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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-07-09, Page 6. . .., • • . • • 41r 11, 4 AO' Wei.. Harold • !kman •:*10140, Mrs.Jame• baby • iettifer Geoeral .110,01140.7an. mr. Hyndrnn_44.44JW, at tit* h�rne: on POxioy. Mr- and .Mrs.''.1Rollert'•§inciair and R• oble : 9 lioille also home. ey Shawn Smith of t the weekend 11109,30teri 1.. 14174-. George Keil lrehnitedr., Saturday attending the • Saskatehewan ,ceneetning atPiapot,„ Sean. ftfe*.. '''.4aied3r'. „attended the convention at" • ' Ohio, last • Mr.; and. Mte: 'James NeleeeY end, ChristePher et k011ited,-BundaY et the henia, of . Mr. and Mrs. John. McCutdmon,- Mi. aid Mrs. Russell Whitby of. Lucknow spent Saturday, evening- with Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith. George 'Brown and Alai Klink et hellhenh Pettalked mi 41.6(ratteridingthe thipPleobile, ear show at *demi Indlanai WA they ,alse vatted Rockford, Min** t- mutt of 'andMiand Mrs. Teeswater • 4,.•*thviedding an- " for Mr. and Mrs. -Mitten Scatt of Gerrie beid-MliesW" Ater Sunday. • Hedley home; ere=tehtiler:tlie: 'grandson, • - -of Mrs. the late Almon Nancy lieCtlitertlk et Mr. 011.0 400 ding g1ieadVii****1 Charlet aeetimpanidif Smith to GrryEAitin of° 4.1g Stiellit* ays With lis mother, -ttliothI-' Jaines Attain, .. "Derek oligheira irleited'Stuidai item same home; .• Birks Robertson of Veeawater is spending a few dais attheluiraes" of Mr. and MrIL, GorvionEdgar and Mrs. 01adEdgar- te. lisok,Frozen K or FORTY MEN AND WOMEN graduated from Conestoga College's Heath Care Aid program on June 20. A special presentation ceremony was held Huronview for the area graduates who included, front row left to right, Helen Daniels, Barbara Hoy, Barbara Butler, Alice Brochu, Mary Chapple, Elizabeth Hlusser, June Knox, Violet Helben, Donna Broadfoot and Doreen Wilson; second row, Ruth Neilans, Lenore Elliott, Laverne Colclough, Jane Postma, Barb Darrell, Hy • By Terri Palle During the • past month Wingham and area shop- pers, looking over fresh vegetables in local food stores, Alight have noticed packages of tomatoes labelled hydroponic'.. Many may be unaware that these tomatoes, grown without soil, are being harvested locally in a hydroponic greenhouse owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bob Black, Rit 5, ,BrUSSeb. • .),The young couple ex- plainedthat safer more than two tons of ripe tomatoes have been picked from plants inside the 72 by 09 -foot • , ' Viaiting this past week with Mrs. Hazel Ritchie and -fatally andMrs. Olive Lewis •weregfts.111brA' tbeth,Fry and .4,-afAted Deer, aI�iSItedJenitY4PlieininS" mootherS. of the Lewis and Fry families- aix1 -attended the. Diclison-Lewis wedding. Harald , .McGee has Medved -Class A Mechanic's licence receiving Wawa 01 89,. inlarlwrinAld per cent from theInclushial Traiaing Branch, London. He graduated from the Apprentice* College course atranshawe Collegeon May ' 2 end tial assumed the position of service manager at MeGeeAnto Electric. s Church (ANGLICAN) John Street ot Centre Street • The Rector:The Rev. John T.M. Swan. L. Th. THE ANGLICAN PARISH OFWINGHAM • AND BELGRAVE ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, WINGHAM •• SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1980 * Th.Sixth Sunday After Trinity * 8:00 a.m.-LHoly Eucharist 10:00 a.m.--Mattins and Holy Baptism HANSEL Et GRETEL Final Clearance - All Stock - „ PRICE OR LESS Blyth 523-9613 Deily 10-5 Closed Wed. P.J4 • infant • Etc. T-shirts • Socks • T-Shirts ic greenhouse • building. The operation, which represents a $20,000 investment, was built to serve mainly local food out- lets. , Mr. Black said that small- town stores cannot afford to buy stock, such as fresh vegetables, in bulk. Also, when tomatoes are out of season they must be' im- ported, which means they are harvested green and artificially ripened through the use of ethylene gas. •He maintained that his `greenhnuse is giving" stores and restaurants, in areas, such as Wingham, Brussels, Gowanstown and Walton, the opportunity to sell a lower priced yet much tastier product, because it is home- grown and picked ripe. . • Since he began supplying tomatoes one month ago he has received compliments from consumers and distal - butters, and has welcomed many visitors to his farm