HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-06-18, Page 13an4 Mrs. Bruce
and family of Drew
Id Mrs. Bill Weber
visited Sunday
ind Mrs. Bruce
of Listowe
with Mr
►i>lited SAY' .
and Afra, .Bill.
and Mrs, David
Schn%ider, Mark and Sar -
bar of Kitchener spent the
kend at their home here.
Mrs. Harvey Le$lie,
Atwood, and Miss Mary
Halliday, Toronto, visited
Saturday with Mrs. Norman
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Rick McCann who were
married Saturday in the
Gorrie United Church. A
reception followed in the
Bellmore Community Centre.
A number from here at-
tended the 110th anniversary
of St. Stephen's Anglican.
Church, Gorrie, on Sunday.
Misses Mary and Ruth
Attwell of Kanata visited
over the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Don King. •
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sim-
yee Haverfield of w
Qck, Mrs. Cissie
Stephen Yates of
spent last week
gip•: of Mr. and
PETER RABBIT -Grade 3 students at Wingham
Public presented a lively production of °Peter Rabbit'
their contribution to the school assembly last
Thursday. Phillip Switzer was the farmer, Peter
Strong was Peter Rabbit and. Cindy Cleave was the
Wingham Summer Recreation program
Roller Skating
ADULTS - Thu'rsdays, 8:00 - 10:30 p.m:"
TEENS - Saturdays, 8:00 - 10:30 p.m.
PUBLIC SCHOOLERS - Wednesdays, 8:00 - 10:30 p.m.
STARTS: July 2, 1980
ADMISSION: $ .75 per person
Over 300 L.P. Records, over 100 CKNX T -Shirts, Lyceum
Theatre Passes, Tapes, Pizza Passes, and MUCH, MULh
Playground Fun
This year; there will be two (2) sessions for playground
activities, Monday, 'July 7 - Friday, July 25 and Monday,
August 11 - Friday, August 29. All participants may enroll
in one or both sessions.
DATES: Session #1 - Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 25
Session #2 - Monday, August 11 - Friday, Aug. 29
TIMES: Monday - Friday, 9:15 11:45 a.m:, 1:15 - 3:30 p.m.
AGES: 4 - 11 years
FEE: $15.00 per session
PLACE: Riverside Park Playgrounds (near swimming pool)
Day Camp
This will be an exciting experience this year for
children, ages 8 - 14 years. There will be an increased
emphasis on skills in Overnight Camping, Archery,
Hiking, Fishing, Swimming, Singing, and Nature Crofts.
Canoeing Lessons - by the Ontario Canoeing Associa-
tion will also be included in this program.
PROGRAM DATES: Monday, July 28 to Friday, August 8
TIMES: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
FEE: $15.00 per participant
PLACE: Riverside Park Playgrounds (near Swimming pool)
All participants will meet at the Wingham Camp grounds,
Park entrance, each Monday at 9:00 o.m.
WHAT TO BRING: Campers are required to_take daily
lunches (milk is supplied), a sun hat, and a warm sweater
or coat.
4th Annual
Bike and Buggy Parade
1980 THEME:
Wingham meets "Outer Space"
THURSDAY, JULY 17 - 5:45 p.m.
at Cruickshank Park
CATEGORIES: 1. tricycles & wagons, 5 years and under
2. 6 - 8 years old
3. 9 - 10 years old
4. 11 and over
PRIZES: First Prize - for most decorative and original
each category.
Second Prize - for every participant.
Penny Carnival
LOCATION: Wingham Armouries
TIME: Following bike and buggy parade
GAMES: fish pond, bean bag throw, penny in a dish, bal-
loon and darts, ring around the bottle, ball irr the basket,
bean guess, AND MUCH MORE!
TIME: Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
AGE Public School Girls
FEE: $10.00
COMMENCING: Tuesday, July 8 - Tuesday, August 26
PLACE: Wingham Armouries
* * Pre -Registration by Mail Only *
erf d.
rRick Wood. ' of
morel IS spending a few
this week w th her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
is 'of Mrs. Holger
kvv are
is .a pati Ji:t in Winghamsorrythat and
Dis nct'Hospital.
