HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-11-19, Page 5771
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,for, your generous.
support at the pblis:
On: NoVeiriber10,1980
I will do my very
best for the town
appreciate your
Pat Bailey
WWI& 4.4 BEEF CLUB members
the 4-H awards night at Clinton, Club members includC
Wendy Armstrong, Julie Mulvey, Steven„, Dianne; a
• '
, ,eltteT .
helley, Sandra and Brenda Merkley, Steven Wright and Michael
)ebt%an. and Patrick Chambers Leaders are Harry Winkel and Phyllis
• Intended for Last Wede
George Inglis has returned •
for strike by
District Hospital, .,
home from Wingham and
Kineardine,.. spent the A long-standing - break -
Miss Jackie Onstow,
of tbeffne„
weekend with her parents. down in communications ."They *,
A very successful curling between the board of Amknag:
dance was held on November—education and its teachers is said of '• ,
9.' being blamed for'the strike tration,
anything wrong with them
making the **ions as long
as teachers have sortie input
int° thetisliejsion-making
6 ,••
v1nq he Coi
ry strong on
'4449ilts," .he
d adminis-
"I don't see
Mr. and Mrs. George
Merkley have returned from
a vacation in Western
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor
and Mr. •and Mrs. Bob
Martin have been travelling
around the Las Vegas area.
Public skating will be held
Saturday afternoons from 2-4
pm and Sunday evenings 7-
The Belmore United
Church has chosen Steven
Johann as a candidate to
enter the ministry of the
United Church of Canada.
spent ;Friday , at the Royal
Winter Fair in Toronto.
Sunday visitors with Mr.,
and Mrs. William Behrns
and family were Mr. and
Mrs. Greg Smart, Jana and
Chad of Kelowna, British
Columbia, Miss Linda
Newton and Darr Galdin of
Calgary, Mrs. Ila Newton
and Brian and Wayne Sage
of Listowel.
In addition to the substantial
discounts on everything in our
store, we've put our
Entire Christmas
Stock Out
... Candle Rings ... Picks ...
... Garlands ... Wreaths ...
a.. Deluxe Christmas Trees a..
... Ornaments a.. Creative
'Do-it-yourself items ...
A9cinds of beautiful and'
Distinctive Christmas things.
Don't miss it - this 'Special Sale' of Christmas
items starts on Wednesday, this week.
by secondary school
teachers in Bruce County, as
well as for the current stale-
mate in negotiations.
Brian Swanton, a teacher
at Lion's Head high school
and district president for the
Ontario Secondary School
Teachers' Federation, said
the failure of beard - ad-
ministration to consult with
teachers about education
issues is at the heart 'of the
conflict which has closed
Bruce high schools since the
beginning of October.
At stake is the issue , of
management rights versus
meaningful consultation
with the teachers, he said;
costs are a secondary factor.
"The basic principle
behind the wholeprocessis
the board's refusal to treat
the teachers as a meaningful
input to the system,". Mr.
Swanton declared during an
interview last week.
He said that during his
nine years as a shop teacher
at Lion's Head the superin-
tendent responsible for
technical education never
once visited his shop, nor
was there ever a board -wide
meeting of the shop teachers
As another example. he
reported the board 'recently
struck a committee to come
up with a means of
evaluating teachers —:
something he agreed iseglonff
overdue". ,043
However he said the
committee never once
consulted the teachers in.„
preparing the repbrt. The
teachers knew what was
taking place, and the next
thing they were given a copy
board ed*Ittees, and the
Tritsereehteelr'440 on: antyeaocfhtheer
coalraitterbich do exist
never ask., ,slteacher input,
have irefee
could rlile:101Lpecific issues,
but no arbIttetrer would solve
the problernSe*hich gave
rise to thosetOes.
The confrentation has been
brewing fotqsix or seven
years he re eft, adding
the teachers
it submit "the
itration, he
• •••.';,
Members of the,-Vrecutive director for Huron West -
of the Huron 7,,e: County Central.
