Wingham Advance-Times, 1980-12-17, Page 4M r?, 1' 147 it THE *s W U ''Wa*ger . a irsa d Wenger. PtessidentHobert c Wenger. Sec. -'leas Member Arlt Bureau ofC aIati es Comma itity Newspaper Assoc- Ontario Weekly Newspaper Assoc atObiniPticanatielpOlVier "Sed Class rsau RagistratianNo. MI They IoTve those guns Six mea 3IS-5Q Return postage guaranteed Orie Of the least tinderstantlablecharacteristics ofu r Arrierloart neigh- bors Is farmtic lova 'affair with guns — iy arose Ieltial little ire ARP c, ,$" which can the ciaantry. For sue ebsnsre reason the rlsOht to possess a handgun has been given ell space with freecbm of • and. . ,Areatentiitiot Ronald fleagan, htfortriensedAssitte-Shmethientediately ,nation of t n Lennon.w li*toter t *OM favor aberntee orif gun poatleslton and.he was • ,qui tedentaitir su intention. 1Dfdct, lois wife, Nancy, is reported to kee ls• a ha un in her bedside table, self-defense. hishary of assassina- think Amerlcans would Iiistivr+ily loathe the profiler - weapons. Two of (•• . ;.a .42 .4.4 their lit -loved presidents, Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. have died by assassins' bullets. Robert Kennedy, brother of the president and attorney - general of the United States, died In another senseless killing, as did the man accused of President Kennedy's murder.. Admittedly, tighter gun laws would not remove all weapons from the hands of criminals and assassins, but careful registration of all gun owners and strut laws against carrying such weapons certainly discourages .their indiscrim- inate use. Possession of 'a handgun for self-defense is an open -invitation to murder. The armed thief. vtrho' 'breaks into a private home isn't going to wait around while a rank amateur fumbles for a gun in the night table. He will shoot first. Nancy' Reagan would be a lot safer with a double lock on her bed- room door. Peking: an answer A man by the name of Thomas who livee north of Toronto, was in the news !art week; charged with the operattiony. of anIllegal still In whit§ he has been Making methyl alcohol for the past year or. . The charges suit him just fine, so welt, In: fact -that. helm asked for a hearing. not in ,provi§ictad: omit, but in a' higher tribuiet. where. he w11ti" get a 'More detaiedhearing and coine- r hes,{a - • 44, of sugar -rich or starch -laden plants and the plants are converted to a .mash and then distilled to produce. the fuel for his car. He could have circumvent- ed the charges against him by applying for a license tor his still, but that re- quires a 5200,0011bond, which he says he couldn't afford. Of course there will be all kinds of official reasons why the Thomas ap- proach to more reasonable fuel costs on't That's the way we are in • ' tarda. ever rush int§§ ;tottauvatiVe. After ' tacingthe energy:testi 'tor 'anon years: 'Ireton snort to tryi. 'agithiritynew and different: A Canadian government spokes- man stated onlya few .,tom aglithat tivies being What threy are, federal' fuflds farthe:': assistance of research and - jecis would 'have-" • ri iinifi r froom at nie* n older -r can "males. e would 'Glance of r. iing a • who wants to be around fora tew..years; to r -ghhat) average. provided with` enough wine of"passable ity:and-a skillful R.:• k who :lam 10 incor- porate y riic into tasty dishes, the roaded 'i. Iai life should be not only bearable; "but even enjoyable Moreover,. there just maybe an added bonus to this' wine andgarlic diet. "Frenchmen are reputedly the World's greatest : , livers. Maybe the Ffetith galshave learned to live with 'their men's -ilea -4y breathing and have discovered new and otherwise hidden treasures.. That's-, our money buster reckIes abandon eidh which .tner§ts at alt levels speyd money -should be of bitter and growing Concern to every citizen:0 this country. The federal governtrnt'has clearly den- strated that it is incapable.: of con- trolling the disastrous spiritt of infla- tion, including