HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-06-18, Page 100 The Inkhorn Advance -Times, June 18, 1980 • 411.4.11114itt St, l 'a os alfa), quo, . QIItlOto duo Ilii, CW1 = formerly of a111, wooed away.»^ helth year. She was the ffl'Inla hfc dear moil' et Harold, Kitchener, and Mrs. Nelson (Irene) Hershey, Guelph; loving grandmother of Blaine Hershey of Guelph and Mrs. James (Linda) Valliere of Grand Valley; great grandmother of Carrie and Christopher Hershey. Also surviving is one sister, Luella Car- michael of Toronto. A. memorial service will be held on Thursday at 1:311 at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Guelph. Interment will follow in Woodlawn Cemetery, Guelph., ELLIOTT—Passed away at his home in Blyth on Tuesday, June 10, Curtis John Elliott, aged four months. He was the dearly loved son of David and Sherry Elliott; dear grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott, RR 1, Lucknow, Mrs. Janet Little, RR 3, Wingham, and Gordon Bradley, Fort McMurray, Alberta; great grandson of Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Wingham, William Forster, RR 1, Lucknow, Mrs. Jessie Bradley, Kincardine, Gordon Bradley, Thessalon, and >411iS' I TOTE MEETING Wingham Women's In- stitute will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, June 19 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.theme "Cit- izenship and rld Affairs." Program cony ers: Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs. O. Hasel- grove. Roll call, What is one requirement to be a good neighbor? Reading, What is a good citizen? Motto, Be kind to the aged, they have come a long way; help the young, they have a lorfg way to go. Hostesses: Mrs. Lockeridge, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Newman. 11-18 SINGLES' DANCE Festival Single ;lance, Fri- day, June 20 at the Victorian Inn, Stratford; dancing 9 p.m. to 1. Welcome all sin- gles over g5. No Blue Jeans. GARAGE AND BAKE SALE Friday, June 27 from 2 to 9 p.m, and Saturday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Harry Sjaarda's, just west of Whitechurch on Highway 86. Proceeds to Voice for Life. Donations gratefully accept- ed. Phone 357-1874. No cloth- ing please. 18-25 TEESWATER EX-TOGGERY Closes Saturday, June 21. Money and unsold articles may be picked up Tuesday, June 24 from 2ti5p.m. and? to 9 p.m. and Wednesday, June 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. only please. Rummage sale Thursday, June 26 from 10 to 12 noon and 2 to 5 p.m. ANTIQUE CAR SHOW AND FLEA MARKET On Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22 in Brussels, Ont. Camping available. Phone 887-6585. GARAGF, SALE At Park Avenue and Rem- ington Drive at Crawford's house in Wingham on Satur- day, June 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m:, rain or shine. 18-25 SPRINGS OF LIVING WATER Come to the "Springs of Living Water". A gathering of Christian friends for a time of praise and fellow- ship. Meetings each Sunday at 2 p.m. in Turnberry Central School on Highway 86, 1 mile east of Wingham. Refreshments after. Bring a friend. The whole family welcome. 11rrb EXPECTANT PARENT EDUCATION CLASSES The Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend a series of four Expectant Parent Education Classes, being ..held "in the Board Room of the Clinton Hos- pital, commencing Wednes- day, June 25. This series of prenatal classes will be held in Clinton only. If you wish to register, please call God- erich, 524-8301 or 1-800-265- 4252 (toll free). The regular rail series will commence the first week of September, 1980. 4-11-18 WELSH COUNTRY FAYRE In Belgrave Arena on Satur- day, June 28, from 4 to 8 p.m.; admission free; stalls featuring new and used items, plants, -baking, nee- dlework, penny auction, etc. Cold meat supper, smorgas- bord served from 5 to 7 p.m.; adults $4; children 12 and under $2; ' preschool free. Sponsored by Belgrave Unit- ed Church. 11-18-25 LEISURE TOURS Presents June 21 "Camelot" starring Richard Burton at O'Keefe Centre. Cost $34, or- chestra seats and includes transportation by aiis-condi- tioned motorcoach; July 12 "Puttin' on the Ritz" Royal George Theatre, Niagalra-on- the-Lake. Includes run -of - house tickets, transportation buffet lunch at Prudhommes Centre. Cost $20.50. Call Leisure Tours, Hanover 364- 4458. 11-18 BUS TRIP To Mohawk Jamboree, Sat- urday, June 28. Advance tickets from Nicholson Bus Lines. Phone 357-3014 or 357-1270. 