HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-06-18, Page 14SHOT PUT -Friends looked on as Kim Flee threw the
shot put 4.85 metres during the track and field day at
Wingham Public School. Kim, a Grade 8 student,
competed In the Intermediate division.
Try the Light
1<t Lively Sounds
Now in this area -
Starting this week -
Friday, June 20
Saturday, June 21
"The New
County Line"
July 4 - Whiskey Jack
August 15 - Dixie Flyers
Plus many more of your favourite bluegrass !ands. If
Ithere's a band you want to hear, tell us and we will fry
to get them.
Ingham Advance Times, June 18. 1980
School board vote down
move to quarterly vies
By Cath Wooden
Once again the Huron
County Board of Education
has turned down the idea of a
quarterly collection of
education taxes from
municipalities, although the
vote is getting closer.
Every year since the board
was formed in 1969 a motion
is made to collect taxesirom
municipalities four times a
year instead of twice. This
year the vote was seven in
favor and seven against; in
cases of a tie, the motion is
The motion, which was
made at the May 1 special
budget meeting, was
referred to the June 2
meeting for debate.
Figures were presented
'showing how much better off
the board would be if the levy
were collected four times a
year. They indicated the
board would save $48,465 a
year in loan interest.
However it was noted that
going to the quarterly billing
would require municipalities
to borrow in order to pay the
The queatipn for the board
to decide,- said Chairman
Don McDonald, "is whether
we'll be the nice guys and
carry the load for the
municipalities, or let them
worry about where they're
going to get the money . "
Some trustees felt that
many nnunicipalities could
not afford topay education
taxes four times a year since
they do not collect from their
ratepaYers that often. "We
would be penalizing muni-
cipalities which do not have
as great a borrowing power
as we do," commented Herb
"That's their worry, not
ours," argued Education
Director D. J. Cochrane.
"How they get the money is
up to them."
Mr. Henderson said that
even if the board passed the
motion, according to the
Education Act it could not be
implemented if two-thirds of
the municipalities were
LEMON TREE VERY PRETTY -When Mrs. Squire Oakley's family brought her
back a tiny inch and a half tree from Florida about four years ago, little did the
Fordwich resident think it would grow to about three feet and produce lemons as
large as those sold In the grocery. For one thing, the tree was supposed to be a
miniature orange tree and Mrs. Oakley says her family is still kidding her about
the "oranges". The lemons though are no [oke. They're for real. This winter a
blossom produced the ripe lemon seen sitting on top of a glass at the bottom of the
plant and now the little tree has another full sized green lemon and two smaller
lemons on the top. Mrs. Oakley reports there Is no scent to the lemon blossoms,
but that the scent of the ripening fruit is "beautiful". The lemon tree has never
been out of doors. It gets full light in a south window and is treated like any other
houseplant by Mrs. Oakley. (Staff Photo)
Int. and Sr. winners at
HowickCentral Field Day
100 Metre: Jeff Cunning -
'ham, 15.0' sec.; Jeff Thorn-
ton; Terry °Simmons.
200 Metre: Jeff Cunning-
ham, 31.2 sec.;. Jeff Thorn-
, ton; David Harding.
400 Metre: Jeff Cunning-
ham, 1:07.5 sec.; David
Harding; Terry Simmons.
800 Metre: Jeff Cunning-
ham; 2:37.9 sec.; David
}larding; Terry Simmons.
Standing Long Jump:
Lloyd Lockie, 2:22 m.; Dean
Bott; Jeff Cunningham and
Wayne Mann.
Long Jump: Jeff Cunning-
ham, 3.46 "m.; Chris Koch;
Jeff Thornton.
High Jump: Lloyd Lockie,
1.24 m.; Kevin Ruttan;
Gordon Cummings.
Triple Jump: Jeff Cun-
ningham, 7.77 m.; Andrew
Martin; Terry Simmons.
Shot Put: David Harding,
8.15 m.; Jeff Cunningham;
Kevin Ruttan.
Cross Country: Kevin Rut -
tan, 8.47 sec.; Jeff Cunning-
ham; Lloyd Lockie.
400 Metre Relay: David
Harding, Jeff Thornton,
Dean Bott and Murry Zim-
merman, 60.5 sec.
100 Metre: Jacquie Dett-
man, 15.3 sec.; Christina
Mast; Angie Petten.
200 Metre: Jacquie Dett-
man, 32:6 sec.; Angie Pet -
ten; Brenda Martin.
400 Metre: Denise Turner,
1:13.7 sec.; Angie Petten;
Brenda Martin.
800 Metre: Denise Turner,
2:53 sec.; Jenny Korporal;
Sherrie McArther.
Standing Long Jump:
Christina Mast, 1.98; Alison
Edgar; Jacquie Dettman.
