HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-11-05, Page 4r
' 7
FILM ON BEAVERS—A whole -crowd of Beavers get set to watch a
film on their furry namesakes during a special meeting at the
Sportsmen's Club last Wednesday. A scavenger hunt, collage -mak -
trig and bobbing for apples were among the aCtivities provided for
the youngsters, who were supervised by their leaders, parents and
Scout onitinittee informed that Wingliann
has largest Beaver group in the district
The November meeting of district commissioner to
the Firat Wingham Scout Paul Pick of. District
•„CemeOttee, was held at, the Sauteeh.Wt,*
home of Marlene Leedhiun ,Shesaid that W'mghem can
on Sunday evening, Nov. 2. boast about having the
• Gerda Greenall chaired the largest Beaver group in the
meeting. district. At present the group
It was -noted that the sports has an enrolement of 47
• equipment sale was success- Beavers.
ful. MUch of it success was Each group was reminded
due tO the organization of that members are to attend
Tom aMt Gerda Greenall, the Remembrance Day
Diane Thynne and pebble service, to be held at the
Rathburn. They. were Canadian Legion building.
pleased with the parents' 'Groups are to meet at the
response to hp with the Legion Hall at 10:30 a.m.,
event. Popular items on sale and be in full uniform.
were hockey equipment, A thank -you note is to be
skiis and skates. written to Keil Insurance,
It was dedded that the sale Wingham, thanking it for
should be an annual event, donating a fire extinguisher
held early in the fall, before for the cabin at Maitforks.
the hockey and skating Another letter will be written
season begins. It was felt to Beaver Lumber, thanking
also that 20 per cent cotdd be it for its part in the Cub race
taken by the organization, track.
instead of the 10 per cent, 'It was noted that Scouting
which it asked for this year. Day was a success for the
Mrs. Thynne reported that various groups in Wingham.
she attended a district Apple Day is the Beavers'
meeting; in Kincardine. only fund-raising event and
During tlle meeting she was by the end of the day they
appointed as assistant sold almost all of their ap-
ples and showed a sizeable
profit. Leader Dianne
Thynne said she was more
than pleased with the parent
Although the Cubs and
Scouts were disappointed
that they did not have a full
truck load of paper, the price
of paper was exceptionally
high, and with the help of the
donated trucks, they were
able to make some money
from that project.
They were pleased with
the response with the paper
collection in Belgrave, but
felt the paper had already
been collected in Bluevale
and Whitechurch.
Another drive will be held
in the spring and house-
holders are urged to save
papers for the boys. Old
magazines and catelogues
also are acceptable. The
boys obtained some money
from the baskets they
A returnable bottle drive
will be held early in the new
year and a committee will be
set up at the next meeting to
start working on it.
Mrs. Thynne, reporting for
the BeOvers, said she had
three full-fledged leaders
besides herself and several
helpers. Dennis O'Brien took
the Wood Badge Part 1 in
Port Elgin, and it was
reported that all new leaders
have been outfitted with new
• A” thank -you note is to be
written to the Sportsmen's
Club for the Hallowe'en
party it sponsored for the
Beavers. The Beavers hope
to have a float in the Santa
Claus Parade on. Saturday,
Dec. 13.
• The Beavers had an In-
veitors' Night for new
Beavers and a large crowd of
parents were on hand toss*
the ceremony.
Murray Underwood., Wil-
son Daw and Ron Beecroft
were at the meeing,
representing the Cubs. Their
enrolment is 32. Eleven new
Cubs were invested last
week by Scouter Ken Foxton.
At the same time Murray
Underwood, Wilson Daw and
A NOISY GR °UP OF BEAVERS hada great time at
the WinghamSportsmen's Club last week, sorting out
the Items they had gathered on a scavenger hunt.
They later glued the stones, weeds and sticks to paper
to form collages.
Purlog the 09110ellit
en4rol moottn$ tb,lo week it
(1:d 'to Sltd 111 letter to
foonte; liondenoflt uttiolotor
of Agri ko4
,Morris bi
and .Appkoviii,
1,..4 1, 4els'1t,. '
•7,410M:-. ,,.'