=Mies Karen Smith of
C,ambrldge (Preston) is
vacationing this week with
ilei' grandparents, Mr. and
M>rs Bill Haverfield.
rand Mrs. Peter
Browne 6f Gorrie, Mrs.
M°arlanby and Mrs,
Florence xWilson returned
fro a four-day car trip on
. They visited
relatives near North Bay,
returning by Manitoulin
,:;lslandand crossing on the M.
S.. Chip-Cheemaun to
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Bride • and `Mirian of- Don
Mills spent the weekend with
Mr and Mrs. Harold
and .,Mrs. Glenn
Johnston; Mrs. Jim Douglas
and Pati)' attended the
AurOrra Fair on Sunday.
'Mr. and'Mrs. Jim Fitch of
'Wingham '' were Sunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Mark 13 rski and family.
Mie nd ars. Paul Wendt
of . ''TOroiitto, Miss Cheryl
Wendt _of Edmonton and
Wart Schaefer,
L'ondon,'ited Wednesday
with Mrs. E. A. Schaefer.
Land Mrs. Les Halliday
and':' Mrs.'" Mary Graham
attended . anniversary ser-
vices at Keady United
Chliireh, on Sunday and also
sited;with.relatives there.
Mr.:aidMrs. Rick' Woods
Junior Teen
Recreation Proyam
Program includes: Archery, Arts & Crafts, Babysitting
Training Course, Badminton, Basketball, Camping,
Canoeing, Cycling, Disco Dancing, Drama and Theatre
Arts, Floor Hockey, Grooming and Beauty Care, Hiking,
Inner Tube Water Polo, Macrame, Roller Skating, Skin
Diving, Table Tennis, Tennis, and Volleyball. 1.
The program will be established for teens 12 - 16 years -
of a`ge, who are interested in learning new skills, making
new friends, and, of course, having fun!
There will be 2 parts to the program, all covered in the
$10.00 registration fee. First, you choose 2 areas from
the list above, which you attend 2 hours a week for six
weeks (July 7 - August 15): Secondly, you take part in the
Afternoon Activitiy Sessions which will run from 1 - 4
p.m. every weekday afternoonand some evenings. The,
program will involve a combination of recreational act-
ivities such "as softball, basketball, biking, canoeing,
dances, campfires, etc.
11 ,wr •
This is a fun new program that will operate once a
week for two hours with both indoor and outdoor activit-
Trim up for Summer and Everyday!
DAY: Thursday, 7:30 - 9:30
PLACE: Wingham Armouries
FEE: $10.00
STARTS: July 10 - August 28
Pool Admissions
Children (12 years and younger) $ .50
Student (13 - 17 years) .75
Adult (18 years and older)
Senior Citizens
Swimming Lessons
Parent and Tot, Guppy, Minnow, Shark, Pre -Beginner,
Beginner, Survival, Junior, Intermediate, Senior, Life
Saving 3, Bronze, Bronze Cross, Synchro., Adult Lessons.
Family $30.00
Adult $20.00
Teen $18.00
Child $15.00
Synchro Lessons
Senior Citizen
Parent and Tot
15 -
REGISTRATION by mail, to the Wingham Recreation De-
partment, 37 Victoria Street, Wingham. Telephone: 357-
1208. Registration must be in by June 20, 1980.
For time and session of close or program call:
Rennie Alexander, Director of Recreation 357-1208.
11045 rot ui'11i1 bow at*:
vomitus a taw days *di Mr.
and Mrs,, ioi. g Wildang and
family in Mississauga.
Mr. ands- Glenn
JehnSt n and . Wray
Cooper ,attended the 4O,th
anniversary dinner for Mr.
and Mrs= Mac Rabb
Saturday In the Harriston
United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Bin Mulvey
and Cindy ofBelmore visited
Sunday evening with Mr.and
Mrs, Bill Sotherri.
Mr. end Mrs. Robert
Connell of Listowel' visited
Saturday evening with Mr.,
and Mrs. Jim Vittie.
