HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-11-12, Page 14Sad
Harriston Blue` ,fell prey
to a hust):ing Wingham
1 ,yals'squad.and the superb
goaltending of Hugh Nichol
Friday night, as the Royals -
downed ° the Blues 211 in
The Royals outskated$the
' Blues throughout the first
period and left theice witlra
1-0.lead-Blaine McCutcheon.,
scored an unassisted goal att
11:03. ° The teams ° Jvere
playing five-a-side when
McCutcheon picked up a
loose puck at the Hhrriston
blueline aiid blasted a shot
from the top of the 'facoofff
circle!- _
The Blues evened the score
in the second period when
Bufelz scored a powerplay
goal 'at 2:28, Weber ' and
Williams assisting. Both'
teams skated at .a furious
pace -and- put on a fine
exhibition. Nighol played an
excellent period, - twice
stopping point-blank hos to
prevent ---tie Blues g-goang
The '" action continued
through the third period. The
TEAM CAPTAINS -The Mothers Auxlllary,to Minor Hockey has'`acqu red team
captains for 1980-81. In front are;Gwen Strong and Marlene Leedham. Irthe back
row are G adys Fryfogle, Barb Nicholson, and Lorraine Poulin. Missing froth the . .
photo are Ann Goodall, DlatineCameron, Gail Holmes, Lorna Brown and Diane
Au ilia ria ares for
rY'p► p
198941 hock y season
• The Mother's Auadliam.to when they call you,
Minor Hockey has had avery remember, to make this
busy month getting ready for system work it . only takes
the .1980.81 hockey, season, approximately four hours a
ordering supplies, cleaning, week for two weeks per
obtaining team..captains and winter of your time to keep
"their- workers; m
gyp- the our registration fees down
booth, aid all the other considerably. Not only are
hundreds of things`required you doing your child a favor,
to get organedy but also: you pocketbook.
The team captains' for the Tea captains will also
season • are: Barbara appreciate your cooperation.
Nicolson, -Anna Goodall, If you are missed, please
Gladys Fryfogle, Dianne be sure to contact the
Cameron, Gail Holmes, executive: Lorna Bray, past
Lorna Brown, Dianne president; Joan Pletch,
' hynne, Marlene Leedham, president; Aantje Robinson,
Gwen Strong, and Lorrain first vice president; Marlene
Poulin. Every parent of Foxton, second vice presi-
child registered in minor dent; Janet Haines,
hockey will be called by a secretary;' and Cathy Skinn,
captain. So, hockey parents, treasurer.
Rick Jecklin
• rule -Haloes ,
EdWV Isms
JIm lNcGee •
n Nasals '. • : . ' '•
�_. "Rick M'acLbnnari
• ,pave Galley
Rick Foxton:
Ktwiihi fastie
'Riser Strong
Tom Bleck
Ron Riley .
Dave Bennett
Orion Honda
Ruse joist •
Bob Johnston
Hugh Nichol
Ben Blackwell
6 . 6.
6 1
4 3,,
6 ", 3
5 1
5 1
4� 3
6 1
1 1
1 1
4 1
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2 0
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4 10 17
7 8 12
4 7 25
4. •5' 4
4 6 4
1' 4 8
2 .'2 15
1. 2 4
0 1 4
O 1 •4
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0 1 -6
1 1 0
1 1 0
1 1� 12
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10 ' 3.33
20 . 6.67
�_,_...»-e.1. ...... .
/ t.
I1917 js
e .
e "1 An Extra Special Rock Band /
0 This Fri., Nov. 14 S
I 'Make Sura You See Then ° I
2nd Arm Wrestling Tournament
# Saturday, Dec. 6 - 2 p.m.
•. Trep"Ies , Cash Prizes
Men's/Ladles' Div. 3 Wgt. Classes
S Afternoon Matinee by "Busker°'
`('' 1-4, 5:30-7:30
+ )\ iJ , r I s OZ. STEAK SPECIAL
,1 . + s ,� Mon. Fri. 9 S
I ,Ir_: 1 1�r„ .- 11:30am-2pm 3
l 4� .ra: '�'.:. J, Thurs. 6 pro to Close
i 1
Cs.. .�:.. ++s►.4....-- ti•w....•+.►.�.•%►ai i•..w..i•�.._.....
en'aselves in [DOWNER'
,able when a
a r, as sent off at -4-4 for R+ win.
