HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Advance-Times, 1980-06-18, Page 8-Times, June 18, 1980 P b� A. D A �. R AV•A4 f• 1 m•1•. b f1• • • CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDA YS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with/ the exception of a Monday stanuory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Tunes Office or Phone: 357-2320 Adis For Sale POOL, 24' with gas heater and sand filter. Phone 357- 1791. UTILITY TRAILER. Phone 335-3046. 18-25 KENMORE zig-zag sewing machine, like new, 860. Phone 335-3735. 18-25 WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Hingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, 357-2320. 23 rrb ADDRESS Labels: gummed 300 for $2.25; presson 200 for $3.50. Phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 30 rrb MAGNETIC Signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $17.55. For further informa- tion phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. 23 rrb ORDER NOW fresh Iamb. Wholes or halves, cut and wrapped to specifications, *2.50 per pound. Walter Ren- wick 367-2504. 21,28,4,11,18,25,2,9 DOMINION pump organ, made in Bowinanville. Good working condition, 3100. Phone 357-1576. 18-25-2 30' SMOKER' hale �elaaator; in good trinditioir.. Phone 887-9356. - NEW BALE throwing and Zero Grazing racks. Carpen- try construction, all type buildings and concrete struc- tures,. Contract or hourly. Gorrie Carpentry, phone 335- 3744 or 335-3873. 18-25-2-9 MOVING, must sell. 1979 Suzuki 425, 200 km, $1800. Phone Ang. 357-32!66. TEN acres of standing hay at Bluevale. Phone 335-6210. 18-25 1975 SUZUKI 550 3 cylinder; 302 Ford engine; best offer. Phone 887-6412. 11-18 1978 CB 750K Honda, excel- lent condition, _ 2766 km, 3`500. Phone 357-9907 after 6 p.m. 11-18 SIX acres of good standing hay. Phone 357-2948. 11-18 TRUCK cap, light blue and white, good condition, asking $120. 'bone 335-3714 after 6 18-25 ONE 131/2 fiberglass boat with 30 hp Johnson electric start motor; alsotrailer to go with boat. Complete pack- age $300 firm. Phone 357-2959 after 6 p.m. 11-18 SWIMMING POOLS Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Regular price $2400, now $1498. Can iiviFERiAL FOOLS it -4; *- i -S100-7#41- Sinn I RENT A POOL I Swimming pool manu- facturer will lease and in- still new 1980 family - size pool complete with wJuiM'raul,'y, ti %A -111.j% and fencing, on a rental basis with option to buy. Your choice of style. Try be- fore you buy! Coll IM- PERIAL POOLS toll fres 1- 800-268-5970. y5 For Sale LIGHTWEIGHT travel trail- ers, hardtop tent trailers, park models, truck campers and caps. Trillium, 'Boler, Rover, Lionel, Prowler, Golden Falcon. Camp -Out Rental and Sales, Highway 8 west, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. 30-J1y2 SWIMMING POOLS: manu- facturer has an inventory of 1979 above -ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk -around patio, fencing. Regularly $2295, now $1444. Phone TOLL FREE 1-80°- 265-8343. 7 rrb JUNE .SPECIAL: 22 rifle scopes 4 x 15, $16.95; high power rifle scopes 4 x 32, $54.95; 3-9 x 32 weaver scope, .95, installed $129; 22 Mossberg rifles, $59.95; 22 Cooey with scope, $83. Limit- ed supply. ABC Sporting Goods, 350 Minnie St., Wing - ham, 357-1866. 11-18 PICK YOUR own strawber- ries or have them picked to order, 11/4 miles south of Molesworth on County road 19. Phone 291-1709. 18-25-2 EMPTY 45 gallon drum paint barrels. Contact Stan- ley Door Systems, Wiiigham, 357-3310. 18-26. REGISTERED three-year- old pinto mare, approxim- ately 15, hands. Phone 335- 3037. 18-25 12 ACRES standing hay. W. Austin 357-3496. PART yellow Lab pups; five week's old. Phone 392-6013. 18-25 1957 DODGE 3 -ton tow truck, homemade, $300; '66 Chrys- ler Windsor, 2 -door,, 3250; '67 Falcon Coupe, 2 -door, $350; '64 Baracuda body, no mo- tor, $250; all will be sold as is, :need repairs. Allis-Chal- mers 90 tractor with 6' Mc- Kee snowblower, 2 -furrow plow and trailer hitch, $900. Phone Al's Collision 357-2206. 18-25 35 FOOT Park model trailer, 1 tip out, front kitchen, AC, 15 cu. ft. fridge, full storms, sliding glass doors. ,Deluxe unit only 11 years old. Will 'accept good smaller trailer in trade. See at lot 2 Wing - ham Riverside Park or call 357-2883 before 9 a.m. HOMEMADE LAWN Tete - A -Tete, redwood stained, $70 each. Phone 357-1392 eve- nings. 11-18 BERG stable cleaners and stabling; blink feeders and water bowls; silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. rrb •,0.1.#. '♦ R..•i,,lf �,w�R ♦ .11. For Sale MTD riding lawn mower, 8 hp, 2 years old, asking $700. Phone 357-3694. 11-18 MAHOGANY BOAT, 16' with 65 hp. Mercury complete with skis, jackets, etc. Phone 357-1378. 11-18 Farm Equipment MASSEY Ferguson 3 pth, mower; New Idea 4-har, rubber tire, side rake. Phone 357-1899. 