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Wingham Advance-Times, 1980-10-01, Page 10
Pe-.0100JOW-1.3.-5eraW .V03. The Flower Nook •flowers for all occasions •potted plants • weddings are a specialty PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Call or drbp in and see us at 218 Josephine St., Winghorn PHONE 357.3333 s • Wingham Advance -Times, October 1, 1980 o rn i ng Events RIDGE CLUB Wingham Bridge Club will be meeting every Thurs- day evening at 8 p.m. sharp at the Fire Hall starting Thursday, Oct. 2. Everyone welcome. 24-1 FIRST AID COURSE St. John's standard first aid course will be starting Tues- day, Oct,, 7 at 8 p.m. at F. E. Madill Secondary School. Course will be 2 hour ses- sions for 8 weeks. Register at the school or phone John Gibson 335-3453 or Mrs. Hanula 357-2405. YOUTH GROUP Will be formed at the Salva- tion Army Young People's Hall, Edward Street, Wing - ham on Friday, Oct. 3 at 8 p.m. All teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 are invited to attend. For further information contact Captain Wilson Perrin, 357-1367. FALL FAIR DANCE At the Howick Community Centre, Saturday, Oct. 4. Music by the Mann's; $7 a couple, lunch provided. RUMMAGE SALE Plan to attend the auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital rummage sale. It will' be held in the Wingham Armouries on Friday, Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. TURKEY SUPPER Annual turkey supper Bel- graveCommunity Arena, Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. sharp. Tickets available from Vance's Drug Store, North Huron Credit Union and stores in Belgrave, 17-24-1 25TH ANNIVERSARY For the enjoyment of our parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Behrns, (nee Norma Taylor) on their 25th wed- ding anniversary. We would like to invite friends and relatives to an evening of dance and social time on Friday, Oct. 10 at9 p.m. in . Harriston Legion Hall. Best wishes only. 24-1-8 TEESWATER FALL' FAIR On October 11 are sponsoring a commercial Feature in Quality Pork. An exhibitor may make 2 entries only. Entries to assemble at Tees - water Hog Producers As- sembly Yard between 9 and 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 7. Hogs to be judged on card basis only. Trucking art rangements to the packing plant to be made by the So- ciety. Prize money, 1st, $30, $25, $20, $15, and 6 pribes of $10 each. ROWICK FALL FAIR Plan to - attend the Howick Fall Fair on October'3 and'4. Friday evening — enter the log sawing competition, en- joy local talent entertain- ment- Optimist Refreshment Centre featuring Lincoln Green. Saturday parade 12 noon, indoor exhibits, school fair, 4-171 achieveme events, horse show, local talent and midway. Some- thing for the whole family! 24-1 HARVEST BALL Come and celebrate at the Harvest Ball at the Brussels Community Centre from 9 to 1 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 25. Door prizes and lunch. Music by 'Drumlin'. Sponsored by Bluevale Chamber of Com- merce. Tickets available at Bluevale General Store and Tolton Motors, HOT LUNCHEON At St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Wingham on Nov. 7, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. BINGO Howick Lions' Bingo will be held on• Friday, October 3 at 8:00 p.m. in Wroxeter Com- munity Hall; admission $1; 12 Regular games for $10; 2 Share the Wealth; one $25 Special; Jackpot $140 on 56 calls; Purple Ball $70; Door and consolation prizes. FLOWER ARRANGING DEMONSTRATIONS By Sharon Alton at Oldfield Pro Hardware, Brussels, on Friday, Oct. 10. Demonstra- tions at 2:30, 4:30 and 8 p.m. Free coffee and cookies and lucky draws. 1-8 CLASSICAL AND MODERN GUITAR LESSONS Prepare for Royal Conserva- tory Music Examinations, University of Toronto. For more information call Anita Dekker 357-1085. 24-1-8-15 GARAGE SALE Saturday, Oct. 4, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., 400 Minnie St., Wing - ham (across from lawn bowling green) . Antiques,. furniture, small appliances and collectables. Come and buy - the price is right! DART MEETING Branch 180 Dart League will hold a general organiza- tional meeting Thursday, Oct. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall. No restrictions on membership. Anyone inter- ested is invited to attend. Wingham Police Auction Sale Friday, Oct. 10, 19810 7:30 p.m. Wingham Armouries Approximately 27 bicycles, various conditions. 1 Wacker cement packer, good condition WINGHAM KINSMEN President Dale Helbein accepts a plaque of appreciation to the club from Allan Harrison of the Wingham Town Council. The plaque recog- nizes that this Is the 60th anniversary of the Kinsmen national organization and expresses the town's appreciation for services rendered by the local club. MRS. ALLAN GRIFFITH Wroxeter Personals Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ron McMichael on Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullens of. Aylmer, Quebec; Mrs. Evelyn Leach, Los Angeles, California, and Mrs. Noah Ries, Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Grif- fith visited Mr. aind Mrs. James Robertson in Gode- ` rich on Thursday. Mrs..Leo'Duggan, Stayner, spent the weekend with her aunt, Miss Margaret Grif- fith. Mrs. Mary -Ella Pringle, Toronto, visited her uncle, Gordon Gibson, during ,Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toman visited Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Ludena Sararas, at New Dundee and their brother, Elgin Toman; Plattsville, who was visiting at the Sararas home. Mrs. Marg. Deaken, . Roy Whitehead of Walkerton and Harold Whitehead, Paisley, spent Friday evening with. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth, were Saturday evening guests at the same home. - - Mr. and Mrs.,,Adrien Poir- ier, Weston, spent the AUCTION! SALE Of Antiques will be held for McDonald Antiques at the Ripley Complex in Ripley, on Saturday, October 4, 1980 Preview at 9:00 A.M. Sale Starts at 10:30 A.M. This safe is the third in a series of Auction Sales to disperse the entire stock of antiq es. This sale features 400 items of fine antiques includin many desirable pieces of Can - o f!snn 4t� Auc. ioneers: GRANT McDONALD Ripley 395=5353 WALLACE BALLAGH, Teeswater, 392-6170 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marks. Returning home with them were Mrs. Marks and Mrs. William Hart who returned by plane from Rosetown, " Saskatchewan, where they visited their sister, Mrs. James . San- derson, for the past two weeks and attended Mr. San- derson's funeral. Mrs. Hart visited at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and family, before returning to her home in Listowel. Mrs. Leo Duggan and Miss Margaret Griffith; Mr. and Mrs. Wally Nixon, Ford- wich; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nixon and family, Kit- chener: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn MeKercher Mr and Mrs John McKercher, James- town; Mr. and -Mrs. Donald Larsen arid grandso,,y'falk- erton, attended a '.10day party for Miss Margaret Griffith at the home off Mr. and Mrs. Ron Larsen and family, Sarnia, on Sunday. Mrs. Oliver Riley. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gilbert I Mary Beth Riley) , in Harriston on Sunday. • Mrs. .A. Schouten left for. her '• home at , Vancouver, B.C., after spending some What's new at Huronview? On the first day of fall Rev. Wittick conducted a Sunday morning service. ' Elsie Henderson played the organ and the choir sang the an- them 'The Lord's My Shepherd'. The flowers, placed in the chapel, were in memory of Mr..Ernest and donated by Mrs. McConnell. Dick Roorda held a service in 'the evening. On Monday afternoon the van took some of the male residents for a ride to Sea - forth. There was a fashion show in the auditorium on Wed- nesday afternoon. The theme of the show was 'Styles Through the Years' and the commentator for the show was Peggy Menzies. Staff and residents would like to take this opportunity tin thank Peggy for a job well done. She was asked at the last moment to replace Federation forms speakers' bureau Is your group or service club searching for hn in- teresting speaker to enliven a meeting this year? If so. experienced speakers are available through the Huron County Federation of Agriculture. These speaklready have spoken to rii ny county groups on a variety of topics, including energy use and conservation, rural -urban relations, soil erosion, co- ops, marketing boards and 'farmer-constimer relations. interested groups should contact Brenda McIntosh, chairman of the federation's public relations committee, at 527-0358. Donna Woods who was called' away' suddenly. Models for the show were staff mein bers from the various departments. The two male models, wee Doug Clark who works in supplies and John McTaggart who is a resident here. Both men did an ex- cellent job of escorting the ladies out and they also. are thanked. Also thanked are the staff and friends who loaned clothing to model. Special thanks to Dave Beattie for the loan of his grass and to Clark Ball who picked it up and delivered it back again. There have been a lot of compliments concerning the show. Ed Stiles was here on Thursday afternoon to enter- tain the residents by playing his organ. Huronview would like to welcome Leslie Oliver from Seaf'irth: MINN Vi Centre; a Variety of actil . ' , The,seniors aireAnvolved in a daily fit.. session, Oil ;ink which , basic circulation,. stretching and 1 relaxation exercises are emphasized. The seniors are encouraged to continue with the program at home. time with her cousin, Miss Marion Gibson. Mrs. Ron McMichael, ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Noah Ries of Fordwich, and her aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Leach, Los Angeles,- Cali- fornia, visited with her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Willard Ries at Stoney Creek on Monday. . Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall,' Burlington,spent the weekend with her • father, Gordon Gibson. A grandson, Dean Reffell of London, also visited .at the same home with his grandfather. , Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart," Kitchener, and' Miss Joanne Stewart, Toronto,, spent the weekend with Mr:'and Mrs. . Les. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Merton ; Brown and daughter ' of' Windsor visited` recently with his. sister, Mrs. Ken Galbraith, .and Mr. Gal - braith.