4" , " i n ;lee and Rick 'tp tak�`ti
Jape ` d to kill.. the second
,irst lt�i penalty and,
brtrke titwo9on;one against
the i1 ghot'by McGee
elud 4 t F • rasion goal1e
and was eked into the net
by a:defonir`A:°o McGee was,
cred%tell:the goal. Nich
ol 00 th'. ids withstood
the pressure , over the last
four mindtees"t'o.preserve the
d0 Bea Q ;goalie Nichol,.
strong. tarn,.were played
by the defensive ebrps
Bernie WOOS, 'McCutckaeo'.
Kevin Rastie, Ron Riley and
Rick ,,. Foxton;` "° the latter
made•home key shot blocks '
and solid hits inside his own
b twilit, ei:
The forwagds also skated
hard and backchecked to
help defensively.
e wi>n. was the Royals'
firsstt'of the season and gave
them a '64.rp of second place
behindMildn ay.• '
to *see", +eoil) 04)•••••• e*•••
Bowling scores
Jan Creeden bowled the
ladies' top single with a 301,
while Shirley Storey cap-
tured the triple with 658.
The 'Bluejays are still in
first place with 37 points
'followed by the Humming-
birds and Hoot Owls, 33
points each; Artie. Eagles,
29; Meadow Larks, 22; and
the Jenny Wrens, l4.
Those bowling games off
200 points or better were:
JaLouise• Welwood, 270; ,
Jean King, 210, 200 and 235;
Jeannette ' Scott, 234;
Caroline Greenaway, 207 and
200; Christine Foxton, 218;
Joanne Harrisop, 209; Mary
Lee, 223 and 210; Shirley
Storey, 228 and 231; . Shirty
Sallows, 203; and Gladys
Fryfogle, 201.
Spares for the evening
were :Jan Gceedcnx Marione
Cook and Nora Finnigan.
Joe .Marie McCormick
bowled a 325 for the ladies'
high single .while Diane
English totalled 718 for .the
triple. Wayne Gibbons
managed a 220 for the men's
top, single and Keith Moffatt-'
bowled 613 for the triple.
Marg's Monte Carlos have
39 points for first place fol-
lowed by Diane's Trans
Ams, 37; Sharon's Rabbits,
28; Cathy'&-'Clunkers, 24;
Grant's Grand Prix, •22;, and
Coree's Colts, 18. ,
Those, bowling games of
200 points or better were:
Diane English, 250 and 270;
Linda Wall, 200; Cathy
Edgar, 204; Doris Burrows,
218; Sheila Walker, 203;
Rena Fisher, 217; Joe Marie
McCormick, 325; Grant
Wall, 219; George Skinn, 201;
Bob Johnston, .219; Wayne
Gibbons, 220; and Keith
Moffatt, 203; 200 and 210.
Spare for the evening was
Robert Wharton.
High doubles were by Nora
Finnigan, spare, 391;
Catherine Campbell, 360;
Louise Swanson, 328; and
Elda Coultes, 304.
High singles were bowled
by Nora Finnigan, 221;
Louise Swanson,. 207; and
Catherine Campbell, 191.
The Aquamarines are in
first place with 20 points`
followed by the Diamonds,
18; Sapphires, 14; Topaz and
Turquoise, 13 points each;
afid.theItubies, 12.
Fran Burke captured the
men's high single and triple
with a 301 and 826 respec-
tively. Ruth -Ann - Steffen
bowled a 258 for the ladies'
top single and a 643 for the
Jim's Jumpers are in top
spot with 38 points followed
by Frank's . Feelers, 35;
Keith's Kissers, 33; Wes'
Whistlers, 31; Hickey's`
Hustlers, 27; and Bob's
Bangers, 25.
Games - of 200 points or
more were bowled by Frank
Burke, 265, 301 and 260; .Ken
MacAdam;'234, 203' and 215;.
