HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-09-24, Page 7PAlTAIT ,q10/c/4I'eS • co5Afeenr; tOIMCCOS'
Open 9 cm. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to six
Merman Baby Magic
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Soap 2/1.00
Bic Disposable - 5's
Razor .59
Severol guests collie
St. Rgeshyteris
.404004:* :0410cg
September. 16and mvited
spouse*, WO** „and
friehd$10$ Wok guests.
Mrs. T. R. WilJs, convene
of the 'prograny welcomed
the visitors and gave the call
to worship on thoughts
Pertaining to harvest. The
scripture lesson read by
Mrs..GO14011 WeiWood and
the meditation by Mrs. Bob
McKague was based on the
story of Abraham who was
called 'the friend of God'.
"As we touch .,the. lives of
etherswe must be a friend
and inspiration to them,"
Mrs. McKague said. Mrs.
Ralph Nixon led in prayer. •
Musical guests were Earl
and Martha Heywood who
sang 'On the Wings of a
Dove' and 'Only Believe'.
Mrs. Robert Campbell
introduced Rev. John Bell of
Whitechurch and Mrs. Bell,
guest speaker for the oc-
casion. Mrs; Bell based her
remarks on Philippians 4:8,
'Think on these things'. She
spoke of the wondrous
beauty in the world which is
so often overlooked and she
mentioned Michelangelo
who retrieved a piece of
marble, dirty and dull, out of
announces a
new class opening
St. Paul's Anglican Church
Tuesday, Sept. 16th
Join Now and take
advantage of
$4.00 DISCOUNT on
registration and first
meeting fee.
450 g. size
coiva see au aii
;piece of mar
compscompaied him to .101.
Sees .potential- in evc
referring th Mis ch
men WhO were tobeco
closest diStdp
the men yogi would
chosen?" she asked -
Mrs. Bell: asked each'.
persoft present to make,e hat
„.of the people with whelA,
Jesus associated .4 demOn-- •
possessed, rich and poor,
lepers, beggars, prostitutes. -
They became His followers
because He saw beyond their
sins. The speaker urged that
Christians today must look
for the potential for good in
those they meet.
President Mrs. Murray
Underwood conducted the
business, assisted by the
secretary, Mrs. Hugh
Clugston. Mrs. Willis closed
the meeting with prayer.
Public is
welcome at
open house
'Valleys and People' will
be the theme of an open
house to be held at the Mait-
land Valley Conservation
'Authority administration
office in Wroxeter this Sun-
day, Sept. 28.
Municipal council mem-
bers and staff, Authority
members and represent-
atives from other agencies
concerned about conserva-
tion have been invited to
The day will offer an in-
sight into the activities of the
conservation authority and
the role each resident plays
in the conservation of
natural environment. All
watershed residents are wel-
come to- attend the open
house, running from 2 to 8
600 g. size
gj RE
900 g. size
Seedless Sultana or
2 9 9
900 g. size
Chocolate Flavoured
gnilk I mart
450 g. size
Shredded, Dessicated
450 g. size
680 g. size
400 g. size
400 g. size
PURE I 8 9
500 g. - 800 g. size
Scotch Mints, Jujubes,
Jelly Beans, A.B. Gums
1 7 9
Rev ttarlsh
priest at ached Heart
.11eatan Catholic Char
• Wingham, was guest
speaker at the meeting of
Wingham Women's institute
which was heldin the council
chamber on Thursday.
Father Gutowski spoke
• about his homeland, Poland,
and showed picture,s of the
beautiful buildings in his
country. Some of these were
destroyed by war in, past,
centuries but have been
rebuilt. His country is now
under Communist rule.
Mrs. Lockridge introduced
the speaker and Mrs. Foxton
thanked him and presented
him with a gift.
