HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-08-27, Page 8Advance -Tim A.>t 2:7 98O CEASSIFWD DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 35%-2320 For Sale HONEY: Filling customers containers. Phone J. R. Fear, 357.3656. ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; preeson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. Borrb MAGNETIC SIGNS: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.55, For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 23rrb 20 COMMERCIAL polled Dorset ewes and ewe Iambs; also 1.;polled Dorset ram, 2 years old. Phone 528-5045. HONDA 175, in excellent condition, $2'15; Honda 350, in good running condition, new tires and battery $450, will oder trade. Phone 523- 4455. REPLACEMENT windows. Our professional installers will replace your drafty poor -fitting existing windows with custom -fitted top qual- ity units. You'll notice a more banditti look for your home right now and remark- able energy -coat savings lata. this winter. Savings thatwilll,iwy.fort replace - met in Nat a few _short yellers: For -bee -estimate plain Boma Building C' dib Ltd., Ilarliston, 338-2110. ,.20-27 SWIMMING POOLS Inventories must go on sale, 1900; above ground pools, complete with filter, motor, fencing. Regularly , re- duced to clear. at $1497. Phone TOLL FRET; 1-800- 2654343. 2nrb • 1980, 1000 SUZUKI, shaft drive, 10,000 km; certified, best offer. Phone 887-9097. 20-27-3-10 For Sale 1979, 27' PROWLER trailer with many extras, condition as new, priced for quick sale. See at Bumstead Trailer Sales, Hwy. 4 north, Wing - ham, Ont. 27-3 1973 HONDA 750-4, $700. Phone 357-3253 after 8 p.m. 27-3 TWO bedroom house trailer, 12' x63', located in Belgrave. Best offer accepted. Phone 392-8220. 27-3 SCHULDT Apiaries, Wrox- eter. Honey in own contain- ers ,available until Septem- ber .15. Phone 335-6343. 27-3 BERG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Uoyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb. SWIMMING Pool Manufac- turer overstocked. Must close out all 1980 models and sizes. Huge savings on above ground and in ground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until 1981. Call Imperial Pools -toll free 1-800-0 ..,. —L .. WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations: The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St, Wingham, 357-2320.. 23rrb ANTIQUE PARLOR reed organ, as is, $150. Phone 357- 2172. 13-20-27-3 AQUARIUMS, complete set, heaters, filters, air pumps. Phone 357-1072. 20-27 FIREWOOD for sale. Order DELICIOUS sweet corn de- your winter ; fuel now. De- liveries made for larger livered or picked up. Phone quantities. Call Jo -Anne 3571371. Kirkland- 357-3408. 20-27. BLACK and white Zenith TV, 3 years old, ' floor model. Phone 357-1890. 20.27 RABBITS, mature breeding stock with cages; one doe with young. Phone 392-6764 after 4:30 p.m. 20-27 ORDER now fresh lamb. Whole or halves, cut and wrapped to specifications, 12.50 per pound. Walter Ren- wick,°367-2504. 2343-29-27- 3-10-17-24 SWIMMING Poor Cl Manufacturer bas new 1900 pools, regular price of $2790 now at end of season special of 11488. Pools equipped with pump, motor fitter, fencing, patio and walk artamd deck. call Imperial Pools toll free 1.300-268.6070, 20-rrb NEW ZEALAND white rab- bits, quality breeding stock, moderate price. Phone Jim Cham .327-8918.. 13-20-27 HARDWOOD for sale. Pick up- at farm or can deliver. Also on cutiotneown basis. Jim taytor, 367-2768. 1973 OXFORD house trailer 72'z14' wlth$'x22'attached expand% new broadloom Wade, fridge, etove, *MOO and dryer. Phone Of. 20-Sept24 SPEED Queen automatic spin washer and dryer, one year old, seldom used; Norge 23 cu. ft. deep freeze, 7 years old; 2 dune buggies, one year old. Phone 357-2302 after 2 p.m. 20-27 MOBILE home, 12' x 60', priced to sell. Phone 357- 1512. 20-27 COAL: stove, nut, stoker, rice and fireplace coal on hand for pickup or delivery. Phone 343-2703. 20-OctC''9 EASY clothes dryer, in good working order. Phone 357- 3322. 20-27 KRUG maple china cabinet; five piece maple Vilas bed- room suite, $345; corner what -not shelf, $59; used chesterfield suites, from $70; hide -a -beds from $50; chrome kitchen sets from $65; 5 piece maple' dinette set $330; odd tables;'chairs and complete line of house- hold effects at' bargain prices. Give your dollars more cents shop at Mount Forest Bargain and Auction Centre, 690 -Queen St., east, Mount Forest, Ontario, 323- 2138. Open daily 10 to 10- 20-27 ONE 16' flat rack with ladder in good condition. Phone 335-3676. 