In, last week's issue we
stated that the late+Mss. M. .
Madgette, who died at the
Fordwich Village • Nursing
Home, was the mother of
Harold Madgette. She was
his cousin. We apologize for
this error.
Nursing home party
hosted by Institute
BLUEVALE -- A birthday
party at Callander Nursing
Home, Brussels, was
sponsored by the Bluevale
Women's Institute on Wed-
nesday, June 11, as part of
the WI's regular meeting.
Mrs. Bert Garniss
congratulated those having
birthdays and was in charge
of the program with Mrs.
Carl Johnston at the piano
for a musical contest and
singsong. Cheryl and Lee -
Ann Nicholson, accompanied
by their mother, Mrs. Keith
Nicholson, favored the group
with several tap `dance
numbers. More toes were
.tapping as Johnny Thom-
pson played old-time
favorites on his mouth
organ. -
Mrs. Nicholson sang two
solos and led a sing -along,
concluding with 'Happy
Fordwich ich UCW discusses
nrl� nnries in Japan
The after-
noon unit o t�e Fordwich
Unite Church Women met
with 19 lumbers present.
Mrs. Elmer Harding, Mrs.
Austin Stinson and Mrs. Bert.
Wylie were in charge of the
program. '
A hymn opened the wor-
ship .service. with Miss
Beswetherick at the piano.
Mrs. Stinson read the
scripture following the call
to worship by Mrs. Harding.
Another hymn was sung and
the offering was received
and dedicated.
The study on Japan was
opened by Mrs. Wylie. She
explained how the first
missionary went to Japan in
1873 and worked on trans-
lating the Bible and teaching
English. Mrs. Ruth Harding
conducted a panel discussion
under the headings: What is
a .mission? Who is a
missionary? Why do we send
missionaries to Japan? What
is our role as Christian
missionaries • in our own
Mrs. Stinson read a story
telling how a Korean em-
ployee is treated in Japan.
The worship service closed
with prayer:
The unit president, Mrs.
Carswell, took charge of the
business meeting. Minutes
were approved as read by
Mrs. William Wilson,
assistant secretary. The
treasurer's report was given
by Mrs. Cooper.
Several thank -you cards
were read. Mr. Lockie has
completed the redecorating
of the kitchen. Bills to be
paid and a request for a quilt
to be quilted were discussed.,
Members were reminded to
bring extra fruit nappies and
bowls for the garden party
on June 24. They were also
reminded of a lawn sale in
Susan Gibson, Elva
Cooper, Jennie Wilson,
Leone Carswell and Evelyn
Wilson formed a 'Committee
to visit the nursin ' home on
June 30. A clothes bale is to
be packed by the middle of
The meeting dosed with
prayer and a delicious lunch
was served by Mrs. Cooper,
Mrs. • Wylie, Miss
Beswetherick and Mrs.
Clyne, with a social hour
being enjoyed.
UCW unit meets
at Penney home
'evening' unit of the Fordwich
United Church Women met
at the home of Mrs. Mel
Penney with 13 present.
President Mrs. Harris
opened the meeting with a
poem entitled - 'Sunlit Win-
dows'. A hymn was sung,
followed by the Lord's
Prayer. Roll call was an
item from The Observer or
The worship service was
conducted by Mrs. Harris
and Mrs. LivE4hmore. Mrs.
Livermore led in prayer and
scripture from' Psalm • 102
was read by Mrs. Harris
The ladies used 'Loneliness'
as their theme. Mrs. Harris
closed the worship with
The minutes of the Last
meeting were read and it
was announced that Marilyn
Lockie and Mrs. Livermore
have planted flowers at the
church. The unit will en-
tertain the residents of
Fordwich Village Nursing
Home on July 10. The UCW
will supply cookies to be
served with tea.
A thank -you card was read
from Mrs. Fred McCann who
has been in hospital. Mrs.
'Dave Lockie volunteered to
write to the group's foster
child next month. Posters for
the church garden party
were distributed to be placed
in different towns. The
evening unit will be
responsible for the flowers in
the church for the last, six
months of the year.