Nancy 010) tt04,,._.$
eivrktrealure4 expialned
that the
40%4, : . mtnlstry
was ' '.,`: $7 ! i i OW '
$10840001 , :-.4,,i e
The' letter to Mr,
by Morris MOilrfahriete'.ra*:it' on
*14 e:
„;.. ....,; -
derson will ai
crease in allocation,theda:0414"`"
*mitotic increase hi the use
During the meeting the
council approvedn tile drain
lunk application submitted
Wheeler, subject to
theAtiailability of funds.
In other business Morris
approved a $75 grant to the
Bluevale Cemetery Board.
The inaugural ceremonies
for,BM new counail will be
heldDec. 1, at 10 a.M.
-',"kpetition for the Pease
lifflkjpai Drain submitted
i*Elgin Pease; LOt II,Oorth
half* Con. 8, was accepted
bY • council. The petition
requests a cleanout of the
drain and Councillor Bob
Grasby was appointed
A letter was received from
Huron County stating that
the Huron County Tree
Planting Program has been.
disbanded for 1981 and future
The next council meeting
will be held Nov. 12 at 7:30 -
Ron Beecroft were invested
as leaders.
The leaders said the boys
are showing great en-
thusiasm in the new car
racing. The track has been
built and Mr. Mann, prin-
cipal of Wingham Public
School, has agreed to store it
so it won't have to be tran-
sported back and forth each
meeting night. Each Cub is
to bring $1.00 for his own car
and the group will pay' the
remainder of the cost. The
Cubs had a very good
Hallowe'en party.
Ron Beecroft reported -he
is trying to get a film' On
rabies through the Mitiatry
of Natural Resources and,
.that all groups and parents,
will be able tik see it.
Marty Cretier said the
Scouts had a good
Hallowe'en arty, but the
boys are behiMpi their WOod
cutting, due -.the.' wet
weather. '
la n Desfauriers was
present as the Kinsmen CIO
reppresentative, and
promised to take back to the
club just what was its dutar_08
a sponsoring rgroOp, _SAW
hoped to gait ivork ptY,
organized to he llis With Nark A
on the cabin'and woodcut '•
ting. ••
A few more members are
needed for the group COM-
mittee, so if anyone is in-
terested in joining , please
call' the secretary, Marlene
Leedham, at 357-2471.
The next meetiog will be
held on Sunda, Dee. 7, at 7
p.m. at the home of Marlene
The girls rnet at the home
of Mrs Jacldin on Monday,
Oct. 27, at 3:304Lni•
The president brought the
meeting to order with the 4-H
The roll call was answered
and the girls discussed their
Achievement Day. It has
been changed from Nov. 20
to the 29th.
The club is goingto give a
presentation on 'The Ver-
satile Fryingpan'. Carol
Belanger volunteered to give
the speech.
It was decided to bitv,e
mother -daughter lit138t
er ',
Monday at 6 p.r. VerYOrte
brought food that. Mrs.
Jacklin designated'
The meeting elOned dth
the 4-H Motto.
Barry is a Class ‘A-14eChanie.
specializing in heavy trucks and
general repairs.
He has taken. diesel engine,
courses and has extensive experience
in autciniatic transmissions and
air conditioning. " '01,1 '77
• ,
Barry is a residentof Wingham qin d‘Married jaritfh one child.
Barry is Well qualified to look loak'aftee your ca* lat -,ttuck; be it gas
or diesel.
• '
Just sue 44 the, 7 qualiged enilloyees at
• Johnc::IInIfIth
Avg,• "The People pleasere''
, . Pleasing YouPleases Us
1 1.5)loilephine St; VVInghiim • •
• .4 0.40 '
Recently, there's been a serious increase in the
number of cases. of measles. in Ontario. At a time
• . whenmodem vaccinesare.so readily available,
. it simply doesn't make sense for you oryour family
to contract such diseases. Keep in mind that
, measles can leaLi to serious complications such
as pneumonia or'encePhalitis, which is
inflammation of the brain. •
Women of a childbearing age should also be:
sure theyare immunized against German measles
—a disease that can cause serious -birth defects. . •
• Of course, you want the peace of mind all
year round of knowing you 'and your family are
protected against disease. But what better time to
take some positive action than during November,
Immunization Awareness Month, byTmating sure
you're immunized.
• While you're at it, ask youi doctor or local
health unit for your copy of the new Ontario
immunization record card.
Let's keep Ontario healthy
Dennis Timbrell,
Minister of
William Davis, Premier
_14 44'5;