HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-10-22, Page 7J. .t• A • • '•• •• ""•:,"•••••.. -`1.••-•°•.. • • ;*••'1' A beautihil bouquet of flowers created for this special day, Call orV),st one to Yektf• . N1,10;ittler-114*,.. Shell thinky,Pkete • a real chatMOr LEWIS FLOWERS . 135France$ St, Wingham, Qnt. Ph 3573880 114 blocks south of Wingham Public Wind ' C -It A GAMES AND C IST. -These CGIT member*Att!', playing Twist aspert of the CGIT raily at thelAtIn* ham United Church on Saturday, The prograrrt, 4:4., • arlety of games, crafts and drama pres- ',i, 00 LION members regional rally My needs and %milli needs,' all under one roof - at a good Prtge •iLE.IiC ets mm • • , 1 ‘.0 e•• 6.-• AN. Open a D. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Shi • Reta ROSS , 'last Week's day centre• nes was missing from The Ad tince-Tinies. An aptilogy go 'OA toall of the centre's • faithful readers 1 didn't make the Friday noon dead- line as I forgot about the Monday holiday. Sorry! 1:OW • that winter is •- nearing; clients are )getting in the 'Mood ,bi 'starting their • Christmas crafts. They will • be making decorationsfor the centre 'end individual pielettaTcan be used for Without their help the suc- cess of the facility would -he impossible. An: invitation is extended •el all present volunteers and ,• anyone • interested in becoming a volunteer, to. attend the volunteer workshop that will be bolded the Armouries on Friday, Oct. 31, from 12:30 p.rn. to4 pen. Speakers have also been invited for the after- noon. • •Chrightn4.4 gifts- ." ' The ;bet' WIt twoeeks ' the • • , Centre have,been eonfusipg. • The Armouries has been used.bytbepublieforeveirts • - - • ni) •-; • • '1, t•'4••• • Rev.'Barey Passmore wak. • in last Wednesday afternoon and shared his favorite n leisure activity with the clients. Rev. Passmore and his family spent holidays on their sailboat at Georgian Bay. The slides were ex- cellent, withvivid color, and depicted many shots of the Georgian Bay-Tobermory area. Everyone thoroughly • enjoyed the afternoon, and Rev. Passmore's narration was a real feature. Thank you to •all the volunteers, drivers and helpers .here at the centre. • • . • Fashion • Blyth Features The Widest Selection • of (6' I A 111 -Pg' WTI; AP in your area Sizes from 5- 24 Y2 Always A Bargain rack FOR THE THRIFTY Also - Knitters Knook for your Knitting Kneeds Our promlweepable assistaswit-tx) protium Open 6 days a week t-% Chargex Welcome •AtRilY • Presb Ottobe United _ tandancol;! Preside Veitonieit e- guests and conductedthe- meeting. A lively , led by Miss MinnieWain and ac- companiedby Mrs. Ron Livermore �f Fordwich UCW, litifitijoyed. An in- iitatiod*KIMuevale UCW for the Ialtrally was ac- cepted::: 4t, • • • ' • ',fir tron Regional 'Itluron-Perth as held on the Belgrave with an at - 41. - Cliff Logan OORRIE -=••• We need only to be thoughtful to bethink- ftd.' This statement formed the underlying theme at the October Meeting of Unit Two of the United Church Women which was held Wednesday afternoon of last week at the honie of Mrs.' Marie Sch- midt. Mrs. Cecil Grainger and. Mrs. Alec Taylor were in charge of the worship. -Mrs. Grainger opened the meeting with a thanksgiving hymn, followed by scripture from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians, chapter nine. She concluded with a reading on 'Thanksgiving'. Mrs. Taylor gave a' very informative talk, bringing highlights from reports on the World Council of Churches with excerpts frerri,: Mandate and Observer. She asked, "Where do we stand on the problems affecting the United Church — the decline in Sunday Schools, homo- sexuals in society arid the • • ')J.1 « t:: irresponsible attitude toward baptiral arld, ogler vii!c*.v-iz 41 , ' • • The `worship closed with (he4 'Ciltint: !Your Blessings'. • Members were remind of the invitations to attend 'Menke ,ffering Services at the local Presbyterian Church on October 8; at Molesworth October 9 and McIntosh October 15; as Well as the Regional Rally .held •this week. Mrs. Robert Gibson reported for