HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-09-10, Page 14�t0 Ttte W. Karg ,dv ► !+ es. September 10, X980 DONATION—Jeff Hurst, representing the Belgrave Co-op, presents Allan Bridge and Ken Hopper of the Belgrave Kinsmen Club with a $500 donation for the new Belgrave Park. The presentation was made during a lottery dance last Saturday evening in Belgrave. Mr. Bridge and Mr. Hopper are co-chairmen of the Kinsmen building committee. Town council turns down developer's plea for land Wingham council has re- jected an appeal from de- veloper Hans Kuyvenhoven to add a strip of land to river - front loin in the Maitland Estates subdivision., The land is pare& a tract of bush along the river which, under the terms of the subdivider's agreement, had been turned over to the town as park land. Mr. Kuyvenhoven wanted a strip of it returned to enable him to deepen 10 river -front lots and make them more at- tractive to purchasers. However the town plan- ning board at - its July meeting recommended that the land be kept in the public domain, and council agreed Monday night to follow the board's recommendation. Mr. Kuyvenhoven was represented at the meeting by . his solicitor, Robert Ctm pbell, while from . the :other side planning board members Bill Crump and Anil Bodasingand Huron County Planning Director Gary I Davidson also at- tended, and discussion of the . issue became quite heated. Mr,. Campbell told council his client needs the extra land tohelp hitit sell lots and get -him through a bad year. He reminded council that the town. stands to gain through increased taxes once the lots are developed, and also offered that in return Mr. Kuyvenhoven would develop a, small "tot lot" set aside as a playground at the end of Highland Drive, in Maitland Estates. He said the developer has had the land in question appraised at ,$3,000 and of fered council two options:: it could sell the whole plot to Mr. Kuyvenhoven at some- thing close to the appraised value or it could agree to give purchasers of those lots an option to purchase the additional depth at a set price. He said he was "sitting right now with three offers (to purchase) in my offi6e, and they're -all contingent on getting the extension". However he got into heated arguments with Mr. Davidson over the extent to which the town has' already gone out of its way and given up revenue to assist the development, and with Councilor John Bateson, chairman of the property. committee, over the fair value of the land. Mr. Davidson said that by not taking the five per cent Ievy on land, to which it is entitled, and instead taking only about one-half of one per cent, the town had given up about $80,000. Mr. Camp- bell claimed the planner was using the wrong basis for valuing the land and that the actual figure is only about $4,500. Mr. Bateson called the Goderich Power Squadron A UNIT OF CANADIAN POWER SQUADRONS ANNUAL COURSES in Boating, Seamanship, and Piloting for Power and Soil REGISTRATION AT Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton Wed. - Thurs., Sept. 17, 18, 8 - 9:30 p.m. Canadian Power Squadrons will teach safe boating to over 10,000 Canadians this year. Will you be one of them? offer of $3,000 for the land "ridiculous" and said he was insulted by it, and he wasn't mollified by Mr. Campbell's claim that the figure was just an offer to get things started. "If I wanted to buy your cottage I'd offer you $1,000 just to get you talking," Mr. Campbell explained. "You offer me $1,000 and I won't do much more talking!" Mr. Bateson retorted. "Yon just don't talk to that kind of people ! " Mr. Davidson also denied the claim that it is im- possible to build decent houses on the lots as they are now. They can put reasonable houses on there with the existing lots, he said. Mr. Crump said the planning board's concern is that the proposal would "take a nice, public, wooded area out of public hands. This is the place to stop it, right ,here,1 he declared. "This is the foot in the door and the next thing there won't be a tree down there!' 2' Enrolment is down There was a moderate de-„ Cline in enrolment in the schoolsunder the Huron - Perth County Roman Catho- lic Separate School Board, Bill Eckert, director of edu- cation, reports. Total enrolment for the two -county system is down by 19 students, or 0.7 per cent, over a year ago. The number of students in Perth County increased by eight, while Huron County schools were down by 27 students. There was no decrease in the schools operated by the board in Stratford. Opening day enrolment for the system in 1979 was 2,642, while this year the figure was 2,623. Over the past eight years the separate school enrolments have declined by nearly 20 per cent, from 3,266 in 1973: TEESWATER CONCRETE LTD. A readOniaced concrete producer determined to keep the price of concrete low in this area. X000 P.S.I. - 32.00 per cu. yard - 41.86 cu. metre Further discounts available. Other mixes available. For quality concrete phone 392-6776 "'WE DRY HARD" . Disappointitt Execu forMoS 1out t 16:4,�n. ypnt�I.