18-25 INNES 570 bean windrower with cross conveyor; 880 New Holland harvester with 2 -row corn head in good condition or will trade on New Holland super 717 .har- vester in good shape. Phone 523-4260. 18-25 FULL RANGE OF FARM EQUIPMENT BUTLER --Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Un - loaders, Volume Belt Feed- ers, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Con- veyors, Barn Cleaners, Os- walt Ensilmixers. FARMATIC—Blender Ham- mer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground Hi -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN—Cable Barn Clean- ers, Hydraulic Manure PumWES EEL-ROSCO—Grain Bins -1350 to 250,000 bu., Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME—Fan-Jet Ventilation Systems. ASTON—Ventilation Sys- tems. B & L—Complete Hog Con- finement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER -Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY—Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH— Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING -ALMOST Lowry Farm Systems Ltd. RR 1, Kincardine Phone 395-5286 21rrb Livestock For Sale STANDING, at stud: pure- bred Arabian "CC Safrqn", sire, Safir: dam . Sharon. Phone David Golley 357-2359. 11-18 HAMPSHIRE, Yorkshire, I-iamp cross York and Hamp cross Duroc boars; also gilts due in three to five weeks. Bob Robinson, RR 4; Walton, phone 345-2317. 11-18-25 SHETLAND pony, 12 years old, saddle, bridles and hal- ter. Hay and straw also. Phone 335-6336. REGLSTERED American saddle -bred stallion standing as stud. Phone 335-3037. 18-25 CANADIAN Angora goats. Mohair producing animals. Registered breeding stock for sale. Rainbow Farms, RR 1, Waterdown, Ontario, LOR 2H0. Phone (416) 689- 5781. 7-5p Personal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 392-6541 or London 432-7197 COI.I.FCT. 21 rrb Pick your own Strawberries ® We're Open! 1 A Como out early or bring a iunch and stay awhile! PICNIC TABLES • CHILDREN'S PLAY AREA • FREE PARKING • DOGGY POSTS • — Pick all day — Bring your own conio;in ,d s..": s.e!l bot the pound SAUGEEN TRAILS R. R. 3 Port Elgin (5 miles east of Port Elgin on road to Burgoyne 032-5028 LI .Y�• !'@.'.AGn4 ' tit a4w Rrr lM.0AAt, A'A AA Miscellaneous MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon Family Gi oup may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb Wanted To Buy ROUND, square oval exten- sion tables. Wooden chairs of all kinds. Good used furni- ture. Clean appliances in ex- cellent working condition. Phone Lucknow 528-2625, 9 to 5 Monday to Saturday. 16 rrb TOP prices paid for good used furniture or appliances and antiques. Will buy par- tial or complete households. Wingham Sales Arena 357- 1730. 24 rrb PETS KITTENS. Phone 887.6069. 18-25 HURRY! choose while selec- tion is at its best. Still in stock, 3 black and white, 1 solid gray, 1 tabby and white. These kittens are ready to go to good homes now. Phone 357-1535. 18-25 Cars & Trucks For Sale 1978 PLYMOUTH Fury, 318 automatic, 2 door, hardtop, purchased new May 1979. Will consider any trades. Phone 357-2821. 11-18 SEE OUR .ad on Page 6 in Crossroads.. o Q14R,�t d 1968 DODGE Monaco, good condition. Phone 357-1604. 18-25 1974 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, excellent condition. Phone 357-2195. 1972 PONTIAC 9 -passenger station wagon, $795; 1952 Chev. sedan, no motor, $95. Phone 357-1706. 18-25 1974 DASHER Volkswagen, good mechanical condition. Phone 343-3507, 325 Raglan St. Palmerston. 1972 DODGE Charger SE, power steering, power brakes, radio, cassette and speakers, 8 cylinder, auto- matic, vinyl roof, 2 door, good condition, asking $1000. Phone 357-1258. McCREERY AUTO WRECKERS RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS Et TRUCKS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE Scrap curs wonted. Highest prices paid. Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 Services PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance_ Service, 24-hour emergency service, used ap- pliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5 rrb KOOL KING, Commercial refrigeration and air-condi- tioning. We are new in town but old in experience, 28 years. Licensed mechanic, 24-hour service, Bluevale 335-3844. 18-25-2-9 CONCRETE septic tanks, all sizes and tile beds according to county health unit specifi- cations; pumping, and ser- vicing tanks; also well tile for sale. Phone Ron Forster, Lucknow 528-2346. 4-11-18-25 BULLDOZING and land- scaping. Bill Robinson, RR 2, Auburn, 529-7857. 23 rrb GEORGE LUBBERS Con- struction. Phone 357-3457 Whitechurch. Cottages, ad- ditions, renovations. rrb RUG SHAMPOOING: Will come into your home to shampoo rugs with every- thing supplied: For other in- formation 335-3034. 