20-27 For Sa le STRAW for sale. Phone 335-3835. SOFA, in excellent condi- tion; single bed headboard. Phone 357-21 40 ACRES of straw. Phone Marvin McLean 335-6221. CUCUMBERS, slicing and pickling; sweet corn, cauli- flower. Phone 357-3325 Percy Biggs. Cars & Trucks For Sale 1975 FORD 1 ton truck, automatic, power steering, power brakes, new tires, 36,000 actual miles, excellent condition inside and outside, safety checked. Phone Joe King 357-2459. 20-27 1978 CAMARO Z28 pb, ps, pw, 350 new engine, $6500. Phone 357-3409. 20.27 1976 CAMARO LT, ps, pb, air, tilt wheel, AM FM, pw, tint windows, rally wheels, spoiler, fresh paint; certified $3800. Phone 357-2780. 27-3 1978 LTD II Brougham 302, V8, low mileage, good condi- tion. Phone 3574258. 27-3 1975 MUSTANG II, .four cylinder, standard, four speed, 25,000 miles, original owner, clean. Phone 357- 1734. 1977 CAMARO, 305, dark brown, V8, 3 speed stick, tan interior, AM FM cassette, ps, pb, 58,500 miles, very good condition. Phone '357- 1032. 1974 GMC, 1 ton pickup, 8 cylinder, standard shift, heavy duty suspension, ex- cellent condition, 55,000 miles, safety checked, cast $1900. Phone 357-2433. 20 rrb McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS Er TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap cars wanted. Highest prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Livestock For Sale 11 YOUNG Suffolk ewe lambs. Phone 3574879 after 6:30 p.m. FALL cattle sale of Grey - Bruce Simmental Club on Saturday, Oct. 25, at 12:30 p.m., Walton's Sales Arena, Durham, Ont. Mrs. Elsie Jackson, RR 1, Durhath secretary. 25 BEEF cows, all bred. Phone 357-2870. SERVICE age Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc and Cross- bred boars, back fat as low as 10.1 mm age to 200 lbs. as low as 134 days, good selec- tion. Priced to match any one's budget. Bred York X Landraee gilts, York X Hames gilts. Farrow two to five weeks. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton 345-2317. 20-27-3 ISTARTED PULLETS READY TO LAY For cage or floor pens. Available Sept- to Jen. Also assembled laying cages. FISHER POULTRY FARM LTD. Ayton 619-6867711 N0G L T--- Farm Equipment FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER—Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Fnsilrnixers. FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure Pumps. W ESTEEL-ROSCO—Grain Bios-1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON—Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L—Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY-SLINGER—Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH— Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING—ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 21rrb PETS FOR SALE IRISH Setter puppies, males only, registered, show qual- ity, sired by .American and Canadian champion, worm- ed, shots, paper , trained. Phone. Clinton 482-7896. Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential. support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COLLECT. 21rrb Notice To Creditors, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT GOWER ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Robert Gower, late of the Township of Grey in the Coupty of Huron, farmer, deceased, who ,died on the 31st day of January, 1980, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of September, 1980, after which date the as- sets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to claims then received, DATED at Seaforth, this 24th day of July, 1980. Meconnel, Stewart and Devereaux, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor 13-20-27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF LAURA ELLEN NICHOL ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of Laura Ellen Nichol, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased, who died on June 19th, 1980, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 6th day of Septeinber 1980, after which date the Execu- tors will proceed to distri- bute the estate having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 13th day of August, 1980. Crawford, Mill, Davies & Elston, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors 20-27-3 he Ceramic Sisters Main Street, Gerrie Register now for classes In September Phone 22 .rcA.r 'AFq►dr• -- Tenders Wanted .80 a 11 INSTALLATION D tenders clearly marked aeto contents will be received at the offices of the Hurn, County Board of Ed- ueationrr l;Q,3. Albert Street, Clinton,r,Ontario until 12:00 note; MONDAY, "EMB1 for SEEtthe Iflstallation8ER8,o980f ne v boilers•and equipment at J,A.Q,,McCURDY PUBLIC SCHOOL HURON . PARK, ONTARIO Drawings and specifications may be obtained at the of- facesof the board and the undersigned.. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R.A. Egan & Associates Ltd. Consulting Engineers, 45 King Street, London, Ontario NBA 1B8 Notice TEACH our dallanmore cants at North Baran Credit i1111014 .24' Alfred St. Open .H911114: Wil' 10 to 12;TnesdaY toY i0 to 5; Friday 10 to 6, 'Free personal ehegnIng't Deposit *cantata it 101 per cent, Phone ►d►Int d' To Boy 9a01 wanted. cid bene good but body not *portant (1» nils for low mileage),. we pay ow** tor Allan Call le, c- ANYONE int.ercepted intak- ing akmg HighlandDancing;, less sons, starting is September please phone' Carol Wheel,* 887-6789 Brussels. 20-27 Found DOWNTOWN Wingham Tuesday' morning, a gray and orange kitten. Phone 357-2320. Help Wanted FULL-TIME baby sitter, 7:15 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Two school age children. Light household duties. Apply to Box 2153, c -o The . Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ont. 27 rrb RESPONSIBLE baby sitter for one child on weekends and some weekdays for domestic chores'to start im- mediately. Apply to Bos 2151 c -o The Wingham Advance - Times, Wingham, Ona. 27rrb PART -FULL -time position selling a much wanted pro- ' duct. Should well .es- tablished ins 'e. meeting peoplo,fa : agg sive : and . hovel' ti nsporta- tion. Previous experience in sales an asset•blit not requir- ed. Reply to BoX 472, Station C, Kitchener, Ont. 27 rrb' PART-TIME cook, 6 shifts per month plusrelief, cook- ing experience preferred, on- the-job training supplied. Apply to Carol Campbell, 357-3430, Brookhaven Nurs- ing Home, Wingham. FULLER Brush Company requires representatives ' to service Wingham and area. Above average earnings with training. Phone St. Thomas collect 6314383 after 5 p.m. 27-3 SOMEONE to answer taxi phone, must have (357) ex- change. We install phone in own home; 7 a.m. to 12 mid- night, Monday to Saturday inclusive. Phone 357-1234. BE A HAIRSTYLIST' Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener• N2H 5C6 745-5641 IP GUITAR LESSONS Beginners to Advanced '3,75 Classical '4.00 Imo Guitar Rental Register early for fall session. Phone 357-3248 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD Et ROCK °hi° ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, pardes, Phone Brussels eveninge 7'm$159 REGISTERED nurses, ex- perience preferred. For ap- pointment call Mount Forest Nursing Home, 323-2140. 8tfc VOLUNTEERS urgently needed tohelp with pre- schoolers at Silver Circle Nursery. Phone Mrs. Ricker 357-2346. 27-3 BANFF, ALTA.:. Cleaning staff required by Charlton's Cedar Court and Charlton's Everygreen Court. Excellent accommodation available. Pleasant surroundings. Only industrious persons need ap- ply --Contact Linda Charlton, Box 1478;.,-Banlff, .Alberta; - .tf ROUND, square oval ext_en- slnpl tnbies, Wooden Chairs of -VOL. G000.d *al furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex' cello* working, condition. Phone Lucknow 528.2625, 9 to 5 Monday io Saturday. • • lerrb TOP ,prices paid for good used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy par- tial or eomplete-households, Wingham Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24rrb Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of house- hold furniture and effects for George Turnbull, 126 Diag- onal iagonal Rd., Wingham, Ont. will be held at Wingham Auction Centre on September 6. Listing in next week's paper. Auctioneer Jack Alexander 357-1442: AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 6 at 12:30 p.m.—Auction Sale of livestock,. machinery and household items will be held for Bob Orr, Lot 27, Con. 5, Kinloss Township, 7 miles from Teeswater being half mile east of Langside Church or 3 corners east and 3 corners north of _ Lucknow. ,, Terms cash. Farm. sold. Owner or auctioneer not re- sponsiblefor accidents or losses. George Powell, clerk, Brian. Rintoul,, auctioneer. TOL OCO, phone (403) 762- 3659. CAREER in heavy trucking. Now's the time to : train for your Class A license. For interview contact ATA Sys- tems Ontario, St. Catharines (416) 6854595; Toronto (416) 251-2275. FORD dealership in pros- perous, growing farm corn- munity needs aggressive lic- ensed tune -hp mechanic. All company benefits, 'wage ne- gotiable on experience. Send resume to Box 360, Provost, Alta.' (403) 753-2266. NEED A JOB? Part-time or full-time, no investment, use of car essential. Join our successful sales force. Call collect 742-5863. 