• After a pot luck luncheon
at 12:30, Mrs. Powell,
president, 'opened the
meeting with the Ode, Mary
Stewart Collect and the
singing, of '0 Canada'. The
roll call, 'How long has your
Tenafly name been in the
JANICE McMICIIAEL was selected as first runner-
up In the Miss Midwestern Ontario pageant held at
Lucknow last weekend. Janice, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ron McMichael of RR 1, Wroxeter, was
representing Wingham In the pageant as Miss
Wingham Funfest, a title she won earlier this
Wroxeter United Church
celebrates 'anniversary
WROKETE R — The arrangements, donated by
United Church in the village • Mrs. Audrey Riley, were
placed either side of the
of Wroxeter ()Nerved its
122ndanniversary on Sunday PulPit•
with a former minister, Rev. A community • hymnsing,
with Lynne Chambers at the
Victor Buchanan, in the
pulpit; Mrs. GOid.on •ka'sfej: - • organ ' and Mrs. Kaster
at the organ and Miss Lynne Pianist, preceded the
evening service withanother
Chambera ianist at the 11
am servic. ,, former minister, Rev.
seWrin'eBni'l ohiso, Wesley B. rBeaalldiningthwearfirpoimt. ,
anichitge ,a!
Paul's letter to •the
Ned ge -'an -00dOmipture
frofll the litlit.,cha ter of Colossians and Mr. Ball's
Pa's letterto the
sermon title was 'Growing in
The choir sangthe an em, the Knowledge of God'. The
Stranger of Galilee', and choir sang several numbers
while gifts and tithes were accompanied by the organist
taken, the anthem sung was and pianist, as well as
'He Whispers Sweet Peace Gordon Kaster and Tharon
To Me'.Riley with guitars and
Following the service a Janice McMichael with
time of fellowship was en- tambourine. While the .of-
joyed with 'refreslurientS fering was being received,
, served. Matching flower the choir sang 'When the Roll
Is Called Up Yonder'.
A time of fellowship, with a
light lunch served, was again
Children choose enjoyed in the Sunday School
rooms. Both services were
Canadian books
The children of Huron
County Public Library and
the Midwestern Region have
chosen their top 10 Canadian
books. The beaks; selected in
the Kids Pick contest, are:
Jacob Two -Two Meets the
Hooded Fang. by Mordecai
Richler, Anne of Green
Gables by L. M. Mon-
tgomery, Owls in the Family
by Farley Mowat, Under-
ground to Canada by Bar-
bara Smucker, Mine for
Keeps by Jean Little,
Alligator Pie by Dennis Leeo
This Can't Be Happening at
MacDonald Hall by Gordon
Korman, The' Travels of Ms.
Beaver by Rosemary Allison
and Ann Powell, All Aboard
by Barbara O'Kelly and
Beverley Allinson, and From
Anna by Jean Little.
A list of these titles is on
display at the Wingham
Branch ,Library. In the
second part of the Kids Pick
contest the library is asking
the children to vote for their
favorite Canadian book from
among the 10 titles listed
above. The contest ends Oct.
Mr, and Mrs. Alan Darling
and family attended a
reception at the home of,Mr.
and Mrs. D. R. Watson of
Guelph in honor of the recent
marriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Watson
The community extends
congratulations to Mr. and
• Mrs. Ron HarknesS on the
birth of a son
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers
are presently
trthrough the easter
The Midget Boys downed
St. Pauls 4-2 in the first game
of the WOAA finalplayoffs.
well attended with church
and gallery filled.
LLL begins
new series
La Leche League Belgrave
began its new series of
meetings at the home of Mrs.
Leslie Martin on Sept. 16.
The topic was the advan-
tages of breastfeeding.
Mrs. Liliane Nolan was
introduced as the new
librarian for this series. She
added a new book, Caesarian
Birth, to the library and
explained how to sign out the
books and pamphlets.
The leader, Mrs. Barbara
Kerr, noted the group is
marking its first an-
niversary this month. She
said it is wonderful to see so
many mothers successfully
breastfeeding their infants
and coming to the meetings
for information and en-
It was announced that
Mrs. Sandra Billson has been
• certified as a new„ leader;
she will hold meetings at
Goderidi starting Oct. 8.
Many advantages to
mother,father and baby
were reviewed. The mothers
felt breastfeedlighad made
their •babies happy and
healthy, and .consequently
their husbands were sup-
portive and proud of their
wives nursing • 'their off-
spring. An article from
Reader's Digest, 'Breast is
Best Fed'. was discussed.
