HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-07-09, Page 11f_a
Ih "'
o committee.
cipal counci
tpigostfs4 ppis
council often Y.
thea>� situation '
ship coo
pact overties
�ith.the owner„,dad-i
iull,rreport; litthe
,that's what`„the
• wants; "Or` a.,12.,.lb
like the F, :severance'
mittee, where* theyju13
anal, do the era lt.oppaasite
the township , „. , re
Mr. : $hams:
poples that doesn't f -
and --11e would ap”
i#ipltt:frelli tl a tow
ave rite
, : not
impel to cies
land lu orae tc
fields a nd make
worktable, Meet applies o .:.
hrolWParcells o `one•
or two acres; but a fe�t
volae ' larger *lots: and h
understand8 One is.coming in
which involves and .area of
over 200 acne, be reported.
In its report t4, county
e The'owrier''cif
the land, not
sllrpisuiply, seesthingsina
dift'erent.^.light,•-h lUrder....
wood said he, thotiuht .he!wes
Makin Ai fairly res tic
wind loot. Week°:the coin- ., request, ilotiag•: he of f err d to
-mitt* commented' on six replant an area 50 per cent
applications fore minor ex, larger thy. the .one he in- •
ceptions to the•=thee cutting . tended to clear.
bylaw; recen t/14g Ig
proval of five out of the six. i,
Council concurred with the
recommendations. t:
The only application
re 680d was that df George
Underwood of Turnberry
Township, who applied .to•
clear .111/2. acres of bush con: ;
slating of soft WOO cherry
• p0 al3d` ash tra fihe
committee reported there
are more -than '200 trees .Per`' .
acre larger than five inches
in diameter. '
The committee noted' Mr.
Underwood.. has offered .to
reforest 9.3 acres, and in -
cheated the.,application could
be reconsidered once ..the
reforestations has; been
completed: However one
committee member , later
said this was just a way of
softening the refusal, and:he
I'incone +rned because
• we're the only •;,ones, ,who
.offered . to replant, and the•
only ones turned down, ' he
;said a
The ,land he is offering to
replant Would definitely
assist the local• conservation;
ut,hority; he -added, since it
hilly land next- to the river
;-whichThe would take out:of-.
pasture, •
,He explained the plot he
wants to clear has been cut
off from the rest of the bush,
,about 35 acres, by,, a
municipal draie; .He and, a .
neighboring farmer cold-
promisedon where to put th
dram m order to save as. '-
much of the•bush as possible,
lie said. •
He added that he feels he
has always acted respon-
siblly : with re and to
July eeti,�ng.'"
FO WICH-.The erste
�eitlzees" held'°th it 'July
aieethtg lin the cOinmgnitif
hall on Wednetlday of last
week with a ,picnic supper .
preceding the sidentoyyet
presided and welcomed
everyone The new'Version-of
'0 Canada' was suet$ With
Miss Miimie McElwaiin at .
the piano 'Happy B. rt lf47'
was sung to two n[emlters;
Thank you 'net* • were
received Iron' the Madgett
family and Mss McElwain,
who had been ..ay! hospital:
The new gable room in the:
hall basemen, t is, almost
completed It;.was decided to
raise the insurance $3,000 on -
the senior citizens' contents
in the hall.
The .program was cps-
vened by Mrs_ Eva Harris.
Travel' oServicer 'spokes sae
tours offered, and 'brought
brochures. Euchre, Lost
Heir and crokinole were then
After a holidayin August
meetings will resume Septa
GORE. -� A court .of and no
revision for .the McMichael askedM
•depga " !,
,ham of
. Mr, sit
Dickson wl
�n ,<softba�lE C'`t''fon3f' (...
Midget Girls tilefeate
Walton3311Aand Blyth 30-16.'
The Bantam Girls,were
defeated 034 by Wroxeter and
Atwood dumped the Bantam
'Boys . ,30-2.. The; i. Squirts
defeated Bluevale:18-15.
dismissed an apnea?
sae of Blit%,"Wroxai
Ate iowick c,T
council's July inei
Deputy' Reeve; ack SL
and Coun W;tllinhl'
were appolbt i lldii g
T ibe�ttn.