who are eager to tour the greenhonse. Mr. Black, eitOlained that theAe/na '• in*** aiiited." r 'hay:pas, are. transplantedto the greenhaise eneezthey reach six to eight inches in height. After being subjected to -a controlled balance of fer- tiliser, water and oxygen, many plants grow to bet- ween six and eight feet tall. The plants actually' grow in a 250 -gallon reservoir, • equipped with a half horie- power pump that forces the Water to the ends of each row. From+ there separate lines carry the water past the plants. "Fertilizer IS fed 24 hodis a day to the plants, and they use it only as tha need it," said Mr. BlackP" "The plants know what theyneed as long as the mix- ture is balanced." •, • ONLY ONE IN. HURON Mr. Black explained that he and his wife operate the only hydroponic greenhouse in Huron County. In fact, there are only 12 in Ontario. "Canada is one of the few countried that are not taking advantage of this technique," he said, adding that almost one half of European countries use some form, or hydroponics. He said one reason whY,.\ there are so few in Ontario is because some people feel. it tiernian, Ann Gevr teckie and Bonn( leneErb, Audrey Rivett, -40 Nanct."-Murney, Betty Low an„ Huliewp ;Othea Williamson, :K AudreyStanley and Elaine • • •rOwit orkillafl• s News1 • ; „..40,44,LeL:fut •-4 flAisies alow . -dgpoelt is unnaturalgrow a, crop witheutmilL 'Scoffing at this attitocKW mentioned the F„laby103110, Romans and Aztecs as-...aapient (peoples) odio maatefe0. the technique centuries ago. "It certainly isn't knew "Boll- ” for the. won'tfl, thecinW fer WIZer;"' MOS to stay joase • Les. . three ".*--- MUVlJesSuppOrt ""We • are 4014110them - i - 04 r eserYthinll, own; it provides outside only' we're-. • he plant to get controlling it -better'," ',I* the said. . Mr. Mac* po• inted out tha! hydroponic • Plants? are supported by plastic bags and stakes. Since the fer- tilizer is diedvia first‘ the plants can absork41‘ebsibr.' As far as air is concerned, "oxygen is pumped into telet the rods; breath."! Despite` his arguments, Mr. Black is still having trouble getting a bank loan for his business._"Somehank managers have been polite at least; others won't even collie out to look at It," he complained. Lack et funds 'was, the main raison whys the green- house, which was eintipleted • last September, had to be closed down in 'November because of heating costs. Black also adMitted that `a few problems' in' the nisinesshad to beiroiedeut •k, • HYDROPONIC.GREENHOUSE—Rob Black standebesidell is hydropon ic *nut° plants with his child Elizabeth. Mr. Black MS beengrowing his tomatoes in the greenhouse since September. His project, Which 'represents an Investment of over $20,000, has to date produced pl ts over six feet tali. , STARTER PLANTS—Inside these small pots are young tomato plants that Will be planted In the hydro- ponic greenhouse, owned by Mr...and Mrs. Bob Bleck, •r• • *4,•:-;-1.1`";9'°: once they reeiiii these tiny pi Oil duce tome • Today he is having no trouble finding distributors for his product. In tact, he • said many - •,Oeopie-z are • coining oat° the -farm, to • buy directly from him. Althonghtheframg couple enjoys haying . visitoris„ "Stores tere,hettetequipped for selling; all vie* thing to 40 s eut out the middle- • Mr. Black explained that. he became interested in hydroponics after reading an advertisement regirding the and -discus.** it, representatives of a • Oompany that build, the greenhouses. Before he decided to have one bulge, Mr. Black visited one at • Niagara -on -the -Lake. He said he is impressed by the quality of the product, • • adding that thetoMatoes, winch have ,weighed up to three pounds, are grovniN °naturally and .taste garden fresh:. - • ,P ,• • • Inches H1 height, Many of Or six feet tall and pre- ' lOcal grocery stores. • A Custom • aluminum windovk 'anti •doors made' • to your specifications. • '!op Quality • Excellent Price • Proper Installation rEEC Mealier complete E • w• • HeirLyciatASSowygits SIER!ol:Cs ° • Mirrors • • Plexigiass • also glass • installation arid • repairs 11111111111r1 • P.O. Box 194 • Wirigiram . Oweiirship of The Feahlensiteppe ii , to be ittrisferred after August 2! lea* . . AN M E 11CH A 14.011Sg HA$BEEN MARKED AS MUCH AS Some Savings Are 50• • OFF OUR ORIGINAL SELLING PRICE •