Although the reprint was
dated 1950, it was felt the
points covered are relevant
today. Myths about nursing
also were covered.
Following the discussion
the mothers enjoyed refresh-
ments and looking at pic-
tures of the LLL picnic at
Point Farms in August,
which was a very enjoyable
by the-, ineMberS4
Margaret FOE
Affairs, were in chargent the
Mrs. Foxton' will be the
delegate to t London Area
convention at St. Mary's on.
October 27 and 28. It was also,
agreed by the members that
the Wingham .branch again
give ,$19 toward a scholar-
ship for the highest -standing
Grade X student in Home
Economics at F. E. Madill
The seer
reintiOhs.' iceg, .
-reillindeti ofodiop
Clinton or
Fox at:
Party honors honors 10 -
on 95th birthday
Mrs. James Mitchell, nee
Evelyn Webster, was
honored by a family km-
cheon buffet party on her
95th birthday at the home of
Lauraine Mitchell Wilding
and husband Kea Wilding, in
Toronto on Sept. 14.
Evelyn is the second child
of John and Sarah Hum-
phrey Webster and was born
on Lot 26, Con. 10, West
Wawanosh. This was the
homestead purchased in 1853
and cleared by her Scottish
immigrant grandfather,
George Webster, Fordyce,
Mrs. Mitchell is the sister
of George Webster (deceas-
ed), William Webster (de-
ceased), Myrtle Webster
• Community
'ihOwer for
munity 'Shower for Rose-
marie White, bride-to-be of
this month, was held Sep-
tennber 15 in the WI hall.
Donelda Lamont welcom-
ed the ladies and conducted a
short program consisting of
contests, two flute solos by
Doreen Anderson accomp-
'allied by Sheila Anderson at
the, piano, and a reading by
Mrs. Dorothy Legan.
Rosemarie and her sisters,
Ruth Ann and Rita Lynn,
were escorted to the, decor-
ated chairs and Johanna Van
Camp read an address to
Rosemarie. Karen Dunbar
and Johanna presented the
After Rosemarie and her
sisters had opened the many
• beautiful gifts, Donelda pre-
sented her with an apron
covered with bows and Rose-
marie made a fitting reply,
thanking everyone ' for the
lovely gifts and their
thoughtfulness. Lunch was
event. served.
MacCrostie (deceaSed):
well Webster of wingikally
Pearl Webster ,Smith.' (*.
ceased), Dorothy -
McKenzie of Belfast, :Zyida
Webster McKay, GraudIts-
pids, and Dorene W
MonneY, Agincohrt;
In 1909 Evelynmaritedthe •••
late James R. lYliteltell,,r91#
children were.borittoithent:
James W. .(40,9ea9911),
George E., Elfrecla,,E.
(deceased), and A;
About 75 descenciantOnnti
relatives celebrated at this
happy reunion, iriany of
whom were from .North
Huron area.
Evelyn enjoys life to the
full. She has a keen sense of
humor: She is active both
physicallyand mentally,,and
although she lives alone and
does her own housework, she
is never lonely as she is in
close contact withher many
friends and relatives.
She is keenly interested in
politics, world and Canadian
affairs. She particularly
enjoys sports, Mainly -
hockey, baseball, • football?.
• and horseracing, Whitt be
follows by the television and
She is a subscriber to the
Lucknow Sentinel and keeps
abreast of local news
:through this source. •
We wish Evelyn much con-
tinuing happiness and Vital
interest in life.
A lady from London,
Ontario; made sure she had
contributed to the Unitarian
Service Committee of
Canada "to help feed little
empty bellies", before she
took her own vacation. The
USC is an agency through
which Canadians can ex-
press their concern for the
• less fortunate overseas. USC
headquarters is located at 56
Sparks St., Ottawa.
THE SALVATION ARMY Wingham Citadel reduced
Its stock of used clothing with a garbage bag sale at
the Orange Hall Saturday afternoon. Shoppers sorted
through counters piled high with clothing looking for
bargains at the sale, which allowed them to take as
much as they could fit Into a garbage bag for a modest
fee. Gretta Stokes of the, Salvation Army said the
group can hardly keep ahead of the donations corning
• ,