The program committee,
Mrs. Murray Donaldson and
Mrs. Jack Mann, used the
meaning of success as their
theme. They made com-
parisons between Japan and
Canada and what one
country has that the other
does not. An interesting
discussion followed and Mrs.
Mann closed the program
with prayer. Mrs. Freida
D'Arcey conducted a short
Bible quiz which was won by
Mrs. Livermore.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Bill Hutchison, Mrs. Ben
Gibson and the hostess. The
next meeting will be held
July 9 at Mrs. Livermore's
Birthday'. Mrs. De Vos then
presented the gifts. Lunch
was served and a very en-
joyable social time spent
with the residents.
Mrs. Jack Nicholsol4 of
Jamestown then welcomed
the WI members to her home
for their meeting. Mrs.
Garniss read a tribute to all
nurses, especially those
caring, for the aged and
terminally .ill. Reporting on
the cancer drive, Mrs.
Mathers stated that Bluevale
and area contributed
$1,050.50, the largest amount
ever collected.
An appeal was read
requesting drivers for the
Stroke Club and the Centre
for the Homebound. The WI
entry in the poster contest
for, the • Year of the Child,
constructed by Mrs. Perry,..
was on display, also letters
of thanks from the ukelele
band for inviting them to
help at Brookhaven.
The Bluevale WI has been
asked by the Petry family to
assist in the administration
of the Lorrie Perry
Scholarship w Ftilnd. • "TMs
responsibility was
unanimously accepted.
Miss Kathy Snell is being
sponsored as an entrant in
the Miss Howick Fair con-
test. The catering committee
for the Turnberry Central
School graduation banquet
will be Mrs. Stamper, Mrs.
deVos, Mrs. Edgar, Mrs.
Simmons and Mrs. Mathers.
This event is June 24 at 6:30
p.m. .
The president moved a
vote of thanks. to all and the
meeting adjourned.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Kalvin Fischer on the
arrival of their daughter on
Friday, June 13, at Wingham
and District Hospital.
Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs. John Freiburger who
were married Saturday.
Mrs. Elsie Thuell of
Toronto is, visiting. with Mr.
and Mrs. George Fischer.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
McCabe of Windsor and Mrs.
Mabel Harris of Lambeth
were weekend visitors, with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston.
An inspiring service was
conducted in the United
Church on Sunday by Robert
Perry, the minister, and
Rev. Eric LeDrew at the
sacrament of baptism,
confirmation and com-
munion. Linda Miners was
baptized and those con-
firmed were Linda Miners,
Neil Warwick, Paul Johnston
and Doug Nicholson,
The Board of Stewards of
the United Church is grateful
to all who contributed
toward the church repair
fund. The canvass was very
successful, raising the
amount needed for the
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott
entertained at their home on
Sunday. Present were Mrs.
Clifford Densmore, sister of
Mrs. Scott, and Mr. Den-
smore of St. Catharines; Mr.
aid Mrs. Sean Rea, Lisa and
Laura of Guelph; •Ted Rea
and daughter Kelly Anne of
Plano, Texas; Mr. and Mrs.
William Rea, Donnie and
Billy of Georgetown. Kelly
Anne Rea is remaining for a
week with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott.
JUNIOR WINNER -The Howick Optimiststhe
second annual bicycle rodeo at the Howlck,C
school on Saturday, June 7. There were 36..
from last year Here, Jason D'Arcey is pact" 1
rodeo chairman Optimist' Norm Wilson pres
Junior trophy.
INTERMEDIATE WINNER -Peter Robertson is pic-
tured here with Harvey Wheeler, a member of the
Howick Optimists rodeo committee presenting the
trophy. The Howick Optimists held ;their second an-
nual bicycle rodeo.
SENIOR WINNER -Troy Templeman 1s pictured
here with rodeo chairman Norm Wilson receiving his
award. Troy was one of 36 entrants In the second an-
nual Howick Optimist bicycle rodeo.