Keith Carson, :23.8; Jim
Moran, 202; Kevin Hickey,
210 and 215; Jim Griffith; 221
and 203 Wes Siminons 230;
Brenda Griffith, 200; 'Mabel
Burke, 204; Jan Creeden, 206
and •207; - Ruth -Ann Steffen,
258 and 224; Bonnie Douglas,
226; and Betty Darling, 201.
'Thanks to the spares:
Mike and Betty Darling, Jim
Moran, Wayne ..Cook, Blair
Leibold and . Dot*,Barfoot
and Ken,MacAdam-.
Beatrice Brooks bowled a
233 for the high single, while
Ivy Whytock tallied 602 for
the triple.
Leona's Brazil Nuts are in
first place with 37 points,
with Kathlean's, Cashews -
right behind them with 35
points. Evelyn's Coconuts
and Nancy's Beer Nuts are
tied for third spot with 34
points each, followed by
Marilyn's Mixed Nuts, 25;
and Alice's Acorns, 24. .
Those bowling games of
200 points or more were:
Mary Houghton, 200; Bev
Springer, 219; Marlene
Hutcheson, 204; Beatrice
Brooks, 233; Sandra Fitz-
gerald, 214;. Ivy Whytock, 207
and 231; Jean Robichaud,
219; Evelyn Kloostra, 209;
and Dianne Wall, 228.
Marg Timm managed a
259 for the ladies' high
single, while Reta Ross
totalled 587 for the triple.
Milt Boyd catpured both the
men's high single and triple,
bowling, 243 and 633
respectively. '•
Other scores of 200 points
or better were managed by
Milt Boyd, 206; Kim Timm,
237; Beta Ross, 249; Jim
Shaw, -226; Bill Greig, 217;
Dorothy. ' Tbpmpson, ` 216;
Audrey . Johnston; 202;
Wayne Day, 202 and 214;
Terry Trites, 220 and Les
Brewer, 200_
Len, Hordyle bowled a 294
for the men's high single
while Wes Bali catpured the
triple with 746. Freda Gillies
catpiired both.thp,e31nle and
triple. She 'bowled a 251 for
the top single.
`Games of 200 points or
better were bowled by Gord
Haasnoot, 238 and 218; Bob
McCaughan, 205; Gord
Kanter, 247; Randy Hut-
chinson, 209 and 224; Freda
Gillies, 251 and 201; Ron
McMichael, 212 and 238;
Cindy 'Hutchinson, 203;
Wendel. Stamper, 213; Wes
:Bail, 223, 272 and 251; Jerey
Dejonge, 242; Kin' Pellett,
:263, 205 and 229; Butch Stone,
203; and Len Hordyl, 294.
Janis Behrns bowled a 272
for. the ladies' high single
while Gertie ' Lambkin
totalled 697 for the triple.
High scores for the men were
246 for the . single by Bill
Gilmer and a triple of 635.
Games of 200 points or bet-
ter were bowled by Bill
Gilmer, 246; Ken ;Bender;
210;,, Nancy Conley, 251;.
Scott McLean, 208; Gertie
Lambkin, 254, 205 and 238;
Gerald Mattheson,, .231;..
Janis Behrns, 272; Dave
Dinsmore, 209, 220 and 203;
and Bruce Kennedy, 235.
Those bowling games of
200 points or better were:
Mary Campbell, Iris Foulon,
Shirley Storey, Ada Ait-
cheson, and Jean King.