11-18 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Wingham and District Hospi- tal Association will be held en Thursday, June 19 at 8 p.m. in the Nurses' Training School building on Catherine Street in Wingham. All mat- ters of business pertaining to the Wingham and District Hospital Association will be transacted, including the election of directors and other officers. Changes in hospital bylaws will be con- sidered. In order to cast a ballot in the election of dir- ectors a person must be a member of the association. One year membership may be obtained for the sum of $1 at the hospital office. These memberships must be pur- chased by Tuesday, June 3. Everyone welcome. Bora Milosevic, Pres., John Strong, Sec. 28,4,11,18 WINGHAM MINOR BALL' BAKE SALE Friday, June 20 at 2 p.m. IOOF Hall (next to Knech- tel's). Please support. TURKEY AND . HAM SUPPER Fordwich United Church tur- key and ham supper with strawberries for dessert on Tuesday, June 24. Supper from 4:30 p.m. on. Adults $4; 12 and under, $2; preschool free. STRAWBERRY SUPPER At Knox Presbyterian Church, Teeswater on Wed- nesday, June 25 from 5 to 7:30 p.m., Sponsored by the Ladies Aid. Adults $4; chil- dren sunder 12, $2; pre- schoalers free. DANCE At the Howick Community Centre, Saturday, June 21. Music by Boyd's Orchestra, $7 a -couple, lunch provided. MAITLAND WI Will meet on Tuesday, June 24 in the Wingham Town Hall. Pot Luck supper at 6:30 p.m. Executive in charge. Summer campus 'Summer Campus' begins 'at the University of Guelph on July 7. This unique vacation program combines relaxation and learning for all ages and interests. Twenty-six adult workshops include solar energy, conversational French, writing and bee- • keeping. Special activities are offered for three- to 15 - year -olds. For information on the two one-week sessions contact the office of continuing education at the university or phone 824-4120, ext. 3956. LUCKNOW . SUMMERFEST Sponsored, by Lucknow and District Kinsmen, June 20, 21 and 22. Ball Tourney, bel race, Monte Carlo night, beer garden, arm wrestling, card party, dance, Kinette food booth, pork -on -a -bun. Ball game admission free except Sunday, $1 per per- son. STRAWBERRY BUFFET St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wingham will hol4 a Straw- berry Buffet onesday, June 24 between 5 and 7 p.m.; adults $4, children under 12 years $2. Tickets available from members of the board and Jack King's Gulf Station or at the door. UXILIARY MEETING The general meeting of the Auxiliary to the Wingham and District Hospital will be held on Monday, June 23 at 2 p.m. in the Clinic Building. Boris Milosevic, guest speaker. e— BY SYBIL STRAKE PORK DRAW—Lyda Schultz, Lucknow, is presented with a $100 cheque by Rick Whiteley, president of the Wingham District Optimist Club. Mrs. Schultz won the prize at a pork draw held by the club last week. Mr. Whiteley said that proceeds from the draw will help fund youth work in the community. Whitechurch Personals Another Father's Day has come and gone and it is hoped that all fathers had a nice day with their families. Although the weather was not the best,. the sunset was rather nice in a soft colored kind of way. Father's Day at the United Church was celebrated with Holy Communion service conducted by Rev. Eric LeDrew. New members are Karen Beecroft and Hugh Sinnamon, the latter a transfer from Wingham. We hope that readers haven't forgotten this is Senior Citizens' Week and that all . seniors take ad- vantage of what is happening around town. A reminder to all gar- deners that tulips should not be allowed to set seed as they need all the energy to go to the bulb. Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Rintoul attended a barbecue at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robinson, Tracy and Mark. Also at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie, Michelle and Michael of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and brother Steven; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robinson, Bradley and Brent of Blyth. Although Tracy Springer has her leg in a cast because of an accident incurred at school 'on field day, she seems t� be hopping around quite well. Mrs. Garnet Farrier has. visiting with her for a few days her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and daughter Dana of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw spent part of the weekend at their trailer in Kincardine. Sunday visitors at their home were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton and Lynn of Ashfield and Mrs. Laidlaw's mother, Mrs. Clara Crowston, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. William Evans had their daughter, Mrs. Edith Brown of London, visiting with them for the weekend. On Sunday their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans of Hyde Park, came for the day. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster took her father, William Humphrey, for a.. drive to Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden ac- companied them. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Craig and famil' t th y spen e weekend camping at WE CAN "SAVE YOU MONEY" HARDWARE ® TOOLS ® STEEL GENERAL HARDWARE—INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES STEEL SERVICE CF.NTRF,`�' WILKINSON AND KOMPASS LIMITED (519) 396-7571 DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE 226 QUEEN STREET • KINCARDINE, ONTARIO - NOG 2G0 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800®2653053 SERVICING -- BRUCE — GREY — HURON COUNTIES 1 i 1 1 1 !s OMMIMM MINOWN 11WWWW mommom Iia ®® ®;lel 4� r.S.^nC, fl-n^+cw" - +aw ` . ,4 ;$EAepnrb'•'C�..,,.._.-aG�.: +n24ac.'=�,.r�...ra� Y*^ ark* .' .4m..2^.. McGregor Park in Port Elgin. Visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson were Mrs. Ger- trude Tiffin, Wingham; Dale Jamieson, Kurtzville; Nat Thomson, Lucknow. Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. William Evans and Mrs. Victor Emerson attended Maitland Presbyterial WMS afternoon session held at Bluevale. Mrs. Bell gave a part of the Synodical reports and Mrs. Evans ' presented an honorary life membership to Mrs. Emerson in honor of her many years in the Women's Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Coleman of Nanaimo, B.C.; who visited her mother, Mrs. Mary McClenaghan, and her brother, Carl, and Mrs. McClenaghan for a few days last week, left\for home on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson received word on Friday of the arrival of Nathan Samuel Osborne on June 3 at Thompson, Manitoba. , The parents are Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and the new baby is a brother for Bethany, Anna and Laura. Word was received last week by Nat Thomson of Lucknow of the death of his sister, Mrs. Ethel Flood of Edmonton. Mrs. Flood grew up on the family farm . on Highway .86 south of the division line. She will be remembered by the older residents of the community.. Mr. and . Mrs. Jim Morrison and Adam of Lucknow were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson. To celebrate Father's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul and Kevin had her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Corey of Clinton, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul. Also : coining ° in the celebra ipgt) we� 11iljir$. Leroy- Rjfitqul, and Debbie: 6f' Bra warm had been , visitina over the weekend with Wein. Leroy Rintoul and his employer were in New York State in connection with Hereford cattle. Carol Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all the ladies who showered me with many lovely gifts last Tues- day eyesir g at St. Andrew's PresbyteriChurch. My memories will be pleasant. ' Elizabeth Armstrong We wish to thank our friends, relatives, and neigh- bors for their acts of kind- ness at the time of our loss of Curtis John, a dear son, grandson and nephew. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Mowbray, Rev. John 1 ..1, the Cur- rie -Walker Fneral Home, and also to the women who served lunch. David and Sherry Elliott, Walter and Kathleen Elliott, Paul and Kathy Elliott, Paul and Ruth Laidlaw, Barry and Karen Elliott I wish to extend a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Ping, Dr. Cheyne, ,Dr. Mowbray and the nurses on second floor of Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Thanks also to Mrs. Dobell, Rev. J. Roberts and Mr. Les Short and the boys who helped with the house. It was greatly appre- ciated. William Gow I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to my relatives and friends for the cards, visits and gifts I received whiin was a patient in the Wingham and District Hos- pital. Thanks also to Dr. Hanlon, Dr. McGregor, sec- ond floor nurses and the emergency ward staff, and the clergy for their prayers. Mrs. Della Schwichtenberg I wish to express my grati- tude to neighbors, friends and relatives for their many acts of kindness during my recent hospitalization. Also many thanks to Dr. Bozyk and Dr. Watt as well as other staff members of the Wing - ham and. District Hospital. Ethel M. Wheeler dAka,�JA .K'.R,trA. .