Jennifer of.
Ki " e - r„and Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas ` •Visitors with
Mr. • and Mrs. Lorne
Jamieson, Stewart
and Douglas 'Hanna were
Mr. and Mrs. Randy White,
Lou and .Carl d Kitchener,
Bruce Hanna,, Mrs. Patricia
Wardrop and boys, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch
and David, Ruth Ann Pletch
of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs.
• Keith Pletch, Mr. and' Mrs.
Kevin Pletch; Mr,°and 'Mrs.
Wayne Pletch ,of Wingham •
attended the fufl'era'l of
- Sam's sister, Mrs. Larry
• (Laura) Gall of Willowdale
on Tuesday, December 30, at
Newtonbrook .United
Church, Willowdale,,
New Year's Day guests
with Mrs. Irlma Edgar ..of
Wingham were Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Johnston of Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar;
RR 4,. Wingham, Murray
Edgar of Aylmer; Miss
Joanne Edgar, Centralia,
'Gary Ross of Palmerston.
and. Mr. and, Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse” ,f.' . '
Miss Mae Coulter of
Aylmer visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Walsh during' the
Christmas holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Mathers, Suzanne and Lorie
of Exeter, Judy Carmichael
of Dungannon and Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Mathers spent
the Christmas holidays in
Florida. •' -
Clayton Bosman and Miss
Debbie Wilson 'of Fort
Nelson, B.C„ have returned
home after a Christmas
vacation with his' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor,
Eric and Muriel of RR 1,
Belgrave and' Mrs• Telford
Gook were New Year's
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Harold Keating spent a
few days during the
Christmas 'Holiday with his
.brother-in-law and sister,
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Snell of
London. He also visited with
other relatives.
New Year's guests with
Mrs. Agnes Bieman were
Douglas Bieman of Iroquois
Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Rieman and family, RR .2,
Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs, Neil
Bieman and family,
Wingham,' and Geor,.ge
Inglis, RR 1, Belgrave.
Douglas Biemap left for his
home in Iroquois Falls on
Council ,deelde
d �at"of t
,� � il�clr��e(�oallise o�•`..iae
tags will he Batt t dt i 12 foo@arms lissed i cad
township' this year, '„
for identifieation`'hf the dogs eigit ogtal;�hip
' . 't'hia towns[rip's �rtion folr
they're good; hili. 'game is thelights is $489,32.
right there," said Ceerie llor Several dQnatioas Were
Van Camp. granted during the meeting.
Deputy Reeve lfr The metal $250 grant was
agreed, stating that hewold vv.n to • the, Belgrave
put a tag on his dog,, and Cormunity Centre- Board.
after a short disgussron it . together with $25 to the
township. - -
was decided that 500 tags, �'Canadiain rational Institute
should be ordered .for the A. fol the Blind; . $25 to the
It was also decided to
advertise fora dog colnitei# .
Morris acicepted an in-
vitation from the Wingham
and District Hospital: for a
tour of the facility: The tours
are being held to outline the
work that will be done during
the "hospital building and
renovation project. The -
township is asked to contri-
bute $8,000 towards the
project •
"We really should go to see
where they want to spend our
money," said Mr. Elston.
A bill was received from
Ontario Hydro regarding
street ' lights installed lasst
year in Bluevale. The lights,
installed for f0 lots, will
Ontario Marey of Dimes, and
$10- to the ' Huron County. "
Histori+eal Society. ,
Council will enter into an -
agreement with Bridge
Motors to allow two accesses
off Highway 86. The accesses
will serve three lots on High -
Morris Township Council
plarls tomeet with Brussels'
council to diseuss,the plan of
operation for its . waste
disposal site which serves
both mi:lnicipalities. The site
is located on the north half`of
Lot 15, Con. 6i.
A general . borrowing
bylaw was passed for 1981
fora total of $300,000.
e, next meeting will be
h '"o Feb. tat 10 am.
Take notice that, pursuant to Section' 40 of The Assess-
Act, Chapter 32. R.S.O. 1970 and Amendments:
Assessment Notices have been delivered or were caused
to be delivered on or before the 06th day of January, 1981
to all owners and tenants of the Municipalities of -South
Easthope, North Easthope, FullartOn, Hibbert, Logan, and
Wallace in the County of Perth: Stephen, Staniey," Zurich,
Tuckersmith; McKillop; Wingham, East Wawanosh and
West Wawanosh in the County of Huron.
The last day for appealing an assessment is February lith,
The Assessment Rolls may be examined at the Municipal
Offices during regular business hours commencing January,
28th; 1981.