Long. Jump: Jacquie,,
Dettman, 3.57; Christina
Mast; Wendy Sanburn.
High Jump: Wendy San -
burn, 1.27; Jacquie Dett-
man; Brenda Martin.
Shot Put: Angie Petten,
6.15 m.; Shauna Dane; Jen-
ny Korporal.
Cross Country: Brenda
Martin, 6:05; Jenny Kor-
poral; Rhonda McMichael.
400 Metre Relay: Jacquie
Dettman, Brenda Martin,
Laurie Schneider and Chris-
tina Mast, 59,8.
100 Metre: Kevin Maw,
Don Haasnoot, 13.5 sec.;
Doug Toner; Alan Clark.
200 Metre: Don Haasnoot,
29.7 sec.; Kevin Maw; Doug
400 Metre: Don Haasnoot,
1:07 sec.; Sanford Zimmer-
man; Kevin Maw.
800 Metre: Don Haasnoot,
2:40.1 sec.; Sanford Zim-
merman; Dean Sanburn.
Corrie, Ontario
June 18 6 to 9 p.m., Children's, Adult's & Family Rates
Register at Kurtzville Jt?ne 19 6 to 8 p.m.
Get in touch with your legion broach.
For further information, call
Bev Currah, Gorrie 335®6310
• ✓
TOO HEAVY -Tina De Boer, Grade 7, found the shot
put a bit too heavy last Wednesday as she participated
in the event during the track and field day at Wingham
Public School.
Recreation Report
Rec. Director
Congratulations to the
Wingham BPs for running a
very successful Inter-
mediate Fastball Tour-
The tournament was ex-
citing and led up to the
championship final between
Wingham and the Waterloo
Juniors. Wingham took the
first game of . the double
knock -out, 3-2, but Waterloo
captured the final game, 5-0,
to win the championship.
Again congratulations to the
BP executive for hosting
such a fine 'tournament and
further congratulations to all
participating teams.
The Wingham Kinsmen
Club will be hosting a donkey
baseball game on Sunday,
June 22, at 7:30 p.m, at the
''''jUiptiii6StreetParlt. Make
plans to attend this most
interesting and enjoyable
baseball event.
Registrations for summer
playground, Junior teen and
aquatics programs are still
being .accepted. Call the
recreation department at
357-1208 for more infor-
Swimming pool passes are
available at the recreation
office at the following rates:
children, $15; teens, $18;
adults, $20; family, $40; and
senior citizens, $10.
Public swimming will be
open this weekend on Satur-
day, June 21, from 1 p.m. to 5
p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. There will also be
public swimming on Sunday,
June 22, at the same times.
For those teens that think
"there is nothing to do in this
town", there is!
Don't miss out on an ex-
citing summer. Although
there will be programs
planned for you almost
everyday, you •can stili at-
tend those which suit your
time schedules besot.
Standing Long Jump: Don
Haasnoot, 2.52 m.; Kevin
Maw; Tom Voros.
Long Jump: Tom Voros,
4.17 m.; Don Haasnoot; Alan
High Jump: Kevin Maw,
1.54 m.; Alan Clark; Don
Shot Put: Tom Leek, 9.55
m.; Alan Clark; Jim Latron-
ica, Dean Sanburn and Don
Cross Country: Don
Haasnoot, 8:39; Sanford
Zimmerman; Tom Inglis.
400 Metro Remy: Dean
Sanburn, Kevin Maw, Joey
Mast, Dennis Lowry, 57.4
Staff Team: Mr. Robert-
son, Mr. Mahar, Mr. Bay-
nard and Mr. Reid, 60.8 sec.
Triple Jump: David Irwin,
9.09 m.; Joey Mast; Don
100 Metre: Barb Temple-
man, 15.7 sec.; Angie
Biiehler; Mary Ellen Gibson.
200 Metre: Angie Buehler,
32,2 sec.; Darlene McGrath;
Barb Templeman.
400 Metre :•Angie Buehler,
1:15.2 sec.'; Barb Temple-
man; Darlene McGrath.
800 Metre: Angie Temple-
man, 3:03.9 sec.; Angie
Buehler; Darlene McGrath.
Standing Long Jump:
Mary Ellen Gibson, 2:09 m.;
Wendy Groom ; Angie
Long Jump: Wendy
Groom, 3.53 m.;"Mary Ellen
Gibson; Angie Buehler.
High Jump: Wendy
Groom, 1.24 m.; Angie
Buehler; Mary Ellen Gibson,
Shot Put: Mary Ellen Gib-
son, 7.55 m.; Wendy Groom ;
Barb Templeman.
Cross Country: Darlene
McGrath, 6:10; Wendy
Groom, Angie Buehler;
Darlene Kalish.