`f • The Bluevale United Church Board -of Stewards would like to thank everyone who contributed to the church repair fund. The canvass turned out to be a huge success in raising the required amount to pay for the repairs. I would like to thank everyone who visited me, sent cards and helped me in any way at the time of my. accident. Special thanks to Dr. Jolly, Dr. McKini, the emergency staff and ambu- lance drivers of Wingham and District Hospital. I would also like to thank Unit 2 of the UCW Gerrie for the box of chocolates. Thanks to the doctors andnurses of In- tensive Care, 4th and 7th floor of University Hospital, London. Murray Thornton; Mrs. Mary Montgomery would like to thank friends and relatives for making the Open House held in honor of my birthday such a joyous occasion. The gifts, cards and best wishes were very much appreciated. We wish to express sincere thanks to our friends, neigh- bors and relatives for the many visits, cards, acts of kindness and considerate guestures shown to us at the time of the birth of our son Adam. Special thanks to Dr. Mowbray and Dr. Cheyne for their sleepless night. Thanks to the 'nurses of the obstetri- cal department of Wingham and District Hospital, your kindness, concern and un- der -standing are beyond compare Thanks to Captain and Mrs Trainor, Mr. Rob- ert Perry, Rev. Bill Mun- shaw and Father Gutowski, your visits were genuinely appreciated. Jackie and Doug McBurney c Rintoul spent the weekend in Ottawa. The Straker family had a nice visit with Victor Emerson who brought with him the five Luu children. It was a pleasure to have them for a visit even if we could not speak their language. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wilson of West Wawanosh were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin. Mrs. Robert Mowbray, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Paul Falconer spent Saturday with Mr: and Mrs. John Jamieson and family at Kurtzville ' to celebrate Robert Whittle's 80th bir- thday. About 50 people gathered for the event. Brian Falconer is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Robert Mowbray. While working with his crane at Douglas Point, Paul Falconer of Sarnia also spent the weekend with his grandmother. Pharmacist recognized Harold A. Boyce, a London pharmacist formerly from Wingham, recently received a simulated gold certificate recognizing his 50 years in the profession. Mr. Boyce graduated from the Wingham High School in 1925 an went on to study in the fac�lty-.of.. pharmacy at the University of Toronto, graduating in 1930. He reports some of the older Wingham residents might remember him. ' 'AUCTION SALE Household Goods and Furniture ' Saturday; July 5th, 1980 at 1:00 p.m. Sharp - for BILL B° EDITH LOCKRIDGE 14 Charles St., Plan 27, Lot -21, Wingham, Ont. Property vvill.be offered at 2:30 p.m. On said lot iS comfortable 5 bedroom, '1'h storey home with attached garage. On main floor - large family room with stone fireplace and patio doors opening to large cedar deck. Living room, dining room, sewing area, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 4 piece bath. Upstairs - 3 bedrooms and 4 piece bath. This home could be easily converted to 2 apartments. Lot has frontage of 66'. New roof, oil furnace, immediate possession. Property will have a moderate reserve bid. TERMS: 10% down payment by cash or certified cheque day of sale. Balance in 30 days. Owners would consider taking mortgage for part of. balance. Auctioneer or proprietors will not be responsible for any accident or injury day of sale. To view property phone Owners 357-2313 Auctioneer: JACK ALEXANDER 357-1442 FARMERS & DEALERS RESERVE THIS DATE SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1980 10:00 A.M. SHARP GIGANTIC, UCTION Of Form Equipment Auction of new and used equipmcint including o large selec- tion of tractors, plows, disks, cultivators, land packers, seed drills, weed sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, balers, stookers, hay bines, swathers, mowers, rakes, elevators, wagons, harvesters, forage boxes, blowers, combines, grinder mixers, rotary mowers, stone pickers, snow blowers, groin augers, blades, gravity boxes, lawn and garden equipment, boat, motor and trailer plus 6 antique cars including 3 Model T's. All equipment to be soTa. Owned by Wayne Ward Farm Equipment with no consign- ments. Selling by number only. Lunch booth on grounds, Terms cosh or cheque day of sale. Trucking available any- where. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents on pro- , perty during day of sale. Auctioneer Jim McCartney, Watardown DON'T MISS IT I SEE YOU THERE I Wayne Word Form Equipment Hwy. No. 6 Wiarton Phone 534.24 ,80 or 534.1638 VP nlrun •?he 'uneralH' Owl set**'v ducted• Thursday oteock by Rev. J. Of chfihuers Wit._ Church, Whitechurc 1. Interment • followed . In Wingham Cemetery. Donations to Chalrners Presbyterian Church will be gratefully accepted by the family as expressions of sympathy. a • GOIdt'flo fat ,Whysc hl ted at two June li P b , a ` ani. Peet' grandparent8. ' 'Ile funeral was condtleteld by John Sell ooToroday at. vinghar. Interment followed at the Winghaaro Cemetery. AUCTION SALE of Horses and Machinery will be held for ORMAL SMITH Lot 18, Con. 6, Turnberry Twp.„ 2 miles east of Hodgin RuildolI, Wingham then left 1/2 mile MONDAY, JUNE 30 at 1:30 p.m. Block mare 5 years old with filly colt; Reg. 1969 Hackney pony stallion, sIrAiiof colt; Befalls 50 diesel cab tractor only 267 hours; Massey Ferguson 133 gas tractor has loader, 2.buckets, chains and 2200 hours; Gehl forage blower with pipes; Weed spray- er; Ford 4-16 hydraulic semi -mount plow;. trail disc;. John Deere 4 row corn planter; Allied 1 ton mix mill (as is); International 135 pto manure spreader; 2 wagons and racks; Kewanee 36 plate wheel disc; 4 inch grain auger; front mount 9 ft. swather; 3 pth, 7 ft. cultivator; 3 p.t.h. snow blower; wire mesh, truck rack; 3 section spring tooth harrow; set diamond harrow; fanning mill; 2000 Ib, scale; electric grinder; chop box; pony saddle; buggy; cutter; log cart; harness air compressor; -chain saw; barb wire; garden tiller; rabbit cages; kitchen table with chairs; cupboard; gramophone; gas lamp and lantern; coal oil lamp and lantern; numerous small items. Terms Cash - Property sold. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents or losses. George Powell, Clerk Gordon Wright and Brian Rintoul, Auctioneers FARMERS & DEALERS RESERVE THIS DATE SAT., JUNE 21st 1980 10 A.M. SHARP° IGANTIC FA'�M�EQWPi i AUCTION Of New and Used Equipment Including large selection of tractors, ploughs, discs. cultivators, land tractors, seed drills. weed,sprayers, fertilizer spreaders, corn planters, manure spreaders, balers, stookers, hay binds, swathers, mowers, rakes, elevators, wagons, harvesters, forage boxes, blowers, combines, grinder mixer, rotary mowers, stone pickers, snowblowers, grain augers, blades, gravity boxes, lawn & garden equipment,boat motor and trailer, plus 6 antique cars, including 3 model T's. All equipment to be sold owned by Wayne Ward Farm Equipment with no consignments. Selling by number only. Lunch booth on grounds. Terms - or cheque day of sale. Trucking available anywhere. Owner or auctioneer not respon- sible for accidents on property day of sale. Auctioneer Jim McCartney, Waterdown, Ont. Don't Miss It - See You There! WAYNE WARD - FARM EQUIP. HWY. NO. 6 WIARTON, ONT. PHONE 534-2980 or 534-1638 ALTON SALE ARENA WEST OF DURHAM ON NO. 4 HWY. COMPLETE CANDUTCH DISPERSAL Owned by John DeBoer & Sons Lucknow, Ontario Walton Sale Arena 2 miles west of Durham on Hwy. No. 4 Thursday, June 26, 1980 12:00 Noon 120 REGISTERED HOLSTEINS A well established high producing herd of cows with quality udders; R.O.P. records to over 20,000 Ibs milk and 4% test. 7 cows are classified Very Good and e number are Good Pius. A daughter of Downalane Reflection Emperor (Ex -Extra) sells; others sired by: Soiling Rockmen (Ex -Extra); Fleming - dale Perseus Mark (VG -Extra); Cornereat Centurion Medal- ist (Ex -Extra); Elmcroft Pontiac Chieftain (Ex -St) end two herd ekes classified Very Good by Paciamar Astronaut (VG -GM). 26 cows sell fresh and milking to 106 Ibs.ldey; 7 due et sale time; balance In various stages of lactation. A well grown group of bred heifers, -yearling heifers and calves aired by Forest Lee Astronomical (VO). Reclassified before the sale. Listed herd. Plan now to attend - a herd worthy of your Inspeotlonl DONALD E. WALTON Sales Manager Et Auctioneer^ (519)369-. .feti..q..•2w;a'^n...a•,wr, M.. a., �.. •' s . :.i ? a�.,..; ., . R".8."