M. K. Bowen
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Huron/Perth Regional Assessment Office No. 24
Box 190, 57 Napier Street
Goderich, Ontario, , a `i . •
N7A 3Z2
What's• new at
A Sunday afternoon pro
gram was arranged by
Mabel Gray, The pianists
ailere Elta Snider from
Goderich and Helen Bryans,
Mitchell. The residents were
entertained .by a very fine
group of talented musicians
including: a violinist, Ruby
Stadelbouer, Mitchell;
,Mabel, Gray, Goderich, Jim
Mulhern, Goderich; Bill
Hughes, Goderich, and, Ern
Harley from Mitchell. ,
Together with leading in
the singing of carols the
ensemble played a few
favorite semi -classical
numbers which were much
enjoyed. Mrs. Harrison
pleased her audience with
her lovely solo, `The Birth-
day of The King'., by
Neidlinge. Ern Harley's solo,;
:.Silent Night', was a favorite
of everyone. This splendid
concert in music brought a
beautiful ",end• to • the
Christmas festivities.
Old Tyme Music was held
Monday afternoon in the
normal care sitting room
where Elsie' Henderson, at
. the piano, and Jim. Ruddock,
with his aocot'dianr, ac-
companied Betty Rogers
singing Chris -tines carols.
Enclosed is your 1980 Notice of Assessment upon which,
your, 1981 property and business taxes will be levied. Your
Council, by a resolution dated October 14, 1980; requested
that all property assessments be equalized by class in 1980
in accordance with Section 86(31 of The 4ssessment Act.
Your 1980 Notice reflects this new assessment.
The new assessment has been calculated by applying a
-factor to the 1975 market value estimate of your property.
The Notice of Assessment shows these --three figures, that
'is, the 1975 market value, the factor, and the assessed value
upon which 1981 taxes will be based. The factors used in the
Township of West Wawanosh are:
Residential (1-6 Units) .06056
--• Commercial .08184
Farn'Ii .09717
To estimate what your 1980 taxes would have been if -the
equalized assessments had been used as a basis for taxation
in 1980, multiply your new assessment by the appropriate
mill rate. (The estimated mill rates are 130.95 mills for Res-
idential and 154.06 mills for Commercial.) For example, a
$3000 residential assessment multiplied by 130.95 mins would
produce a tax of $392.85.
If you have any questions, staff from the Regional,Ass-
essment Office wi(1 be available at the following locations
and times, to explain your new assessment and provide you
with the necessary information to compare your new ass-
essment with those of similar properties in your area:
LOCATION: St. Helen s Women's Institute Hall, St. Helen s
January 16 - 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Regional Assessment Office
January 10 - 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
If you are unable to attend during the times indicated
above, you may contact the Regional Assessment Office at
the adress below or by calling the Assessment Office toll
If it can be shown prior to January 27, 1981 that a cor-
rection should be made to your assessment, you will be
issued an amended notice, You are.encoureged to take ad-
vantage of this service.
If after having reviewed your assessment you wish to
enter a formal complaint, please use the following procedures:
a) The Assessment Roll will be returned to the Municipal
Clerk on January 27, 1981. The last day on which you
may lodge a complaint against your assessment is Feb-
ruary 17, 1981.
b) Complete the complaint section on the reverse side of
the Notice of Assessment and mail or deliver it to The -
Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Court at
let Floor, 426 Third Street, London, Ontario NSW 4W6 on
or before February 17, 1981:-
c) You will then be notified of the date, time and place for
hearing your complaint.
Huron -Perth Regional Assessment Office
67 Napier Street
P.O. Box 190
derich, Ontario N7A 3Z2
T lephorie' (519) 524-7326
Zenith: 66600
M. K. Bowen
Regional Assessment Commissioner
Enclosed -Iso veer 1980 Neild act Asaesalrin nt Upon +M1htlli
iaouocll, by a ceaolutlon dater, ,Cts pit4R 10, 1
that all property aeeeeementa i' e%ualizedby nlellt,11! 1
(n accordance with S�gction:8813) of The sly# ►-
Act. Your 1980 Notice:reflects t Ila new assennvont
The new easeaainent hes been calculated by applying
factor to the 1975'market value estimate cif your property.
The Notice • of Assessment shpws these three figure.., that:.