interest rates whichwin cost Thousands of,Canadians- their homes and businesses this year. Yet the auditor -general's report proves be- yond a doubt that tae Money continues to be wasted through Ineffici y and carelessness. The latest scandal to reach public attention, and posiblyonly an Iceberg- tip cebergtip indicator -+of most federal financial practices, Is the chaos surrounding the administration of irleinteronse spend- ing on the House of Gornrrior§s itself. Example, cafeterias and dining rooms, subsidized by public ftiadt, racked up losses of $ mililon lit aim year. (MPs, sdtnior rns`.d members of the press " gallery r aNarly buy three mums §§+Nowt, wlth *l for S(-) As far back as 1,16 that auditor - general of that p J. .t= Maodon- neii, wa drat "has lost or is .s of the ' , t of fhe fro it tlbeing ri rntltktins tiY 111 DECEMBER 1933 colored fights. The Christ- i hristi R. Erskine of Blyth has mas Vitorations assist been appointed treasurer of the County:of Huron_. Charging mental cruelty, indifference and , neglect, Mary Pickford, Toronto film actress, filed suit for divorce from Douglas Fat Colonel . George" Drew, .. speaking at Toronto,_ said, in. front etthet n hall witch a isevery�t9Of . then ',II _ ipopea war room IOW; thieeds-.. some Spark hire_:.� I �S�: ,.44s' i e p ?t ice t 'af'wAs a Vale'f the Womez s --¢Assocdatio , of . the Oiere* greatly in weleoming home the 9901 Battery and other sol`dietsfroin • 1 Y Duran the past week we. have had, s„tagIs of"paroles and roses— :b4Oiom and Jack Mcp04ald 1gbt to ow voce a b of lilac from Prce ten years ago council. He has n Mr. andMrs. Levi Biemanr g assOriatedwith.re*atketio and family moved into tom- Listowel fair some -time and lovely new frottage homee at i .:4,2 graduate - of the . . Who " tTmversit)r dhf to * ,� - ' ..barr%edes Frere Hd¢int o P< removed from tib . new: ai tit '; T, AJ. Schaefer ton- Y tie Listowel' District ffigU Hansa dge week to -$hoa1. • board; : , i�Diam' it _ pe t traffic- u nbin • ,dered use of•the'span.end`so avoid Main to the t , ell then detour totbewest. inn t > - e� bets of SL Ir'ai�Ps:.. W Iogt m; and children of Lakelet motored to Petersburgh on ; . Sunday tele ptesent when their- son, ltev, Iiatba I yet. tq'�innvestagate in as �► , a way as possible, • challea are in e490110n today; and then and .90,,then, to editorialize to, ,your heart's content. Marche .. RR 3, al.1n m errant. ordained -into , h " minishy of the Brethren -In, Christ Church. He , is presently Stationed- at Virginia Towir, 400 miles northofToronto. David - Kennedy of B ussels, l a graduate: of Win ham .xis g ct... High .. -iii, lies." o eted his t actuate +ik at, Dear Editor,. fn 'the earlyrnuig of "November 15, a 42 -yea d ;Mitelielharea man waski led when Wilma left the huigh- way near". C struck a in- 'Ade's sudden if forth Caine as quite • n ashock, o.nisa-•people Odec. had h : come to aw and dove him overthesepast few years. Hardest hit by the tragedy, of .course, was Bill's y ,his wife and eight sons and. daughters. :Many of us live with the illusion that we'll have time to put our affair m before we. pass:Mi. on. ,Often » we're given tlhat. bme,,; - -� . •casionaliy'werreliot -A telented.meteni, Bill rt'afl1t oaf• to booth§ h Yewd —7, he hired as Johu§soi : befoie'ihe forrrter'a • recreation �refirement at the endof the tilt of. a year. :. by ••" town Mr. and .Mrs, .Levi Byer Offer .o s incled Mrs_ D less •.AYt to Sbatr : is' :George . " y : _; ,' : •: Thornton and Mrs L. H. syn Ciiamney 4and. Jerry Bosman. . ,- • ."'two PU : 9,- DECOR 19!L5 3•ohmithe , . Rev. and ;Mrs, viirt]. #( arlt, childre , ' ohm, of -;a` the. ,.Mr-aond.I Ohn,and, , engagement of the,tr" atter ): dater, %,Ada dred,; to �- and `Mrs. Mason Loder," had.: Raymondo son di • playing gn the seabove Mr. anti Mrs, _J Voh ". the Howson` Mi l darer arrhie �idmay. • •• .;;0,- ; -. w thOi.ice., broke and•the ' When y.th.ne + lattr, , -. thildreaw. ait :