- • " ''Visitors with Miss Marion Gibson are Mr., and Mrs. Don Dailley, Rokton, Owen Jackson and •daughter, Catherine,.of Stoney Creek. Miss Lynda Riley, of ' Fan- shawe College, London, and, her sister, Mrs. Ron Gilbert, Harriston,' visited Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Riley Saturday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Matthew El- liot, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.. Allan Griffith, were in Goderich on Sunday. • Sympathy is extended to Paul Elgie and family.. Mr. Elgie's father passed away in London. Quiet week for firemen This was a relatively quiet week for the Wingham Fire Department as Fire Chief Dave Crothers reported only two minor incidents. The department responded to a chimney fire at the home of L. A. Bailey, RR 3, Wingham, on the weekend. Chief Crothers said there was no damage caused by the blaze. On Sunday at 3:20 p.m. a broken oven element burst into flames at the home of Mrs. Al Nicholson, Wingham. The fire was quickly put out by firemen and no damage from the blaze was reported. Business and Professional Directory Karl C. Lentz Chartered Accountant Box 305 Blyth, Ontario NOM 1H0 Tel. 523-9589 WINGHAM MEMORIALS Guaranteed Granites Cemetery Lettering Reasonable Prices Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 lifelaaelmogr Fr•darict 6.'6'iomuth Phrn,B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. viola Hornuth, O.®. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario 338-2712 The hospital tray favors have . been delivered to the Wingham and District Hospital. Thanks to all the,. seniors at the centre who Made the 'October Bugs'. The clothespin crafts are coming along quite well. If anyone has any old clothes- pins with broken springs etc. they would be appreciatedat the centre. each day this week the clients had a game of charades. It seems as though Kinsmen donate $46.5 million The Association of 'Kins- inen Clubs donated $46.5 million in service work to Canadians during the,12- month period ending Jun30, 1980, it was announced at the group's annual convention in Edmonton. John Green of Drayton, outgoing national president, made the announcement. The figure includes cash raised as well 'as the value off service work contributed. The Association of Kins- men Clubs, Canada's largest all -Canadian young men's service club, was founded in 1920 by Harold 'Hal' Rogers, who still maintains contact with the club from his residence in Toronto. This year's service work total -is the largest ever for the association,'which cele- brates its 60th anniversary' this year. "At an average of more than $74,000: per club; the Kinsmen Association continues to • be one of the world's most effective ser --- vice organizations," Mr. Green said. Later " in the convention James Watson of Portt Coquitlam, B.C., was elected rM =,than, assoqiation —'110th President. ' • t. i wa ctu ie aides. Somn v. nominative " ideas were expressedthrengttnotiOn, Ar► information session Was also -held on the Ontario Tax Grant For Cr lelliors program. Because of the mail strikethreat many of the applications have been held up, but apparently the applications are being pro- cessed as fast as possible. Once again, any :person whowould volunteer at the centre would be most wel- come. Drop in at the Armouries or phone 357-1440. Fact finder named for Huron teachers Malcolm Stockton , has been appointed as fact finder in the contract negotiations bwetweea,,,the Huron County Board of Education and its secondary school teachers. As a fact finder, Mr. Stockton will, meet with both sides and make a report stating which matters have been settled and which remain in dispute. The report also may contain recommendations for settle- ment. A 1973 graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School, Mr. Stockton taught secondary school for two years -and has extensive background in teacher -board relations. Since,1977 he has had 16 fact finding appointments. The , appointment was made by the Education Relations Commission under a section of the School Boards and. Teachers Collective Negotiations Act. ••••O••••••.•••• 5, JP !Army Olive) COVERALLS - $ 995 S 305 Below -s Insulated $ %49 (seconds) Stanfield's "RED LABEL' Wool Underwear SPECIAL PRICE $3995 We have a complete new fall collection of Vests and Jackets. PLUS - Shirts in velours, suedes, and GWG and Levi's Shirts at very competitive prices!! Hayes Clothin ,9•.••••••••,•••• ervice Directory ' PRINTING WINGHAM -PRINTING SERVICE • PRINTING • PHOTO COPIES • REGISTER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 FLOWERS BACKHOE Backhoe Work Hugh McBurney WINGHAM 357-3819 SALES AND SERVICE Lynn Hoy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Sales & Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 PLUMBING PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS Repairs, Renovations New Installations, can Terry Doyen at 357-2808 or 357-1229 PLUMBING HEATING Leroy Jackson —Plumbing —Heating —Tinsmithing 191 Josephine St. Wingham 357-2904 ELECTRICAL PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Soles WINGHAM 357®1583 T-SHIRT PRINTING Our T•Shlrta Ara 'TOPS' IA Greet Walking Advertisement) G.D.K. Enterprises Wroxeter, Ontario CUSTOM SILK SCREEN PRINTING OF T•SHIRTT Gordon Koster, Box 62, Wroxeter Bus. 335-3136 1t611, 3334671 INSURANCE INSURANCE All Types of Insurance 335-3525 GORRIE 357-2636 WINGHAM enucT®r CTI BERT 357-3053 and DICK 528-2726 ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Building and Renovations Concrete Forming WE SELL Hunt & Pella Windows Kaiser Aluminum Products Andex Barn Products FREE ESTIMATES FUELS BILL TIFFIN Imperial Esso Agent For all your Home and Farm Fuel and Lubricating Needs 357.1052 SALES' - Forever Yours Stationery • Invitations • Thank you nates • Napkins, matches • Social announcements The Wingham Advance - Times Office WELDING Portable Welding Will do custom port- able welding and in - shop repair work. *Ornamental railings *Free estimates Phone Spike Bakker RRB Lucknow 528-2026 THE ADVANCE©TIMES S 357-2320 B