Is, the 1975 market: value, *factor and the a.sessed yelulr•
upon which, 1981 taxes wilt be -based, The !eaters used in
the Town of1Ningham are:
Resldential(1-6 Units) .08797
• Commercial .11957
Industrial .11019
To estimate what your 9 taxes would have bean If the
equalized assessments had been used as a basis for texat•
-, ion in 1980, multiply your new assessment by the appropri-
ate mill rate. (The estimated mill rates are 227.15 millet ,for,
Residential and 267.24111111s for Commercial.) For example, a
93,000. residential assessment multiplied by 227.15 Mills
would produce a tax of $681.451. '
,If you have any questions, staff from the Regional Assess-
ment Office''will be available at the following locations and
times, to explain' your new assessment and provide you
with the necessary 'information tocompare- your new
assessment with those of similar properties in your area:
LOCATION-Wingham Town Hall, Wingham
Janua y 12 Er 13, 1:00 p.11/1. -•9:00 P.M.
LOCATION- Regiona'. Assessment Office
January 10, 11:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M.
if you are unable to attend during' the times indicated
above, you may contact the Regional Assessment Office at
the address below or by calling the Assessment Office
toll free.
If it can be shown prior to JOnuary 27, 1981 that a correct-
ion should be made to your assessment, you will 'be issued
an amended notice. You are encouraged to take advantage
of this service.
If after having reviewed your assessment you wish to'ent-
er a formal complaint, please use the following procedures:
a) The 'Assessment Roll will be returned to the Municipal
Clerk on January 27,,1981.
The last day on which you may lodge a cornplaint against,
your assessment is February 17, 198t
b) Complete complaint section on the • reverse side bf
the Notic o Assessment and mail or deliver it to The
Regional F'ie'gistrar of the Assessment Review Court at
1st Floor, 426 Third Street, London, Ontario N5W 4W6
on or before February 17, 1981.
c) You will then, be notified of the date, timeand, place.
for hearing your complaint.
Huron -Perth
Regional Assessment -Office
57 Napier Street
P.O. Box 190
Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Z2
Telephone: (519) 524-7326
Zenith: 66500
M.K. Bowen •
Regional Assessment Commissioner
your 1981 property end ookinesis ;seas wil be Ioy,Y
... SFJ -+j...
Enclosed is your 1980 Notice of Assessment upon which
your •1981 property and busness...taxes will be levied:
Your Council, by a resolutionidated October 15, 1980.
quested that all property assessments be equalized by class
in 1980 in accordance with Section 86 (3).of The Assessment
Act. Your 1980 Notice reflects this new assessment.
The ne+ssessment has been calculated by applying a
factor to the 1975 market value estimate of your property.
The Notice of Assessment shows these' three figures, that
is, the 1975 market value, the factor and the assessed
value upon which 1981 taxes will be based. The factors used
in the Township of East Wawanosh are:
Residential (1-6 units) .06396
Commercial .05245
Farm 0
To estimate what your 1980 ,taxes would have' been if
equalized assessments had been used as a basis for taxat-
ion in 1980, multiply, your new assessment by the appro-
priate mill rate. (The estimated mill rates are 157.403 mills
for Residential and 185.18. mills for/Commercial.) For ex-
ample, - a 93,000. residential assessment multiplied by
157.403 mills would produce a tax of $472.21.
If you have any questions, staff from the Regional Assess-
ment Office will be available at the following locations and,,
times to explain your, new assessment and provide you with
the necessary information to compare your new assess-
ment with those of similar properties in your area:
LOCATION- Belgrave Women's Institute Hall, Belgrave
' January 15, 1:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
LOCATION. Regional Assessment Office
January 10, 11:00 A:M. - 5:00 P.M.
If you are unable to attend during the times indicated a-
bove, you may contact the Regional Assessment office
at the address below or by calling the Assessment 'Office
toll free.
If it can be shown prior to January 27, 1981 that a correct-
ion should be made to your assessment, you will beiissued
an amended notice. You are encouraged to take advantage
of this service.
'If after having reviewed your assessment you wish to
enter a formal complaint, please use the following proced=
ures: E
a) -The Assessment Roil will be returned to the Municipal
Clerk on January 27, 1981.
The last day on which you may lodge a complaint against
your assessment is February 17, 1981.
b) Complete the complaint section on the reverse side of
the Notice of Assessment and mail or deliver It to The
Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review court at
1st Floor, 426 Third Street, London, Ontario N6W 4W6 •
on or before February 17, 1981-
c) You will then be notified of the date, time and place for
'hearing your complaint.
Huron -Perth
Regional Assessment Offlee
67 Napier Street
P.O. Box 190
Goderich, Ontario N7A 322
Telephone: 45191524-7328
Zenith: 685
M.S. Bowen
Reillonel Assessment Commissioner