the catering ctimmittee regarding plans for the fowl supper i n Gorrie on November 4 and acted as COtfl*fllflfl? ., th?.. uf Mrs. J. Strong. Roll eau, 'something I am thankful for', was answered cby the members The president closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Grainger and the hostess. Mrs. Anne Walters brought greetings from Presbyterial and Mrs. Leila Finkbeiner of Eseter in- troduced some new books as well as having a large •number of books on display. A trib from Gorrie UCW, Mrs. Robert Strong, Mrs. Raymond Gowdy aid Mrs. Jack Ferguson, ac- companied by Mrs. Mann, sang several numbers. A thought-provoking skit was presented by several members of the Brussels UCW. Three members of the Wingham UCW, Mrs. Barry Passmore, Mrs. Sinclair Wardrop and Miss Lavonne Ballagh, conducted the wor- ship service. • Haney; Coupland • Wroxeter introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Wesley Ball of Thamesford, who spoke on the theme, 'What You Don't Know Will Hurt • You'. He based his remarks on words from Christ's farewell sermon from the 14th chapter of St. John's Gospel, wherein Thomas said he and the other disciples could not follow Jesus because they did not know where He was going and they did not know the way. He answered by stating, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me." Mr. Ball made three categories in which he placed things that can hurt reer,ie• the minas:w ht..wo not learned; those we have mislearned and those we refuse to learn. At the close of his inspiring talk, he was thanked by Mrs. Robert Perry of Bluevale. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed with lunch served 14 the Belgrave group. 4. • • • • • KITCHENWARE—The WIngham and DIStriet fitisptinitadles' Auxiliary held Its most successful'rummage sate last Friday, sailing $2,814 worth of goods. Here patrons look over kitchenware during the sale, yahlth attracted a large crowd to the Wingham Arrnourles. nittitute4: bald Of last we at Mrs. gviAlle tory of the doreie Mel$n T4.00,r, e011 of •the preSteello btired the Tweedsmuir • oridgove hteioshog businaninemy yealgrose,kividathtllifurrexibackt events andpictures of peat decades. Miss Jean Spar/0g presented the Institute with many interesting pictures of the Maitland River floods lo past years. Mrs. Taylor reported on the recent District Rally hosted by the local Wi at which about 120 registered. Roll call, 'Memories of Grandma', and an item for the Tweedsmuir Boob, was answered by the members. Mrs. Alvin Mundell displayed and explained an excellent map that she had completed of the village of Gorrie. Gratitude was expressed to those members who worked on the Institute float and exhibit for the fair. Both - were successful in bringing prize ribbons. A special thank -you was extended to Ed Roth who drove his tractor and IVEiss Margaret Dane who sold copies of 'Now and Then' which Elmer Famish donated to the local Institute. • Neighborhood party marks „ anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cook were entertained by their family to a, dinner at the Turnberry Tavern on the occasion of their 35th wed- ding anniversary last Friday evening. On their returning home they were completely sur- prised to find 65 relatives; neighbors and friends had gathered at their home to help them celebrate their anniversary. . A two-tier wedding anni- versary •cake adorned the table and a smorgasbord lunch was enjoyed by all. Albert and Jean thanked everyone for remembering them on this occasion. Rebekah lodge names officers The 1980-81 officers for the Majestic Rebekah Lodge 352 are: Past Noble Grand Mrs. Nettie Ross; Noble Grand Mrs. John Finnegan; right supporter of Noble Grand, Gertrude Tiffin; left sup- porter of Noble Grand, Mrs. Harold King; Vice Grand Mrs. Sid Adams; right supporter of Vice Grand, 'Haruki ie;is supporter of Vice Grand, Myra Pennington; Con- ductor Mrs. John Currie; Warden Mrs. William Austin; Chaplain Mrs. Hazel Campbell; inside guardian, Mrs. Ernie Merkley; outside guardian, Mrs. Leslie Jack - lin; recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Gerrie; financial secretary, Mrs. Don Mont- gomery; treasurer, Helen McBurney; color bearer, Ethel Holmes; and pianist, Mrs. Harry Bateman. The most successful rummage sale The Wingham and District Hospital Ladies' Auxiliary held its most successful rummage sale to date, earning se,tne. • The sale, which attracted large crowds to the Wingham Armouries on Friday, featured a variety of articles including ladies' clothing, china, furniture, shoes, books and toys: The auxiliary members reported that $473.11 worth of ladies' clothing was sold, together with $210.65 worth of miscellaneous ladies' articles; $280.45 of men's and miscellaneous goods; 8182.15 worth of shoes; $92.60 of hats and purses; $75.81 of books • and toys; $172.70 worth of china; $261.15 of children's clothing; $2211.:0, of bedding and draperies; and $41.50 of furniture. The auxiliary thanks all the ladies who helped to make the sale so successful. tMajth. wino) - Provoifed late 11. Wt -11.*; BELGRAVE Mra;40Pri church etalefl. Swan entertainedAPT' available .••• ••• AA. hereof theBelgraveACWfor one At Ar. the October rneeting at the rectory of St. Paul's Angli- can Orwell, Vflogltorna The meeting was opened by singing .11 bYlint me president, Mrs, WOK Jar - din was "itt Oharge-:ef the meeting and read the meditation and prayers from • the Li Message maga- zinc,The scripture was 4141 by Mrs. Olive Campbell; The Lord's Prayer was said in. , unison. . • , • The' minutes of the laid meeting and a'repartof-the fall deanery 'bag were read by the secretary,a Mts. Clare Vag Ca111P:,•,The treasurer'Sreport was given by Mrs. Alex Nether/. The Mrs. ot Kn • GORREp birs.'Ross' Cumming of. ',Ripley was introduced by 'Mrs. 'Alvin Mundell when shesvas guest - speaker at the fan Thank, offering of the Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church, held in the church. She chose a Thanksgiving theme, stress- ing that all members of the family tell of something for which they are thankful as I:7'..%;:; they partake of Thanks- giving dinner She was thanked by Mrs. David Neilson. Mrs. William Smith opened the meeting with a . • ; • • •• • • , • • .4" ..Jatnes Not m At At*, .owI0111.re1 (,,:,:1;; ,,,,,i;)•,,. Pialm190.,..:. ,:s • iiieeftedeS:nakrfe* I byMrs.f.erdanste4,„.4pr • . ' „ and Mrs. gaieeit4154. '.' renewing the singing hymn, the meetingtioSed ,r 1 repeating the WIVIS ° i 1, , :•• - in unison. Asocial halfilOur . . followed. ° , • ....,,,,,,,,4,• Mrs. M. Fisherhosts Anglican Guild meeting GORRIE — Mrs. Merrill Fisher hosted the October meeting of St. Stephen's Anglican Guild. Mrs. Jasper Farrish led everyone in the Lord's Prayer and Mrs. RonalcLBennett led the devotional !ortion of the meeting by reading Psalm 23. She presented a talk on 'What Thanksgiving Is Meant To Be'. Roll call, on a similar thanksgiving theme, was answered by 14 mem- bers and one visitor. Treasurer Mrs. Fisher reported that the harvest supper held in September was a big success. Final plans were made for the Howick Lions supper for, which the group catered this week. Rev. Orrance Grace. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Beryl Steuernol's home. Mrs. Jack Stafford in- troduced Mrs. Henrietta Boon of Jamestown who spoke about weaving With • . wool. She followed the weaving process from the' time the wool leaves, the lamb until it becomes yarn: 'S She told about natural dyeing with Such things as household, onions which give a yellow shade. She also noted that different sheep will produce different colors and textures of wool. Mrs. Stafford thaiiked Mrs. Boon and presented hc with a token of appreciationi, Laramie dosed the business Mrs. William Ceie portion of the meeting with assisted Mrs. Fisher' prayer and everyone recited serving lunch. • • Qualify Work Always! You can rely on us *3 abi anf, dry cleaning job to your liking. We use the 1. very newest methods! Fast . . . reasonable! .• CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR Josephine Street, Winglium Pkiono 357-1242 7. 77 4.•••-1 • s • • , .• „„. '14