HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-06-18, Page 111 Cott. yap fo ttIPIARTER FLIGHTS ___We con fly you anywhere Ilo North Save time—we can fly you to Taranto in' 40 minutes, or non-stop to Ottawa in two hours. 1F1iitt1, :01. ,ef Goderich, FLIGHT TRAINING - AEROBATICS - SiGHTSEEIr For complete information phone 236-4556 482-3901 5248304 CENTRALIA 'CLINTON GODERICH RTor G '1tRICH MUSIC FISTI VAL AND FRIENDS.. JUNE 27,E8,29. FATSaR[RAV5. RESENTING DOUG McARTHUR • DAVID BRADSTREET W.P. BENNETT • B.W. PAWLEY & PLUM LOCO • RICHARD KNECHTEL • BRUCE COUNTY GRASS AND MANY MOREH! -It's all happening in the HARBOUR PARK. Bottom of WEST STREET, GODERICH overlooking the lake. FREE PARKING at Goderich Beach with FREE SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE to Festivities. All proceeds to Community Sar - vices. ADVANCE WEEKEND PASS '1040 AVAILABLE AT JANA NATURAL FOODS - HAMILTON ST. MRS. LEWIS STT Piet Marlene Webb 040004 nit the weekenj wit her . J ea=ilei, ,M• Clarence were.'lfreekend vtsiitors with their cousins, Wire. Mil- dred EUiott and Mies Edith ' Stokes, in amington. Susan rown of Winghain Vent . the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Leslie - Bolt, and attended the Buri- days� school anniversary., Mr. and Ahs, Ross Ander- son, Doreen and Sheila at- tended graduation cere- monies at the University of Western Ontario on Wednes- day June 11, where Doreen received a Bachelor of Musi- cal Arts degree from the Faculty of Music, Other Members of their family and friends were present and all dined at the Corkscrew that '. sia and 'I a berry on Thursday wit Mather, Mrs. Rob. Procter, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Epsom of Sarnia recently ren, turned from a trip to Fax, France, Strasbourg and the Black Forest in Germapy Mr. and Mrs. Gary:aitch Julie and Jeffery of .Iondoa spent the weekend withi' Parents. Mr. and Mrel..°4 Robert Grasby. We are sorry to hear that. Mrs. James Leishman IS, eft patient in the Seafort Community Hospital Judith, Denise and.:Jenni :en�Q�'il'd (�(Intests and tes S. James Baker London visited th Mr. and mrs. ie and attended ea barbecue at ;Church. RAVE — The Wheeler reunion IGSunday at the Bel - unity Centre. members of the I! �Iyere present from , Brampton, Blyth, lrussels and Belgrave. C1 o thecold weather all .vibes were held in - bat those present • conver- evening. fer Coultes of Belleville , {tip,. Novelty prizes were spent the weekend with their awa00 : and a delicious grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, 'irmeai�wasenjoyed by all. Norman Coultas. Kenneth Wheeler con - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar ducted, C.t.short business Wightman and Mrs, Joe . *km; which resulted in a Dunbar left last Monday ife+eision two hold another re - morning, on a conducted bus, oil in two years with the tour to Aspon Villa which >n:;:' Wheelers-:• of London in eluded a boat trip on Lake charge. Muskoka returning _ Thursday evening. GRADUATES Mrs. Mary -Lou Fairies is pleased to announce the recent graduation of her husband, Dr. Jim Fairies, from the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph. Jim is the son of Mr. and, Mrs. Norm Fairies of Gorrie and grandson of Eldon Fairies of Gorrie. Dr. Fairies is currently employed by Drs. Fisk and Lawless of Harriston and Mount Forest. He and his family are resid- ing• in Mount Forest. Baptism at Belgrave BELGRAVE—A bap- tismal service was held Sunday afternoon in Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, when Rev. John Swan christened Lucas James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lockridge. The god- parents are Mr. and Mrs. David Titmarsh of London. Relatives attending. the service were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleet, Rob and Jeff of London, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle James of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Collin James, Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lockridge and Angela of Wingham. Mr: and Mrs. Swan and the relatives of the baby met at the Lockridge home following the service. Shower is°beld fir future bride BELGRAVE — A bridal shower W40 held for Velma Fear in the Women's Insti- tute Hall, on Thursday eve- ning Mrs. Alex Nethery con- ducted a get -acquainted con- test. A short program con- sisted of tap dancing by Kim Craig, solos by Darlene • Weliilik}'and Mrs. Gwen McLeanplayed the bag- pipes• 1Vtrs, Joyce Ireland read a poem she wrote for Velma as she was seated with her nuttier, Mrs. Bert Fear, on decorated chairs. Gifts.. were presented by Angela Nethery and Cathy Nesbit.-•> .. Velma thanked everyone for, her lovely gifts and lunch w,as served. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES FACIAL TISSUES GUARDIAN -- TOOTHBRUSHES *Gentle •Medium SCOTT FAMILY .NAPKINS $ 09 White or Yellow s 180's CREST TOOTHPASTE $1.09100 lnl .. 