�l .,`1e)�4a 8mti'0? • xT There was a disappointing turnout to the committee forming meeting for Morris Township's 125th birthday celebrations. The meeting, held at the Brussels arena Monday evening, drew about 30 rate- payers out of an expected minimum of 50 interested in helping with activities by serving on a committee. The majority of those in attendance were middle- aged or senior township residents. As one ratepayer commented, "It would ap- pear that a lot of the young peeps 'clave very little tn- tere6ti edging from this meet onight." Mr,e, theless the group managed ` to persuade. Clarence McCutcheon to stand ,as chairman of the eelebratjans. Mr. McCut- cheon hiitially turned down the :offer because he felt there would be too much time involved and he didn't Knew; enough people in the township. ."It'd be one way of getting acquaLinled, ' Clarence," suggested.. Morris Councillor Clara . Van Camp, while Reeve pm Liston assured him that- the different committees wilt cam 1h of the work load. Before Mr. McCutcheon had time.ato +ley. 'no, e there was a u0an1110us decision that .be be chair- man. Other , Members.. of the executive are.Nancy l itiet secretary, and Leona" McDonald, treasurer; Carmen (; raig and Bessie. Johnston Will be asked to serve as co-chairmen. Chairmen and co- chairmen were chosen for 11 • committees, however some MRS. ALLAN GRIFFITH - MRS. GRIFFITH Wroxeter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shore went to Mary Lake at the holiday weekend to get Debbie who worked for the summer at Muskoka Baptist Conference. Mr. and Mrs. Adrien Poirier, Weston, visited at the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Marks. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith were in Stratford last Wednesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eaton at Seaforth enroute home. Supper guests with Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Willitts were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kinnon of Lumsden, Sask.; Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grant, Wing - ham; Mr. and Mrs.. Ken Grant, St. Clements, and Miss Norma Willitts, Lon- don. Gordon (Pete) Yeoman returned home at the weekend after spending two weeks with his daughter at Teeswater after returning from surgery in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nord- strom and Kathy, Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith. Mrs. Howard Wylie ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wylie to Toronto at the weekend where they visited Mrs. Frances Bradley and Miss Betty Wylie. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Christopher John Sturgeon, the "former Vicki Ann Bradshaw, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brad- shaw, who were married in - Wroxeter United Church at 7 pm on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Barnard, Hensel?, Mrs. Agnes Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson were guests at the wedding of their nephew, Ray Gibson, to Lynn Eby at Kitchener on Saturday, also the reception at St. Agatha. Miss Lynpe Shore has accepted ,a `position as li- censed technician, at Wing - ham and District Hospital following graduation from a two-year course at Fan- shawe College, London. Mrs. Arthur Leggatt, Orillia, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Stewart Higgins, and Mr. Higgins. • Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith were Mrs. Margaret Deaken and Roy Whitehead of Walkerton, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Green and brother, Ross Green, of Teeswater. Harry Reffell, London, visited with Gordon Gibson on Sunday and Mrs. Reffell, who has spent the past week here, returned home with Bluevale Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kinnon of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, visited last Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacTavish and later with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Willitts and Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacTavish and family. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker and family were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat and Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. Kalvin Fischer and Sandra, Mr, and Mrs.. George Fischer, Ken Skinn, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence '1121eh'ning, Mrs. Harold Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Elliott. Keith Moffatt is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. His friends here wish him a speedy recovery. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grant, Wingham, were 1 -Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kinnon of Lumsden, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dosman, Kevin and Sherry of St. Clements. Norman Hall of Aylmer is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson, Dundas, were weekend 'guests with his sister, Miss Marion Gibson. Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall has returned to her home in . Burlington after visiting with her father, Gordon Gibson. Miss' Marcia Gibson has returned to Western University and Miss Lynda Lee Riley is attending Fanshawe College at London this year. 'tin 00Ill :, net been fi alse the people were not ; went at the meeting. •'ientatiiv ly: publicity and iirtvitatioi , George Michie and Ji. Mair; parade,.Ken Wad and Glenn -snorts, Lloyd l4!fl 4R and Doug Machan; ogram, Gord Worn end Bob Fraser, grounds, Morris Township Council; booth end refreshments, John Cronin, Ken Shertreed and John Nesbit; welcOmiiig; Mr, Elston and Councillor Thomas miller; decorating, Maxine. Marks, °Jane ,Ai_rasby and Alice Searle; parking, Clem McLellan and Boyd Taylor; registration, Helen Martin and Jack. Bryans; and finance, Jim Bowman and Jack Cardiff. A list of names for honorary chairmen will be drawn up by the executive and presented at the next. committee meeting, Sept. 23 atBrussels at 8:30 p.m. It was --decided that minutes from the centennial celebrations of 1955 would be kept on hand to assist the ;k4 FARM EQUIP R: Of New end used E4qui!pmeet Inal:udlee a large selection, oft, tractors,, iillo+tos discs. cult) . .ors., land padker; :. seed: drills, Weed* sprayers, 1 fart Uzor spreaders, ,corn planters. mainure. spreaders. bol fat stockers, hay bines swathers, mowers, rakes, bole feeders, elevators. wagons, harvesters, forage bones, biewers, sonitble's, er'irodee• mixers, rotgry mowers: steno pickers. now ;blower . giraln; augers, blades, gravity boxes. snow mobiles, .pt's lawn ger- den equipment. All equipment to be sold owned by Wayne Ward Farm Equipment with no consignments. Selling by, numbers. Lunch booth on grounds, Terms - Cash or Cheque chi}, of sale. Trucking available anywhere. Owner and Our- . tioneer not responsible 'for accidents on property during day of sale. Auctioneer Jim, McCourtney, Waterdown, Ont. Don't Mks it - See you there! Dont Miss It - See You There! WAYNE WARD -FARM EQUIP.. HWY. NO. 6 WIARTON, ONT. PHONE 534-2990 or 534-1638 ti HELPING YOU BUILD...SAVING YOU MONEY.! • Lumber • Plywood ' • Plumbing' a Electrical • Hardware And Mate! PLYW000S Et MORE! curl•, r.. low. SL. too Ar, Sawa 0,, Va.n•- 1..',Ndl 88,016... 01 a0so.04, 0, .,Yirn M.•0'9.P "0'0, Mar' Or 1hrtWMhr• Weed,FeelJRfo1 AC0'b'8d4on !Waw„•0 i w 1 W' ..8048 0011)0*. 0.0 ArM Olh,, Mfr.• Prgar t•. Watt Srde1y Tempered Ow! Sx Storing. Protium In Own Frha,. • ALUMINUM STORM DOORS NPIwn. .ie Ar PRICES PER M TRUCKLER PRICES PER PUCE mos PER Uloo; 9 6M I 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 214412 $22300 h.1 - - - - 14.06' 2.4. ,r'.. '284'9 - 1.89 '2.27 285 , 103 10.93' T.E..e1' '2907 -- 2.98 3.57 417 4.70 29.80' '.'3291 2d ..e'. 3.50 4.38 5.28 6.14 702 43.88' airs.,.,, '3479 4:83 5.78 8.94 LOS 9.25 57.83' ono GARAGE, DOOR OPENER poe,sta14m 000'd UP to,..r Sq. dated trona nitter 188111. "CHAMPLAIN" LAP SIDING WM100, Sava r a. on Canoe. 5196 Se l.a Final Pesu..a lockin U696 N w MOM Eto OO,k.I P.016611081 DRIVEWAY SEALER A0loets yew Whardm and ,.p 'no,' OUR PRICE cm APPLICATOR BRUSH oe.Alaassl 6199 s• rye orta •L SHEATHING .alt BOARD I.._ ThleltriettAsonah lme,1084180 - - 4'x8, 4384 r 17 4)(9' 44". INSULATION BATTS ka 17 Canada et R -12(3V) miss n. cARros �. NE SAVER ■ 81 NDE! 0Aly.a001 , 5oue.8 Stapp,. 100 So 1r Selo. Forming. 810 04 1609 0 6 As o..nade STORALL "MINI BARN" METAL STORAGE SHED 4 PAGES OF VALUES! w-wvn Fa MISS .1.D. Cae"11/ a MOM 8110001/18 PY1/11 WAD 0811T40110 u/8YW altatta6 MOW.1,0011ty000 IMa0W 8 Mi a tool 0O040E a 10[X108 M8a 00108950,0,1 @0 sl WOID 0 88881 MOM 0 W0TIat01A9 !IS 0006• BUILDERS' 4'1117 SPRUCE PLYWOODS 318" STANDARD 6895 12" STANDARD 61'79 5i8" STANDARD TIS $1829 W'x4'x8' FIR PLY Sanded Factory Gr ado ANTI -FREEZE CAULKING ' OPEN WEEKDAYS 6:30 A.M. 6 P.M,; SAT. TO 5 P.M.; FPI. TO 9 P.M IN SOME AREAS 'HER' HOURS COULD VARY SLIGHTLY PLEASE CHECK To OE FAIR TO OUR CUSTOMRTig, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTITIE6} TO Of 809A TO OUR CUSTOMERS WE RESFRVE TME RMONT TO LIMIT 004198)8019 ATWOOD 356-2214 (Fromerly Atweed Lurhhor Co tel 1 180, 0,1 00 Main St IM.ghway 22) 19,1 Soda 1411 .0.01 or the CNR ..no Ghoul 8 m,10, south of L,.towal 810w *amid') the L.uowal Atwood 11ru.as4 MtlVeaen end 0,8008? MI