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St. John kinb
the beat Wa
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'!ME—This group of youngsters was ready for Hallowe'en_
ce7•hey showed up at the Wingham Day Care Centre Fri-
fiing garbed in Hallowe'en -costumes. The group enjoyed:
games and treats during the day, before going Out tree
Friday evening. •'
orate school trustees alter
RETE --Mode y
onpohce n the ho is• quntio-
•the Gime,. seniors
JIy Alice Gibb
DUBLIN — Trustees on
the Huron -Perth separate
schoolboard have altered
the board'tllicy in order to
allow police=officers to inter-
view students without their
parents'"consent in cases of
The 'decision was made
during aboard meeting held
• . here Oct. 27.
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In the past, the board pointed out any ' member of
policy has been to , allow 'the general public can sit in
police to interviewstddehte on the general part of the
• in . the presence of the. meeting. "Anyone can -come
principal or a teacher ap- to the general meeting ... no
pointed by . the principal one has ever'taken me upon
during the course of an in- (that invitation) though," he
vestigation, provided the added.
police officers first have John O'Drowsky said when
received verbal or written the policy was drawn up he
consent from a student's . was ,certain- the intent was
parent or guardian. for neva trUstees to sit in ore
Officers, -visiting a, school . all the meeting, ` Winding
• preferably should wear plain ' 'committee -of -the -whole. Ile
Clothes ' andarrange the visit added later that surely the
to.,the school with the grin- board could i z;,' cate to new
cipal beforehand. • • trustees that w confid in
Patrick Kipg,..chief " , of information asg
police in Goderich, and. the discussed in "i' ("osed
'Sebringville OPP • detach- session.
ment both wrote to the board .. He" reminded the other
expressing .concern that if a ' trustees that in two or three
child were molested or"a weeks newly -elected
student were missing, .they trustees would be making
.would want to be able to get decisions on information
into a _ school and question they weren't allowed to hear
other students very quickly. in committee -of -the -whole.
The letter from the • . Mr:. Kinahan said when he.
Sebringville • OPP also came onto the board he sat
pointed out, "In certain for six months before really
cases such as child abuse, knowing what was going on.
incest or other parent- 'The recommended policy
related crimes, any kind of for new trustees, which must
parental consent would be be, appMved at the board's
out of the question." • next meeting, is:4hat trustees
The previous policy stated will be invited to all
that when a child was being remaining general meetings
questioned privately by an held' by the board until they
officer in the presence of a take their seats. They will be
principal or teacher, "The provided.with the minutes of
parent (guardian) may be 4 November board meetings,
present if so desired." copies of board policies and
Trustee Vincent Young bylaws and the board's most
pointed out thm wording was recent financial statement.
misleading and sounded as if Eight trustees were in
the parent was invited at the favor of new trustees being
• principal's request. He invited only to the open part
suggested an amendment to of meetings, while three
read, "The . parent• or were opposed.
guardian may be present if In other business board
he or she so desires." members approved the
Trustees approved the hiring of Rosemary Joyce
amendment. Rooney of Lucan as speech
Parental consent stillb, pathologist. Miss Rooney, a
would . not be required in graduate of the • com-
cases of extreme importance municative languages
or urgency. Director of faculty at the University of
Education William Eckert Western Ontario, Will begin
said that in such cases, '1The by • assessing speech
police officer would have to problems among Kinder -
state it was a case of utmost garten pupils in the schools.
urgency and the principal Trustees also approved
would have to concur before increasing their mileage
the officer talks to the allowance to 25 cents per
child." mile or 16.2 cents per kilo -
Trustees also debated the metre, the same as that paid
board policy of inviting to board staff. The new,rate
newly -elected trustees to is effective retroactive to
board meetings before they Sept. 1, 1980.
officially take office: "I think it costs just as
The new trustees will be much to drive our car as it
invited, to all remaining • does any of our staff," Mr.
board meetings before their Young commented.
terms of office commence. Mr. Kinahan raised a
The debate among present concern about letters which
trustees was whether newly- appeared in The Catholic
elected members should be Register expressing doubts
allowed to sit in on com- about the lack of moral tone
mittee-of-the-whole . or in in the family life curriculum
camera `kessions before taught in the Catholic
taking office. schools'. He said he is
Chairman Ronald Marcy bothered that people like
said he understood the intent Father Durand "aren't 100
of the policy was to include per cent behind it."
the new trustees in com- Johh McCauley, superin-
mittee-of-the-whole sessions. tendent of education,
Trustee Young disagreed assured trustees the
and said he didn't feel they curriculum introduced to
had a right to sit in on an in junior students this fall was
camera session. "We are drawn up carefully by
sworn in our first meeting to parents, teachers and ad -
keep confidential what goes ministration with the
on at committee -of -the- assistance of Father
whole (sessions)." Loebech of St. . Mary's
Trustee Bill Kinahan Church, Goderich, He said
the same process.didn take Alive Club on October.
place in the development of . the co a unity
some of the board's other Winn ' at 0104;,
programs. Mrs. John Strong r" -
``Who the — does he 'Strong (high),, Mrs
want us tot have,4the Pope? Taylor sand r
inquired board Vice:(low). The Scrabble
Chairman Ronald Murray. •was won by,
Ted .' Geoffrey.asked Brown and.Mr.
whether `there is a :great
depth of discussion on moral
values in the curriculum, t
and .Mr McCauley replied f genies.
theJ is;'a great di f built m -:''rJa Ferguson, RobE
ori . ,`ii ioralt @heist nn, y lh do conducted t
�• ` Cholic. iirte !!
trust° .the culum'
lucky draw.
A..short" businress.,�
ed the arses
ce u ._.P..... .._
very mu
a ahas
help teachers . w•it ."'the : '
s:,Sheldon a
�g g....
effo' t',. • trea>s Urea.. report;.:
with the~ committee in Charge,*
On Nov. 28 board members,‘
and their wives will have a
dinner to honor retiring
trustees. Those leaving the
board are Michael Connolly
of Kippeii, John O'Drowsky
of St. Marys, Mickey Vere,
formerly of Stratford, and
David O'Reillyof Stratford.
Two of four ,.new' trustees
acclaimed tit) the board —
Lorraine Devereaux of '
Seaforth` and Janette
Eybergen of Stratford — are
women. This is the first time
women have served- as
trustees on the . separate
school board.
Yoanr Heart Fund is the
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A Hallowe'en _patty 'vacs:..
held for all tie.area children-.:,
on October . 31. ` About • 69-
childrenattended the "ifaifi,
and enjoyed the various
games which were orgetfized
by ladies of the community.
A successful Hallowe'en
dance . was held at the
Belmore Complex on
November" 1.
- The first meeting of -the ('
Hi -C was -held at McIntosh' on
October 30, Caroline Mulvey
led .,thediscussion on 'Teens .
and Religion'. Tentative
plans were made to send
delegates to a conference in
Hamilton in December.
n �m
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