18-25 Notice ADAMS Hairdressing will be closed June 28 to July 8. in- clusive and July 18 to July 22 inclusive. MUSEUM ;p48povv, be open. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 2 to 5 p.m. or by spe- cial appointment. Phone 357- 2092. Mr. Wm. Cruikshank is now treasurer of the Wing - ham and District Heritage and Historical Society. FREE CAR WAX demon- stration. Phone 357-1441 for appoint- ment. rrb TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 3 Alfred St. Open Hours: Monday 10 to 12; Tuesday to Thursday 10 tp 5; Friday 10 to 6. Free personal chequing accounts. Deposit accounts now paying 12 per cent. Phone 357-2311. 16 rrb Opening Friday, June 27 at 10110 a.m. THE KLOTHESLINE Clifford, Ont. 327-8202 Klothes for Kids Sizes 6 mos. to 14 yrs. — ALL SALES ON OPENING DAY AT PARTY PLAN PRICES — Balloons for the kids. Come in end browse. 1 ®�sa COLLISION SERVICE An hourly rate of t13.t0 • Complete body work and painting on all cars and trucks - domestic or foreign. • Repair your old car or second car. • Glass work • Re -striping • Undercoating on our repair work. Second concession Morris Township d,+ CARPENTRY RENOVATIONS, recreation rooms, additions, repairs, etc. Phone Ben Dekker, 357-1085. 24 rrb ASPHALT paving, sealing and maintenance on drive- ways and parking lots. Phone Robert Symes Con- tracting, Lucknow, 528-3047. 18 rrb CUSTOM sheep shearing. Ian Johnson, 392-6360. 18-25 Custom sheep shearing. Gavin Wright, RR. 4, Walton 527,-1638. 11-18=25-2 RICK'S ROOFING: We do all buildings, all sizes. Phone 395-3488 for free estimates. A9 to Nov. 25 JIM MOSS White Washing and Disinfecting To barns and building of all types 529-7650 os Nis mem meNsen_ Brussels Pet Food Supplies DIdstock removal WANTED - Dead or disabled cows., horses,, calves andOs Four-wheel drive, radio dispatched trucks. 24 Hoar Service, 7 Days a Week Please use our Toll Free in Watts Number 1-800-265-4267 Local Customers 887-9334 or 887-6064 Lic. No. 722-C-80 Ill Ell IIMI NI nil III NM TT�nder. *ante.. FOR &UPPItYINc and hauling of approximiately 18,000 cu'• yards pit run gravel; also about 2000 cu, yards of shoulder clay for road, construction in Town- ship of Hullett at the rate of 1000 cu. yards or more per day. Work to bedone in Aug-.. ust and Septetlnber. ' Contact road superintendent for tender forms. Must be re- ceived by road superintend- ent containing a certified cheque of 10 per cent of en- closed bid by 5 p.m. July 7, 1980. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and must be approved by MTC. George Hoggart, Road Superintendent, Londesboro, Ont. 'NOM 2H0 18-25 TENDERS TQWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH Pit Run Gravel Tenders sealed tenders will be re- ceived until 5 p,m. Wednes- day, July 2,1980 by either the road superintendent or the clerk, at the municipal of- fice, RR . 2, Lucknow for loading and hauling approx- imately 30,000 cu. yards pit run gravel to Con. road 10-11,. at Lots 25 to 27, Township of West Wawanosh. Tenders must be submitted on Town- ship tender forms available at the municipal office and be accompanied by a certi- fied cheque for $1,000. Low- est or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Tenders subject to approval by Minis- try of Transportation and Communications. George Humphrey, Road Supt., Joan Armstrong, Clerk 18-25 Wanted Warren Rich- 887-6069. FIRST mortgage of $13,000 wanted for. 50 acres, house and barn under construction. Please phone 335-6318. 11-18 OLD BRICK buildings for demolition -wrecking and sal- vage purposes. Con Ross Lumley, 1185 Murph'ioad, Sarnia, 542-4088, . or David Rapson, RR 4, Brussels, 887-9584. Business and Professiona Directory Karl C. Lentz Chartered Accountant Box 305 Blyth, Ontario NOM 1H0 Tel.a523-9589 WINGHAM MEMORIALS Guaranteed Granites Cemetery Lettering Reasonable Prices Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Hornuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Morin/oh, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Hornuth, O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario 338-2712 SALE All prices reduced on used * 2 and 3 piece chesterfields * bedroom suites * desks swivel rockers * recliners * tablesandlamps * kit .hen e'iitO) LAYTON McBURNEY FURNITURE CURRIE FURNITURE 1 ; oak tri rn W t• Ir It it across from Post Office 357-1170 Os; Help Wanted HIGH SCHOOL summer farm help required, tractor experience helpful, , must provide own transportation... Phone Ian Clarke 528-2475." 11-18 seseseiewew MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference Number 806 S,F.T. 80-104 For the Installation of Quarry Tile in the Front Corridor, Public Wash- rooms, Laundry Room, and Front Stairwell at O.H,C. Building, 46 Alfred Street, Wingham, Ontario. Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 cm. bol New, Judy 4, '1980, by the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dundee Street P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A", London, On- tario N6A 2P3 (5191679- 7110) from whom ,details and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and speci- fications may aleo be ob- tained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderlch, Ontario N7A 1M5 (5191524- 26371, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST 0R ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. AMINISTRY OF HOUSING ®ONTARIO HOUSING '' CORPORATION Tender Reference Number B05 S.F.T. 80-105 For Preventive Maintenance on gas fired heating equip- ment at the Ontario Hous- ing Buildings FP1158, Clin- ton and FP1152, FP2153, FP4/58 and OH1 Goderlch, Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. load tints, July 4, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corpora- tion, clo Court House and Registry Office; 80 Dundas Street, P.O. Box 5600, Ter- minal "A", London, On- tario N6A 2P315191679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be ob- tained. Details and speci- � tions a ,. togx,,lso b ole { "'t8I led Irons the 'Huroh County Housing Author- ity, 48 The Square, Goder- ich, Ontario N7A 1M5 (5191 524-2637), quotingrefer- ence number as above. THE LOWEST 0R ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARIIY ACCEPTED. r._ Help _Wanted . Winghato Go -operative nurs- ery school maim part- time pre-school teacher for a temporary position from .Oct. 7, 1980,to Feb, 26, 1l .1. Early Childhood Education Diploma essential, Applica- tions will be received until June 24. Applications should be made, in writings Wing- ham ileham Day Care Centre, Box 236,- Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly r HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For free Information Kitchener Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 ussa.. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD F EDUCATION requires OCCASIONAL TEACHERS to do supply work in the ele- mentary and secondary schools during 1980-81. Written applications, in- cluding qualifications, social insurance number and tele- phone number must be malt- ed before July 6th,1980 to: P. Gryseels, Personnel R.letlons Administrator, Huron County Board of Education, 109 Albert Street, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO Applicants should indicate the grades andlor subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this infor- mation lists of available tea- cherewill be prepared for each school. Principals will then contact applicants when their services are re- quired. Persons presently serving as Occasional Teachers in our schools need not re -apply. Names will automatically be included for the coming year unless notification to the contrary received>' -from either the teacher or princi- pal. D. J. Cochrane Director of Education D. McDonald, Chairman of the Board Township of Turnberry Applications for Tile Drain Loans The Township of Turnberry is pleased to announce the receipt of its 19 0 allocatiomof funds from the On- tario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and renewed participation in the tile drain loan program. The town- ship has been allotted the sum of $38,800 to be loaned to.farmers for the purpose of farm drainage: loans to be repaid by way of a 10 year debenture at the inter- est rote of 8% per annum. Applications for tile drain loons will be accepted from Turnberry Township farmers up to and including the 30th of June, 1980. Application forms and information concerning pro- gram criteria racy by obtained J may , fe®m the undersigned. Dorothy Kelly AMCT [A] Clerk Treasurer Ministryof Natural Resources Ontario DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL Tenders are invited for the demolition and removal of: One two storey frame insulbrick house and foun- dation Three outbuildings One cottage. The buildings are located on: Part Lot 8, Lake Road Concession, Township of Col- borne, Huron County; approximately 4 miles north of Goderich on Highway 21. Demolition and removal must be completed in actor- I dance with the provisions of the fonder documents. I This property rt y b'a viewed T fam IU:UO a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thursday, July 10, 1980, when a representative of the Ministry of Natural Resoukes will be in atten- dance. Tender documents°may be obtained from the repre- sentative on this dote or from: Ministry of Natural Res urces R. R. #5, Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone 519.357-3131 Sealed tenders Will' be received until 3:00 p.m., Fri- day, July 18, 1980, at which time they will be opened. The lowest or any fdirrtier v r;11 SPC'/ 7..7.-'=„7..-7,0117- In- cepted. J.