Jean Deyell and Iris
Foulon won the draws.
your hook
by calling
NEW EXECUTIVE The executive of the Mother's Auxiliary to Mmol° -Hockey
for 1980-81 are, front, Lorna Bray, pest president; Jean Pletch, president; Cathy
Skli'In, treasurer; back row, Janet Haines, secretary; Aant It Ralbinson, first vice
president; and Marlene Paxton, MOM Woe president. - -
Iter%s l
ii tic,Bal
h �,'Gc
short, Its
The Wi as uaC -
quite t to tr ked.iR e
lane: ka!a1 ►n6' only 26
shots on the L'acklnow goalie.•-,
Lucknow ia+ored"firs! :iter
only 21second5 R3 ack1in
tied the . score' 50 condo
later when he .sore1 from
close i, Chep goat. was
assisted by Doh Ffastleand
Ed Williams.,
:Min scored a g+ ead
a. icer midway. � n the
period, assisted, byf` Hastie
and Rick Mac ;.ennan,
Lancers tied•the ga;' e five
minutes later and a + areal
to take the lead with 1 4, left
in the period. However a
stick measurement resu-;ted
in the goal being disallowed
and' a penalty assessed to the
culprit, Burrows.
Jim McGee gave the
Royals an early second
period lead. when he blasted
a shot from the right faceoff
circle. Steve Caslick assisted
on what proved to be the last
Royals' score of the game,
Lucknow added two goals
before the period ended to
lead 4-3.
The Royals came out
skating in the third period,
but were thwarted by a
determined and hard -
checking Lancer team. The
Lancers scored twice to put
the game out of reach. '
The Royals 'were just not
able to get untracked or to
,exert sustained pressure on-
the Lucknow team, although
they skated and played hard.
The $4 penalties called (16to
the Royals) were a marked
departure from the
Harrisotn game, when each
team received seven minors
:with several other in-
fractions seemingly going
The Royals remain tied for -
second place ,behind the
Mildmay club, which is
undefeated. They will go
after second place again
Friday night at 8:30 _ when
they. host the Goderich
Sailors.. Come out and cheer
the local 8quad to victor*! .;
vedthe? Orin
A finished learning
language, arid the
' eenies'.discussed the
ownie; slaty,. handshake,
dime and Grand Owl.
Brownies were told about
the Remembrance Day
Parade. ''
Jkn Omac fitly :meeting will be hold tho u
Inst Tuesday of each moctth•,-
'he ItegOlor, meetings 'wig - be held fJfJ
I'm/50y uesof.eaeh month.
.All `aA�l�+rnl�•rs '1+a'+cals•.
Cgm•e to
W3ngham Town Hall
November "13,14,15 •
8:30 p:.rrm.. •
When th
present this'
Advance Sales Tickets available
at Triangle Discount, Waxworks
Tough new laws will deter trespassing.
or nearly 150 years Ontario- has
had Maw making it an offence to,
enter property where entry is
lted. But now new legislation-
The spays. to Property Act -has
toughened. up tri law tqq retect . -
your rights.
Trespassers can now be fined up to
$1,000. In addition, they can be ordered
to pay for damages they have caused.
An important -part of the legislation
designates premises where entry is
prohibited without notice. These
include your gardens, orchards,
vineyards, land under cultivation,
woodlots and fenced land,
Where notice must . -e given to .
prohibit entry, you may use red
markings on gates, trees .orfences:
Yellow markings may be used to caution
that only certain activities may be
permissible. It is the responsibility of
the visitor to find out what you permit.
In the past, there was a great deal of -
confusion regarding your responsibility
to people you alloy on your land.
Consequently farmers and rural
landholders would not allow recreational
activities on their properties.
Now another new act -The Occupiers'
Liability Act --- reduces 'your responsi-
bility, fin a nutshell, the law assumes
that those who take their recreation on r. ,
most rural land without paying a fee
will take care for their own safety.
A special system has been devised
to allow you to,easily indicate which.
activities you will allow on your
property. A sign naming or graphically
representing an activity (for example,
hiking) indicates that the activity is
permitted. The same kind of sign with
ail oblique stroke through it means
that you prohibit the activity.
These new laws are part
of a continuing program to
streamline our legislation.
By clarifying your rights,
they afford you greater
protection from trespass
and also reduceyour
liability when you make
land available for
recreational purposes.
For full details, obtain
a copy of this free pamphlet. It's
available at many supermarkets and
liquor stores, or write to:
Communications Branch
Ministry of the Attorney General,
1,$ King Street East
Toronto, Ontario . M5C 105
Ministry of the
Hon. R. Roy McMurtry
billlieNivikill10 yeti,
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