400 Metre Relay: Angie
Buehler, Mary Ellen Gibson,
Heather Renwick, Wendy
Groom, 62.4 sec,
MARCHING IN -Two little majorettes led the march
to the stage as Mrs. Schedler's Grade 1-2 presented 'A
Visit to the Circus° at the Wingham. Public School as-
sembly last week. The Majorettes are Samantha
George and Christa Crawford.
The third meeting of the
Bluevale II Campfire Cuties
was held at the home of Mrs.
Breckenridge June 11. Each
member answered the roll
call; we then took turns
reading from the members'
pamphlets and discussed
what should be in our sur-
vival kits.
Plans for an overnight
campout to be held this Fri-
day and Saturday were
discussed and the menus
The leaders then told us
that Mrs. Heather
Brodhagen of St. Johns
Ambulance will be at the
Bluevale United Church this
Wednesday to give us a first
aid demonstration,
All three Bluevale clubs
will be taking part in this
The 4-11 meeting of the
Belgrave Club II was held at
the home of Mrs. Ross Hig-
Events at
By Janis Acheson
The May birthday party
was put on 'by the Bluevale
Women's Institute and they
brought the Turnberry
Senior Ukelele Band with
them for entertainment. The
children played and sang
beautifully under the
direction of Hugh Sinnamon.
Following the per-
formance the Bluevale
ladies presented birthday
gifts to Sam Vanstone, Ar-
mand McBurney, Agnes
Sparks and Janet Murray
and then served refresh-
ments to everyone. Before
the children left they shook
hands and chatted with each
resident. The Institute ladies
stayed on to visit their old
friends and acquaintances.
gins, June 7 at 11 a.m.
The members are Denise
Nethery, Donna Higgins,
Angela Nethery, Joanne
Wood, and Jennifer Lanzen-
The meeting opened with
the 4-H pledge, which was
followed by the minutes and
activities of preparing our
books and making lunch. We
made pizza and meat loaf
and it was enjoyed by all.
The meeting closed with
the 4-H motto and our club
name is Crazy Campers. T'ne
leaders are Mrs. Ross Hig-
gins and Mrs. Alex Nethery.
HAVE SOME MUNCHIES-These toddlers obviously
have learned early that the best things in life are
shared, as they enjoyed a bag of potato chips oblivious
to the excitement going on all around them at the BP
Fastbal'I tournament on the weekend.
. • w • ...+ n.
You are not obligated to
commit your whole summer
to fun, super socializing
activities planned by your
recreation department, but
we think you'll enjoy what
you do try, Call 357-1208 and
ask us for more information.
Who knows, you may learn
how to horseback ride, or
rollerskate, or build a camp-
fire for a beach barbeque?!
This week there will be 10
baseball games at the
Josephine Street Park. The
Juvenile girls will tackle
Durham on Thursday, 6:30
p.m. and Intercounty Men's
Slow Pitch will meet New
Hamburg at 9 p.m. i
There will be t -ball on
Saturday at 9:30 a.m. On
Sunda! at 7:30 p.m. the
ithgkinen' .wilt IOe ''htilflitlg..la1.,
donkey baseball game and
on Monday at 7 p.m. the Bel -
grave Kinsmen will go up
against the businessmen.
Turnberry Tavern will meet
the BP slowpitch on Monday
at 9 p.m.
The Bantam girls will go
up against Howick on Tues-
day at 6:30 p.m. and the
men's fast ball will meet
Port Elgin at 9 p.m. Turn -
berry Tavern will take on the
police on Wednesday at 7
p.m. and Western Foundry
will meet the Slushpuppies at
9 p.m.
At the Riverside Ball Park
the Pee Wee boys will play
Dashwood on Friday at 6:30
p.m. and the Tyke house
league will be at the park on
Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The
Midget boys will meet
Seaforth on Sunday at 2 p.m.
and the Bantam boys will
play Exeter on Monday at
6:30 p.m.
The hospital staff will
tackle the doctors on Tues-
day at 6:30 p.m. and on
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.. the
Midget girls will meet
Wingham School
of Ju-Jitsu
invites you to join our
program now!
Lessons taught by former North American
champion Jim Longdo.aifl his brother Joe.
• Good physical fitness
* Personal Flexibility
• Self Confidence
*Weight Control
• Self Awareness
• Self Defense
Come and view the class in action -
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday nights
7.30 at the Wingham Legion
Phone 357-2392 for information.
• ••
••• The 3 -Act Comedy •�••,� n
'� • • by John Randall •• �'S
Look Who's 'Laughing
will be staged
Thursday, June 19
Friday, June 20
Saturday, June 21
8:30 p.m.
Wingham Town Hall Auditorium
Wingham Towne Players Production
Cmiz _104
e s
4� •
Advance Tickets Available at:
Triangle Discount
Kaster's Food Market
• • NO -o ��