Federation of Agriculture Other executive members
were elected at a directors' — President Gerry Fortune,
meeting in Clinton Nov. 6. 1st Vice President John Van
New Members ;AA the Beers and 2nd Vice
executive are Bill Fear aid President irony, MeQUail —
•Louise MariieteIVIr. Fear is a. were 'elected at the, recent;.
beef fernier hnd••;teweshie. ...county 'aunal meeting, •
director forJ,Vlortle. ,
~marritt, operates,. a sJ2eep In other business at the
fart* and l is presidentiof.thes:„.,,rneetint.... .1;1, ill,
Turnberry Pederitiori , chairmen of the county
Agri:cult-ere-. federation's e land . use
Kxibtitive iembs re- t'irprzlittee, repelled on
„eeleCted are Jim Hunter: and meeting his committee had ••
Jim McIntosh. Rifle:100er is......with the Ministry of Natural,
a dairy farmer efroineEast Resources about the impact
Wawanosh aird wreetor+St:- .of the Pits -and i4uarries Act
„large the 'Htiron . on this area..
federation; Mr. IVIcff!tosh- Local . concert?: had . been
pperateen poultry farm in eXpressecithat thi•ActWould
Tuckersmith 'and is '1SM encourage- tiOsure of stnall"
he feels the rtustees are
beginning to recognize the
communication problem
exists and that arbitration
won't solve it.
"The kids are the key
issue," Mr. Swanton said.
The parents pay the bills and
elect a school board which
hires atheinistrators and
teachers. Parents, trustees,
administrators and teachers
all should work together to
provide a good education,
but at the present time this
isn't happening.
He was deprecatory of the
role mediator Martin
Teplitsky has played in the
affair, claiming that since
Mr: Teplitsky has been in-
volved in the negotiations,
starting about the first week
of August, the total time he
has spent with both parties
has been about five hours,
The teacher said he feels
pressure must be brought to
bear on both parties if the
strike is to be resolved,'
whether that pressure comes
from the parents, students or
provincial government. The
teachers, despite the frus-
tration which led tham to
walk out of one Meeting, are
prepared to enter into
meaningful negotiations, he ,
He added that including
the major items of working
conditions and salary, about
27 items remain to be settled.
He denied that any of the
items have been imposed by
the OSSTF provincial
executive. "There's nothing
on the negotiating table at
the present time that didn't
come from Bruce County."
federation executive
pits and result in higher
gravel prices.
The committee report,
accepted by, the directors,
made' the following
That the Huron federation
urge the Ontario Federation
of Agriculture terequestthat
the' *NH exempt pits with
lees than60,000.ton a from the
requirettientsef the Act with
regard to fencing an4 costly
• rehabilitation plans,
prepared- by surveyors and-
And that Ciaig Laing and
the ininittry beAnvited-
discuss requirements „at' a
mei:fibers meeting of the
liuronfededition: •
KINETTES Evonne Carter, Susan Coghlin and
Joanne Hodgins catered at the Wingham kinimen ed that Kinsmen clubs across Canada are endeavoring
dinner meeting last week. The meeting featured a •to raise $197,000 this year for the fight against cystic
visit from Deputy.Governor Alex Wilson, who relierf: fibrosis, arcrippling childhood disease.
Summer tires
2P2D575 R,
2-H78-15 Belted Snovir
All remaining tires 10% off
Call Lome today for your el*
2. The Anti Freeze Special,.
aur fresh shipment of top grade anti -freeze ie here
and at the same money -saving price as last year! , Only $9.95 for 4 litres.
We know there is cheaper 4)
anti -freeze around but just
how strong is it? We mix our ,
own to -54F.
We'II flush your rad, check your
!limes, belts and pressure test
rur coolingsystem for this one low price!
3. The New Battery Special
What could be moremaddening
than getting into your car on a ,
cold day and finding you haVe a
dead battery! Don't:get'caught
in the cold with a weak or old
battery. We have received our
new stock of GM Maintenance
free batterh3s.Get yours now - •
and with RAO month warranty
that's a real bargain.
89-60 Heavy Duty
Reg prim *102.60
$ 8695
85-60 Regular Duty
Rep. price 079.00
Tliefall, tune Up Specipl
cygnder*349, $38.
cylinder CAnder
Complete tuneop Includes:
• Thermo Controlled air cleaner check
• Carburetor choke and hoses chock.
• Engine idle speettadjustibent
• Early fuel evaporation system check.
• Carburetor mounting torquochgck
• Vacautri advance system and hoses
• Fuel Sitar replacement
• Spark plug wire chock.
• Idle stop solenoid and•re dastepot chock
Most cars and fight duty trucks • Parts exta.
• Spark plug replacemont
• Engine timing adjustment and distributor check.
0.„p1, dell and Pvloo Z.filtetr manta repteceream.
s• Evaporation control aystem check, fitter replecemarrt.
• Fuel cap, tank end lines chock,
• Electrical system check Including starting Et chatar.ng.,
• Cylinder balance check.
FREE! 1 can of Gas Line De-icer included
in all the above specials!
YES! AH this to you from "The People Pleasers"
t •
Pleasing you pleases usl
115 Josephine St. 357-2
Wingham, Ont.
.4•Ot•I' Pt 44.3.•
• e