" of RR,2, WMg am,
•thecotu'tofrev isi
Mr bane din rip
erson ,at the coli
''-lavision, but: Thad w►ri'
letter dated,` June '
• revif
the asses$meni
by being tot
number of acres
: tom' :=in ucb ?arca the
assessed is gratioilaa Mr:
Lane also expressed concern
that a spring on. his`' land
would .dry up because of the
land being drained., The
letter added that cattle are
watered by this spring.
"This should have been •
brought Up at the reading of
the report (held last mon-
th)," said Conn. Newton,
frEngineer Andy McBride
om Maitland Engineering
Services Limited of. Wing -
ham said the proposed drain
comes within a half mile of
the spring and the drain is
uphill from the spring.
"1 was surprised by
the great response to
our blanket Classified
NI simemollailtroiLf""etv,
Elaine Oakley
Mount Forest, Ontario
Mrs. Oakley thought she had a problem when
she was appointed to co-chair..the craft show •--
diiring the Centennial celebrations this year
in Mount Forest, Ontario. After she placed
a classified ad in the more than 100 com-
munity newspapers through Blanket classi-
fieds, her problem was solved.
The ad, placed only once, brought responses
from crafters all over the province and the
show had to:be expanded!
FUN ai.TH POOL :Young swimmers • showed off a
variety of cling styles as they cooled, off at the
swi.ri'ltiting pool during some ofthe-hot days iastweek.
You can get this kind of f action too!
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We also offer
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12.50 per extra word.
All prices based on 25 words
For details or to place year blanket coverage classified
advertisem.nt, contact:
The. Wingham Advance -Times
Windham, Ont. NOG 2W0 Phone 337,2320
James Hunt, a 4-H ex-
change youth from Innisfail,
Alberta, has been visiting
this past week with Allan
Scott, RR 1, Belgrave. Allan
will visit the Hunt home July
12-21 to complete the ex
Congratulations to Mrs.
Cora McGill who is
celebrating her. 94th birthday
on Friday, July 11.
• Belgrave friends are sorry
that Lawrence Taylor is a
patient in University
• Hospital, London.
.er st
"I find it difficult to
believe water would flow
uphill," said Mr. McBride.
Mr. McBride told the court
of revision that he assessed
10 acres of Mr. Lane's land, a
reduction fromathenormal13
acres that has been assessed
in this drain previously.
"I cut it back to 10 acres
e tender oafx
=q rainagevof Listowel'•
teeder priccceof $18,2114
'the lowest of twohenda
R. It Woods bfa�WWatfoi
submitter* a = tenderF
zed eligidar"ta" ee`r
ated the total cost to be
$57,085, with material 'costs
to be $19,505
"Woods estimated, the cost
at 13 cents inch, Stender •
estimated at eight cents per
inch •and ;1 estiimated at 13,
cents per inch," said Mr.
The Listowel firm gave'a
starting time of July 1980 ant
a:. finishing date of Sep-:
tember 1980 -
"Advise Mr. Stender to
start 'onthe second of
August," said Mr. Newton.
Council adopted the
engineer's report which had
been provisionally adopted
at council's June meeting.
Council now hasto wait 30
days before construction can
starts '
Mr. McBrilie suggested
that when Mr. Lane is
notified of the dismissal of
the appealhe be informed
that the engineer's estimate
pleted costs
In other business,coun ail
Appointed a co lnrnittee :'.
Reeve Harold,R ia'buison :and
Coon: Stuart Douglas'tolook
into the maintenance orthe°
Approved accounts
a road account of $31,184.28.',:
The accounts . 'are up ,ben- •
siderably this month aaie
• township • „has Ma
payments to :the °Huron .:
anCpund`Ruety on CoBoard of -Ed,ucation
Misses Gwen Dickson and
Vicki Jeffray are out West
fora month's stay.
Mrs. Brenda Garniss is :in
Calgary painting signs for
the Stampede.