23-13-20-27 PROPERTY AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 12, TIME 6:30 P.M. 128 Victoria St., Winghanh Six room cottage with sun porch, basement, oil fur- nace, good roof, garage; 92' frontage. Handy location, Open for inspection Sept, 11, 2to5and 6to8p.ni. Terms: 10 per cent cash or certified cheque at sale time, balance 30 days. Contents of home will be sold through Wingham Auction Centre at a later dale. Proprietor Stewart McBurney and, Sarah McBurney AUCTIONEER Jack Alexander Phone 357-1442 27-3 \st. *OPENING *' * SEPTEMBER 2 * * Ode' The sShopette * * Convenience Outlet * * , In Wroxeter 4-********4***aF*aF**** OPENING SEPTEMBER 4 Marlene's Beauty Salon 143 Victoria St., Wingham, Ont. (Back door entrance.) By Appointment only Hours open: Monday, Tuesday and Friday 10 am to 5 pm Wednesday 1:30 to 5 pm Thursday 10 am to 5 pm and 7 to 9 pm Saturday 9 to 12 noon Coll to Inquire about open1ng weak specials 3573828 !Work Wanted, Wf Irla Do.,cisgoin fiwithipa and combining with 6600 John Deere, Phone 5234266 or 3574210. 20°27 WILL baby-sit in my own home Monday to Friday, located 2 miles north of Bel- grave on Highway 4. Phone 357-2837. 20-27 'J WILL do any type of farm work. Phone 357-1046. 20-27 KIP .i' A are now at their, hest for scanning and freezing, special low prir4aw40 be ovaiklblo this TI'Miuns- day, Friday pntt Sat urday at the Bins.Bondi Wershouse 213 Edward 3t., Wingham bushels are onAiy ,, -110,6. Phone 357-1261 Business and Professiona Directory Karl C. Lentz Chartered Accountant Box 305 Blyth, Ontario NOM 1110 Tel. 523-9589 WINGHAM MEMORIALS Guaranteed Grnites Cemetery Lettering Reasonable Prices Buy Direcrand Save Sus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Hamulh Phm.L.,.R,O. Carol E HomuIh. C:D. Mrs. H. Viola Homo*; O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario 338-2712 AUCTION MORTGAGE SALE An auction mortgage sale of property located at R. R. 3, Wingham, under; and by virtue of the mort- gage held by the Toronto -Dominion Bank and reg- istered in the registry division of Bruce #3 as in- strument number 155038, there will be offered for sale, by public auction, on Saturday, Aug. 30, 1980 at 10:00 a mn. Zr•{^ 9 Vie land and rpreniises know. as R: R. 3 't Wingham, more particularly described as Lot 1, corner of Queen and Victoria Streets, being part of, sub -division; Lot 10; "Plan 153, in the first concess- ion of;.the'Township of Kinloss in the village of Whitechurch, in the County of Bruce. The property will be offered for sale by public auction ..bb ..the vendor, the Toronto -Dominion Bank, by its agent•Freeland Bailiff Corporation. The property will be offered for sale subject to a ,rq- serve bid fixed by the vendor. Terms 1O% on day of sale, balance to be paid on closing day. Further particulars may be obtained from Free- land, Bailiff Corp., 95 College St., Kitchener, Ont. Toronto -Dominion Bonk, by its agents, Freeland Bailiff Corporation 95 College St., Kitchener, Ont. N2H 5A2 519-744-4166 EVENING AUCTION SALE Of Antiques and Household Effects will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guest In the Arena In Teeswater on Monday, September 1 Starting at 6:30 p.m. Day bed, reclining rocker (nearly new), wooden rocking chair, wooden arm chair, vinyl covered easy chair, foot stool, coffee table, odd; tables, smoke stand, piano stool, Aladdin Tamp, wooden floor lamp, electric lamps, kitchen suite - table, 6 chairs, china cabinet (nearly new), magazine rack, antique paper rack, sideboard, odd chairs, 24" electric stove, 2 refrigerators, toaster oven, small appliances, Simplicity spin washer, Simplicity ,. dryer, floor polisher, vacuum cleaner, beds and mattresses, antique bureau, 3 antique dressers, wash stand, bedside table, antique jewel' ease, towels, bedding and linens, antique knitted' bed- spread, large quantity of quilts - mostly new and unused, blanket box, old trunk, picture and frames, mantel clock, clocks, old books and music, 8 place setting of dishes, nearly complete, odd dishes, ornaments, glasiware, silverware, cook - Ing utensils, kitchenware, electric heater, lawn chairs, table sow, vice, and many more items. Also: additions from the Steve Stothers estate from Lucknow. TERMS: Cosh Night of Sale Owners and Auctioneers not responsible for losses, accidents or Injuries connected In any way with the sale, Auctioneers: WALLACE BALLAOH, Teeswater, 393.6190 GRANT McDONALD, Ripley, 3954363 !r