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Mrs. Don Vair, who was in charge of the worship ser- vice, gave some interesting points concerning prayer. "Do you believe in prayer?" was her . introductory question. \How do We, know when God hears or answers our prayers? It 'ia' `iitidilttant "to ask God that Hia will -be done. Other people may pray for us and prayer may be an- swered through another per- son. Spontaneous prayer is received with more sincerity and depth than a prayer that is read. Mrs. Vair then led in prayer. Mrs. Willard Armstrong continued the Bible study with scripture reading from Mark, chapter 14. This is Peter's denial of Jesus and is sometimes told in such a way as to do Peter less than just- ice. We condemn Peter but how often do we deny Jesus in our everyday living? Peter said, "To think I did this to Him yet through His love He forgave me and he will do the same for you." The parable, Bitter by Choice, from the Observer, also depicted the great love of the father and the refusal of the son to accept and join the family. He chose to live in lonely selfishness. Mrs. Fenton read the story of Rev. Akiie Ninomya who .received a sign from God that sent the Japanese. mis- sionary back to Japan. Aki was ordained by the United Church of Canada and, ap- pointed to the Okanagan Japanes United Church in British Columbia. He re- ceived Canadian citizenship, but two years later the Divi- sion ofP Wor1d Outreach asked him to work with the physically handicapped in Zama, Japan. Mrs. Walter Scott concluded the study of Japan with an American soldiers account Of en- countering Japanese Christ is di Wtirid Wnt II: During the business period arrangements were made for the, birthday party to be held Thursday, August 14, for all Who have celebrated an 80th birthday. Kinsmen entertain ladies Belgrave and District Kinsmen held a ladies night on June 11. The Belgrave wives and three Kinsmen from neighboring clubs were special guests at this pork roast, held in the Institute Hall. The official installation of the new executive for the new year was held. Reports were given from members, including a financial state- ment showing a net profit of over $4,100 at the recent pork roast and dance in Brussels. A mystery tour is planned for June 18 and the spring wind-up meeting is set for June 25. • re Tilbrook and Corey McKee in the Junior diivisl+ it Elizabeth Romanik and Paul Currie in the jun* Division, and Tim Goddard and Jennifer Kikk t.. (absent) in the Senior division.e.M MRS. ALLAN GRIFFITH Wroxeter Personals • Mrs. Bonnie MacDougall, Burlington, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gib- son. Everitt Cooper was a Sunday guest at the same home. Mrs. Mac Allan and Miss Vera Piercey visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Allan and family in Sarnia recently. Mr. and Mrs, Adrien Poirier of Weston were weekend guests at the home Piano pupils hold recital BELGRAVE — On Satur- day .evening, June 14, the piano pupils of Mrs. Howard Morton, held their recital at Knox United Church in Bel - grave. The Sunday school room was filled with relatives and friends of the pupils, as well as interested music lovers. The pr am consisted of five duets played by Chris- tine Dobell and Pat Cull, Heather Morton and Stephen Wheeler, Chris and Heather McIntosh, Alison Coultes and Mrs. Morton, and Katherine Procter and Debbie Camp- bell. All the children played solos as well, and the au- dience was very apprecia- tive in their applause. Others taking part were: Tricia Deer, Terry Daer, Steven Coultes, Heather Shiell, Jennifer Procter, Jason Coultes, Laurel Gard- ner, Angela Coultes and An- drea Coultes. The pupils all played very well and the evening ended with refreshments. of her mother, Mr. and liths. Cliff Marks. Sunday viSitoi at the seine Moine were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeiffer and family, London; ;;Mr. ,.:and Mrs. Thomas: Powell " and family, Kitchener Edith anliOliiver Griiggand fan*, Wean; Mr. and*;, Sta coy Marks and fa n1jy, Mr and Mrs. David • Marks and family, all of Brussels. Mrs. J. D. McGillvary,. London, visited one day last week with Mr. 'and Mrs. Leslie Douglas. Mr. and Mrs.RhillpSlaple and family. of Saigis; are visiting her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rivest. Miss Marion Gibson has returned ' limme following an enjoyable holiday at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson, and other relatives in and around Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart, Kitchener, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Douglas, on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rivest ho observed their 35th we',, anniversary on Sunday. May they enjoy many more, .."-.. Clarence Clement was in London Wednesday where he visited Mrs. Clement in University Hospital. Gordon `Pete' Yeoman is visiting at the home of his daughter at Teeswater. Mrs. Peter Iredom, Cindy and Raileen . of St. • Thomas were Sunday guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackerman. RESULTS you'll applaud with WANT ADS 357-2320 A pound investment. .• subsurface farm drainage Properly drained land pays many plant health to encourage higher dividends. Even with today's higher quality and increased yields. In interest rates, an investment in sub- addition, well drained soil lets you surface drainage (along with good take full advantage of the growi1 g farm management practices) can -season potential of your land and provide higher returns than invest- simplifies crop management ments 'in machinery, buildings, land, problems. stocks and bonds. 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